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Rules for Radical Christians: A Practical Primer for Defeating Radical Liberals at Their Own Game
Rules for Radical Christians: A Practical Primer for Defeating Radical Liberals at Their Own Game
Rules for Radical Christians: A Practical Primer for Defeating Radical Liberals at Their Own Game
Ebook521 pages7 hours

Rules for Radical Christians: A Practical Primer for Defeating Radical Liberals at Their Own Game

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This book is a brutal expose’ of religion’s failure to keep and preserve our Godly American culture and the unconventional answer to restore the cultural soul that is rightfully ours to maintain. It exposes the history and spiritual influences behind the decline and the process Christians can follow to reverse that decline. Liberals may claim that they are godless Atheists, but the truth is, they are following the doctrines of Lucifer and following a game plan taught by followers of Lucifer. We are losing a spiritual battle by fighting with the tools of the flesh: logic, reason, emotion, science, and the law. We are bound to lose. We need to learn the rules and methods that have been proven to work spiritually against a ruthless spiritual opponent. Liberals know full well that they are fighting for the soul of our nation. We need to realize that the soul they are fighting for is the complete corruption and loss of the Godly soul our founding fathers tried to establish for our nation. It not only presents the problem but also provides the solution to our problem and the promise that the problem of ungodliness in our culture can be reversed. Godliness can be restored. We are also fighting for the soul of our nation. It is NOT the same soul that the Liberals are trying to preserve. They have corrupted our nation by deception. We can restore the national soul they corrupted with the truth.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 4, 2019
Rules for Radical Christians: A Practical Primer for Defeating Radical Liberals at Their Own Game

Nelson R Foster

The author holds a Bachelor in Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute founded by C. Peter Wagner. He has been involved in ministry for 48 years and has taught both at home in private fellowships and publicly as the Associate Pastor of New Revelation Christian Development Center, Smyrna, TN.

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    Rules for Radical Christians - Nelson R Foster

    Copyright © 2019 Nelson R Foster.

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    Part 1: What is Happening Around Us?

    Chapter 1 The State of the Church

    Chapter 2 A Time and Place for Everything

    Chapter 3 How Did Liberals Obtain Power

    Part 2: The Tactics of Radical Christianity

    Section A: You are Spiritual

    Chapter 4 Rules For Liberal Radicals Outlined

    Chapter 5 Experience Matters

    Section B: Spiritual Training

    Chapter 6 A Study of Deception

    Chapter 7 Messing with their Minds

    Chapter 8 Who’s Your Daddy

    Chapter 9 You Can’t Fix Stupid

    Chapter 10 Make Mine a Double

    Section C: Transition

    Chapter 11 Jousting in a Renaissance Festival

    Section D: The Spiritual Battle

    Chapter 12 The Watched Pot Never Boils

    Chapter 13 Take Five!

    Chapter 14 The Price of Spiritual Liberty

    Chapter 15 Hitting The Target

    Part 3: Active Participation in The Spiritual Battle

    Chapter 16 Point / Counterpoint

    Chapter 17 Wars Are Made of Battles

    Chapter 18 Going A.W.O.L.

    Chapter 19 Outright Desertion

    Part 4: Summary and Conclusion

    Chapter 20 The Unforgivable Sin Revealed

    Chapter 21 The Battle Is Won!

    Part 5: Appendices

    Appendix A: American Declaration of Independence

    Appendix B: 1932 Socialist and Communist Political Platforms

    Appendix C: 45 Communist Goals: Read into the Congressional Record 10 January, 1963

    Appendix D: The Public Plan of the New World Order

    Appendix E: Keys to Scriptural Understanding

    Appendix F: Rules for Liberal Radicals

    Appendix G: Rules for Radical Christians

    Appendix H: The Sower and The Seed By: Nelson R Foster

    Appendix I: Wheat and Tares By: Nelson R Foster

    Appendix J: Wheat and Chaff By: Nelson R Foster

    Part 6: Study Resources


    Radical Christianity Master Class

    Live Weekend Seminar

    About the Author

    This book is

    dedicated to my Bible teachers:

    To my first teachers at 36th Street Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan

    To my teachers at St. Paul Lutheran Church,

    Evart, Michigan

    To my teachers at Calvin College and Seminary,

    Grand Rapids, Michigan

    To my teachers at The Way College of Biblical Research Indiana Campus,

    Rome City, Indiana

    To my teachers at the River City Center for Leadership Development, Gallipolis, Ohio

    And to every other religious instructor with

    whom I have been blessed to know, read and hear.

