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Remember: Reincarnation Astrology
Remember: Reincarnation Astrology
Remember: Reincarnation Astrology
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Remember: Reincarnation Astrology

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Reincarnation is a tool that Earth uses to transcend duality. We incarnate for the sake of the universe and we are the will of Earth and Heaven. We are awakened potentials that take form on this Earth. We are a song that the universe hums...

Awaken to who you are &

remember who you are!

Remembering is awakening.

Release dateSep 9, 2021
Remember: Reincarnation Astrology

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    Remember - Ahura Sevgi Alis Yildirim

    Remember Reincarnation Astrology

    Yildirim, Sevgi Alis Ahura

    Copyright ©2021, New York City Books

    All Rights Reserved

    Including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

    A part of this publication may be referred with the written permission of New York City Books.

    Published by New York City Books

    Translator Mehlika Özge Esirgen

    Cover Design Alper Tornacı

    Author Contact      [email protected]

    AARAD Society

    New York City Books

    ISBN: 978-1-0879-8571-8

    Published September 2021

    To Pythagoras,

    the unquenchable light of humanity...



    FOREWORD ...10

    CHAPTER I ...17


    Remembering According to the MoonPhases...38

    The Skill of Using Retrograde Periodsof Planets to Remember Past Lives...52

    The Retrograde and Remembering...56

    Dreams of Remembering...76

    CHAPTER II ...79

    GATES ...124

    Retrograde and Direct Gates ...124

    0°-29° Gates ...158

    Main Gate ...161

    Memories Activated in Decanates ...169

    Moon Meditation and Meditation of theNines ...170

    STORY OF THE SOUL ...185

    Gates and Their Significance ...199

    CHAPTER III ...225

    SATURN ...226


    Finding the Soul's Planet of Incarnation ...240

    AFTERWORD ...251


    Our Fabulous Alternative Creation            Story ...252

    DICTIONARY ...265


    The book you hold in your hands, Remember, is the result of my years of learning Hermetic astrology and applying it to my life with my valued teacher and advisor Aleksandar Imsiragic. As I will be expressing in my book, I have no intention of defending the validity or invalidity of reincarnation. My main purpose in writing the book is to make use of the language of mythology, alchemy and astrology our ancestors had used by showing how they perceived the cycle of birth and death thousands of years ago. In doing so, I would like to open a window from the past, into the present. In this way, I feel the happiness of contributing to the study of karma and reincarnation, which are fields of study of astrology, by astrologers in a deeper way. Therefore, it turns out that Remember is a textbook in the field of reincarnation and karma. I belive that one who cannot comprehend her past cannot fully give a meaning to her present. I would very much like you to know my team, who made a unique contribution to my journey of realization of this pre-supposition.

    Sociologist Ahura Sevgi Alis Yıldırım

    "Man is a memory
    that has to remember himself."


    I have been mainly interested in two approaches of the philosophers and scientists in history of social thought as well as history of philosophy while I was continuing my sociology major: trying to comprehend an experience through understanding & trying to explain an experience through experiment and observation. There are two edge points our species have reached to make a cause and effect connection for we have gone through in our adventure of civilization. As a sociologist I have observed in psychology, anthropology, social psychology and sociology that the greatest function of science was to transform the tension of death for our species. Through various ways, the social science continuously and regularly helps us to produce different tools to transform the tension our species experience in the face of death. Once we observe in a deeper way, we see that we want to find a way to live longer and strive to survive in each breath. We should understand that we do these to comfort that part of ours that is afraid of death. I remember a meaningful sentence I heard from my brother, whose sun and ascendant are in Scorpio, on a day that we lost a loved one: "Life is built on death.". Therefore, science is a means of condolence for death. If you see our species through my lenses, you will see a reference point at a bottom line where our inventions are based on, which shows us that our inventions intend to cure our tension of death.

    We know that the fundamental necessity of the man, who laid the foundations of civilized relationships by settling in caves, is to meet his physical needs and his need for safety. Sociologists say that man’s need for safety finally gave birth to a huge organizational system called society. The need for safety has been the main reference point for the establishment of the organization we today call family. Therefore, the reference point of family is human’s need for safety. We meet our need of safety by establishing families. As you see, even the act of creating a family itself is a transformer of the tension of death. If you read some sociological research, you probably have noticed that sociology is concerned about how people come together, organize themselves as well as the formation, structuring, progress and maintenance of the society. I believe the most profound point we can discover can only be achieved through understanding the ‘family’ which is the nucleus of society. Living as a society definetly satisfies the need for safety of our species and minimizes the tension of death. Feeling safe is as primary as eating, drinking and finding shelter for human beings. Society will continue to exist as long as humans fear death. 

    You can observe that all the written, oral, official or traditional structuring in the society are means that are introduced in the cases where one threatens the safety of another.

    It can be stated that all the social rules and values arise from the fear-based relationship that our species have developed with the concept of death. Could the fear of death really be the fundamental feeling which the civilization is built on? Could it be true that humanity has established tremendous civilizations just to feel safe?

    Why did I feel the need to write such an introduction for my book, which is about reincarnation and  explains the process of reincarnation by using Astrology, one of the most influential fields of ancient philosophy?

    My main reason to write this book on reincarnation is to help people transform their tension of death. And I don’t feel the need to debate about the basis of my assertive sentences above because this is not a book of sociological discussion. Nevertheless, I feel that writing a book which highlights that people can transform their tension of death into peace can help them in an effective way. The purpose of this book is nothing but helping you.

