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Stories Beyond Belief 2
Stories Beyond Belief 2
Stories Beyond Belief 2
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Stories Beyond Belief 2

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Most of the following stories have been written in Scotland and Sweden. My research for the Harrington curse took place in Aberlady near North Berwick, Scotland. My latest work, Eight Skulls of Teversham, was written partly in Inverness, taking in the atmosphere of the misty hills of Scotlands highlandssuch a beautiful sight to behold. Double exposure was also created with a location of Scotland in mind, taking me back to my ancestors, the Scott clan, and the famous Sir Walter Scott. The stories created in Sweden were cracked porcelain, which covered a wide area of mental and physical abuse. This fictitious book was based on factual events and concerned itself with the life of Ruth Ashley, a psychiatric nurse. I am convinced that a ghost called Sarah influenced my writing, something called automatic writing. For the Love of Charlotte was written in the United States of America, and I must confess greatly influenced by the 9/11 attack on the twin towers in 2001. Again the writing was influenced by ghosts. It is my dream that sooner or later, someone will read this work and consider writing a screenplay for television or movie. Now wouldnt that be good?

Teversham is actually in Cambridgeshire, but for the story, there is one on the Scottish border, both a town and a village where the eight skulls existed. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be mistaken for the small village that is in Cambridgeshire.
Release dateFeb 14, 2018
Stories Beyond Belief 2

Sarah Ruth Scott

Sarah has written four stories in this book that deal with the unusual and sometimes the bizarre. These stories explore areas of the imagination that leave the reader thinking about various aspects of mental health and questions whether or not certain things are real or imaginary. In the first story ‘Understanding Jodie’ the author questions the moral ethics of a teenage girl. The second story ‘Living with Faith’ is about an angel learning to protect others living as a mortal. The third story is Alison’s lifelong diary questioning her poor lifestyle following her death, only to experience her life again with radical changes. Finally the most bizarre of all stories ‘The secret life Helen Harris’ about a woman who wants to change her life and is helped but with drastic consequences.

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    Stories Beyond Belief 2 - Sarah Ruth Scott

    © 2018 Sarah Ruth Scott and Simon Robert Sinclair. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 02/13/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-8855-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-8859-6 (e)

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    Stories Beyond Belief 2

    Part One Hunted

    Part Two Justice

    Part Three Fear Of The Witches

    Part Four Resurrection

    Chapter Five Condemnation

    Chapter Six All For Love

    Cracked Porcelain Killer Queen


    Double Exposure Criminal World

    Missing In Scotland

    Nothing Is Real In The Beginning





    In Reality

    Blood Trail

    Part Two Evil Of The Vampires

    Chapter One The Harvest

    Chapter 2 Faith Returns

    Chapter 3 Darius Larick

    Chapter 4 Natasha

    Chapter 5 The Final Battle

    Chapter 6 In Search Of Lily

    Chapter 7 Hunger

    The Harrington Curse


    Chapter 1 The Artist’s Model

    Chapter 2 Emma’s Story

    Chapter 3 Simply Mad

    Chapter 4 Criminal World

    Chapter 5 Mirrors

    Chapter 6 On Reflection

    Chapter 7 A New Start

    Chapter 8 Cursed

    Operation Brainstorm Simon Robert Sinclair



    Terrorist Attack

    Introducing Brainstorm

    The Kidnapping


    Operation Brainstorm Begins

    Closing The Net

    A Question Of Life Or Death

    For The Love Of Charlotte


    Manchester 1996

    When In Rome



    9/11 Memorial

    An Afterthought For Readers


    Further Reading By Srs Books



    The second book that looks at strange events and stories that are most unusual, some of these stories are taken from a lengthier story in order to capture the interest of the reader. The first story is from the cracked porcelain saga about a mental health nurse called Ruth. She also appears in the Harrington curse helping magazine reporters from criminal world investigate a strange phenomenon involving mirrors. The blood trail story follows the original story called blood trail across time involving the hunting down of time travelling vampires. Operation brainstorm is a more futuristic story that looks at a machine that is capable of restructuring the mind, it is designed to help mental ill patients, until it is stolen and misused. Eight skulls of Teversham is a tale about witches who kill a family and terrorise villagers until somebody is hired to hunt them down and kill them.













