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Beyond Earth Through Heaven’S Gates: Communication and Insights from Our Spiritual World
Beyond Earth Through Heaven’S Gates: Communication and Insights from Our Spiritual World
Beyond Earth Through Heaven’S Gates: Communication and Insights from Our Spiritual World
Ebook194 pages3 hours

Beyond Earth Through Heaven’S Gates: Communication and Insights from Our Spiritual World

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Ward Barcafer Jr. was naturally filled with grief and desolation after Suzette, his wife of thirty-three years passed away following a brain tumor operation. Certain he would never see or hear from her again, Ward was shocked when, on the second night after her death, he began receiving inexplicable manifestations and signs from her.

After five floodlights in his ceiling began flashing at a tremendous speed, Ward reveals how he set out on a journey to seek insight and answers about after-death communication, spirit guides, and life after death as it unfolds in a new realm. Ward relies on a series of handwritten journals that recorded dramatic occurrences over several months and eye-opening communications from his spirit guides to share personal experiences with others that confirms it is possible to communicate with departed loved ones and be comforted by the fact that they have moved on to a joyful, loving, and renewed life in heaven.

Beyond Earth Through Heavens Gates reveals a widowers poignant experiences after he discovered his ability to communicate with his beloved deceased wife through a series of signs and messages.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 25, 2018
Beyond Earth Through Heaven’S Gates: Communication and Insights from Our Spiritual World

Ward Edward Barcafer Jr.

“My name is Ward Edward Barcafer Jr., and Suzette Delashmet Shockley, my wife for thirty-three wonderful, loving years of marriage, passed away following a brain tumor operation. Filled with grief and desolation, I swore I would never see or hear from her again.” He was wrong. Ward Barcafer’s extraordinary journey from devastation to hope, to realization has altered the course of his life from non-believer to believer. He says, “There is no death as we think of it, but after our body dies on earth, we, who we are, our personality, moves on to another life in a new world we call Heaven.” Ward’s journey and new service is to help people devastated by grief. He wants to help people understand that some connections may appear strange in the beginning but in the end, the power of unconditional love lightens overwhelming sorrow and sadness. He writes the books to provide hope to those who want more than silence in death.

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    Beyond Earth Through Heaven’S Gates - Ward Edward Barcafer Jr.

    Beyond Earth


    Heaven’s Gates


    Ward Edward Barcafer, Jr.


    Copyright © 2018 Ward Edward Barcafer, Jr.

    Cover Credit: ESO/INAF-VST/OmegaCAM. Acknowledgement: OmegaCen/Astro-WISE/Kapteyn Institute

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0834-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0836-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0835-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018908149

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/24/2018




    Chapter 1 Research on After-Death Communication

    Chapter 2 Spirit Guides

    Chapter 3 Physical Occurrences and Telepathy

    Chapter 4 Ego

    Chapter 5 Vibrations/Energy

    Chapter 6 Visual Visitation

    Chapter 7 Visitation Dreams

    Chapter 8 Spirit Intervention

    Chapter 9 Because of Love


    Chapter 10 Death

    Chapter 11 Life after Death

    Chapter 12 God

    Chapter 13 Consciousness

    Chapter 14 Law of Attraction

    Chapter 15 Alternate Realities

    Chapter 16 Purpose

    Chapter 17 What Do You Do in Heaven?

    Chapter 18 One of Those Things

    Chapter 19 Conclusion

    S uggested Reading

    About the Author


    Suzette DeLashmet Shockley

    Earth years 1946-2016 Eternity 2016 -

    Ward, you have now learned that prayer works, that there is a Force that created all this and is taking care of both of us as He takes care of everyone.



    My name is Ward Edward Barcafer Jr., and Suzette Delashmet Shockley, my wife for thirty-three wonderful, loving years of marriage, passed away following a brain tumor operation. I was filled with grief and desolation, and I swore that I knew for certain I would never see or hear from her again. Boy, was I wrong. The second night after her passing, some inexplicable manifestations and signs from her started to occur, and quite frankly, these left me wondering about what was happening.

