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Time Prison: The Lost Books of Jesus and John
Time Prison: The Lost Books of Jesus and John
Time Prison: The Lost Books of Jesus and John
Ebook349 pages6 hours

Time Prison: The Lost Books of Jesus and John

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Just like our earliest ancestors, today we too question the great mysteries of the universe. Where did we come from? What is our purpose? Where are we going? And while we know more today than ever thanks to science and history, we can still learn something important from our ancient ancestors.

Time Prison invites us to look back to our ancestors to find answers to some of our most pressing questions about not only the past but the future as well. Take a trip into the unknown mystery and explore the ancient Egyptians and the great mysteries they left behind, and as we take a journey through space and time to explore our ancient ancestors, author Elijah Hascom will reveal the hidden meanings in holy scripture from the books of Genesis, Exodus, and Revelation.

The scriptures not only speak to ancient eventsthey also reveal truths about the discoveries of science today. As we explore the good and evil that lives among us in modern-day society, we will receive a great message of hope and love.

Release dateDec 26, 2017
Time Prison: The Lost Books of Jesus and John

Elijah Hascom

Elijah Hascom was born in a small town outside of Chicago, and he spent most of his youth in between California and Florida. After a near-death experience at the age of twenty-two, Elijah began taking notes of this spiritual and physical encounter with death; he has spent the last twenty years preparing these notes and poems for his three-volume series, Time Prison.

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    Time Prison - Elijah Hascom

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    Chapter 1 Our Forefathers

    Chapter 2 Burnt offerings

    Chapter 3 The Seven Seals

    Chapter 4 The First Judgment

    Chapter 5 The Fall of Babylon

    Chapter 6 The Birth of Christ

    Chapter 7 The City of God

    Chapter 8 The Book of Daniel

    Chapter 9 Good And Evil

    Chapter 10 Apollyon The Destroyer

    Chapter 11 Mummified Dead-Serpent

    Chapter 12 Time

    Chapter 13 Effects In Time

    Chapter 14 The Second Coming

    Chapter 15 Season of Death-The Body Farm

    Chapter 16 The Gold Rush

    Chapter 17 Moses And The Pharaoh’s Daughter

    Chapter 18 Master’s Servant-Prophecy




    In dedication to those who came before me and those who will come after. Strong is the voice of many when we are the voice of one that is righteous and fair. To my only begotten son, love conquers all.

    "I’m taking down notes from the voices inside

    The windows are open that trap all the flies

    In the innocent life, innocent life, innocent life"


    A special thanks to Reuben Perez. A man who took a book many would not dare touch.

    Ruben Perez


    [email protected]

    I also want to thank my mom for believing in me when many did not and her financial support through very rough times.


    In birth by God we are never forgotten. We rise from the dust and we fall to the dust. Great minds rise and fall, and great spirits live on to tell their tale. This is the story of Jesus & John who were legendary among men.

    Time BC-AD

    Turn out the lights don’t fall asleep

    Let me take you back to a place called memory

    Read the words of a master’s hands and decide for yourself

    Time was like a waiting book sleeping on my shelf

    Tick tock tick tock, forward backward through the plains of time

    I’m still looking at the cross, that none can deny

    Tick tock tick tock, forward backwards around I spin

    Here I am today just waiting on a friend

    Tick tock tick tock, I’ll open your mind to see

    Time was like a waiting book, time is BC-AD

    Read the words of a master’s hands and decide for yourself

    Time was like a waiting book sleeping on my shelf



    Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. 10 Is there anything of which one can say, Look! This is something new? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. 11 No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.

    The greatest enigma of this globe is its creation and who were our ancestors of long ago. We have many questions today, which none of them can’t be answered with great certainty. When we bring God into the picture, the mystery gets more complex and becomes the topic of many arguments. We, as humans, must question good and evil and what are the intentions of God. If evil did not exist, there would be no need for God nor would there be a need for His son, Jesus Christ, which is spoken about in the biblical scriptures. Today, we have law enforcement, military, and intelligence powers that use their skills in gathering data to implement the law as it is written uniquely to each state and province. As it is on earth, so it is in the heavens. Many matters that we serve today as a society are symbols of our past or are at once linked to the former and have been re-attested in the universe we dwell in today. The laws that we have today were passed down through time and have lived among humans because we trust in the value of those laws for the most part. Of the first laws ever recorded and written were given to Moses on Mt. Sinai by the Lord of the Heavens. Those who live in the heavens, which are spoken about in Revelations, have their own set of laws. They are borne away in a comparable way, as here on dry land.

