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Seder to Sunday Step into Scripture: A Bible Study for Easter
Seder to Sunday Step into Scripture: A Bible Study for Easter
Seder to Sunday Step into Scripture: A Bible Study for Easter
Ebook104 pages53 minutes

Seder to Sunday Step into Scripture: A Bible Study for Easter

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Do you wish you could have walked beside Jesus? Would you do a Bible study if it were as exciting as watching a movie? Well, scripture is the script! It unfolds a drama filled with moral struggles, betrayal, friendships, villains, and undying hope. It is also evidence of the supernatural, with all the special effects! But best of all, it is a true story of eternal devotion, where God makes the ultimate sacrifice for those he loves.

Seder to Sunday—Step into Scripture is a Bible study for Easter that is inspired by this cinematic experience, and author Susan K. Boyd offers you the opportunity to view biblical events as an epic film—and then step into any scene to take an active part. You can experience the seder Passover during the last supper before walking with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane when soldiers surround you and the disciples to arrest Jesus. And after standing inside the courtyard with Peter and awaiting Jesus’s trial, you will stand at the foot of the cross. Finally, with a renewed appreciation for our Lord’s sacrifice, you will experience that historical resurrection day—Easter!

Your unique perspective brings Seder to Sunday to life! So step into scripture and discover a world that may possibly change yours forever as the scriptures come alive in your imagination.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 20, 2018
Seder to Sunday Step into Scripture: A Bible Study for Easter

Susan K. Boyd

Susan K. Boyd MS, LMFT, author of 6 books, is a Bible Teacher, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and featured speaker. She and Jerry, married over 54 years have a son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.

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    Seder to Sunday Step into Scripture - Susan K. Boyd

    Copyright © 2018 Susan K. Boyd.

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    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-3837-7 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-3836-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018910257

    WestBow Press rev. date: 09/18/2018





    1. Seder Dinner: Celebrating Passover

    2. Bad News: Betrayal

    3. Who Is the Greatest?

    4. Prayer and Preparation in the Garden

    5. The Traitor’s Kiss and the Savior’s Sword

    6. Denial

    7. Six Trials

    8. Crucifixion

    9. Love and Loss

    10. Sunday Resurrection



    To my dear son: I love you and am so thankful for you! I admire your strong faith and the way you love God and his Scripture. I pray God blesses your children and someday their children as they enjoy the adventure of studying God’s Word and sharing his love with others!

    Seder to Sunday Preview


    I watched you kneel before Judas,

    His filthy feet in your hands.

    You’re not all clean, you spoke of his heart,

    But he refused to understand.


    You stepped up to the soldiers.

    I AM he, you made yourself known.

    We fought for you in the garden,

    But then we left you all alone.

    Trial and Crucifixion

    You stood innocent before Pilate.

    I heard the crowd shout, Crucify!

    All of our hopes were nailed to your cross

    The day we watched you die.

    Easter Sunday

    You rose while we were sleeping.

    Then we saw you everywhere,

    On the road to Emmaus and in a room.

    The tomb? You’re no longer there!


    When I was young watching epic movies at the Fox Theater, I didn’t simply sink back into my chair as a spectator; I felt like I stepped into the picture and onto the screen. When Moses (Charlton Heston) led a million people out of Egypt while being chased by Pharaoh (Yul Brenner) and his soldiers in chariots, I was there. When Moses raised his arms in prayer and the Red Sea miraculously parted, I was there too! I wondered what it would be like to step between two enormous walls of water with nothing but my faith. I have great memories of those afternoons when I joined the characters on the wide screen in all their circumstances.

    Today, people get help interacting with movie plots. IMAX theaters move viewers into the picture. 3-D movies transport the picture out to the audience. Home theaters bring the movie atmosphere to where people live. And most interactive of all are the video and virtual reality games. They feature the players as the stars of the show, placing them in the middle of all the action.

    Whether playing a game or watching others on the big screen, many want to participate. I understand that feeling. I was engaged in every way possible in the sights, sounds, and stories of the people I wanted to see. As a child, I tried to find the seat that would allow me the best view of the movie. I still do this; maybe you do too.

    The cinema experience was the inspiration for creating Seder to Sunday: Step into Scripture, a Bible Study for Easter. This book is the first in the Step into Scripture Bible study series. This is your opportunity to view biblical events as an epic film and

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