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The Master Key
The Master Key
The Master Key
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The Master Key

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About this ebook

Ever been in a problem that looked like it would never end. Ever woke up in the middle of the night filled with groaning, pain and fear that made the night too long. Friends I have good news for you! Every problem and challenges have an expiring date. Only you can choose how long you stay in the situation or how fast you return the smiles to your face.

You cannot take your rightful place until you understand that there is a key that can open the door to your joy, sound health and prosperity. It does not matter for how long you have been in that situation, the time has come for you to come out of that situation and this book presents you with the KEY.

In this exciting and interesting to read book, you will discover a secret key called the MASTER KEY that will help you live a comfortable, fearless and tearless life. This book contains ancient secrets that would help you get out of your quagmire and turn your condemnation into commendation. All you need do is grab the MASTER KEY by getting a copy of this book and you will be sure glad you did.
Release dateDec 23, 2017
The Master Key

Ben Festus

BEN Festus fondly called 'BigBen' by colleagues and friends has a Masters Degree in Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation. He lectures at a Polytechnic in Nigeria. He is the author of the Best selling title "Secrets of Successful Students" that has changed the success story of some many students within and outside Nigeria. BigBen is deeply rooted in the world and goes to campuses to share the good news of Christ with students anytime the opportunity beckons. He is a sold out to God 100%, an Associate and Facilitator at NIFES. BigBen is a scholar of repute, a mentor to many, an innovator, a researcher and an entrepreneur. He is also a seasoned motivation speaker. He is gracefully married and blessed with an handsome boy with another on the way.

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    The Master Key - Ben Festus

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/22/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-3538-1 (sc)

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    Prologue The Closed Doors

    Part One A Journey To The Past: The Ancient Key

    Chapter One The Promise

    Chapter Two The Fight For The Promise

    Chapter Three Inheriting The Promise

    Part Two The Search Begins: Locating The Key

    Chapter Four Know Your Origin

    Chapter Five The Need For A Promise

    Chapter Six Locating God’s Promises

    Chapter Seven Your Action Is Key

    Part Three Eureka! The Master Key

    Chapter Eight The Master Key Unveiled

    Chapter Nine The Faith Equation

    Chapter Ten The Power Of Patience

    Chapter Eleven The Power Of Persistence

    Chapter Twelve Possessing The Key

    Part Four The Master Key In Action!

    Chapter Thirteen The Living Faith

    Chapter Fourteen 1st Organ Of Faith ›› The Ears Of Faith

    Chapter Fifteen 2nd Organ Of Faith ›› The Eyes Of Faith

    Chapter Sixteen 3rd Organ Of Faith ›› The Voice Of Faith

    Chapter Seventeen 4th Organ Of Faith ›› The Legs Of Faith

    Chapter Eighteen 5th Organ Of Faith ›› The Hands Of Faith

    Chapter Nineteen Faith In Action

    Part Five The Faith Challenge!

    Chapter Twenty Faith Versus Fear

    Chapter Twenty-One The Big Question

    Chapter Twenty-Two Keeping The Master Key

    Epilogue The Open Door


    New Convert’s Prayer

    Some Of God’s Promises

    The Master Key Project

    Subscribe To My Next Book The Secret Pathway To Financial Riches – Revealed!

    Bestselling Title Secrets Of Successful Students

    About The Author


    To my Spiritual Father and Mentor, Pastor Israel Onimisi Ojapa.

    Rest on in the Lord’s Bosom till we meet again at the Lord’s feet



    T he heat from the sun was so intense. So intense that the grazing animals restricted themselves to the shades provided by trees with no single bird being spotted gliding about as they had also retracted into their nests. He stood in front of a shed sweating profusely. His tongue was failing him as he had swallowed all the juicy spit meant to keep his tongue moist.

    Sorry Sir, No Vacancy! Those were the same words he heard from all the places he visited. He had even begged to be employed as a cleaner, at least he was willing and ready to do anything dignifying to earn a living. His meager savings from the National Youth Service scheme was fast depleting.

    Sir, do you want to buy anything? The stall attendant’s voice echoed into his subconscious and he remembered where he was.

    Yes and No! he managed to stammer the words out of his mouth.