    In our first book, Beyond the Veil to Heaven, I describe Sue’s thoughts through channeled writing as they came to me through my mind on a day-to-day basis along with the awesome signs that she gave me. The signs frequently came at night when it was easier for her higher vibrations to come through to meet my lower earthly vibrations.

    This second book stands alone, but it is Sue’s continuing true story. I want to continue to inform our readers of Sue’s life as it unfolds in her new realm and to see what new disclosures are forthcoming from her. This will hopefully help support the growing number of people who are starting to consider the possibility that life continues in a new realm after our earthly life is over.

    As was mentioned at the end of the first book, Sue’s almost daily thoughts and extraordinary happenings continue to come through to me through telepathy.

    Some of Sue’s revelations have been mind-boggling. I have spent hours researching and reading books—not only contemporary accounts of other after-death communications but also books by forward thinkers that were written many years ago—to confirm what she has told me. As I continue reading more books, the knowledge and patterns seem to remain the same, which confirm and validate Sue’s disclosures. There is a whole new world available to us after this life is over.

    I also want to introduce spirit guides, loving entities that have lived on earth but that have to endure a long period of adjustment and learning on their plane or dimension after their physical demise. They desire to help the living navigate through our lives on earth, provided we recognize them and want help. As we have free will, they will not impose themselves on us unless we understand their existence and want their help. All people have spirit guides too.

    Like many people, I grew up desiring the material items in life—money, houses, automobiles, etc. I thought these were the important things in life. I went to Sunday school and then church on a fairly regular basis, but I always felt a little concerned about the organized church’s view of religion. I always thought that God, the divine, whatever name people wanted to use, was a loving entity.

    When I was older, I found a church that believed that we were all one in God’s eyes. Even with that, I didn’t seem to change that much in my beliefs. Sue’s sudden death and the events that have happened since have shaken me to the core and changed my beliefs completely. I now realize that there is a loving God that wants the best for us and will guide us through this life if only we stop and listen.

    I had never heard or thought about the possibility of life after death. I was brought up to believe that death was final. The dramatic happenings that I describe are so out of this world and strange that I had to try to find out what was happening. As I discussed these events with other people, I became convinced I was receiving signs from Sue because the described patterns and situations were similar to what was happening to me. I came to believe that Sue’s new life was just the beginning of an incredible adventure.

    After Sue’s passing, my grief was intense. However, through our unconditional love for each other, she able to lighten my overwhelming sorrow and sadness by showing me that she—her spirit, her personality, who she was—was indeed alive in another world.

    It is my belief, which has been evidenced by hundreds of examples over the years, that our deceased relatives—wives and husbands, sons and daughters—come through to this world to let their loved ones know that they have gone on to another life. Many times their families on earth have not recognized the signs that they have given. Perhaps through works like this, people will start to examine past feelings or events that they have explained away as coincidences. Sometimes the signs will not come through for years after a loved one’s passing, and many times a person may need the help of a respected medium to start the communication process.

    Unfortunately, many people may have experienced incidents from their departed loved ones but have chosen not to mention them to anyone in fear that others will embarrass them or think that they are seeing apparitions. In writing this book, many people have told me their own stories of unusual occurrences that happened to them after a loved one passed.

    Many scientists are now exploring consciousness, multiple universes, telepathic communication, the density of the earth’s materials, our planet, and even the density of our physical bodies as it pertains to the distances between atoms, vibrational wavelengths, and all the unknowns. These questions and others have interested us for eons. Scientists are now developing actual and theoretical answers to these questions through physics and quantum mechanics experiments.

    There are many mysteries in our earthly dimension that we really do not comprehend. It seems reasonable that perhaps the mysteries surrounding the afterlife dimensions could also be incomprehensible but valid. For those who are interested in more about quantum physics, the book Quantum Enigma by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner goes into detail about what we now know or can surmise about quantum physics.