    This book would never have been possible without

    their love, commitment to truth and instruction.

    I especially want to thank my parents:

    My natural parents: Herb and Terry Foster

    My college parents: Rizk and Marilyn Bsharah

    And my parents in Christ: Don and Barb VanderMey.

    I am especially grateful for my family:

    My wife: Reva, who never failed to encourage me

    This book would never have been possible without

    their love and encouragement.

    And to all our children:

    Carrie and Nathaniel,

    Riley, Veronica, and Christopher.

    Their future liberty and ability to know and experience the True God and Father of Jesus Christ are the reason why this book was written. They deserve to know the hidden truth.

    Opening Notes

    1. This book will deviate from traditional manners of form in many ways.

    2. All terms relating to the true God and father of the Lord Jesus Christ will be capitalized.

    3. All terms relating to any other god will be presented in the lower case.

    4. This differentiation will point to the True God or any false god as depicted in the Authorized King James Bible while using the same terms.

    5. The Bible, Word of God, is not the primary standard of Truth used in this work, it is the only standard of Truth used in this work.

    6. Church doctrines of every kind, is secondary in this study as doctrines of men or opinions of men.

    7. Church traditions of every kind, is also secondary in this study as divisive standards of conformity that separate the Body of Christ.

    8. This study will not be limited to religious themes alone, but will incorporate history, politics, law, economics, business, family matters, art, media, military history, and military law.

    9. This presentation is the result of forty-eight years of religious experience including evangelism, pastoring, mentoring, teaching, and healing ministry, deliverance ministry, music ministry and ministry service in many different denominations.

    10. Part of understanding any lesson from the Word of God is to understand it from the point of view or understanding of the presenter.

    11. Every effort possible will be made to introduce the changing point of view, as they occur, to help the reader follow along with the direction and intention of the message.

    12. This is God’s call to you, the reader, to expand your understanding and impact on the world and culture around you.


    The Christian Church and indeed conservatives in general have been under a non-stop barrage of attacks for many years without a significant reprieve. We are at war against liberal progressives. The very name of our enemy is an oxymoron. The ideas they are fighting against are the very standards of moral behavior that has been the cornerstone of civilization dating as far back as the Code of Hammurabi in the First Dynasty of Babylon. They are liberal only to the degree that they are not conservative, meaning their changes are different from the mainstream of civil behavior. The progressive aspect of their ideology is purely a use of a positive sounding description for their desired change. It would be totally foolhardy for them to truthfully state the end result of their changes. (But they have revealed their true plan.) That the changes they are implementing would return mankind to a state of being more akin to carnivorous predators than to any social order. The new order of disorder is true freedom to do anything that is desired. There is no code of order being followed but the desires of the heart. It is the unbridled empowerment of human nature without the restraints imposed by Godly morality. It is the rise of moral relativism.

    The church has been telling everyone lately that it is attaining victory against the Devilish attack. People are turning to the church for answers and it is true that the attack is devilish. But the victories that the church claims are purely congregational growth in the midst of an evil culture. Gaining members in the congregation while losing the culture the congregation must live within is not victory. It is a sad testimony that the spiritual basis of our society’s structure is being torn away piece by piece. As we continue to compromise our standards and values in the name of co-existence with liberals, we are compromising away the fabric of our society, its own civil morality and social responsibility.

    Don’t get this part wrong! This society is not our society with them, based upon a fluid and ever-changing standard of digressing morals. This society is our society and their lack of morals has no place within it. As we continue to compromise, they continue to win and any mention of Godly standards becomes more and more old-fashioned and out dated. This is a point that the church has really failed to notice. Godly standards are universal and morally based. Church standards are not universal and are doctrinally based. Conservative Christianity has been working to impose their individual doctrinal standards in the culture around them but has withdrawn from mainstream society. Spiritually strong believers are no longer the leaders of society. Wealthy businessmen trained in secular universities are the leaders of society now. Secular trained people set worldly graduation standards from school. In fact, secular trained people are the top leaders in many of our churches. Moral strength and commitment to Godly morals in the top leaders of our society are being replaced by university degrees and good intentions. Educated people with good intentions are paving the road to our destruction.