    If the truth be told, Adigun had forgotten what brought him to the stall in the first place. The dryness he experienced in his tongue as he tried to swallow another drop of saliva refreshed his memory.

    Sorry Ma, can I have a sachet of cold pure water please?

    Alright, just a minute sir!

    Here you are sir! That will be N10.

    N10! Adigun screamed, No that is not possible, I still bought it for N5 yesterday; When did the price increase?

    The woman looking flabbergasted could not believe that a man dressed in suit and tie could openly complain over N5.

    Yes! It used to be N5, but the price was reviewed today! responded the stall attendant.

    Reviewed? Adigun asked bewildered; Why did the review had to be upward and not downward?

    Downward! And at what price? she queried

    ‘Well, I don’t know, but I don’t think I can pay N10 for a sachet of water!’

    The more he engaged in the conversation, the more he felt the dryness in his tongue. He decided to stop arguing and pay the woman for the sachet water. As he reached to the breast pocket of his jacket, he was suddenly faced with a strange reality. The change left in his pocket was for his transport home. Any attempt to spend out of it would leave him stranded.

    His tongue wanted water but his jacket would not let go of the money.

    I think it is better for me to make it home and drink free water than use part of the money to buy water and be stranded.

    Finally, he made up his mind on what to do.

    Madam, please return the water, I don’t think I will need it again.

    Why? Is it because of the N5 increase? she asked smiling at him with a corner of her teeth.

    Not really, but I think I can manage without the water.

    I know your problem; okay you can pay the N5.

    You are not listening to me he said, my resources cannot afford the water, just take it back please, maybe next time.

    With that he returned the water to the stall attendant and continued his horrific and frustrating journey. As he dragged his feet to the bus stop where he boarded a bus to his final destination – home; he kept pondering over his barren adventure.

    A graduate with 2-1 and yet no source of livelihood!

    Adigun got home and began soliloquizing; Why is every door of employment closed to me? What have I not done? I have paid my tithe, I attend church regularly, I pray every now and then, I even fast! How do I open this door of employment and start earning a tangible source of income?

    I have tired all the keys that I know and that have been recommended, still, the door remains shut!

    I cannot afford to continue like this, living on operation half breakfast (¹/2), no lunch (0) and a rickety dinner (¹/3)!

    How do I cope when my savings is exhausted?

    God, where are you? I need a breakthrough! Open these closed doors! Let me enter into my blessing, wealth and supernatural harvest. Let me find favour in your sight, I cannot continue like this, I need help, I need the right key, that will open these doors. Help me Lord!

    With these words, he cried and as he was so tired, his body naturally answered nature’s call and he dozed off. Five minutes into his sleep, he had an encounter that would change his life forever.

    * * * * * * * * *

    Sir, here is the result of the test! The elegantly dressed nurse handed a medical report sheet to the doctor on duty.

    Thank you nurse, the doctor replied.

    Mmmm! the doctor cast a look at the contents of the paper in his hand and he knew the implication.

    As a medical doctor with over ten year’s experience, he had seen it all particularly cases similar to this one and he always knew the end result. In his ten years of medical practice, he had destroyed and rebuilt homes, lives and families.

    As it were, his words always had an impact on the lives of his patients. Good news were easy to disseminate, they spread like wild fire, the smile on his patients face says it all and those smiles always make him feel reassured on his career choice. However, bad news was always lurking around the corner and in his ten years of practice, he had become both a messenger of light and of doom.

    How do I pass this message across? he said to himself.

    He was well aware of the implication of the medical report in his hands. He cast another look at the report and stole a glance of the couple sitting in front of him waiting to hear what he had to say.

    Its okay darling, it will be fine! Engr. Collins said greasing the palm of his wife’s hands.

    I am really scared! I have a bad feeling about this. She whispered softly to her husband.

    Let’s just pray that all will be fine! Engr. Collins reassured his wife.

    In those split seconds, Collins mind raced back in time to the incident that had brought him and his wife to the doctor. Collins met Judith in a mart where he had gone to buy some provisions for his weekly upkeep. He was torn between two choices on a particular cosmetic product, he had a brand he subscribed to but there was this new brand in the market and he had heard so much about it. A part of him wanted to stay loyal to his former brand, another part wanted something else.

