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Speaking of the Spirit: A Collection of Short Stories
Speaking of the Spirit: A Collection of Short Stories
Speaking of the Spirit: A Collection of Short Stories
Ebook62 pages51 minutes

Speaking of the Spirit: A Collection of Short Stories

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This is the author’s third book after two volumes of poetry, and she has enjoyed writing these spiritually connected short stories after her time as poet. She is changing hats now to work in fictional short stories. Speaking of the Spirit includes some deeply involved feelings for the faithful delivered in both drama and humor. It is less burdened with religion so that the readers can connect the dots for a fuller image of each story, giving it your personal interpretation to deliver its message. There is a short summary of each story in the book's foreword to give you an idea what each story is about. She hopes you enjoy reading these stories, which should give you your mind's worth of thought. For questions or comments, you can contact Ms. Yess Tran via [email protected]. God Bless.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 9, 2018
Speaking of the Spirit: A Collection of Short Stories

Jeanne-Marie Yess Tran

Jeanne-marie Yess Tran, lived in Boston for 12 years, immersed in the history and culture before moving to Florida where she pursued a BA in English at the University of Central Florida, and the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, for an MA in Special Education and devoted herself to a Kindergarten-3rd Grade Severely Emotionally Disturbed/Mentally Ill population, a job to love. She has been writing since she was in Elementary school.

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    Speaking of the Spirit - Jeanne-Marie Yess Tran

    Copyright © 2018 by Jeanne-marie Yess Tran.

    ISBN:                    Softcover                            978-1-9845-5738-4

                                 eBook                                   978-1-9845-5737-7

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    Rev. date: 11/30/2018







    A Matter Of Faith

    Cryptic Sacraments

    G.I. Jane

    My Afternoon With Spinoza and Sartre

    Adam and Eve: The Real Story

    A Roman Story


    This book would never have been written without the influence of one special friend who is very spiritual and, like me, Catholic. But that doesn’t mean this book was written for Catholics. Issues in faith occur with every religion, I just happen to know the issues in my faith well enough to write about them.

    For the most part, every story in this book has a piece of my life in it, so details may be creative, but the plots are pretty much true to life. I don’t think I could write a book about faith that was fully fictional. Even the story about Spinoza and Sartre has a basis in reality; they were a couple of dear friends with whom I went to religious weekend retreats in high school, and how my faith did flourish at these retreats. My Italian dad had a great deal of skepticism about these retreats where all of us Juniors and Seniors in high school would all get together and sleep over at the churches hosting the retreats in their catechism spaces and would sleep with our own pillows and blankets on the carpeted floors and talk half the nights about which sessions we went to and how we were so excited for the sessions of the next day.

    Now, nearly 40 years later, I’m still leaning toward a leader in my spiritual life, and so lucky I am to have my dear friend, Jerry, who writes me often, and more often when I am in a crisis. He keeps my thinking straight and reminds me of the spiritual goals I have when I am in a quandary. Indeed, I am so lucky! It was his influence that made me collect these stories for the interest of others to share and for others to compare to their own religious experiences. And I believe that Jerry was given the task of helping keep me on the straight path so I can keep believing in the faith that gives me the life I need. How lucky am I! Jerry not only helps me with my faith but with my writing, too.

    Thanks, Jerry, for all you are!!!


    As I mentioned in the acknowledgement, all of my stories are based on life experiences of my own.

    A Matter of Faith is based on a high school love gone awry 30 years before and getting a surprise bouquet of 2 dozen red roses astonishing everyone at the school where I taught.

    In the short story Cryptic Sacraments, this is my turning point in my faith after being disillusioned by one evening with my Pastor.

    G.I. Jane is absolutely true right down to the testing day with the M-16’s where the Chaplain gets me through a spiritual crisis.

    My Afternoon with Spinoza And Sartre is almost a play after the film My Dinner With Andre. It takes place at a little café in Montreal, where I am having a philosophical discussion between Baruch Spinoza, Dutch theologian of the 1600’s of pantheistic faith (a belief in all gods) and Jean Paul Sartre, an early 1900’s existentialist (regards existence as unexplainable

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