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Happy Stories
Happy Stories
Happy Stories
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Happy Stories

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The following short stories are but a few of the many stories I could tell about real people and real things.

You will find that the stories are for all ages. These are all happy stories. If you like them read my autobiography. It is titled “The Amazing Life of Mr. Bill” and then it was changed to “Mr. Bill What A Life” and then to “What A Life”.

Also read the three books about Captain Worthy’s sailing warships. They are adventure thrillers that Captain Worthy has on the high seas with fighting pirates and Spanish warships. It has many characters, a love story, and strange events. It is entitled “Captain Worthy’s Warship Adventures”. Also please read another story I have written called Port Haven.
Release dateMay 30, 2019
Happy Stories

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    Happy Stories - William Milborn

    © 2019 William Milborn. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 05/29/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1412-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1411-2 (e)

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    My Dear Deer Friend

    The Tall Thin Man

    A Magic Moment

    A Short Story

    My Myna Bird With A Mind

    Black Poodle vs Black Cat





    I am known hereabouts as Billy Boy but my friends call me Lover Boy. My good friend who works with me at the mill is called Bobby Boy. We go in there everyday clean as could be–clean uniforms, everything–but when we leave, we are as white as ghosts. We cannot keep that flour or whatever else we are milling from coating us.

    Today, we left at the end of the second shift and didn’t bother to change or wash our white faces or white hair. We looked like two ghosts leaving the job that night. I did grab my coat that I wear because it had my wallet in it. We are going to stop at our favorite little place that we like to go after work. As they say, whetting one’s whistle can be the best part of the day.

    Into Bobby Boy’s truck we went and away we went to Tobey’s Bar and Grill. It was more of a bar than a grill. We made short time in getting out of that truck and into the bar seat which had freed up and where many of the first shift boys had already done their drinking and were staggering out of that place bound for home or apartments. As we entered this watering hole, friends would slap us on the back just to see the mill flour explode from our uniforms and to see the mill flour cloud the air around us with whiteness. A lot of the guys lived alone for some reason. We always said that our high school is too short on girls. The rich ones went off to college and somewhere the others were pressed into marrying by an unfortunate incident that occurred on prom night and other nights as well. But that is not my story.

    Bobby Boy and I were introduced to some new beer drink that night. It was Bobby Boy that got me drinking this thing called Boiled Beer.

    It wasn’t long before the smoke and the music, and the drinks were causing everybody to laugh and sing and tell naughty stories. That’s when–you know–we are under the right circumstances to leave.

    I guess my friend Bobby Boy had too many drinks. He was not in the men’s room and sure enough had left, and he left me without a way to get home. I had no car. I guess he thought I must have driven too.

    I said, Bar Keep, I will have one more of those boiled drinks. It’s my ‘one-for-the-road’ before I leave. Thank goodness my home was only two miles on down the road from this old watering hole.

    I whistled and sang for awhile as I walked home and then I suddenly became horribly sleepy and a bit weak. I hoped I could get home before I fell out from those drinks. I thought I must be one-half of the way home by now so I decided to squat and rest a bit. Even though this was a fine road it was seldom used. It was still considered a country road. A poor town’s roads will be of dirt and gravel. I cared that they were paved because they were warm and each night would become cooler. I just sat on that warm pavement. I felt pretty good. I’ll just lay close to the side of this unused road. I will stay warm and nap a spell. My wife won’t know because she is visiting her folks in Carthage.

    I don’t know how long I rested and napped. I saw a car swerving by and heard tires squeal and then I saw the lights flash on and off towards the side of the road. I heard a bump and within several seconds I felt a body, I guess, bump right into the side of me. I was just too numb to move and it was too hard to see in the darkness. I was practically in a coma from that beer boil that I had. So that body that was next to me felt like a part of the body which was throw over my legs while the upper part laid very close to me. As far as I know no other traffic came by.

    I woke up thinking that I had only slept an hour. I felt pretty good and opened my eyes and I was nose-to-nose with some large, beautiful eyes. They were staring directly into mine. We both gave a sudden jerk in surprise because those very large eyes were looking at me so that I could see my own reflection. It was a deer. A fairly small deer but I could hardly tell until I could stand up. That wild deer was petrified. I saw that its hip was bloody but that is all. I pulled myself out from underneath the deer, rubbing behind its ears all the time. I just kept rubbing its ears. It thrust its body forwards and this little

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