    The withdrawal of spiritual morality has provided a void for the logical reasoning of ungodly men to take over every aspect of a society formerly led by believers. Do you want to know why the government has turned against the middle class workers that built the government? It has been taken over by the financial wizards of business and law. The worldly god of business is the accumulation of wealth and the worldly god of law is the acquisition of power. Together, they make a formidable team when businesses and lawyers without Godly morals work against men and women who love God and His Word.

    We are being led to believe that our problems come from the Middle East among the followers of Islam. It is a smoke screen to divert our attention from the truth. The followers of Islam worship God, (Allah), they have a moral code, they follow the structure given them within their Holy Writings. They are, in fact more pure to the spiritual belief they confess to follow than we are who profess to follow the Word of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. They have declared Jihad against the United States recognizing the moral depravity our nation has fallen into, yet the church does little to correct the moral decay our nation has embraced.

    Our children have no moral standard taught to them any longer. The theory of evolution is no longer a theory, but the standard of life taught in school. Godly morals have been removed altogether from the preschool to the university level. Pure evolution, as depicted in the schools, has no basis in science, yet it is universally taught to be scientific. Science continually proves that the words of the Holy Bible are true and reliable, yet the Bible is rejected as a source of historical fact and scientific knowledge. Laws and morals based upon a godly standard of mercy and compassion are rejected in favor of laws based upon the survival of the fittest and the rule of the strongest. This is evolution in practical application. The rejection of God by the adoption of the progressive policy of evolutionary reform has resulted in a society without any moral obligation to care for the young, sick, and elderly. The programs formerly championed by the church in the name of God are replaced by the civic non-profits funded by corporations without any involvement or mention of God. The church has been pushed out of the very society it worked so hard to build. And it is lost as to what can and should be done in God’s name and manner.

    Jesus taught that a house divided against itself cannot stand. The church is absolutely the definition of division against itself. Not only do denominations raise up the differences of doctrines against other denominations as sins against God, they even actively work to denounce one another against each other. This division goes so deep as to affect the leadership structures of the entire organization. This essay may even be met with the same indifference and hatred that is common from one denomination against another within the church and be totally ignored. Ignorance is not bliss when your culture is crumbling around you and you willfully choose to ignore any proposed answer that does not come from within your chosen ranks of acceptance. This is what Jesus Himself faced and ultimately caused His own crucifixion and the destruction of Israel and Jerusalem at the hands of the Jewish leadership and pagan Romans.

    Our enemy is equally pagan. It is determined to impose the immorality and rule of paganism from their false gods into our society. This is not progressive and forward thinking, but digressive and falling backwards to ancient, pagan heresies. Our enemy is not just seeking to impose the old ancient pagan orders, but to eliminate by way of extinction, the followers of God and the rule of moral law. They are working to implement an order of disorder, a spiritual worship of known devilish deities against the God of truth that defeated those very deities by the resurrection. They wish to erase the knowledge of the resurrection of Jesus by simply making the very mention of Jesus offensive, amoral, and illegal. They are dangerously close to accomplishing their goal in every arena of life.

    We cannot speak of Jesus or God in schools all across the nation for fear of reprisal. We cannot speak of Jesus or God at work for fear of offense against those who do not want to hear of any rule of morals based upon the God of truth. They are mandating not only Christian silence, but also complete moral silence. Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the God of Abraham. Our God is the God of Creation, Law, and moral obligation to one another both within and outside of the church. Liberals worship a doctrine of division and conquest. As they successfully get the followers of the three major religions of the world to fight against one another, they are able to implement their agenda into the culture around them and we are left holding the empty bag. Within the United States, liberal policies adopted by the elder leadership of Christian churches have watered down the absolute truth of right and wrong into an acceptable level of tolerance with the sins of unbelievers combined with a denial of mercy and grace on the differences of believers.

