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Tales of the Peacemaker: Order of the Immortals
Tales of the Peacemaker: Order of the Immortals
Tales of the Peacemaker: Order of the Immortals
Ebook53 pages51 minutes

Tales of the Peacemaker: Order of the Immortals

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This book tells us some of the immortal ranks. As Zeffron got a promotion, we know they have ranks, so we should know what some of them are. It picks up from where book 8 leaves off and tells how each rank is gotten. It is much shorter than book 8, so young ones dont get discouraged by its size.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 10, 2018
Tales of the Peacemaker: Order of the Immortals

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    Tales of the Peacemaker - Ashley Hall

    Copyright © 2018 by Ashley Hall.

    ISBN:                  Softcover                        978-1-9845-2772-1

                                eBook                             978-1-9845-2771-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    Rev. date: 05/11/2018





    About Me


    About Some From Each Group Of The Immortal Ranks

    After Griffite

    Becoming A Universe


    I will start by telling you about myself. My name is Sam Peacemaker. My mother was called Sam Achak. The family name changed when I got promoted to ezzran. It became easier to pronounce for others, no longer meaning spirit. I am a griffite with twelve ages as all griffites. I am female but can appear male. I am an immortal. My hair is long and black, but it turns bright red if I get very angry. My eyes are bright blue, but they turn ebony when I am concentrating hard. My skin is olive toned. When I laugh, it sounds to others as either bells chiming or birds singing.

    I have many magic types. Those magic types are mermaid, dragon, crystal, fairy, races the north wind, races the south wind, elf, sunbeam, moonbeam, spell caster, water sphinx, fire sphinx, dewdrop, music, aklantis, electricity, power, fire-ash, water-ice, ancient, stars, and atom. I am among the forty who have control of a jeweled katana. This weapon can kill an immortal or give one a very unique gift, a child that is also an immortal, depending on how it is used. I was born by this weapon.

    When I appear to be male, my hair shortens to ear length. I have been an immortal for thousands of years. Mother gave up immortality so she could get one below her to get a promotion to an ardent and get me promoted to an ezzran. To read about that, read Log of Guardian Zeffron.

    My griffite age is seven. My lugie age is one hundred. My phoenix age is fifty. My viva age is twelve. My ezzran age is ten. My chaos age is twenty. I age as an ardent fifteen. My galaxy age is three hundred. As a solar system, my age is nineteen. As an immortal, I am two hundred. As a magic, I lived three thousand years. As a nonmagic, I lived eight years. All told, I am 3,741 years old. I am still very young and have much to learn.

    Here are some facts about each of my magic:

    A mer is part fish, can communicate with sea life, and is also a very good swimmer.

    A dragon can fly, be invisible, and breathe fire.

    Crystals are among the first in each galaxy able to know energy signatures. They are very calm.

    A fairy is able to fly, can be the size of a butterfly, and is very good at gardening.

    Races the north wind is a very fast runner. They can run fast enough to bring the winter winds.

    Races the south wind is a very fast runner. They can run fast enough to bring the summer winds.

    An elf can be very mischievous and can make gems. They can also be the size of a butterfly but can’t fly as fairies can.

    Sunbeams live in the sunlight and are only seen from dawn to dusk.

    Moonbeams live in the moonlight and are only seen from dusk to dawn. Both sunbeams and moonbeams can be seen if a solar eclipse occurs.

    Spell casters, called witches and warlocks by others, make most spells. They can cast spells without talking.

    Water sphinxes are made of water and clean the water around them. They can be unseen when in the water.


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