    With the raging battle in his head, he felt he could use an umpire’s opinion. He then turned to another savvy shopper nearby.

    Hello pretty! My name is Collins and I was hoping you could help me make a choice here!

    Hi Collins, so what seems to be the problem? she asked smiling back at the young handsome and elegantly dressed gentleman before her.

    Well, I had a brand of cosmetics I use, that is the one on my right and I saw this new one on my left and so much has been said about it. I am not sure which one to pick!

    And you want my opinion? she inquired

    I would really appreciate it!

    Well, since both promises the same result and price does not seem to be a challenge. I would advise you to be loyal to your brand!

    Loyal to my brand! Cool, I like that. By the way what is the name of my Angelic savior?

    Smiling; Judith!

    Nice meeting you Judith and how much do I pay for this professional service you just rendered?

    ‘How much do you think it is worth?’

    A date! he replied looking straight into her eyes.

    Not too fast Collins, don’t push your luck yet!

    Here is my complimentary card I like to repay you for your help.

    Alright, can I have your number?

    Reluctantly she gave it to him and that was how they started. Within six (6) months, they were both convinced of their love for each other and decided to legalize and institutionalize the union.

    Engr. Collins! Engr. Collins! Engr. Collins! The doctor called out to him. Judith looked at her husband, she saw that he was lost in thought; she gently shook him back to life.

    Darling, the doctor is ready! Judith whispered to her husband.

    Oh! Am sorry! Did you say something doc?

    Y-e-s, the test result! Collins stammered

    How long have you been married? the doctor asked sternly

    Three years now sir, I hope all is well doc?

    All is well, I just wanted to know! replied the doctor

    Okay! I am sure you love your wife so much, can she excuse us for a minute Engineer?

    Sorry doc, but my wife and I signed a better or worse agreement and both of us are one! Even if you tell me behind her back, one way or the other, I would relay the information to her. So save me the agony of doing that by telling both of us the result of the test.

    Alright, if you say so!

    Mmmm! the doctor takes a deep breathe.

    It’s okay sweetheart! God will help us find a way out of this predicament; Stop crying, too much thinking is not healthy for you!

    Healthy you say? Of what joy is it to a couple without children? Judith responded to her husband.

    It’s been eight years into our marriage and the door has remained completely closed; our health conditions are not improving. Tell me; ‘why must it be us?’ What sin did we commit to deserve this punishment?

    Collins was speechless, to be true to himself, he had also sobbed bitterly in his closet. He had prayed, fasted and performed other rituals a devoted Christian knows about, yet nothing was working. The doctor’s words five years ago echoed into his subconscious…

    I am sorry Engineer; the test result shows that you and your wife can never give birth!

    Also, your wife has a cancer that is presently in its infant stage and she has only a few years to live and the only way to help her is for her to visit regularly for medical checkup!

    I truly wish there is a way I can help you because I know the effect of this news on your family. My only counsel is that you hold on to each other. Comfort one another and share the remaining moments together. As far as medical science is concerned, ‘the door is closed!’

    Those four words; ‘The door is closed!’ penetrated through his ear and sparked a shock wave through his body’s nervous system. The words were hard to believe, yet true. They had gone to other hospitals for confirmation and the story has remained unchanged.

    The door is closed! Collins kept muttering the words.

    If our present predicament is likened to a closed door, then there should be a key that can open that door! All we need is to find the right key, but how and where?

    With this mindset, Collins went about from one solution centre to another in search of the key. Rather than get the key, he got worse, his resources was fast depleting due to demands for sacrifices. He was at the risk of loosing his job and since Judith had fully resigned, according to her; there was no point working and not being alive to spend the money, the responsibility of providing for the family laid solely on him.

    After a vain adventure, he found Christ and also shared the same with his wife. They had both become devoted Christians and were simply carrying out the activities of a normal Christian. Collins never gave up on his search for the key, he always listened attentively whenever a testimony was shared.

    Whenever he hears a testimony of what God did and how the individual responded, he goes back home and try that key. However, no matter how hard he tried, the tunnel still looked dark with no hope of light at the end.