    We have forgotten that all believers who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior are part of the body of Christ and acceptable with God. That means the doctrinal differences that separate Christian churches from accepting one another and allowing leadership from one to teach and share openly in another fellowship have no meaning with God. Doctrines form the practices, prayers and confessions that are acceptable within a particular congregation or denomination. Doctrines cannot be allowed to supersede the authority of the written Word, yet they have and continue to do so.

    We have also forgotten that our battle is spiritual and that a spiritual battle requires spiritual tools. God gave us His Word and it is called the Sword of the Spirit. Is it any wonder why only the Word of God is being suppressed from every arena of life in our culture? Swords inflict damage, speaking the Word of God that you know inflicts spiritual damage. It exposes error. While the average Muslim knows their Koran and reads it daily, the average Christian knows less than ten verses of their Bible and reads it only when it is displayed on a screen in front of the church, (that is, if they even go to church). Church leadership is afraid to teach their congregation how to really study and understand the Bible, but they are adamant about teaching church dogma. The Word of God is taught and understood only in light of church doctrine and tradition. So the Body of Christ is ignorant, confused and separated.

    God also gave us His Holy Spirit. It is the power of His might, the Helmet of Salvation. There is no salvation without the Holy Spirit, yet the majority of believers are inept at best or completely ignorant of its power and purpose. We really are ever learning, but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. That truth is: we are called to walk as fellow laborers with Jesus by way of the Holy Spirit. We are called to operate the spiritual power of God in our daily lives. Yet the majority of all Christian believers don’t even know that they have anything remarkable, powerful, or significant that sets them up for victory in warfare. The warfare is spiritual, but the spoils are material. The spirit that dominates the culture is the spirit that rewards its believers with peace and prosperity.

    As long as America remained a nation dedicated to God and committed to the Truth and moral standard of the written Word, America was a beacon of Christian light to the world. Americans from every walk of life were able to prosper and live in peace. However, as we progressively accepted the liberal ideology of socialism and removed every mention of God and morality from public society, our workplace, our schools and finally our homes, our culture became not only Godless, but against God altogether. The financiers of business are profiting while the average citizen, the backbone of society, became alienated from the fruits of their labor. Though the average citizen produces the goods and services that drive the prosperity of the culture, they do not share in the prosperity. Wages are kept ridiculously low while prices are not only flexible, but rising exponentially beyond the reach of the wage earner.

    The average Christian wage earner needs to know the rules that will allow them to regain their culture before it becomes too late to make a difference. With God’s help, we can retake our culture and reestablish God’s dominance and authority. We can establish moral order and a standard of conduct that will preserve peace and prosperity in all the land. We can cast off the false doctrine of freedom without restraint while allowing freedom and liberty through the standard of God’s Truth. These are the rules we need to know.

    In His Service,

    Nelson R Foster


    Are you ready to enter the rabbit hole like Alice in Wonderland? Alice was a curious little girl that wanted something, but did not know what that something was. She was curious enough to enter the rabbit hole while chasing one in her back yard. When she entered the hole, an entirely new world opened up for her and she experienced many adventures there. She made new friends and also some enemies. But in the end, she returned home with a greater appreciation for what she had and what she had become. Her time in the rabbit hole changed her. She was still Alice, but more mature. She appreciated what she had left behind and came back as a better Alice. One that was brave and better equipped to handle the stresses of living and change. She could move forward now with a resolve and determination to course a new path for her own life. And in the process, make an impact that would affect others. Alice learned this in the rabbit hole, and she was only ten years old.

    How old are you spiritually? Not how long have you been a Christian, but how mature are you spiritually? Can you recognize God’s voice and know you are listening to your spiritual father? Can you trust His revelation to you and act on it knowing you will benefit by following its message? Can you be certain when you are speaking to a person that you are speaking to their heart and soul and they are really listening to you? When you pray, do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your prayer will be answered? If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then you have already explored your rabbit hole. If you answered no to any of these questions, are you ready to have the rabbit hole opened up for you? You see, if you are afraid to get to know God, the Heavenly Father that loves you and wants to have a relationship with you, then you will do anything to avoid that really close and intimate heart to heart kind of honesty He wants to have with you.