    Revelations 12:7-8 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.

    In the book, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, author Jules Verne, envisions and describes many effects that would soon come to be on earth, but had not yet been. There was also a man named Albert Einstein, who came up with theories on relativity and time travel. Benjamin Franklin, one of our founding forefathers, discovered electricity or so he may have thought.

    There are people all throughout time who came up with inventions or ideas that brought advancement to humans. We are becoming aware that our early ancestors who used architecture were a lot more intelligent through history than we first realized. There is nothing new in this world, it has only been altered, reinvented, or made better. I will try to explain with great patience many things under this sun so you, as my people, understand who we are and the price we must pay on behalf of our forefathers. We, as humans, are finally ready to realize who and what we are. I, am but a common man born from the spirit of the ages. It is significant for me to enlighten humanity of certain events that happened through the ages. Not every creature that exists in this universe is of human origin; however, they have sent representatives to speak on their behalf many times. I am a voice of that representation of the power of the Holy Spirit. Some may say this guy is crazy or even a fool to me but that is ok, I will accept that. I know the price our ancestors have paid as well as my own price. Many were not ready to pay such an excessive cost.

    The body of Christ and the forerunner of the Christ stand for a connection to the heavens. This is how it was set up long ago by powers that are greater than the mind of the common man can grasp. The power of Jesus Christ comes from the resurrection of the spirit. The wisest of souls have walked this earth many times. I must say this right off the bat so that you will know knowledge is based on time. Knowledge comes from many walks and many paths on this earth. I have walked this world many times, so says the Holy Spirit, because there is much suffering on this earth, my arrival suggests a countdown from the heavens. Will we change our ways for the better or will things continue to get worse?

    The heavens intervened long ago to save us from ourselves and to protect others. Our ancestors, being greedy and reckless with technology, were forced from the heavens down to this earth. This was the great war of Michael the archangel, and the dragon that is mentioned in the book of Revelations. War is war, I am a prisoner to the Holy Spirit who dwells among men. Woe to the inhabitants of this earth.

    Revelation 11:17-18 We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign. 18 The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small and for destroying those who destroy the earth.

    Revelation 12:7-8 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven {physically, among the stars}.

    These events have passed, I will reveal the timeline of the book of Revelations in a way that no other man has attempted. With that, you may judge me in the authenticity of the Holy Spirit. The war in heaven ends halfway in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. This is very important in setting up the thousand years as well as the second coming of the Lord’s army. The battle of heaven has already been fought. We must adhere to a strict timeline to decide if the year 2000 is considered a part of the thousand years in the book of Revelations. Soon you will see that my interpretation is correct as I break down time with complete thoroughness. You will then know that Jesus is Lord and Savior by the power of unhuman hands. He is heavenly wisdom when we need it the most. I suffer in the flesh to give glory to the highest.

    Greetings and salutations friends, colleagues, and scholars of science and truth. I will start this book by giving acknowledgment to those men seeking truth, not only in Scripture but in science itself. Certain Biblical scriptures were clearly intended for those who would view them later in time and can put the pieces of a puzzle together to make sense of it. I speak from the silence and I truly believe it is better this way. Life has given me many demons to battle but it is the truth of time I wish to reveal to all so that the mystery of God, as I know him, can be understood.

    When I read books such as Chariots of the Gods written by Erich Von Daniken, I become excited that there are men who would seek out the origin and roots of humanity. We are now in a space age, race to seek out new life as well as new science to protect the planet and propagate the advancement of humanity. We must wonder was it ever like this for our ancestors whom we know very little about. I am an enthusiastic fan of Ancient Aliens, a show that is being broadcast on cable television, which shows many forms of evidence supporting the belief that our ancestors came from the sky. In this show, we are shown to be descendants and the offspring of these incredible people who built structures that are beyond our imagination and ability today. Ancient Aliens cast put together many forms of evidence to help us draw conclusions about our ancestors. They do a respectable job of bringing facts to the table and laying them out. Most people will never see things the way other people see them. Thus, the reason there are many debates about religion and spirituality in this world.