    The main thesis of reincarnation is hidden in the following sentence; Dying is transformation. It is only a process of transformation that you are exposed to.  I am not writing this book for those who believe in reincarnation or others who do not. Because it is a not process that exists or not because of your beliefs. And I am not writing it for the curious either; because there are already many valuable books written for this purpose. I am writing this book for a very simple and clear purpose that is easy to understand. It is helping people to transform their tension of death. That’s all.

    Reincarnation means being re-born by definition. Some approaches regarding reincarnation highlight that only the body can reincarnate and the soul cannot; while others state that only a part of the soul reincarnates.  In this book, I will state that both the body and the metaphor called soul- yes, both- can incarnate. I explain how, where and through which stages the soul is attracted to Earth’s energy field as well as how the body becomes activated on Earth by passing through a specific field and how it is formed on Earth. I explain that the soul and the body incarnate in different spaces and processes that are unique to them. The soul and the body are beings independent from one another and their imminent dance begins when the influence of duality comes into play. They unite for a purpose. The reincarnation process itself means duality. The reincarnation process is the most encouraging transformation. Reincarnation process signifies proceeding towards what is new with the help of the power of transformation. The main purpose of reincarnation process is to produce the energy that is necessary to sustain the reincarnation cycle. The purpose of humans’ existence is to produce the energy that is necessary for other beings to continue their incarnation processes. The human being is a source of energy. The energy of thought helps not only our planet Earth but also the incarnation of other beings on other planets.

    Human being is a source of energy that is necessary for the whole universe. As you read this book, you will realize that you, as humans, are not abandoned, forgotten and forsaken beings that were thrown here. Man is the will of the Earth and sky. If you humans do not exist, then none of the planets or beings, that continue their existence through your energy can exist and continue their incarnation process. And the time will cease to exist the way we know it. None of the Gods or Goddesses mentioned in mythology have created you. You are a will. You are a reaction.You are a consequence that arises from the combination of secrets. We call the ones who learn and control these secrets as Gods and Goddesses. That is to say, a God or Goddess can, at the most, know the combination of the secrets that you were born from. Yet they can’t create you from scratch. I invite you to see the great mystery behind the fact that gods control humans, from this perspective. Zeus or Saturn did not create you. They only know how you came into being through the composition of certain secrets. That is why they have the might to control you. In the end, you are a reason for another being’s incarnation. Human is the will of earth and sky.

    The universe has evoked all the relevant potentialities since the time of the first sound, untill the time it reached you. This has happened for an unknown amount of time and finally the universe reached human. The aim of the universe is to activate thinking.  If you observe the Gods and Goddesses in mythology, you will see that each of them has at least an expertise field and none of them creates himself/herself. It is only that the ones who hold the secrets of the stages of manifestation are declared as Gods or Goddesses. For example, Pluto is called Hades, the god of death. We should correct this. We should say: Pluton is Hades and has been declared as a God. Because he has learnt THE SECRET OF DEATH and achieved to control it. What makes a god god is the fact that he has the knowledge of the secrets of the power of all the relevant potentialities that have been evoked since the first sound in the universe. The Gods cannot create the will of the universe. The first sound is the real parent of humans. That is why the human soul is a music that begins with sound and comes into being through a transformation. You will read in this book the journey of the soul that becomes ready to incarnate once transformed into music.

    The book is a textbook as well. It especially possesses gifts to offer to those astrologers who aim to specialize in reincarnation in astrology. It is a book full of interesting information, methods and perspectives which I hope will inspire you. I wish that it will support you in your journey of making life more meaningful and peaceful for you, your families and your clients…

    Are you ready to take the journey to the End of the Earth and to here, from the Threshold of that End? Are you ready for death and life?

    Let us begin then.


    Let us leave behind the memorized definitions of reincarnation and go back to its essential theses so that we can fully grasp what it really is. Here are the essential theses of reincarnation:

    1.There is a soul and a body, and they are two separate beings.

    2.The soul has all the knowledge. In its DNA storage, the body keeps the memory of other humans who lived on Earth before us, i.e., our ancestors. And it transmits that memory from one generation to another.

    3.Learning is actually remembering. (In honor of Plato’s famous saying: knowing is remembering)

    4.Everything that exists is constantly in transformation. Everything in nature is in interaction with one another and continue their transformation every moment by affecting one another.

    We experience duality on this planet, which creates a very interesting story. We exist in accordance with the flow, the principles and natural laws of this planet. We are a final result that is derived after a series of awakenings as a result of the interaction between the evoked potentials. Therefore, as beings who produce thoughts, we are the purpose of the universe. We are the result of the evoked potentials. We are awakened potentials. Being human was just one of our potentials. The main purpose of the universe for itself is to construct a system that can produce thoughts. Being able to start thinking is the vital source of energy production that is necessary for the universe to continue its existence and incarnation. In a way, man is the nutritional source of the universe. Man is very precious. The forces who know this great secret have always forbidden men to kill one another, and man is just learning to give up this bad practice because deep down, he feels the impossibility of dying.

    What is a human? Human is a potential in the universe. Whatever this potential interacts with, it becomes a subject to the principles of this new space and takes shape according to them. This relationship is definitely mutual. This potential transmits all the other potentials that are in accordance with those principles into the memory of the planet as well. The human is potentially a memory. He is not an ordinary transmitter. He is the memory itself. The human is the memory of

    the universe.

    He carries the knowledge of being the memory of the universe in his DNA and his spiritual transformation. The human consists of bodies, which indicates that he transmits knowledge from each level of his bodies. The human is the awakened potential. The human is time. He is a knowledge awakened in the memory of the universe. This knowledge, that is the human, is activated when a light becomes sufficient in its evolution towards being a soul, interacts with the planet Earth and takes a place in the field of duality. Therefore, it is not the human who brings duality onto his planet. Because the human has not come to this planet from another place. What comes to this

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