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Her Crowning Frenzy: A Collection of Poetic Stories
Her Crowning Frenzy: A Collection of Poetic Stories
Her Crowning Frenzy: A Collection of Poetic Stories
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Her Crowning Frenzy: A Collection of Poetic Stories

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Prepare to be swept away into a unique collection of imaginative adult short stories expressed in poetic form. Told directly from the mind of an eccentric millennial poet, they are divided into five important chapters: Love, Rebellion, Heartache, Life, and Passion. Each contains five expressive stories and poems from the authors up-close and personal experiences filled with dramatic controversy, philosophy, and dreams untold. These intricate tales are certainly for reading aloud and beginning deeper conversations!
Release dateApr 13, 2018
Her Crowning Frenzy: A Collection of Poetic Stories

Robin Chappell

Robin Chappell is a second time published author with a love for poetry and a passion for eccentric creativity. She published her first book project “Her Crowning Frenzy: A Collection of Short Poetic Stories” in April 2018; receiving up to fourteen positive reviews and recommendations. Robin was born in Fort Belvoir, VA and raised as what they call a “military brat”. Her father, Robert served in the U.S. Army for twenty years, providing both her and her sibling, Robert Jr., with the opportunity of traveling to many interesting destinations around the world and contributing to her cultural background. Her mother, Susan, motivated her love for reading books and writing at the early age of three. Robin began writing poetry and winning competitions in school at the tender age of thirteen. At the age of nineteen she followed in her father’s footsteps and enlisted into the Army National Guard. Once enlisted, Robin was sexually assaulted by a fellow soldier. After reporting the incident and receiving no help from the military or her colleagues, she underwent many life changing issues and coping skills for eight years, nearly leading her down a darker path. She served her country for seven years and deployed to Tikrit, Iraq in 2010, serving under Operation Iraqi Freedom. Since completing her military career, healing, and becoming stronger than ever; she now raises her two year old daughter Harmony Grace, hosts an inspirational vlog and writes a blog called “The Vizzion”. She also is the founder and coordinator of a non-profit organization called Harmonious Grace, Inc.; which focuses on illiteracy, hosting book fairs for public schools, and providing counseling to women and men that have undergone sexual trauma while assisting with their case. Robin Chappell is also a motivational speaker, in addition to being the Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention Coordinator for the Alabama National Guard full time in her Montgomery, Alabama community.

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    Book preview

    Her Crowning Frenzy - Robin Chappell

    © 2018 Robin Chappell. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/13/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3774-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3773-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3832-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018904644

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    I would like to dedicate this book to my little piece of sunshine, my daughter, Harmony Grace. You are a BEAUTIFUL God given blessing and Mommy loves you VERY much. You will forever be the driving force behind everything that I even think of doing in my life! No matter what, I will ALWAYS be there for you. I also dedicate this to my loving family. This is for my wonderful mother and father, Susan and Robert. I would also like to thank my best friend and little brother Bobbie. Without you, I would not have even half of the love, support, and strength that I do today. This is also dedicated to those who helped contribute to my poetry by being my muse. Whether you loved me, used me up, or broke my heart…I most certainly THANK YOU!

    The V. Elements

    I. Love

    II. Heartache

    III. Passion

    IV. Rebellion

    V. Life

    I. Love

    I. The Troubled Angel

    II. A Man’s World

    III. Wishes


    V.The Flower

    The Troubled Angel

    Beyond the fluffy white clouds in the sky

    Past the silver linings and all of the bright lights

    Just beyond the twinkling stars of the night

    A beautiful little angel sat stuck in her deep thoughts about life

    She huffed and she fumed about why she had to go

    Down into some unknown place, residing with souls she did not know

    God took notice of her obvious stress and worry

    Aren’t you supposed to be gone? You know you really must hurry.

    She sighed at His words in pure sadness. She was so hurt and distraught

    Feeling like all of this was madness. She was more afraid than not

    "I don’t think I want to go. I would rather stay with you. Even all of my friends are here.

    What on Earth is there for me to do?"

    She knew that she should not ask questions

    But she just couldn’t help herself. Why did it have to be her?

    Why couldn’t he send anyone else?

    God already knew her heart. He could hear all of the thoughts in her head

    He did not blame her or judge her for her fears

    He sat her down to have an important talk with her instead

    Before he could even begin she crossed her arms and she frowned

    "Have you seen the way that she acts? She doesn’t even want me around!

    She seems self-centered and reckless. Nothing is ever planned out

    She looks to be having enough fun on her own. There is no need for me

    So I should stay right here with you. I am not the answer that she seeks!"

    She looked back at God and was hopeful for concurrence

    But instead he took her tiny hand and gave her His solid reassurance

    "That is exactly the reason why I am sending you. Some people need a little help growing up

    She doesn’t realize her potential and all of the things she could do

    Without you her life could become more corrupt

    You are the cure for her selfish heart. I know you won’t fail. You are my best!

    My little angel with the happiest spirit. More effective than all of the rest."

    She contemplated his motivational words. Smiling she finally rose and prepared

    She needed those words for her doubts and her fears

    She heard it gets really crazy down there!

    So the little angel packed all of her positivity and love

    Along with her happiness and infectious grin

    She knew this mission would really be tough

    But she could always use a good challenge

    She stood at edge of the heavens and handed over her wings

    She now was fully prepared to go.

    Taking one last look at her heavenly home and the angels that sing

    God said "I promise you will be surrounded by my people full of love!"

    He planted goodbye kisses upon her face

    I will always be here guiding you from above

    Your mother will give you the beautiful name of Harmony Grace!"

    A Man’s World

    "This is a man’s world. This is a man’s world. But it would be nothing, NOTHING…

    Without a woman or a girl."-James Brown

    The darkness and the shadows quickly made their way around the well-built world of Adamic

    There was a gentle breeze in the air as we continued to build

    I wiped droplets of sweat from my brow, preparing to head home after a usual day’s work

    The siren sounded, dismissing all the men from their duties and their posts

    The usual conversations rang out in the air. Nothing but endless bragging and boasts of strength

    I walked alone. The crowds never really seemed to welcome me and I was just fine with that

    I grabbed my things as my dirty boots pushed away a stray cat

    Every day was the same. I prided myself on my work

    Stronger than many of the men who only competed with their egos and completing their mission

    I did everything better but I still felt like every night there was just something missing

    My bed welcomed me with open arms and comfort as I sank into the mattress

    I struggled to sleep as my thoughts raced around and tried to prepare for the next day

    As soon as my eyes nearly shut into a deep sleep against my pillow I became startled

    There was a sudden noise and footsteps outside of my window

    I silently rose and figured it might be another drunken night for my best friend Drew

    Needing a place to crash again because he could never find his way to his own home on weekends

    That was typical, but this was not a typical feeling that I owned

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