    The greatest weapon of Jesus Christ is the truth of his words, not miracles. We will talk of miracles later in this book as it is highly important to do so. Therefore, I will write to you anonymously in this day. What I write is not something I wish to debate with anyone. It is my interpretation of many biblical events that have happened and will happen. The Holy Bible tells us we can bypass all this knowledge by truly believing the Holy Spirit of Christ is our redeemer. This is absolute truth when it comes to the believer. This is a book for those who are unsure who Jesus Christ was, is, and will be. As well, it is a book of time and recorded history by the power of the heavens.

    Is it really that hard for us to think that our ancient ancestors built such complex structures when we see them every day in modern times? It would seem we are close to being just like them in many ways. Although certain architectural designs and technologies perished with the people that created them, we have great minds who follow them. Look at the Washington Monument, Mount Rushmore, and the Statue of Liberty. Look at our complex courthouses, libraries, and the capital building. The symbols on some of these massive architectural structures we have today can be traced back to Roman and Egyptian civilizations. These are tributes to our ancient ancestors who were very gifted in mathematics, stone carving, and building very complex structures. Any time a kingdom is built so large that it reaches the ends of the earth for all to hear, you become a target. You will always have others that say it should be mine.

    Our earth is made up of many levels of sediment; time goes back billions of years. I can assure you there are many documents and many items that people have unearthed or discovered, and they have been sealed away in vaults where the eyes of most people will never get to see. We, as modern-day humans, in many parts of the world, are not too different from our Egyptian ancestors. Although, we talk, look, and dress differently. We are very similar.

    If you look at an American culture you will see the similarities; for example, we have the Egyptian pyramid on the dollar bill for our modern currency and we build massive stone structures and idols just as they did. Oddly enough, we also treat our dead as the Egyptians did by embalming them and dressing them for view with trinkets and tokens of this life. In case anybody did not notice we are mimicking our ancestors. It is not a crime to mimic or copy our ancient ancestors which I’m aware of. It would only seem natural for us to follow them, being they were our descendants. When we follow in the footsteps of our ancestors, we must look very closely at the cause of their destruction. Every kingdom that was a superpower in the history of this earth has fallen victim to war, disease, or natural disaster. As quickly as a kingdom can be built, it can fall, and something or someone will take its place. Humans have been the superior power in this universe for ages, before Michael, the archangel forced our ancestors to the earth. When we speak of Michael, we’re not talking about a human being but a spiritual being that inhabits a vessel for a very specific reason and is the work of the Holy Spirit.

    I come not to remind the reader of our troubled past, but to be a reminder of how all kingdoms have failed. There’s only one kingdom that will stand the test of time, the kingdom of Jesus Christ. This kingdom is not built on a whim nor extravagance. It is a kingdom built on time and righteousness, so that it can last forever. May His glory be to those who believe the message that I deliver. I’ve come in this life to speak to you as an author and tie many events together in the history of man. I would like to be thought of in this way so you may have a greater understanding of our past and our future. When we look at the architectural techniques of ancient Egypt from a scientific prospective, as a modern race, we are completely amazed. This tells us something very specific. Advanced technology existed prior to our voyages into space and the creation of the microchip. It may have looked different and worked in a different way; however, advanced technology did exist. As advanced and sophisticated as the Egyptians were as a race of humans, they were also very different. When I say different, what is it that I mean? The Egyptians were the first advanced race known to have certain ceremonies affiliated with the afterlife and death. This shows a distinction between an advanced race and an unevolved race, such as the linage of Adam in the book of Genesis.