    It was a cold dark night in October with a full moon in the sky; it was the sort of night where no one would venture out unless they were mad or had a cause to. For the village of Teversham was certainly cursed that night, as the villagers hid away in their houses, listening to sound of night birds such as owls, making the occasional sounds amidst the silence. Suddenly the silence was broken by terrible screams coming from the village as the Druids searched for innocent souls and virgins, looking for those they could sacrifice and in the chaos there stood the silhouettes of eight ugly women holding broomsticks all watching the village from a hill. They were eight witches who had stood outside the villagers homes chanting spells and cursing the ground that they walked on. The witches were known as Albelenda, Florina, Babeth, Nabara, Renilda, Rosalinda, Jeliana, and Passara. As they circled the family they swept their broomsticks across the floor making a ring in the dirt Pity on you for you will die a certain death Albelenda said speaking for the others I am Albelenda and you must fear me and my friends, for we seek to avenge those who killed my family. Dread the darkness and fear the ones who will take your lives this very night

    Albelenda was the leader of the witches, she had long black scraggily matted hair a long nose and a wart resting on her chin. The other witches looked similar except for Passara who was shorter than the others and was badly scarred on the left side of her face. Babeth was slightly thinner than the others and Rosalinda was a little larger than the others. Each one of them were as wicked as each other but Nabara was exceptionally bad and hardly ever spoke, but she hated all non witches and wanted any excuse to use her magic and destroy people.

    A female villager walked bravely towards the witches and tried whispering to them. Nabara grabbed her by the arm and pulled her toward her saying, Speak to me if you know what’s good for you Nabara held her firmly spraying her saliva in the woman’s face.

    The woman wiped her face with her hand that was shaking with fear, as she stood looking into Nabara’s wicked eyes.

    Speak! Nabara yelled

    The woman pointed to the last house of the village in the distance and spoke nervously The family that you seek live there, but please don’t harm the other villagers She said pleading with Nabara.

    Nabara raised her wand and pointed it in the woman’s face, she had hatred in her eyes, then gave a wicked smile.

    I suppose you want rewarding for your information and betrayal of your friends? Nabara asked

    No, just for me and my family to be safe The woman pleaded.

    With one swish of Nabara’s wand the woman flew in the air and then landed in a heap on the ground.

    I really hate kindness She said laughing

    That was mean even for you Nabara Babeth said in disgust.

    Enough Albelenda shouted This village of Teversham is about to experience an awakening, at the hands of the witches who have lost so many due to the persecution and constant witch hunts that have taken place around the woods, the Mayor of Teversham town will know what its like to suffer.

    Albelenda are we going to kill all the family? Florina asked

    Yes, all the Butterworth family must die, Father, Mother and children She replied

    Yes, kill them all Nabara insisted.

    When do we do this? Renilda asked.

    When the moon is full, on this very night Albelenda explained We attack on my command, be ready to ride your brooms and approach from the sky She instructed them all. They all went back into the forest and waited for the clouds to clear from in front of the moon, and then each one of them mounted their brooms and flew into the sky. They were silhouetted by the moon and descended onto the Butterworth’s cottage sweeping around it and waving their wands causing explosions. The Butterworth snuggled together all but Fredrick (Eric) who was in the cellar sweeping the floor, one of the explosions knocked the grandfather clock over which landed on the cellar door. The witches entered the cottage and killed the family one by one, starting with the parents; Nabara killed the youngest child Rosa as she lay asleep in her bed. All Eric could hear was screaming and loud explosions; he stood nervously below and wet his trousers in the process. Everything went silent; Eric listened for any sounds that would indicate that the witches would enter the cellar and find him. Suddenly he heard movement the cellar door began to creek open, and the shape of a woman appeared at the door. He began to shake with fear as the figure got closer to him, and then he sighed with relief as the woman spoke.

    Eric, it’s me Martha Martha was his neighbour

    Eric hugged Martha but did not speak, he was in shock, Martha turned to face her husband Basil and began to cry.

    My god, Basil what do we do? She said trying to make herself understood.

    Let’s take him to our home He advised

    But how are we going to get him out of here? she asked thinking about the devastation and all the family lying dead upstairs.