    That is called avoiding change, which is the very same starting point of Alice in Wonderland. It is simply being young and immature. It is also the same point where we all begin our spiritual walk, as immature children, just as we began our lives and our careers. Some of us are really successful and our lives show that success with beautiful homes and close families. Some of us are less successful and struggle with the simple matters of living. But one thing all of us can be successful in doing, is to love one another. This is the beginning of the maturing process for every Christian, to truly love God by caring about the well being of His family.

    You know who they are! They are your brothers and sisters who will be spending all of eternity with you in the presence of God Almighty and for many of us, these are the hardest people in the world to want to love yet at the same time the very people who need to be loved. It is easier to love the world beyond us, especially the people we never personally meet. They are the people on the other side of the world to whom we give money by way of our donations to charities. Most of us will never meet these people. We will never make a personal impact on their lives. We can never get to know them because they live too far away from us, yet we are content to give money to allow somebody else act as our surrogate. Meanwhile, we feel we are too small and insignificant to make an impact on the world immediately around us where we live. We are not smart enough, (not qualified). We are not famous enough, (no reputation). We are not influential enough, (no authority). We are not rich enough, (no power). We don’t have the knowledge, (training) or the experience, (practice) to go out and change something we do not like. We look upon our lives and we are immature children, just like Alice.

    But Alice matured in the rabbit hole. She did it by simply experiencing things and overcoming situations she encountered in the hole. They were fantastic, peculiar situations that she brought about upon herself because of her immaturity and of course curiosity. Have you lost your curiosity to explore and grow? Maybe you’ve reached the top! You have it all! Now what? The rabbit hole can become your now what? There are rules to learn to accomplish the now what. You have that business, you’re an elder in the church and you give to all of your favorite charities, but the world is still getting worse around you. Don’t you want to know why and how those immoral unbelievers got to the point of such power in your Christian and moral nation? With the authority and influence you have because of your position in business, shouldn’t you have some say in the policies being adopted that affect your life and your business? Haven’t you earned the right to make a positive impact? What did they do differently? What have you missed? How can you, a moral Christian, get the control of society back to moral men and women of character? People like you who want to pass on a society based upon decent spiritual values to your children and grandchildren.

    We may be physical adults, capable of mature thinking and goal setting, but aren’t you tired of being treated like an immature child by the authorities? Who are they to continually treat you like an incapable toddler while flushing your stable world down the political toilet of socialism? Why do they persist in telling you how to think and what to say in a society based upon free speech and creative thinking? Why do they suppress every mention of conservative, Godly values while allowing every other form of expression? This is what our children are learning in our schools, the schools paid by the tax dollars we earned, the government that began as our servant has turned us into its slaves. If our conservative values originated by the spirit and revelation of God, then the battle we are fighting is equally spiritual and we need to fight on behalf of God as well.

    However, the fight we face is not a physical fight of men against men like a war between nations, but a fight of ideas against ideas, for the souls of our children. The liberal left is just as adamant to teach their ideology to their children, but they also want to progressively inject their ideology into ours. To this end, they have learned in the ‘60s that violence does not work. So they adopted a game plan that involved the use of influence to inject their ideas into our society progressively. This is the heart and soul of progressive politics. They have been following a game plan outlined in the book, Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. They say that the Bible is outdated and old fashioned. Its teachings have no bearing upon today’s society. Yet the steps outlined in his book originated from within the very book they claim to despise.

    They are using the very lessons given to believers to show us how to bring God’s Kingdom to earth, against us. The Progressive Liberals are using conservative teachings to overturn a moral, conservative society. If they hate conservative instruction so much, why do they use conservative lessons at all? Maybe it’s because those very lessons are grounded upon truth and truth is neither conservative nor liberal, but universal. Truth is truth! Obedience to truth brings results. So they are obeying the truth of God in order to bring about their ungodly result. Unfortunately, their desired result is the overthrow of Godly order. They are united in their hatred against Godly morality. They absolutely do not recognize or believe in Godly spirituality. All they know and understand is according to the reason and logic of the flesh. That is cause and affect. To them, intelligence and science trumps the spiritual lessons of the Bible. But, they are succeeding because of those very lessons of the Bible they claim to despise. We should really take note of this very fact.