    The Egyptians were on their way to perfecting the art of completely preserving a dead corpse. This is not seen in any other civilization known here on earth until around the time of the first Pharaohs. This is one of the great mysteries left behind by our early ancient ancestors. I will talk about evolution further down the road, yet leave you with this until we get there. What type of evolving man or woman decides one day to remove the organs and brain matter of another human to preserve their flesh? I must admit that sounds rather strange. We would have to wonder where this evolution came from. That would be a very odd way for humans to evolve. Not only did the Egyptians build a pyramid so great in size that it could be seen easily for miles upon the earth, it also could be recognized from the heavens just as easily. Their pyramids had very specific alignments to the heavens per several different sources. Most people today do realize these cities with pyramids and other advanced structures all over the world, were built by superior men many centuries ago. Thus, the next great question would be why. Why great big sphinxes and tomb guardians? Why Anubis with the ceremonial death mask of a canid or wolf? Why did they have chambers and dark tunnels in these constructions? Where did they all come from? Why did they build elaborate structures for their dead Pharaohs? Who taught them this ancient wisdom? These are the questions that will need many answers. Let us start by talking about ceremonies and sacrifices that are mentioned in the Old Testament. I wish to start here specifically to show the value of correct interpretation of scripture as well as the result of misinterpretation. I will show you how religions have become corrupt or tainted at the hands of men who called themselves priests or high priests of religion. Therefore, Jesus issues a letter to the seven churches of Asia. They all had one thing in common, they emulated religious from those that came before them or those who are thought to have come from the sky, such as the 1st Pharaoh. Each time a ceremony was recorded it was either translated from the writings or copied by those it was passed down to. I will show you how this can be very dangerous and misleading for those who like to follow trends. Although this is the most boring chapter of the book, I must show you how easy it is for people to be deceived by religion. When you do something in the name of heaven and the Holy Spirit you must decide authenticity of origin. That is easy, if it is based on love. I will then discuss in depth the Revelation of Jesus Christ and the heavier aspects of good and evil, as seen by the eyes of the Holy Spirit.

    All interpretations of scripture are based on my studies of history combined with biblical scriptures. Some information out there is like my own or certain cases already are widely known by devout students of scripture. I have never considered the book interpreted in the way I will try to answer. History is specific and so is the revelation of Jesus Christ. I must carefully put out all the facts to be sure the script is completely understandable to the usual reader. I believe I have walked this world many times before which gives me an exceptional ability to understand biblical and historical events. When it talks of the first resurrection in the book of Revelations, it is for those who were executed by the beast for their testimony of God. That’s me! In that regard, I feel I own the right to interpret these books to you in the clearest way possible. This is my firsthand account and translation of the book of Genesis, Exodus, and the book of Revelations. When I speak of a character of the bible or the nature of the cosmos, it is in perspective of the Holy Spirit, and the power of resurrection. I cannot cite the source of information behind that, it would be impossible. I will use the term, per my past life theory to be given with citing sources and copyright issues. I must say from my point of view, it’s hard to be in violation of copyright law when you believe you are the generator of those scripts.

    You may take this whole book as theoretical, fact, or fiction. It is a story based on the seven spirits of God mentioned in the Holy Bible. All poetry is the personal work of Elijah Hascom. The life of Adam, Moses, Elijah, Jesus, John the Baptist, and John the Prophet are intertwined very intimately. You will soon see from my story that life is a revolving cycle. The Holy Spirit speaks for the seven sons of God in a unique manner. Sometimes within poetry, music, or bible verses. Sometimes through riddles and puzzles. Today is the day of blunt honesty and an exact depiction of time. This is my rendering of time as I have viewed it through my eyes. I have traveled an ocean of stars to give glory to my Risen King. As I mentioned, you need not accept my words as fact or fiction, but know there is great wisdom behind them.

    These are the lost books about Jesus and John the Baptist.



    A burnt offering in Judaism, is a sacrifice first described in the Hebrew Bible in the book of Noah. In the First and Second Temple period, the burnt offering was a twice-daily animal sacrifice. The offering of the animal was completely consumed by fire on the altar. However, the skin was not burnt and was preserved for the high priests and their priestly division. These skins were mentioned as one of the twenty-four priestly gifts in Tosefta Hallah. How do you completely consume an animal with fire and not burn the skin? You would have to remove the skin or skin it before fire consumed it? What type of god would need a twice-a-day animal sacrifice like that? Why did the priests receive the skins of the people’s daily sacrifice? Could some priests have possibly taken the finest cuts after skinning the animal before consuming it by fire? Is this an early form of tithing to the priests of the temple? That’s seems to be a waste of a lot of meat! When we talk about killing animals today, most of us do not like to see animals being killed whether for food or ritual. Today, if people had to watch animals slaughtered before their food was placed on the table every night, most people would not eat the meat. In the Book of Genesis, many believe God requested Adam and Eve to be vegetarians in the garden of paradise.