    Cover him in my cloak and lead him out of the front door Basil suggested

    Martha did as he instructed and helped Eric up the stairs into what was left of the cottage, there were gaping holes in the walls, scorch marks and the bodies of his family lying dead around the floor, Rosa was on the bed with scorched sheets over her dead body. Eric was almost at the door when he managed to look through a gap in the cloak and noticed his mother’s body, her eyes were looking up at the ceiling.

    Mother He shouted and broke away from Martha running to her side, Basil was close behind and caught hold of Eric’s arm.

    Come lad, stay with us He could see the sadness in Eric’s eyes Come on, you can’t help them now.

    Martha felt helpless and just wanted to hug him, she wanted to tell him everything would be alright, but in her heart she knew that wasn’t true. If the witches knew he was alive they would hunt him down and kill him, he was destined to spend his whole life looking over his shoulder.

    Eric remained with Martha and Basil Bakewell and from that fateful night when he was a mere eight years old, he grew up with their son John aged nine, Basil was a soldier who had fought for England. He taught Eric to defend himself, fighting with many weapons including the sword and long bow, he also showed him how to use his skills with a cross bow. Eric became skilful and cunning in fighting, he knew that some day he would have to face the witches who killed his family and avenge them. Eric had nightmares for years about that night, he relived the events although he didn’t actually see them killed, He remembered the screams and saw they’re dead bodies lying dead everywhere.

    Eric celebrated his twenty first birthday in a banqueting hall in the town of Teversham, quite a few people attended including Martha and Basil, it was a fine feast, with various meat dishes, pies and other savoury delights. Eric was delighted by the feast and in meeting so many people, some he knew others were friends of Basil, some of them were soldiers. He was considered old enough to be a soldier, he showed great discipline and leadership skills, and he was proving to be quite skilful with the sword and cross bow, he also learned to ride a horse.

    Meanwhile in another town close to Teversham the eight witches decided to terrorise the village, kidnapping children and murdering innocent people. Albelenda led the witches into the town at night and it was then that she was made aware of Eric’s existence, she was furious to find that one member of the Butterworth family had survived and ordered the witches to find him. She expressed her feelings as the witches coven sat around the cauldron; she hated the family and would not rest until they were all dead.

    A new Mayor had been elected in the town of Teversham and he was keen to find the witches who caused so much chaos in the town and surrounding village. Unusually so Teversham was the name of the town and the village, this confused the people from outside the area. The people all knew about the Butterworth family and how they were slaughtered by the witches, people were frightened to go out at night or venture into the woods. It is said that many a poor soul have been captured, tortured and murdered by witches, people have heard they’re chants and awful cackles, the sound of wolves and owls that indicate the presence of night time ghouls and goblins, and the sound of the devils hoofs running across the ground in a frantic effort to capture lost souls. The bravest knight fears to enter the woods and forests of Teversham, knowing that danger lurks around every corner. Only the witches themselves would stay there and live with other creatures of their kind, surrounded by wickedness and growing up to be bad. Lurking in the darkness they go out at night, taking what they liked and worshiping their demon master the Devil, this is what is taught to children and they grow up living in fear of witches. But be aware that not all witches are bad and understand that their magic is not necessarily wicked, it can be used for good, white witches are known to be good witches, they remain pure and refined, or so legend tells us. The purification of their blood is an abomination to the black witch, they consider them to work outside the witches’ coven and not worthy to be called witches. None other than freaks or mutants who use the name to show humans that some witches are more human who have feelings for mankind.

    Eric the twenty year old man grew up handsome with fair hair and a cheeky smile, He was strong and fearless just as Basil hoped he would be, a fighter with a reason to hunt the witches that killed his family. Eric worked hard mentally and physically, he was injured countless times with swords, fires, wooden sticks and various obstacles used in simulation battles. Finally he was ready to face the witches, but he would not be alone as Basil had mustered an army to help Eric in his quest. But the Mayor had other ideas, he was a fat stocky man with fair receding hair which he combed over his forehead, he also had a fat Roman nose and beady eyes that could just be seen beneath the heavy wrinkles. Mayor William Malet was a cunning man who managed to deceive the people in voting for him as he promised to make the town and village of Teversham safe. But he was a wealthy ambitious man who just wanted to be popular and richer than anybody around him. Malet wanted to gain power by deception and got rid of anyone in his way, it’s amazing how many people simply disappeared, no one asked questions for fear of vanishing themselves. The mayor stood waiting in a room for Basil and Eric to appear, he had arranged the meeting weeks before so that it would fall in line with his re election, if they could kill the witches he could be popular with the people and win votes.

