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You and Me: A Love Letter to God
You and Me: A Love Letter to God
You and Me: A Love Letter to God
Ebook113 pages1 hour

You and Me: A Love Letter to God

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About this ebook

Everything written in this book is intended as comfort and devotion, not proposed to challenge or replace the reader’s inner wisdom. This book is only sharing my love for God and my rediscovery of His Love for me. I am Home with Him just the way you are.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 12, 2019
You and Me: A Love Letter to God

Victoria Brahe-Wiley

I started working as a switchboard operator after I dropped out of college. I struggled to improve my skills to obtain better jobs. Even though I rose to the position of accountant with a Bachelor of Science Degree, I was drowning in the emptiness every step of the way. In the miracle of retirement, I felt again the relationship I had with God as a small child. He introduced me to the book within which Christ called The Kingdom of Heaven. As He turned the pages of this precious, unique spiritual guide, I discovered who I am and who I will always be. As I look back over those years of struggle, thinking I was alone and a separate self from everyone, I see the value of that period. That loneliness carved a space within me that only God could fill - as He intended. What I want most in the world is to encourage others to look within to their Real Home. For me, the mundane has become extraordinary. Suffering had a restoring purpose. I was given peace within, my path to which I want to share with you. I want most for you to find your own.

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    You and Me - Victoria Brahe-Wiley

    Copyright © 2019 Victoria Brahe-Wiley.

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    Interior Image Credit: Tiffany G. Matthews & Kristin Jo Freed

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3432-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3433-1 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  09/12/2019

    This book is dedicated to

    Tiffany as consultant, editor, and artist and

    Bob as advisor and as Attorney at Law

    in gratitude for the tireless wisdom, talents, and support

    of these two people

    I will never be able to repay.


    I am grateful for the kindness of Tara Atkins,

    who created the path to this book,

    and to Jeremy Carey, who made this book divine.

    So many other individuals at Balboa Press

    helped me publish this first and last book.

    Tiffany Matthews’ beautiful art

    is shown throughout this book.

    Everything written in this book is intended

    as comfort and devotion, not

    proposed to challenge or replace the

    reader’s inner wisdom.


    Beginning Salutation to You

    1.     Our Beginning

    2.     First Job

    3.     Year of Disasters

    4.     Your Version of Interviewing

    5.     England, Scotland, and Wales

    6.     Job at a University

    7.     Your Gift of Role Models

    8.     Mother and Her Trees

    9.     Popa and Me

    10.   Miracle at My Desk

    11.   Leaving One Home for Another

    12.   Last Job

    13.   Your Spiritual Advisors

    14.   Journey from Anger to Forgiveness

    15.   Happy and Unhappy World from You

    16.   9/11 For Us All

    17.   Death as I Understand It

    18.   Your Teachings of Oneness

    19.   Seeing You Over a Lifetime

    Closing Sentences to You

    My Beloved Lord,

    When I realized I wanted to write a letter of gratitude for Your many teachings of this life, I knew this entire message has to be for You. You are the only one I even begin to relate to within the past two years.

    Your love, humor, teachings, and wisdom the past few years have made me joyous, a state of mind I never imagined I would have all those years when I thought I was a separate, solitary self. Now I experience over and over enormous gratitude that this loneliness will never come back.

    But to You and with You, I would like to bring some of the stories You created about Our past together. These stories, not in sequence, cover a broad span of years with a lot about Our work life because that is what We did for a very long time to the exclusion of other things.

    I am happy You saved these life experiences so I could go back and see Your loving hands outstretched. I trust Your judgment that thinking of being quite different from You and solitary was the right wisdom for all that time.


    Love is Always the Answer


    Our Beginning


    I do not remember any problem connecting with You as a little girl. You were right on my left side every night where I turned to You facing the wall in the dark. I visualized Your face and shoulders quite clearly, slightly brown skin with that soft expression in Your eyes and Your loving smile just at the corner of Your mouth.

    I have never seen Your face with any other expression except the period of this life I imagined You were disappointed in me. But that was years away from my childhood.

    The thought of You having moods, some not so nice, turned me away from books like The Old Testament of The Bible as a child. I could not imagine You being cross with anyone. I listened later in Bible classes when I went to school to hear the teachers say that You were really crabby and sometimes even worse.

    I knew better because I had seen Your face. Now I know Your face was in my mind’s eye. I was nervous when I retired and started an intense study of Your holy books that Your face would change in me. But because You are who You are, I should not have given this fear any thought.

    What was loveliest about these years I never for one moment thought You were not right beside me. I could tell by the tilt of Your head, You were always listening. What I remember most is talking Your ears off. In these sharing moments, no one else existed.

    You gave me an older sister two and a half years older than me. I headed right for her as soon as I could focus. It was probably neat that she wasn’t attached to me. I copied her every move. I am sure it was joyous that I had no idea what she would do.

    As recorded in my baby book by my mother, my first sentence was something my sister had said. To this day, I still write with my left hand having copied my sister when we were both little girls. But, in my defense,

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