    Genesis 1:28-31 God blessed them; and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth. 29 Then God said, Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to everything that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food; and it was so. 31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

    These verses are debated; however, I’m sure that this is the case. I think most of us will agree after the flood there was a great demand for protein on this earth. Therefore, Noah built an ark at God’s request. The ark was to preserve a linage of certain animals here on the earth for food, domestication as well as beauty. No, the earth was not completely flooded, only the regions in which many were living. So, the animals they took were necessity creatures. The book of Revelations is based on events in around the Mediterranean. Europe, Asia Minor, North Africa, and Babylon. I will prove this with great authority. You’re not fitting a pair of elephants and giraffes on an ark, the stench would kill you after 40 days. How would Noah and his family catch two of every living animal on the planet? They would and could not. That would be a recipe for disaster putting a lion and tiger with domestics.

    We must ask ourselves some very specific questions to understand the sacrifice that comes after the flood. Was the sacrifice at the first and second temple of Jerusalem exactly what the Lord told Noah, Isaac, and Moses to do? It is very strange that Abraham was willing to kill his son and give him as a sacrifice on the altar to the Lord and his angels. He seemed very confused. Today, we call that Satanism. We can say at the least and agree that it sounds very demented that he would do this. We must have a greater understanding of this sacrifice when used as a daily ritual in the first and second temple of Jerusalem. This is something we must give a lot of thought, so that we might have greater clarity of God of the Old Testament. Why would the God of all universes and creation want to see an animal slaughtered and burned into ash? We can see that Abraham loved God and his angels to heart. Whatever the meaning was behind this sacrifice, he was willing to do it instantly even if it required his son’s life. What was Noah’s intent when he sacrificed an animal to appease what seems to be God’s strange fetish? Was this God a physical being or a spirit? Could this sacrifice in the Old Testament be some type of ceremony where they cooked meat and offered it to God and then was taken out of context later? I highly question the slaughter and burning of an animal into ash just to appease the holy spirit of heaven. I will use the terminology GOD many times in this book. When I use this terminology, I am referring to someone or those who came from the heavens. I will use it in place of a name and or names which I do not know in each time I am discussing. In the case of burnt offerings let us see what God told Moses. We must always be very careful about people’s translation of scripture and practicing of sacred ceremonies until we understand what they really mean. Let us read what Moses was told at the Mount of Sinai by the Lord. If God is the same in the beginning as he is in the end, we can get a very clear understanding of burnt offerings in the time of Moses with this translation.

    Numbers 28:1-8 The Lord said to Moses, 2 "Give this command to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Make sure that you present to me at the appointed time my food offerings, as an aroma pleasing to me.’ 3 Say to them: ‘This is the food offering you are to present to the Lord: two lambs a year old without defect, as a regular burnt offering each day. 4 Offer one lamb in the morning and the other at twilight, 5 together with a grain offering of a tenth of an ephah of the finest flour mixed with a quarter of a hin of oil from pressed olives. 6 This is the regular burnt offering instituted at Mount Sinai as a pleasing aroma, a food offering presented to the Lord. 7 The accompanying drink offering is to be a quarter of a hin of fermented drink with each lamb. Pour out the drink offering to the Lord at the sanctuary. 8 Offer the second lamb at twilight, along with the same kind of grain offering and drink offering that you offer in the morning. This is a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the Lord."

    You will notice God selects a perfect cut of a very tender type of meat. Lamb is an expensive butcher’s cut for roasting or grilling. Lamb, hogget, and mutton are terms for the meat of domestic sheep at different ages. He, as well requests a fermented drink and a grain offering. This would be a very high-class meal in the biblical days. It also will tell us a lot about the God of Moses. In the case of Numbers 28:2, I believe all you have to do is read these verses correctly. Have you ever been out camping or in a place far way and enjoyed the smell of grilled or cooked meat? I go crazy when my neighbor brings out his barbecue grill, the smell is so phenomenal. I will show you why you must question translation so we don’t get the wrong idea about these people of long ago.

    When the Lord first meets Moses on Mt Sinai, he warns them not to bring their flocks up to the mount or they would surely die, with good reason. I will explain this when I have spoken of Moses in greater detail in a later chapter. Why would the Lord, who created all living things, save those flocks just so he could watch them be sacrificed? Sacrificed on an altar two times a day for the sheer pleasure of aroma and ash. Now that’s heavy and hard to believe. I would find that a little bizarre. It would seem the interpretation of burnt offering was lost somewhere thereafter. It is very like when Aron turned the people’s gold into a calf and they worshipped it out of ignorance,

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