    A knock came at the door; this was followed by a pause, then another knock at the door, finally the Mayor answered.

    Come in He shouted abruptly

    Basil and Eric entered the room, marching proudly towards the Mayor

    Good day Mayor Basil says addressing the mayor

    Good day gentlemen the mayor grunted

    What do you want from us Basil said bluntly.

    I need you to hunt down these witches and make this area safe again He said with his eyes glancing from one to the other.

    That could be possible although that would come with a price Basil said considering his finances and supporting his family.

    I can offer you fifty crowns a head Malet offered Mean that literally and that’s me being generous.

    I agree that’s a good price Basil said looking at Eric for approval, and then the Mayor.

    But I need evidence that you have killed these eight witches Malet insisted

    Proof Basil said confused

    You want us to bring back all the bodies? Eric asked

    No, just the skulls, eight to be exact Malet replied

    Eight skulls Basil said

    Eight skulls to hang on poles around Teversham town Malet said sniggering

    The eight skulls of Teversham Basil said wittily.

    It sounds good and it will keep the witches away from Teversham Malet said I must agree with that Basil replied

    Me too Eric agreed.

    The following morning Basil and Eric set off with a small army to hunt for the witches of Teversham, None of them were aware that the witches were seeking to find Eric at this time, Eric had learned to ride and was given a horse called Alestra, it took a while for Eric and Alestra to get along but after a while they were friends.

    It took a few days travelling before they reached a cottage where Rosalinda lived, she was sat discussing Eric with Passara, the soldiers listened to what they had to say in order to find out their plans.

    Passara, I think we ought to consider what Albelenda has asked of us Rosalinda said sipping from a cup.

    What do you mean? Passara asked

    Finding that young man and killing him Rosalinda reminded her.

    Who do you mean, Eric? Passara asked gazing into her cup.

    Yes, do you remember that night? Rosalinda seemed concerned.

    I was against slaughtering that family, but they killed our relatives and friends Passara said trying to justify their actions.

    But they didn’t kill children, we would never harm children Rosalinda said remorsefully.

    I agree but Albelenda was insistent and she wants to kill Eric Passara said sipping from the cup.

    We have to obey her otherwise we could die ourselves Rosalinda said fearfully

    At that moment Basil ordered the attack on the witches, they rushed into the room taking them by surprise Rosalinda was cornered in the room and Passara managed to escape their clutches and ran out of the back door only to be greeted by John and two other soldiers.

    Are you going somewhere witch? He asked her

    Passara stopped and stared at him, she seemed powerless

    Let me go or you will be very sorry She hissed at him

    I don’t think so He said holding his sword to her throat Come with me He insisted

    Suddenly her eyes changed colour, they were yellow and her finger nails turned into claws, she began to growl like a dog and leapt at John. He fell to the ground and began wrestling with her, they rolled about for a while and then one of the soldiers plunged his sword into her side. She jumped off John and another soldier decapitated her with one mighty blow.

    When John entered the cottage he noticed that they had already killed Rosalinda and her head was chopped from her body. Basil was holding her head up by the hair and looking around the room at all the other soldiers.

    Behold the head of a witch He said proudly.

    John held Passara’s head up And another he said comparing it to Rosalinda’s head Two skulls and six to go

    They continued their journey with the two heads in sacks, Eric found the whole ordeal a little gruesome and vomited, he had never experienced this sort of thing before. He rode beside Basil and remained silent, reliving the events over and over again, trying to make sense of it. Basil watched him closely showing fatherly concern, he had grown fond of Eric as if he were one of his own, it was painful to watch him go through such mental torture just like the night his family died.

    Eric, are you alright He asked

    Yes sir, I am Eric replied

    You witnessed the killing of two wicked witches, who as you heard were after you Basil explained.

