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I Was Told That He Wouldn’t Survive: My Dear Son
I Was Told That He Wouldn’t Survive: My Dear Son
I Was Told That He Wouldn’t Survive: My Dear Son
Ebook82 pages1 hour

I Was Told That He Wouldn’t Survive: My Dear Son

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Just weeks after Jodi Lenaghen Daly miscarried the first of her twins, she began feeling pain in her abdomen. Five months pregnant and terrified, Jodi was rushed to the hospital where she was told that if she gave birth, it was likely her son would not survive. After nine days of labor and agonizing worry, Jodi gave birth to a tiny baby. Little Michael James weighed just one pound, twelve ounces.

In a candid retelling of her life before, during, and after his birth, Jodi details how she became determined to help her son overcome every obstacle before him, despite the demands that accompanied her life as a single mother. As she reveals how she focused on raising Michael while researching how to help him persevere through his difficulties and mature into a responsible and healthy adult, Jodi provides inspiration and hope to other mothers feeling overwhelmed with the challenges of caring for a child with special abilities.

I Was Told That He Wouldn’t Survive shares the true story of a single mother’s journey through love, perseverance, and hope after her son was born fifteen weeks premature.
Release dateApr 11, 2019
I Was Told That He Wouldn’t Survive: My Dear Son

Jodi Lenaghen Daly

Jodi Lenaghen Daly is a single mother whose son, Michael, was born over three months premature. She currently resides in Minoa, New York. This is her first book.

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    Book preview

    I Was Told That He Wouldn’t Survive - Jodi Lenaghen Daly

    Copyright © 2019 Jodi Lenaghen Daly.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2216-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2215-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2217-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019903263

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 06/26/2021


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    This book is

    dedicated to my dear son.

    A special Thank You to the high school

    students that have assisted me with Web

    Design and Graphic Design.


    As I lay there in the morning light, a slight cramp in my lower abdomen awoke me. After a few seconds it disappeared, only to return again at any moment. This took place several times, so the second that my doctor’s office opened, at seven o’clock, I called and was told to meet the doctor at the hospital.

    I was so scared, so nervous! It was only a little over a month and a half since I had lost the first of the twins. They were in different sacks. This one had to be alright! I couldn’t lose this one also! I’m thirty three years old, I’ve wanted this baby for so many years. Oh please don’t let anything happen to this baby! I kept saying to myself.

    While the doctor examined me, he said, You are in labor. This baby is coming. You can deliver it here and we will send the baby to Albany. You will need to go separately, or, we can send you right now to Syracuse and you will deliver the baby there.

    I want to go to Syracuse so I can stay with my baby, I replied. My heart was pounding! My mind was racing!

    I asked one of the nurses to please call my sister Lori and tell her. I was there by myself. I kept praying for the strength and the wisdom to do what I needed to do.

    So many things were rushing through my mind. I was only five months along. Would my baby live or die? What kind of problems would this create for my baby? How would I take care of things? How would I prepare for this baby? How would I work to pay the rent and care for my baby’s needs at the same time? Why wasn’t the cerclage that was sewn into my cervix holding my baby inside of my uterus?

    It had only been a little over a month and a half since I miscarried the first baby of the twins. Even though I was told everything looked alright for this baby, I still needed to be very careful, which I had been trying to do.

    The ambulance ride to Syracuse is a blur. Once at the hospital in Syracuse, the doctors immediately attached leads to my abdomen so they could keep track of the baby. I was so scared that I would lose this baby also! The contractions did not stop coming. I continued by myself. I continued to pray for strength and wisdom.

    I was told, You are way too early for us to be able to save the baby, if born now. We can try to hold off delivery to keep the baby inside of you for as long as possible. There are no guarantees. Be prepared because, it’s very likely that the baby will not make it!

    I told the doctor, I don’t care what I have to go through! Please, do what you need to do! I can’t lose this baby!

    The days all ran together. I could eat and drink very little. Too many times to count, the nurses came running in to help me because, once again, I was having a full contraction.

    I had spent so much time in tears! I don’t know how to fix this! I don’t know how to stop this! Now I could lose this baby also! No! I can’t lose this one! I’ve waited too long to have a child!, I kept repeating to myself. I laid there completely alone, except for the doctors and nurses.

    I continually went over in my mind how careful I had been. Before I became pregnant, I only ate health food. As soon as I found out that I was pregnant, I became even more careful about the food that I ate. I needed to stay very healthy in order to have a healthy baby. None of that even matters now. I still could lose this baby!

    After nine days of having contractions, laying flat in the hospital bed, the doctors came in and said, You are dilated over five centimeters. The cerclage is ripping your cervix, we need to go in and take it out now! Your baby will be born soon!

    The doctors went in and removed the cerclage and wheeled me down to another room. My contractions intensified and came closer together. The hospital called my sister Lori and told her it was time. She called the hospital on another line and I

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