    Books and scientific papers have been written about the possibilities of many worlds and universes. In fact, David Deutsch is a British physicist who developed the quantum computer that shows 256 different universes at this time. As of this writing, NASA has discovered seven earthlike planets orbiting a fairly new and nearby star forty light-years away according to Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of NASA.

    For simplicity’s sake, I have used the word God to describe the intelligent being, the all there is, the divine, and the many other names often used to specify the one that created this universe.

    For the purpose of simplicity, I start my remarks and questions to Sue and my Spirit Guides with brackets [], and I preface spirit guide conversations with the notation Spirit Guides in italics and quotation marks. Sue’s conversations begin with her name in bold.

    Some readers will believe, some readers will not believe; however, hopefully, some will keep an open mind and start considering what is written here.



    Research on After-Death


    Two nights after my beloved wife’s death, I was sitting at my dining room table and doing some paperwork when the five overhead floodlights in the vaulted ceiling started flashing more brightly than ever. They flashed back and forth at a tremendous speed that was similar to an ambulance’s or police car’s emergency lights. This happened the next night too but then never happened again.

    At my desk in my home office on the third morning after Sue’s passing, I heard some complete conversations coming through my mind. Sue told me through telepathy that she had flashed the lights on and off to show me she was still alive and would communicate to me through various signs and conversations. She wanted to tell me not only that she was not only alive in a dimension that we and the Bible call heaven but also that she felt love and joy beyond comprehension. She said that through the unconditional love we had developed for each other over the years, she wanted to help lighten my overwhelming sorrow and sadness by showing me that she—her spirit, her personality—was indeed alive and healthy in another world.

    Not knowing about or even thinking about life after death, I did not know what was happening when Sue’s activities began. I began an intensive search to truly find out what was going on, and I found that there was a pattern that our loved ones used to communicate with us that couldn’t be ignored. I also found that as many as 52 percent of people who have suffered a loss through death have had some kind of after-death communication. From my internet searches and books with hundreds of stories from ordinary people about the signs they have received from their departed loved ones, I found multiple ways the departed show us that they are indeed alive in another dimension.

    Through all these events, I came to believe that Sue was telling me that she was alive in another place and that I should not continue to grieve her loss because there was truly life after death, even though she had left behind her physical body. Through her communications I have come to realize that there is a higher intelligence that created the earth and the entire universe and that love is the highest emotion of all.

    Even though I intellectually knew she was indeed alive, it took me several months to believe it on an emotional level. I then realized that death as we have come to know it is only the beginning of a wonderful, loving, spectacular life in a place that we can only try to imagine.

    This began the almost daily occurrence of my writing by longhand in a journal and then transcribing these notes into my computer when I had time. Most of the time, Sue’s conversations occurred in the early morning as I sat in my home office. I either wrote them down or talked into a tape recorder and then transcribed them to my computer. But sometimes I was in a restaurant when she started coming through, and I had to grab a pen and a napkin to record them. Most of her visualizations came at night just as I was going to bed or when I woke up in the middle of the night.

    To further show me that she was indeed alive in a different world, late at night when I was in bed, a sound might awaken me. A phone would ring when the landline was no longer there, or a honk would come from a little bicycle horn she used to call me while she was in a wheelchair after the operation for her brain tumor. Sue says that the vibrations are still there and that she can use them to communicate with me.

    When I was fully awake, one of her signs might come in a dramatic way. Many times it was a strong smell of her favorite fragrance or perhaps something else that I might recognize. Sue said she could be in her new world, learning and developing knowledge, and through her thoughts she could also be in many places at once, including communicating with me.

    Sue’s conversation came into my mind not as an actual voice like you would hear when you were talking with someone on our earthly plane but as thoughts. She communicated in full sentences, I believe, since she did a lot writing and public speaking while she’d been on earth.

    Prior to my research after Sue’s passing, much of the after-death communication (ADC) discussed below happened to me as

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