    I know, but why behead them? Eric asked concerned

    A witch can only be successfully killed by the severing of her head, for some reason it breaks their spell Basil patted Eric on the back You will see a lot worse ahead lad

    I know, I will be alright Eric said smiling.



    In a cave deep within the forest a group of witches sat by a fire discussing the deaths of Rosalinda and Passara, Albelenda lead the coven as usual she had this expression of distaste like she was eating something sour like lemons. She deliberately kicked the fire and made the other witches jump.

    Damn that young boy Eric, he survives to tell the tale, be fearful for they now come for each one of us She said pointing her wand at each of them.

    They apparently want our heads Florina said concerned.

    Our heads Renilda said clutching her neck.

    Let them try and get me Nabara said waving her wand sending a bolt of energy from it into the fire and causing an explosion.

    They don’t scare me Babeth said I will turn every one of them into pond creatures

    Jeliana you are the spells and potions witch, you can do this Renilda said looking at Jeliana.

    I can do almost anything necessary, but it’s Eric we really need She said staring back at Renilda.

    We must watch our backs and signal each other if we suspect anyone or are in danger Albelenda advised them all We must also seek out Eric and kill him

    What about the soldiers? Renilda asked.

    Kill them all Nabara said

    Kill them all? Florina asked.

    You heard kill them all Albelenda said And whoever gets in our way

    Later the next night the soldiers reached the edge of the woods each one looked at each other hesitant to enter, Eric looked at Basil waiting for him to speak.

    Now then all of you, listen carefully to what I have to say He looked at each one of them I know you are afraid, but we have to move forward and hunt for these witches, we need to do this for our families, the Towns people and the Mayor Basil was also trying to re assure himself that all would be well.

    The sound of night life could be heard by them all, the rustle of branches and the snapping of trigs broke the silence, and something was lurking within. Suddenly they were met by a flock of flying bats fluttering around their heads, one of the men yelled as he held his face and fell off his horse. When one of the troops dismounted and ran to his aid he was also struck by something, blood gushed from the first soldiers head; the second soldiers face was burned by something.

    Both the soldiers lay dead Basil ordered his men to enter the woods, and so they moved in one by one. Basil led them deeper into the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of a witch, each sound made the soldiers jump, they expected to share the fate of the two soldiers they had left behind. Suddenly a flash of light occurred and another soldier fell to the ground from his horse, he jumped back onto his feet, I am fine he announced before his head split completely in two. The soldiers formed a circle and all peered into the darkness, Eric was the next to be thrown from his horse and lay on his back with his arms and legs spread out, something burrowing out the ground around him, his hand and feet were being held down with bind weed, this was followed by weed creeping around his neck and strangling him. Basil leapt off his horse and began cutting at the weed, he was joined by John who was also cutting the weed.

    Eventually they managed to free Eric, but another soldier had already be strangled by another weed, once Eric was free he sighted a witch flying past on a broomstick, and so he grabbed a crossbow and fired at her, she fell down beside a tree, it was Renilda who was lying with the arrow in her neck.

    Now Basil said Finish her, take off her head He said throwing his sword in front of Eric.

    Eric was hesitant, but he knew he had to do it, he raised his sword above his head and with all his strength cut Renilda’s head from her body.

    That’s my boy Basil said proudly

    Five skulls left Eric John said looking at Renilda’s head

    They continued on their journey, by now the heads in the sacks were spelling badly of decayed flesh, it was that bad they all took it in turns carrying the sack. They tried to sleep during the day as the witches were active at night, two of the guards stood watch at all times day and night, this allowed the others to sleep and when they were on the move they used a wagon to sleep in. They spotted a woman on the road, she seemed weary so they let her rest in the wagon, and she offered to reward them when they arrived at the next village. This could have been the offer of food, food for the horses or even money, She had a kind face and seemed genuine, but after a short distance she changed her appearance and the nice lady was non other than Jeliana one of the witches they sought. She kissed one of the soldiers in the wagon and his face became disfigured and he suffocated and died. She hid beneath him until one of the soldiers opened the back of the wagon in order to let him out; he was supposed to be the next soldier resting. She leapt out at him and cut his throat. Basil rode up to the wagon and slayed the witch, with one blow of his mighty sword she fell to the ground and then cut off her head adding it to the other heads.

