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It Takes Two to Tango: Discover How to Unlock Your Horse’S Potential
It Takes Two to Tango: Discover How to Unlock Your Horse’S Potential
It Takes Two to Tango: Discover How to Unlock Your Horse’S Potential
Ebook151 pages1 hour

It Takes Two to Tango: Discover How to Unlock Your Horse’S Potential

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\Horse riders are often looking for ways to develop, improve, and consolidate work with their animals. From pleasure riders to competitive riders, equestrians are always looking for improvement in their skill set. In It Takes Two to Tango, author Tanja Mitton educates riders, trainers, and coaches on the fundamental principles of the riders position and mindset. It also explores the foundational training of horses, with the aim of developing long-lasting, positive outcomes for riders and horses.

Mitton offers riders more understanding on how humans affect horses and how horses, in turn, affect humans. She discusses the

Rider Training Scale, a guideline for correct riding, focusing on the riders position and its influence on the horse;
Horse Training Scale, a training guideline on how to correctly educate a horse while keeping the riders position in mind; and
Mindset Training Scale, a guideline for riders, coaches, and trainers to help them to understand and work through their personal issues.

Based on her personal experiences as an equestrian success and mindset coach, Mitton offers a valuable self-development tool in It Takes Two to Tango. It empowers the rider to take control and ownership of the riding and assist in finding a solid training foundation from which to build. She communicates that happy and confident riders, trainers, and coaches are better able to positively affect the training of horses and other riders, leading to a more enjoyable ride and safer encounter.
Release dateFeb 15, 2018
It Takes Two to Tango: Discover How to Unlock Your Horse’S Potential

Tanja Mitton

Tanja Mitton is Australias leading equestrian success and mindset coach. Born in Germany, she has competed in the disciplines of dressage, show jumping, and eventing in Germany, England, and Australia. Mitton is an NCAS level 1 general riding coach and neuro-linguistic programming master coach. She has worked as a mindset coach with the Australian high-performance squad and coaches other riders from beginners to the international level.

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    It Takes Two to Tango - Tanja Mitton

    Copyright © 2018 Tanja Mitton.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1120-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1121-2 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/09/2018





    The Rider’s Training Scale

    Step 1: Breathing To Create Relaxation

    Step 2: Core Engagement & Sternum/Head Lift

    Step 3: Pelvic Motion

    Step 4: Open Groin And Soft Thigh

    Step 5: Lower Leg Contact

    Step 6: Bent Elbow/Closed Fist

    Step 7: Seat, Leg And Hand Connection

    The Horse’s Training Scale

    Step 1: Relaxation

    Step 2: Balance

    Step 3: Rhythm

    Step 4: Suppleness And Acceptance Of The Bit

    Step 5: Impulsion

    Step 6: Straightness & Consistent Contact To The Bit

    Step 7: Collection

    The Mindset Training Scale

    Step 1: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

    Step 2: Identifying Self-Sabotage Behaviour

    Step 3: Identifying Your Purpose

    Step 4: Develop A Clear Vision

    Step 5: Develop Empowering Beliefs

    Step 6: Set Realistic Goals

    Step 7: Being Confident


    As a rider, we are often busy looking for ways to develop, to improve and to consolidate work with our horses. Whether it be a pleasure rider, or an internationally competitive Grand Prix combination, we’re always looking for improvement in our skill set.

    Tanja Mitton’s latest book reveals some wonderful systems for developing this skill set. The skill of developing harmony and clear, effective communicative messages from rider to the horse. The rider’s balance, identifying the effectiveness of every aid we give, and acknowledging the control we need over our bodies and core are some of the key fundamentals behind Tanja’s principles.

    Riding horses from breaking-in to Grand Prix, it’s evident how aware we need to be of our position and body control. Furthermore, it’s imperative we understand, develop and manage a program to enhance our effectiveness, suppleness and reaction to any given action of the horse.

    Traditional training scales are the most effective and proven methods of developing a horse’s education. They encompass the developmental requirements of each stage of training with the view to producing a well balanced, well rounded, well educated horse. It stages the exercise, requirements and intensity of the training of the horse.

    What about the rider? It is very easy to focus all our efforts on producing the best horse we can, but how can we do this without being in tune with our own requirements and functions as a rider? We need to find a system that focuses on developing our weaknesses or shortcomings into strengths and strengths into brilliance! Exercises and methods to re-balance and strengthen our core, control and build awareness of our bodies and focus and settle our minds are all aspects of professional development we can learn to adopt.

    Tanja’s Rider’s Scale is a tool that can assist in creating priority in the way we assess our development and training. We need to be aware that, as with the traditional German Training Scale, there are processes to follow and systems in place to improve any weaknesses. Each step leads to another and is only effective if the preceding has been understood and competently executed.

Being ‘rider fit’ will enable our bodies to maintain our effectiveness and therefore offer the horse a regular, consistent training system that’s able to be repeated time and time again. With our own control comes confidence, with confidence comes relaxation and with relaxation comes opportunity. This opportunity will be in the form of a wonderful connection, a balanced feel, or a training breakthrough. If we have this opportunity, we’re more likely to be able to progress and enhance our capabilities as a rider and improve with the greatest effect.

It’s vitally important that we as riders remember that horses learn through repetition. It’s up to us to ensure we have a clear understanding of why, how and when we ask for a response. By following Tanja’s Rider’s Scale, we can ensure we have the strength, core and understanding to offer a systematic, clear plan with the ability to repeat time and time again. The end result should be a happy horse and rider combination!

    This book is a wonderful reference point for riders of all stages and abilities to embrace. Read it from cover to cover and take notes, highlight, tag and copy pages. Use it as a valuable tool in self-development. It will empower the rider to take control and ownership of their riding and assist in finding a solid training foundation from which to build… and your horses will thank you for it!!


    I am a great believer in teamwork and this book is an example of it.

    I wouldn’t have been able to put all the content together without great friends, colleagues and mentors who have provided me with ideas, feedback and help in

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