    So, do we accept the lessons from Saul Alinsky’s book and apply it to our needs? Or do we ignore the lessons he taught and write them all off as the ramblings of a Liberal thinker influenced by his own spiritual god, Lucifer? For most Christian believers, the second position has been taken. We have ignored Rules for Radicals simply because Saul Alinsky mentioned Lucifer as part of the dedication in his book. Out of fear alone, we have ignored Rules for Radicals altogether just as we have ignored the Word of God.

    Hosea 4: 6a

    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:

    We simply are ignorant of the fact that radical left-wing liberals have plagiarized the lessons from God’s Word, dedicated those lessons to Lucifer, and then used those very same distorted lessons against us. Lessons from the Bible they claim to despise, from the true God they claim to hate, because they also claim he doesn’t exist.

    Yet we never bothered to ask them: How can you hate something that doesn’t exist? How can you dedicate revolutionary ideas to Lucifer, who obtained his kingdom through rebellion against God, when you also claim: There is no God? Why would you accept and apply teachings from God’s Word, (which came by revelation from God), while claiming that God’s Word is irrelevant, outdated and old fashioned? You are worshipping the true God when you obey His Word. You proclaim God’s existence if you also believe in Lucifer’s existence. Finally, you prove the relevance and universal truth of Scripture by living according to its teachings. You may call yourself a progressive liberal, but you prove yourself to be a conservative pagan by worshipping false gods while applying selective teachings of the true God in your life. These are simply observations, but most Christians have missed those observations because we were ignorant of the Truth ourselves.

    Since it is clear that the second position has been almost universally taken by the conservative body of Christ and that the second position has hurt us, what about the first position? Should we accept the lessons from Saul Alinsky’s book? If so, then we should also purchase his book and apply those lessons just as he revealed them. It is clear that those lessons are relevant, simple, and applicable. Over the course of just under 50 years, the ideology of Liberals have become acceptable and the law of our land. They are so acceptable in fact that the mention of Jesus, prayer, God, or the Bible is now socially unacceptable. We can’t speak of God at work because it would offend Liberal ears. We cannot pray in public, because it would offend those who do not pray. We cannot post the Ten Commandments because they teach a moral code. We cower in silence so we do not offend the world around us and speak of God only in church and in our homes. Meanwhile, our children are taught in school from the age of four onwards that our God is dead and he never existed, to believe in Him is ignorance in application. They are taught that only fools believe in God and only godless people can succeed and prosper. So we lose our children to the teachings of these radical liberals because they prove their prosperity while we live in our pious tribulation and silent poverty.

    If you believe in God, then you believe in the God of power. He has promised to give that power for you to use in your life. If you follow Jesus Christ, then you follow the one who defeated Lucifer. He promised that you are able to defeat Lucifer as well. If you are called to love, then you are called to love every child enough to teach them the truth. We should never have stopped prayer in public schools. Free speech applies to us, just as it applies to them. The Bible that is unknown is useless. We have made the Bible useless because we have elevated our individual church doctrines ahead of the Bible. In the process, we have divided the body of Christ into separate and distinct factions railing against one another. We are so busy hurting the body of Christ, that we have no time to prove the presence and relevance of God to unbelievers. Our lives should be the examples of power, love and deliverance promised in the Bible for believers, but we are better examples of powerless hate and sickness in poverty. Why would our children choose to follow us when we are better examples of hypocritical hatred than of believing love?

    This book seeks to prove the necessity of recognizing truth from error. We need to know why the Liberals have succeeded and how they accomplished it. We need to understand their tactics so we can defeat them at their own game. We need to emerge from the rabbit hole with a resolve to be mature. We cannot remain spiritual children all of our lives. It is impossible for a child to defeat an adult. We have allowed the Liberals to mature in their doctrine and practice. They have become the adults of society. Now it is high time for us to do the same. We need to enter the rabbit hole and learn spiritual lessons. We need to mature as spiritual men and women of the body of Christ in order to regain our culture. We need to apply spiritual lessons that are relevant and universal in order to defeat the progressive paganism that is overcoming truth and liberty. The consequence of silence is certain defeat. The consequences of violence, is more violence. We need to know the truth as it applies to real life. We need to know the practical Word of God and leave the doctrinal teachings in the church. We must become spiritually mature in order to practice spiritual maturity in our lives. There can be no law made that will deny your ability to apply Biblical truth and the spiritual power of God. After all, how can anyone limit your ability to practice a spiritual power they deny even exists? This is your chance to, Rise up, oh men of God!

