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Divine Love: Ascension Through the Divine Heart
Divine Love: Ascension Through the Divine Heart
Divine Love: Ascension Through the Divine Heart
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Divine Love: Ascension Through the Divine Heart

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As humanity moves into the Age of Aquarius and outdated patriarchal systems fall away, individuals are searching for meaning and real human connection in a chaotic, material, nonstop, technology-driven world. For decades, in this consumer- and debt-driven world, the mind/ego has been the dominant motivating force behind peoples actions. The mind/ego keeps one anchored to material possessions and the judgment of others. The majority of cultural, political, and religious systems that divide rather than unite humanity are slowly falling away as their corruption and manipulation of others is exposed and people begin to realize how they have been enslaved in false constructs. People are seeking meaning in their lives beyond material accumulation or the lack thereof.

Divine Love: Ascension Through the Divine Heart is a modern road map to the discovery of and connection with ones divine heart versus a life founded on the mind/ego. A divine heart operates from the principle of unconditional love for oneself and all fellow human beings. It embodies All is one, one is all and recognizes that no life is meaningless nor is any person better or superior to another.

Living from ones divine heart opens an individual to both giving and receiving unconditional versus conditional love for self and all others. It releases one from attachment, selfishness, fear, and greed to the embodiment of the principle that all are equal, all are worthy of unconditional love, and that each of us is a divine child.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 5, 2018
Divine Love: Ascension Through the Divine Heart

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    Divine Love - Camilla Nichols

    Copyright © 2018 by Camilla Nichols.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2018902725

    ISBN:                   Hardcover                             978-1-9845-1230-7

                               Softcover                               978-1-9845-1229-1

                                eBook                                     978-1-9845-1228-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 03/02/2018







    Chapter 1 The Divine Heart

    Chapter 2 Conditional and Unconditional Love

    Chapter 3Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Wounding

    Chapter 4 The Inner Wounded Child

    Chapter 5 Orphans of Culture

    Chapter 6 Live an Authentic Life

    Chapter 7 Impediments to the Divine Heart – Fear, Attachment, Selfishness and Greed

    Chapter 8 Balance

    Chapter 9 The Self-Destructive Act of Sabotage

    Chapter 10 The Rise of the Divine Feminine

    Chapter 11 Fellowship

    Chapter 12 Gratitude


    This book is dedicated to all those in my life - family, friends and strangers - who have loved me Unconditionally and Conditionally. All of you have been my teachers and for that I am eternally grateful.


    As Human Beings and as a Planet, we are moving into a New Paradigm. Outdated Systems, False Constructs and Beliefs are being shattered. This shattering and exposing is analogous to Dorothy and her Friends realizing that the Great Oz is just a Man behind a curtain, not a powerful wizard.

    Some call this New Paradigm the Age of Aquarius, or the Fifth Dimension. I doas not like Labels. However, that being said, I do believe Human Beings and Mother Earth are moving into a Time where the old Patriarchal systems are falling away and Unity Consciousness is emerging. People are waking up to the fact that they have been lied to and enslaved by society, culture, politics and religion – for eons. These Patriarchal Systems have intentionally divided us by race, religion, gender, socioeconomics, nations and creed. These Modalities intentionally created False Constructs that divide us all. These Systems are Judgmental. Individuals are beginning to Question, not just Accept, what they are told and what they are shown. They are beginning to look behind the curtain. Individuals are beginning to speak out against Injustice and Inequality. Humanity is beginning to throw off these superficial divisions and Unite.

    The New Paradigm will treat all Human Beings equally. The Inequalities of socioeconomics, race, gender, religion, cultures and political systems will become Balanced and Just. And most importantly, Human Beings will begin to Understand that the Material World we live in is just a temporary Illusion of things that ultimately are Meaningless.

    What is Meaningful and cannot be lost is Unconditional Love. We are all connected. We all have a Divine Heart which we need to find and open. The Divine Heart must be our base of Thoughts, Words and Deeds – not Mind and Ego. We must learn to love ourselves Unconditionally first, and only then can we love all others Unconditionally.

    It is through Unconditional Love that Individuals will connect with one’s Divine Heart. And it is through the Divine Heart that Ascension will occur because Ascension is not what you have been taught to Believe – that you will rise up to the Heavens at the End Times. What has been kept from us as Human Beings by those who wanted Control and Power and Material Wealth is the fact that each of us is a Divine Child. Each of us, through our Divine Heart, is directly connected to the Divine Mother and Divine Father. The Divine Feminine, sidelined and omitted for Eons, is on the rise; not to take over and Dominate, but to Balance with the True Divine Masculine, not the Patriarchal, punishing system in which we have lived for centuries.

    Throughout Time there have been Ascended Masters, Messengers and Teachers who have brought the Message of Unconditional Love. But those Messages have been ignored or manipulated and distorted so we have not truly stepped into the True Reality that each of us is a Divine Child. And, of course, there have been many False Prophets.

    The purpose of this book is to hopefully provide a roadmap to finding and healing your Divine Child, your Divine Heart, and of course, discover your direct connection to the Divine. Call it what you will, Creator, Spirit, God - the Label doesn’t matter. And this is just one message so if it does not resonate with you, I hope you keep looking until you find one that does. But it must be a message of Love, not Division and Judgment.

    If this does resonate with you, please share it with your Family and Friends because this New Age is upon us. The Time is now. The World is on a Precipice. It is out of Balance. To regain Balance personally, culturally and even as a Planet, we must begin to embrace the All is One and One is All. Balance is needed now but it begins with you. You must first Learn to Love YOURSELF Unconditionally. All else will follow.

    Chapter One

    The Divine Heart

    What is a Divine Heart? You have one, but you have forgotten and likely not yet discovered it. It’s there, waiting for you to unlock it. Let us start with the example of a True Lightworker for they operate from their Divine Heart.

    A True Lightworker is a Destroyer of Lies and False Constructs, Grids and Illusions. A True Lightworker operates from their Divine Heart, not from Mind or Ego. They LOVE Fiercely and UNCONDITIONALLY. They speak the TRUTH. They Act With and On Behalf of the DIVINE. They have No Fear. Fear is

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