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Two Couples: Their Stories
Two Couples: Their Stories
Two Couples: Their Stories
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Two Couples: Their Stories

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While home from training with the Marine Corps, Mark runs into his old friend Allison. Theyve known each other for years, spending summers hanging out, although nothing romantic has ever flourished between them. In fact, she wants to set him up on a blind date. Her roommate, Sophie, is visiting with her brother, Brian, and Allison thought they all might get along.

This double blind date sets things in motion that none of the participants could have guessed. The minute Sophie sees Mark, she falls in lovealthough he takes some convincing. Allison ends up seducing Brian on their first date. Hesitant, insecure, and inexperienced, Brian is a slow learner when it comes to relationships, but he figures things out quickly enough.

Amazingly, the two couples get married four days later. As the years pass, their journeys lead in opposite directions, but the bonds of friendship keep each couple close. Their love is sometimes stretched but never breaks. Despite drama, the couples handle problems on a united front. Not all sudden marriages last, but some last forever when true love arrives unannounced.

Release dateFeb 2, 2018
Two Couples: Their Stories

William Flagg Magee

William Flagg Magee was born in Reno, Nevada. He often attempts to include real life events in all his writing. Magee and his wife live in Dallas, Texas.

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    Two Couples - William Flagg Magee

    Copyright © 2018 William Flagg Magee.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-5689-9 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018901414

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 02/02/2018



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two









































    Thank you Alvin and Judy


    T he minute Sophie Ashworth saw Mark Grace she fell in love with him. Mark fell in love with Sophie, but not right away. Mark and Sophie accepted whatever life and the universe threw their way. They handled problems as a united front.

    Allison Reynolds wiggled her way into Brian Ashworth’s heart by seducing him on their first date. Allison fell in love with Brian at first sight. Hesitant, insecure and inexperienced with women, Brian was a slow learner. Drama best described their relationship until Allison took matters into her own hands.

    Both couples married four days after they met. What happened, what each person did, how each accepted what life put in front of them, is their story.

    Chapter One

    B oot camp saved Mark Grace’s ass.

    Alvin Grace was a successful life insurance broker who owned his own agency. He and his wife Clarisse had one child, a son they named Mark. Clarisse was a successful interior designer who could choose her clients. The Graces were not lavish spenders. They lived comfortably in the Historic District of Philadelphia. Alvin and Clarisse sent Mark to the best boarding schools in the east.

    Mark was expelled from both boarding schools. His academic record was excellent, but his good looks and charisma attracted girls. Girls contributed to his being expelled as often as he did. Consequences followed. He found himself on the verge of being thrown out of his parent’s home. He knew he needed to do something, but what?

    After his parents suggested he find his own place to live, Mark told them he had been to a Marine Corps recruiting office outside of Philadelphia. To become a marine, the sargeant in the recruiting office told Mark he must have a high school diploma, fifteen college credits, and a combined score of over twelve hundred on his SAT scores.

    Mark spent two hours at the recruiting office. When he gave them a copy of his SAT scores, the sargeant was surprised to see how well Mark scored: Math 1350 and English 1425.

    The sergeant went into detail about the rewards of being a marine. There were opportunities for enlisted men to advance in rank during basic training and beyond, provided he met the Corps’ expectations of a marine recruit. Mark would have the opportunity to attend college. After graduating from college, he could apply for Officer Candidates School.

    Mark learned that after graduating from high school and the completion of one semester of junior college, he could enlist in the Marine Corps. He signed up for a pre-basic training conditioning program that was held in the recruiting office. As part of the program, Mark would report to the sergeant once a week to review his progress in the training between their meetings.

    Mark left the sergeant and came home. After his parents came home after work that same evening, he asked to speak with them. He explained where he had been and what the sergeant had told him. Mark wanted to finish high school and take one semester of community college. Alvin and Clarisse told him he could remain in the small apartment above the garage.

    Mark completed high school and one semester of community college. Then he enlisted and was sent to Camp Pendleton in California for basic training. He absorbed the verbal hammering the drill instructor inflicted on him. Because of that drill sergeant and others, Mark completed basic training at the top of his company and was promoted to lance corporal.