    The next journey took them over a stream and through a valley; they felt vulnerable travelling through such a wide open area, but certainly not as much as the nights spent in the woods at night. But the witches were cunning and used all kinds of tricks and magic in order to trap and kill some of the soldiers, they were truly evil woman with only the desire to kill others not like themselves. They came to another cottage which looked similar to Rosalinda’s home, it was quiet and very tidy inside as if it had just been cleaned. Basil entered first cautiously entering through the main door at the front of the cottage, all seemed fine until the door locked itself separating Basil from his men. He continued to walk around the cottage until he arrived at the kitchen; Suddenly knives began to fly out of a drawer and towards him. Basil dived on the ground and hid behind a cupboard for cover, after a while this stopped and he picked himself up, he found himself accompanied by a woman. She had long black hair and a long dark dress; she had a narrow face and a long nose.

    I am Babeth and who are you? she asked

    I am Basil he replied

    What kind of silly name is that? She asked smiling and showing her dirty mouth and the gaps where there was once teeth.

    Why do you want Eric? Basil asked

    So that we can kill him She replied.

    He is outside He said hoping to provide some time to think of a plan of escape.

    I know, once you are dead I will tend to Eric she replied holding up her wand

    Wait he said looking into her evil eyes Can I advise you against doing that

    Foolish man stop wasting my time she began waving her wand

    Suddenly a arrow shot through the air and buried itself in her chest, it went straight into her heart and she was pinned to a cupboard door.

    The soldiers battered the back door down and entered the room; Eric was holding his crossbow and John went over to remove Babeth’s body from the cupboard door.

    I will take her outside and remove her head from her body John said standing behind Eric.

    There goes Babeth Basil said with relief.

    The knights continued on their quest over hills across streams and brooks, their numbers had depleted since they began, so many had died at the mercy of the witches and some were reluctant to travel on. But only three witches remained Albelenda, Florina and Nabara, they were the worst witches who were determined to get Eric. That very night a storm began sending thunder in the sky and lightning that seemed to light up the darkness, this was perfect weather for the witches who took advantage of it. In all the confusion the soldiers were confused by what appeared to be the weather conditions and what was the witches magic, the men thought they were hallucinating as they sighted naked women walking towards them, each attractive. Suddenly one of the soldiers yelled out in pain and other cries were heard all around them, they witnessed strange creatures moving about before their eyes. After the storm had passed, Basil looked around him, only to find a lot of the soldiers lying on the ground, some wounded and some dead. But as he checked everyone was accountable but one man, Eric who was missing, it was thought that the witches had got him at last. Basil gathered the men together and buried the dead, he stood next to John and hugged him.

    The witches have taken Eric Basil said sadly

    I know John said with a sigh

    We must find them Basil continued

    We will Father John said confidently

    The witches had arrived back in their cave accompanied by Eric, He looked tired but despite this he was well, he was tied up and sat near a fire. Nabara stood over him waving her wand at him and snarling, Albelenda and Florina were sat at the entrance of the cave looking out at the countryside. Nabara was angry and continued to tease Eric with her wand, sending sparks in Eric’s face causing him to turn his face away from her.

    You are going to die soon She said sneering at him.

    Why are you doing this? He asked

    Because you killed my family She replied

    I did nothing, I was a boy He said You killed my family, all of you did

    They all deserved to die, I hated all of them She said kneeling down and looking into his eyes Aww little blue eyes is sad, go ahead cry sad boy

    I don’t need to cry He replied The soldiers will be here to rescue me soon

    That’s what you think, we will kill them before they even get near here She explained We have magic and we have cunning, we can trick them into walking into a trap.

    You hate families don’t you, why is that do you hate children? He asked.

    We all have children; they are wonderful, except for one child who is a bit of a freak.

    You mean only one child? Eric asked

    She looks different, sounds different and certainly acts different Nabara said looking at Albelenda.

    Albelenda looked back at her frowning

    Are you talking about my freaky daughter?