    One night, Judith started complaining about a chest pain, he rushed to get her water but before he came back, Judith had collapsed; she lay on the bed motionless, lifeless. In his shock, he dropped the glass cup which responded by shattering in million pieces. Calamity loomed near!

    Judith dead; how do I cope? Of what use is the key now? Do I deserve to live? Who will accept me in this predicament? Where do I go from here?

    Millions of questions ran through his small head and none appeared to have an answer.

    As he lay over Judith’s body, he thought of ending his own life. ‘But that would be a sin!’ the more he thought about it, the more he lacked the courage and will power to carry it out.

    Collins wept, wailed, cursed not only for Judith but for everything.

    How tough is this door that has evaded all keys? If only he had the key, his mourning would have turned to morning, his sadness would turn to happiness, his nakedness would receive clothing.

    As he was mourning the demise of his wife, he suddenly felt a supernatural presence in the room. From a distance, he could hear Judith giggling.

    I know that voice! he said.

    Then it came again, this time a raucous laughter.

    Judith, is that you? he called out

    Then he saw, looking more beautiful than ever, he had never seen her so happy in their five years ordeal. The last time she appeared this elegant and joyful was at their wedding.

    Sweetheart, I have found the solution to our problem! Come with me.

    Come with you? he retorted; To where?

    And how come you’re talking to me how is it possible that I can see you and also hear you?

    What is happening to me?

    You are supposed to be… or am I… wait a minute!

    He sensed an urge to look down and then he saw a scene he would never forget in his life. He had heard tales of it, he had once mocked people that shared those experiences, but here he was having similar experience.

    His body lay over Judith’s in the bedroom but his spirit was already at the roof of the house, going to meet Judith.

    But I did not die? Collins queried; what happened? I was just talking to myself some few minutes ago and….

    Darling, you are here now, let’s go meet this man that knows the key that we need. People are already gathering to hear him speak. I am sure he has the solution to help us locate this key.

    Please darling, come on up, let’s hurry! Judith pleaded with her husband. The mention of the key made Collins forget his escapade and he floated to meet his wife to go meet the man who could help solve this nightmare once and for all.

    * * * * * * * * *

    Sir, I won’t be coming to church again. I have found another church!

    Another church; but Mr. Stevenson, how on earth did you arrive at such a decision? Did you think about the consequence of your decision? What about our friendship? If you leave now, what do you think people would say? We founded this ministry together, God has used you in diverse ways for the growth of this church, and you have been a blessing to lives and to me especially. Why now? Please I beg you, rescind your decision! Pastor Raymond pleaded.

    The growth of the church you say? Tell me Pastor Ray, which growth are you referring to? What growth and where? For the past ten years of this ministry, the highest member increase has only been fifty members and that was once and the reason was because we had promised to give out half bag of rice to anyone who invited at least five people to church.

    Apart from that episode, when last in the past ten years of this ministry did we have an encouraging church attendance of at least twenty-five members? Tell me Pastor Raymond.

    Do you not know that our environment affects us greatly, if the things around me are not progressing, do you know it will also affect my progress? Now, my business is at the verge of collapse, I have run out of ideas. My competitors have taken over the market; I have lost my market share.

    Pastor Raymond, I have slept over this matter a dozen times and I am certain the best thing is for me to change church. At least, let me change church first and if my predicament remains the same, then I would know that there is more to it than meets the eye.

    Right now, I have made up my mind and there is no going back. Today, I am leaving this ministry. Today, I am relinquishing my assistant pastoral role in this church. The only allegiance I have is to our friendship.

    Pastor Raymond, I would advise that you go back and seek His face again to be sure you are called to start a church. It may be that you are supposed to partner or serve as a Pastor in an already established church. Since you were the one that was called, I suggest you go back to the one who called you. As for me, my house and my business, we are leaving today!

    With those words, Stevenson left Pastor Raymond’s office turning a complete deaf ear to the Pastor’s pleas.

    God, why is this happening? I left my family, my job and abandoned my career to follow your call. You gave me your word, why is all of my effort proving abortive? You said you will build your church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it! Why is your eyes closed over this ministry?

    Ten years Lord and no growth. What have I not done? I have visited all the mountains, fasted one hundred days, sang my heart out, danced my feet to blisters, yet the door to growth has refused to open.


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