    PART 1

    What is Happening Around Us?


    The State of the Church

    John 15: 16

    Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

    T he twentieth century will go down in the history of the Christian Church as one of its greatest periods of growth. Spiritual power amongst the church leadership has grown to great levels. People are being healed all over the world in the name of Jesus Christ. The manifestation of speaking in tongues is known. The ministries of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers are known and growing all over the world. People are being baptized in churches every day. The appearance of Jesus is expected at any time and though the world around us is crumbling and economic inequalities exist, the Christian Church is looking forward to its soon glorification and gathering together at any time. This is the current state of expectation among church leadership. We are basking in the growth of the church. Baptisms are up, confessions are up, deliverance is up, and even donations are up. What could possibly be wrong with this picture?

    Our culture is crumbling around us! Liberal policies are being adopted in nearly every church, but we don’t call these policies liberal. We call them progressive and these very policies are helping the church gain more membership. The church is transforming itself into a more tolerant organization. Sins are being overlooked. Sin teaching is being replaced by prosperity teachings. Repentance is nearly unknown, unless it is simply to repent of your sin brother and accept Jesus as your Lord. But you are rarely shown how to make Him your Lord. What do you do? Is it only to change your habits? Is it only to change your confession? Is it only to change your character? You can do all of that without God or the Christian church! It is still hard work, whether you do it in any church or at home with a self-help manual, it is hard work. Jesus said: My yoke is easy, but this yoke is totally unbearable and completely hard work. Either Jesus lied, or the church is getting this part of living wrong. Something has to be radically wrong!

    If every Christian is called to deliver the broken hearted and heal the sick, why are we taught to become broken hearted and embrace our sickness and infirmities as wages for our sin? Here is a thought for a radical Christian. You can’t deliver anyone without first being delivered yourself. You have no ability to do anything by logic, reason, intelligence, or character. Your ability to deliver anyone is grounded upon your relationship with the Deliverer first. When you know you are delivered beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are able to deliver anyone from their affliction as well by introducing them to the Deliverer. God is the Deliverer and we can only know God through Jesus Christ.

    Liberal policies are being adopted in every school and institution of higher learning. But once again, we don’t call these policies liberal, socialist, communist, or even ungodly. We call these policies progressive and our children are learning these ideas and policies whether we agree with them or not. Our children’s ability to graduate from school and pass university classes depends completely upon their ability to learn and remember the correct answers to the teacher’s questions. Lessons like: Conservative beliefs are based upon a primitive reliance on an invisible god to explain scientifically provable facts. Hearing voices in a person’s head is a psychological condition of weakness. Demons are merely your personal fears, biases, and psychoses. And ultimately, "There is no God! All of these positions depend upon your rejection of the spiritual realm or the rejection of the spiritual God of Truth and Love. Here is another thought for the Radical Christian. We haven’t been taught anything about true spirituality and most of our beliefs about it are Freudian, not Biblical. We literally have to start over to understand the truth of Godly spirituality once again. Once again, our churches have kept us spiritual babies, we have never been given the opportunity to grow and mature in any spiritual way. We have been forced to learn about spirituality" from life, school, and business instead.

    Today, wealthy mega-corporations control our businesses. Our neighbors do not own many of the businesses around us any longer. Our neighbors may be the managers, but they are no longer the owners. They cannot set wages. They may not even control employee’s hours. The manager may be a believer, but the owners of the company may not be believers. The owners of the company may even hold a feeling of hatred against conservative Christians. But they are the owners and can set whatever policy they want their managers to enforce. This is why many businesses have a policy that restricts or even prohibits Christian conversations on company property during company time. Some businesses even try to enforce a prohibition against any

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