    Yes the one that has no name Nabara said The one you keep locked in your cellar, who is only allowed out in the dark in case she shames you

    Do not speak of her Albelenda shouted She is no daughter of mine

    A freak she may be but she is yours Florina said

    Yes yours Albelenda Nabara said She walks about in this cave like an animal

    "It was a few days before the soldiers got close to the cave, the witches had laid traps all around it, some of them were pits with spikes and snakes others were nets and other devices that would trap, harm or kill them. Nabara was constantly tormenting Eric and repeatedly telling him that she would kill him.

    Your death will be slow She said I will drain the blood from your body and make you drink it.

    Eric was getting thirsty but he never trusted the witches, thinking that they would poison him, or even give him some potion that would make him ill or hallucinate.

    While the witches were out looking for the soldiers Eric was a approached by a pretty young girl who looked about eighteen years old, she brought him a cup containing water and put it to his lips. She never spoke but just smiled and went back into the deepest part of the cave; she did this repeatedly and even brought food for him, assisting by holding the bread to his mouth and feeding him soup with a spoon.

    She poured water over his wounds and bandaged them so neatly around his legs.

    Thank you He said Have you got a name?

    She shook her head and walked away, all he could see was her silhouette disappearing into the cave.

    The witches returned usually discussing the activities of the soldiers

    Did you see those spikes going into that man, like meat hooks through meat Nabara said laughing

    I enjoyed poking at that man in the net, I burned him to death and listened to him scream Albelenda said also laughing.

    I saw the man in the pit trying to fight off snakes that didn’t exist, so much for my magic making him think things were there Florina said laughing with them.

    Girl Albelenda shouted I hope you have been looking after Eric

    The girl came forward from the darkness, her pale skin shone from the light emitted from the fire.

    God, your so ugly Albelenda said spitefully Go away freak you make me sick

    She is awful Albelenda Florina commented

    I really don’t understand how she turned out like that, she’s nothing like me Albelenda said looking at her reflection in a bucket of water.

    What do you think Eric? Nabara asked him

    I didn’t really see her Eric said trying to ignore her

    Freaky like you Nabara continued Or your family

    As she spoke to him she deliberately set fire to his trouser leg with her wand, watching him yell in agony, then poured water over him.

    This pain is nothing to what you’re going to feel soon she yelled

    The soldiers were camped about a mile away, there were thirty left from the fifty that began from Teversham, and some were weak and most of them frightened by the witches’ magic. Basil was concerned about Eric and wondered weather or not he was still alive, he felt confident that he was and that seemed to keep him going. Basil had a plan to divide the men into two parties he would lead one and John would lead the other, this would mean that they could search from two directions east and west. This meant that each group would have fifteen men and they could make a sweep of the woods by spreading out, the object would be to meet in the middle. Basil ordered them to break camp and begin their search immediately, his plan was to take the witches by surprise and rescue Eric.

    Meanwhile the witches went out in search of Basil and his men, they were hoping that their traps continued to work and reduce the army in numbers. But this time the soldiers were aware of the dangers and were very cautious not to fall into any traps that the witches may have set them. Eric remained calm and hoped that they may stumble upon the cave to rescue him, he sat fidgeting and suddenly felt thirsty, he had hoped that the girl may come to him after all she did cleanse the wound on his leg and offer him a drink. Eventually she did appear but she was holding a large knife in her hand, she moved forward until she was right in front of him, then she walked behind him.

    If you are going to kill me do it now He said anxiously

    She remained silent and stood behind him for a while, she held the knife firmly in both hands pointing it towards his neck, and she was so close he could feel her breath on his neck. And then just as he thought she was going to cut his throat she cut the ropes that had bound his wrists, and then she gave him the knife to cut away the rope around his ankles.

    Thank you Eric said You are not a freak, not in my eyes

    I must rescue my friends He said walking towards the entrance of the cave

    Thank you for cleansing my leg I will come back for you, He promised

    Once he was out of the cave Eric rushed into the forest forgetting that he had a bad leg, it was almost as if it had healed, he felt no pain or discomfort, in fact he felt quite well considering all the brutality that he had suffered. He managed to see the shining of the metal armour from the soldiers as they were walking through the woods, He wanted to shout but he didn’t want to alert the witches and give away their position. So he crept closer to them, and then spoke to one of them, they turned around to face him; one of them pointed a sword at his throat.

    Abas it’s me Eric He said

    How do I know it’s you? he said "You could be a witch in

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