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Rise Before the Son: Advice for Single Mothers on Raising Successful Boys
Rise Before the Son: Advice for Single Mothers on Raising Successful Boys
Rise Before the Son: Advice for Single Mothers on Raising Successful Boys
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Rise Before the Son: Advice for Single Mothers on Raising Successful Boys

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About this ebook

Jenieka L. Pearson wakes up every day knowing that she’s either going to be a student to her son or a teacher.

As a single mother, she’s found she’s needed to be both if she wants to raise a man, which is something her own family thought impossible. When her son was just a year old, the author had to listen to her grandfather give a sermon focusing on a mother could never raise a son to be a man.

Despite those sentiments, she never stressed about if her boy was going to have a man in his life. She never felt the need to date and rush to be in a relationship with a man who might become her husband for the sake of her son. But she was always aware that society had different expectations.

She remains steadfast in her belief that women can raise their boys to be strong, successful, business oriented, goal driven, and powerful. It starts with how mothers spiritually connect with and speak to their boys.

Set a tone for growth, nurture the mother-son bond, and help your child establish a foundation for success with the lessons in Rise before the Son.
Release dateApr 11, 2019
Rise Before the Son: Advice for Single Mothers on Raising Successful Boys

Jenieka L. Pearson

Jenieka L. Pearson is a single mother of a son and two daughters as well as a business professional in corporate America. She earned an associate degree in business from Greenville Technical College in Greenville, South Carolina, and is an Eastern Star in the International Free and Accepted Modern Masons, Inc. She enjoys uplifting and mentoring single mothers.

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    Rise Before the Son - Jenieka L. Pearson

    Copyright © 2019 Jenieka L. Pearson.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-7079-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-7080-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019904122

    iUniverse rev. date:   04/10/2019


    Transparency Reactive Theory

    Building Traits:

    Transparent means: (of a material or article) allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen having thoughts, feelings, or motives that are easily perceived.

    Reactive means: acting in response to a situation rather than creating or controlling it.

    1. Theory: a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.

    A set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based

    An idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action.


    Chapter 1   The Birthing Process

    Chapter 2   The Choice is yours

    Chapter 3   The Process: Moving Forward

    Chapter 4   Sacrifice for Success

    Chapter 5   Remove the Veil: The Blessing is underneath

    Chapter 6   The Love levels

    Chapter 7   Process and Patience

    Chapter 8   Listen to hear with your Heart

    Chapter 9   The Power in First Steps and Time Management

    Chapter 10   How to humble yourself through it all

    Chapter 11   Ignorance is not Knowing / Knowledge is Key

    Chapter 12   Leave Your Deficiency out of the Process




    Giving birth to my son was a very simple and successful process. "Raising my boy is the challenge. My son and I help each other out. You may wonder how my son" manages to help me out. If you are, I will tell you and explain the growth that raising my boy alone has allowed me to see how powerful I really am. You see my boy doesn’t realize, most of the time that he is teaching me every answer to every question that I may have on that given day about him. I recognize it and it makes the gift that much greater. Every day when I rise, I know instantly that I am either going to be a student to my son today or a teacher. Regardless he is going to get, mommy; the teacher or mommy, the student, no matter my situation in that present time and day. It is my responsibility to be aware and conscious of that belief, always, for the benefit of my son being raised by me, his single mom.

    It was on a cold winter day, shortly after the Christmas day, that I gave birth to my son. My son is my first born child. I knew absolutely nothing about raising a child and to be raising a child that is a boy; I had no clue but what I did know was that I didn’t know anything about raising a baby boy. I grew up in a household with both of my parents. My mother and my father were married and living together with two children. I always had my mom and my dad as a support system throughout life. I knew that the two of them together would protect me and my sister from whatever we faced. There was never a night or day that I didn’t see the both of my parents and kiss them before bed. I often time would feel sorry for my boy because I knew that I would never be able to relate to him on his childhood level. The reason being was that I had both of my parents, with me, at all times. That was a fact that I never worried about growing up because there was always a sense of security and I knew that I would have my parents by myside.

    Growing up I was raised in church and we lived a very traditional life. My grandfather was a pastor of several churches, so it was always known that the entire family would attend church every week no matter what came up. And we did. I became pregnant with my son in my 20’s and I was not married; however I was engaged. At that time everything felt right. I saw myself birthing my son, having a husband and a family of my own. My story didn’t quite turn out the way that I had intended it to, and I was ok with that.

    No child ever asks to be brought into this world. They deserve to be treated as precious jewels no matter the circumstance. I believe that every parent has their own special bond with their child, and it can’t be compared to anything else. The parent must be willing and receptive to their child to hear and understand their connection for that bond to grow. I held my tears back on several occasions and told myself, you will be the best mom that you can be. It was easy for me to look past some of what I felt like should have been different; but on other days, not so much.

    I eventually sat down and talked to my grandfather about it and he being the traditional man that he was advised me that I should work the kinks out because he believed that only a man could raise a boy how to be a man in life.

    I will never forget that sermon that my Grandfather preached and said that a mother could NEVER raise her son how to be a man. I knew that the sermon was for me, as I sat in the congregation with my 1yr old boy. It hurt me to some degree but I quickly got over it because that was not what I believed and felt from within. During that time, I did not realize that I didn’t believe what

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