    After basic training, Mark flew home to Philadelphia for two weeks of leave.

    Chapter Two

    T he sun was setting as Mark pulled in front of his parent’s home in the Historic District of Philadelphia. Getting out of the rental car, Mark took his sea bag out of the trunk, rang the doorbell, and waited.

    The sun was at his back when Clarisse opened the door to admit the caller. Crew cut hair, standing ramrod straight, uniform starched, Mark had the muscular build of a newly-minted marine.

    Clarisse was blinded by the sun behind Mark’s back. She stood for a few seconds and did not speak. Then she asked, May I help you? She was swept off her feet by one strong arm as he strode through the door.

    Hello Mother.

    She squirmed lose, straightened her skirt and held him at arm’s length before embracing him. The last time I saw you, I was shedding tears of joy as a taxi took you to the plane for California. Now I’m shedding tears over a transformation well beyond the scope of my imagination.

    Alvin appeared from his office in the back of the house. What’s all the commotion? Whoa, who are you? My God, you’re kidding me. Mark is that you?

    Hello Dad. Guess you’re wondering what happened to the prodigal son. Boot camp and the Marine Corps happened. I found my calling. I’ll be home for thirteen more days before reporting for more training.

    His parents were at first unaware of the fundamental changes in their son’s behavior. They were cautious at first, abput Mark’s new attitude, but his newfound purpose and actions allayed any fears they may have had about Mark’ behavior.

    Mark had known Allison Reynolds since grade school. When he was home from boarding school in the summer, with other friends, they would meet, go to a movie, grab a hamburger, hang out, and talk. Mark never thought of Allison as anything but a good friend.

    The morning after he arrived home from boot camp, Mark asked Alvin to take him to the store to buy a new blazer. Alvin tossed him the keys to his car and asked Mark to wait until he got his jacket. They chatted amiably as Mark drove to the store.

    In the store, Mark chose a blue blazer, slacks and three shirts. Mark explained to the tailor he would like to have his clothes as soon as possible, offering to pay for the rush service. Yes, he would have his clothes in two to three days. No, there would be no additional charge.

    On the way home, Alvin asked what Mark might do after the Marine Corps. Mark replied he planned to make a career in the Marines. Alvin asked about Mark’s interest in the life insurance business.

    Dad, I’m now a marine and will remain a marine until I retire. You know how to approach an insurance prospect and dance to the music of each case. I admire and respect you for that. But that’s not who I am. I found meaning and a calling in the Marine Corps.

    During basic training, Mark came to appreciate the efforts of both of his parents throughout the almost twenty-one years of his life. He had been a rebellious teenager. Now he saw his parents had his best interest at heart. They had done their best.

    Two days later, Mark drove to the men’s store to pick up his new blazer, slacks, and dress shirts. His other wardrobe consisted of Wranglers, white T-shirts and his fatigues. Coming in the front door he saw his parents sitting in the library, talking. As he started out the door to the garage apartment, Alvin called his name.

    Mark, there is something afoot you that might interest you.

    I just picked up the blazer and slacks. Thanks for the help.

    Glad to help out. Your mother spoke with Allison’s mother this morning. You asked about Allison when you called to say you were coming home, didn’t you?

    Clarisse stated, Dear, Allison Reynolds called after I spoke to her mother, hoping to find you home. Her college roommate, Sophie Ashworth, is visiting along with her brother, Brian. Allison wanted to know if you wanted to take Sophie on a double date, tonight.

    I don’t have anything planned.

    Great. Why don’t you call Allison and let her fill you in on the details?

    Mark, what made you decide you wanted to have a career in the Marines? Your mother and I were certain you were going to end up on a chain gang, picking cotton in Louisiana.

    "I admit I was out of control and treading water before the Marines. I know I don’t want to follow you the life insurance business, Dad. I’m not being disrespectful, just honest. The Marines were an impulsive decision, but now I’m glad I’m a marine. What they offer, after I cross several thresholds, is the

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