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Beautiful Chaos: Our Story About Foster Care, Adoption, Faith, and Love
Beautiful Chaos: Our Story About Foster Care, Adoption, Faith, and Love
Beautiful Chaos: Our Story About Foster Care, Adoption, Faith, and Love
Ebook182 pages2 hours

Beautiful Chaos: Our Story About Foster Care, Adoption, Faith, and Love

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About this ebook

Crystal Smith and her husband, Todd, have learned to embrace their beautiful chaos every day. In a house filled with foster children, it is never boring, always changing, and extraordinarily busyand they wouldnt have it any other way.

In the poignant story about faith and dutifully following Gods plan, Crystal shares the experiences and emotions that accompanied her familys roller-coaster ride through the ups and downs of the foster care system and as they eventually became a forever family through adoption. While providing an in-depth look into their journey, Crystal details the foster care training system, the lengthy paperwork process, the complex emotions that followed their first in-home placement, the difficulties of saying goodbye to children, and the joys that surrounded the day they officially became a forever family. Through it all, Crystal illustrates that every child, every tear, every smile, and every fear has made them the family they are today.

Beautiful Chaos is an inspiring story about foster care, adoption, faith, and love, and how one family came to be.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 9, 2018
Beautiful Chaos: Our Story About Foster Care, Adoption, Faith, and Love

Crystal Smith

Crystal Smith is a writer, photographer, and artist who developed an early love of storytelling in a family of voracious readers. She resides in Utah with her high school sweetheart husband and two lively sons. When she isn’t writing or creating, she can be found re-watching Jane Eyre or reading ghost stories with all the lights on. @crysrensmith.

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    Beautiful Chaos - Crystal Smith

    Copyright © 2018 Crystal Smith.

    Interior Graphics/Art Credit: Elissa and JR Smith

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018902109

    WestBow Press rev. date: 03/06/2018


    Three Plus One: The Start of Our Story

    Taking the Classes

    Waiting for the Call

    The Girls

    Wild Man and Little Miss

    Moving Forward

    God Makes Us All Unique

    God Had a Bigger Plan—Introducing Big Al and Elmo

    Our First Forever Family Day

    Life with Four under Four

    Forever Family Day, Take Two

    The Job Transfer

    And Then Came Baby

    Finding a Place to Call Home

    Adoption Number Three

    Our First Year in Our New Home

    Being a Voice for Foster Care

    Where Are We Now?

    Foster Agencies in West Virginia

    Foster Agencies in Tennessee

    To my children, Sierra, Devin, Elissa, JR, Alex, Eli, and Sadie. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful story to write about. I love you more than all the moons and stars in the sky.

    To my husband, Todd, thank you for believing in me and in our ever-changing family. There is no one I would rather share this journey with. After all, what’s one more? I love you.

    And mostly I thank God for allowing us to be His hands and feet for a few of His children. Thank You for Your unending love and blessings. To You, oh Lord, be all the glory.

    To all of those who have asked, Why haven’t you? or suggested I should write a book about our experience in foster care and with adoption through foster care, here you go. I hope you enjoy our story. May this book inspire others, maybe even you, to take a leap of faith and become foster parents.

    Today is like any other day at the house. Our five-year-old daughter is sitting at the table hard at work on her ABCs. Three out of four boys are running around playing with the numerous cars and airplanes we have collected over the past few years. Our oldest son is still at marching band practice, while our oldest daughter is away at college. The phone rings. It’s my husband, letting me know he will be a few minutes late getting in from work; there’s an early run in the morning, and his boss asked him to stay late to help load the trucks. Our newest addition to the house, a tiny four-week-old baby girl, is sound asleep in her crib. There are dishes in the sink that need to be washed and clothes in the rocking chair that need to be folded. The living room floor is covered with wooden puzzle pieces and Legos.

    Looking at the house, it’s hard to believe I once had to have everything in its proper place, to the point that some people even thought I had OCD. At one point in my life, I made sure all the books were in alphabetical order on the bookshelf and that the clean clothes were put away promptly after being washed. Friends would say you could eat off my floors because they were always freshly mopped. Nowadays, if the books are on the bookshelf and not strung across the floor, I am grateful. As for the laundry, it seldom makes its way out of the clean-laundry basket. And I’m sure you could still eat off my floor; there’s bound to be Pop-Tart crumbs, fruit snacks, or a few potato chips laying around somewhere. My priorities have changed. I have changed.

    It’s time to start dinner while the little ones are distracted by the cartoons on TV. Thanks to Mickey Mouse, I will have about thirty minutes to make a quick dinner that I’m sure only a few will eat. This is our life. This is our beautiful chaos, as we have named it. Never dull, never boring, always changing, and always busy. This is our story. This is how we became a forever family through foster care—our journey, step by step, as it unfolded, through the ups and downs of foster care all the way through the wonders of adoption. It’s a story about our faith in God and how He guided us every step of the way. Our story is not a journey many people understand and even fewer choose to take, but it was the journey God chose for us. Every child, every tear, every smile, and every fear has made us the family we are today. This is how our family came to be.

