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Military Industrial Complex Medical Industrial Complex: Bio-Techno-Terrorist Eara
Military Industrial Complex Medical Industrial Complex: Bio-Techno-Terrorist Eara
Military Industrial Complex Medical Industrial Complex: Bio-Techno-Terrorist Eara
Ebook115 pages49 minutes

Military Industrial Complex Medical Industrial Complex: Bio-Techno-Terrorist Eara

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About this ebook

The world was in complex by idealism, Isolation, Greedy and Conquer, Conquered the real world and outer space replacing God notion.
Military industrial complex combined Medical Industrial Complex launched research on human mind and human body, this world was under selected and followed by Bio-Techno-Terrorists performed tasks, I am the one in this world victims today, I wanted stop this atrocious science research and applied on human as victims and me.
My book proved evidences what was done on me secretly day and night for decades, I sent complaint everywhere I could but no solution.
This is fearful the future slave NARCISSISM!
I fought for that and hope readers to do the same for freedom and rights.
Release dateOct 7, 2019
Military Industrial Complex Medical Industrial Complex: Bio-Techno-Terrorist Eara

Phiem Nguyen

I am Targeted Individuals victim, I am not writer and I am not musician, I am not activist but these horrible things was happened to me, my life, these made me ask Why? Public you could be next and entire world will be next. I shared evidences to you and I denounce this amoral inhumanity research to destroy us all with this technology development recently.

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    Military Industrial Complex Medical Industrial Complex - Phiem Nguyen


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    Dear Reader,

    I accident lost one big part diary note and I don’t have chance to prepare for my book to present diary and to show result tortured, damaged and killed evident diary.

    The dangerous situation our nation and this world will face if this enslave maneuver could not be ended.

    This book is summary some evidences on pictures will lead you into frightening on human rights violations, it can mark the point beginning of slave Narcissism.

    No one and no Government do anything on this subject that victims and I were sent complaints to everywhere we could but hopeless solution.

    Readers will be aware what will happen to you in future.

    Remembered Communism created to kill, to rob, to labor, hunger death and controlled.

    This Slave Narcissism is being created using High-tech Medical field to do mind control, humiliated human dignity, against people will, invaded both subconscious, physical body DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS, humiliated, tortured, abused, sabotaged, damaged, distracted, harmed, illness, diseases, disabled creation, deprived life and killed.

    This situation can be frighten to people in this nation and the whole world will face.

    I present my music describing this science research on my physical woman body and life.

    I will have ebook with videos, please have it to watch DEWS(Directed Energy Weapon) attacking and songs I wrote with music but I am not musician, only one Professional produced please listen.

    Phiem Nguyen

    August 22, 2019

    State College PA








    My letter to CIA

    June 12, 2019

    Dear CIA Director:

    I would like to introduce myself to you, I am Vietnamese American, I fled out Viet Nam when Saigon surrendered to North Viet Nam in 1975, I resident in New Orleans, after Katrina hurricane I moved to Houston then sold house, moved to Horizon City, El Paso then sold house moved to Pennsylvania live with my son because lost from bought house, sold and moved several times, Targeted Individual.

    I am a victim of Targeted Individual I just knew this after August 2010.

    I was in fearfully, frighten and frustrated.

    CIA in your profile or portfolio please let me know why I became target? Who I am? What fate, operation I was bad luck swift into that.


    At my age what reason CIA DESTROYED ME?

    That operation continuing to my teenager then followed me until today.

    I was under CIA secret research against my will, humiliated, tortured, mental terrible abused, killed, my health was paralyzed for 14 years, deprived life.

    Since 2004 until today CIA used DEWs attacked to my brain, both subconscious, my woman body, my organs entire my physical body.

    These technology damaged my beauty, my woman body, damaged my teeth, malfunction my organ system, harassed,

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