    Three Plus One:

    The Start of Our Story

    Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.

    —Michael J. Fox

    My husband, Todd, and I attended the same high school. Our school was one of the smallest in the county; less than nine hundred students walked the narrow hallways back in those days. We are part of the graduating class of 1994. We had many of the same classes and ate on the same lunch schedule. He played football, and I sang in the show choir. We were good friends, but it never turned into anything more. I had a steady boyfriend throughout high school, and because of that, Todd never asked me out. He was content with being my best guy friend.

    We lived in a small town outside of Charleston, West Virginia. Back in the early nineties, there were no stoplights or fast-food restaurants in our town, and everyone that was anyone hung out at the local Go-Mart. Today, we have two stoplights, and both a Wendy’s and a McDonald’s. Go-Mart is still the place to meet up with friends; some things never change. As with many rural towns, life was simple and carefree back then. Friday nights were played out on the high school football field, Saturday’s were spent cruising up and down the road in front of the high school, and Sunday mornings were spent in church. It was a place where you could walk down the road and the owner of the local grocery store would run you a tab; everyone knew their neighbors, and it was safe for children to play outside after dark. It was that kind of town.

    Todd and I went through our four years making the most of our high school experience. We shared laughs, gave each other dating advice, and shared the occasional English and history assignment answers. Before we knew it, we were walking across the stage to receive our diplomas. We said our goodbyes and went on with our lives in separate directions. He worked a few odd jobs before joining the military, and I found myself pregnant at eighteen and married at nineteen. Todd and I would not see each other or talk again for fourteen years. Looking back now, it amazes me how God’s big plan unfolded for us.

    Our story picks back up in 2008, the year I found myself divorced.

    In 1995 I was a newlywed college freshman with a baby. I had no clue what real life was. The first few years, to the outside world, I had a happy marriage and even welcomed my son into the world in 1998. But things were not always happy behind closed doors. In October 2000, my life went from bad to worse. That’s when the car accident happened, the day my life was rearranged. I was on my way to my parents’ house to pick up some clothes for my children. My aunt and uncle had invited them to spend the weekend at their house. There was oncoming traffic, so I was stopped waiting for the cars to pass by before cutting across the road into my parents’ driveway. The driver of the truck never saw my car. By the time he looked up, it was too late for him to stop; he plowed into my Cavalier. He tried to swerve so he would miss me, but by doing so, he came up my side of the vehicle. There was nowhere for me to go. I remember the loud sirens of the fire trucks and police cruisers. The ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital. The whole incident is a blur. My world and my life forever changed.

    My back and neck were seriously injured. The nerves in my left hand no longer worked. Over the next few years, I endured countless injections in my back, neck, legs, arms, and even my throat to relieve the pain. I spent months relearning how to hold a pencil and then how to write. The pain was unbearable, and the fear of not being able to care for my children was overwhelming. After a few years of trying different injections to relieve the pain without much success, in 2004 I had my first major surgery. It was to place a SCS (spinal cord stimulator) in my abdomen to relieve the pain in my neck and arms. Six months later, I had a second SCS placed in my lower back to relieve the pain in my back and leg. My kids playfully called me robot mom. Both surgeries were successful. My marriage, however, was a different story. It was falling apart quickly.

    My marriage example was not what I wanted my children to use as to what a healthy marriage was supposed to be. I did not want them to base their future relationships on what they saw in our home. As my marriage crumbled, I knew I needed to get us away from the increasingly dangerous situation. Leaving was the easiest and the hardest decision I have ever had to make. I was raised in church and took my wedding vows seriously; however, I knew that if I stayed, things would only get worse.

    So, in late February 2008, I took my children and left the only life I knew. With help from a few family members, I was able to move into a townhouse large enough for the three of us. Thankfully, it was in our school district, which meant the kids would still be able to attend their schools. They would deal with enough changes stemming from the divorce. Changing schools and leaving their friends was not something I wanted for them. Their schools, friends, and teachers provided a little bit of normalcy in their now upside-down world.

    My life was broken, my body was broken, and so began the next chapter of my life, whether I was ready or not. What in the world was I going to do now? I had two choices: I could let the divorce and the past dictate every future decision, or I could overcome them both and be a survivor. The choice was clear; I had to survive. I had to move forward, if not for myself then for my children. But I was scared. I was used to being alone most nights, but this was different. We were on our own. Completely on our own. Just the three of us. We were all scared of the unknown, of what the future had in store, but two things were certain: we were safe, and we were together. The three of us had each other, and that was all that mattered.


    My focus was my children. Only my children. They were the reason I had found the courage to start my life over. They were the reason I woke up in the mornings those first few months after the divorce. They were the reason I decided to take online classes to work toward my degree, which I had started years earlier. Everything I did was for them. It’s always been about them. At that point in my life, I had no intention of dating or even talking to anyone. For years, I had been told I was not pretty enough or good enough, and I believed it. I felt beaten down, unwanted, and ugly. And if all of that wasn’t reason enough, I felt a little old to be dating. Let’s face it. I knew nothing about how to date in my thirties. The

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