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Tablets of Emotional Wisdom
Tablets of Emotional Wisdom
Tablets of Emotional Wisdom
Ebook195 pages1 hour

Tablets of Emotional Wisdom

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About this ebook

Emotional wisdom is a valuable component of attaining success and happiness, and effectively facing and overcoming life’s greatest obstacles.

Within a collection of inspirational essays, Gopi Nair shares advice on a variety of topics that teach others how to train the mind to act not react, that we all have an important purpose, that God is always here to protect us, that happiness is a habit, that there are no strangers except in our minds, that opportunities are simply problems in disguise, and that there are no losers, only different experiences in life. Throughout his essays, Nair reminds us that even the smallest changes in our attitude have the ability to produce big transformations in how we view our lives and those around us.

Tablets of Emotional Wisdom is a compilation of essays that guides others down an inspiring path to transform their thinking to ultimately attract positive energy and change.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 10, 2020
Tablets of Emotional Wisdom

Gopi Nair

Gopi has been a Gratitude Practitioner, embarked on a mission to change lives for the better, by encouraging every one to practice Gratitude. Gopi is convinced that Gratitude is a magic wand capable of removing negativity from the shores of human mind! Devoid of negativity and its energy draining consequences, any one can realize his or her full potential. “Gratitude must be the only attitude in life” is Gopi’s mantra. He thinks Gratitude, speaks Gratitude and relentlessly does Deeds of Gratitude in every day life. We all can give the gift of Gratitude to others to enrich their lives along with ours! Gopi has been in sales for over four decades, and that gave him an opportunity to interact with thousands of people. He used his insight into emotional wisdom to navigate through the world of sales, successfully. While he was working with Metlife, he qualified three times for the prestigious Presidents Conference, and several times for the Million Dollar Round Table. During his career with Metlife, he trained several Agents in his capacity as a Manager. During the last twenty years Gopi has been a Mortgage Broker, and currently working with Guaranteed Rate as a Vice President, Mortgage Lending. Gopi has been a published author, having published Mental Science 101, Manage Your Mind Manage your Life, How I made 500000 in Sales at Age 69, and Tablets of Emotional Wisdom. His new book “Gopi’s Gratitude Journal” is slated to be published in August 2021. Gopi’s philosophy of life can be summarized in one sentence” “When you live for yourself, life is utterly miserable. When you live for others , it is pure joy”! Gopi had the privilege of being interviewed by Jack Canfield the famous author and the Creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul, about his book Tablets of Emotional Wisdom. Gopi graduated from the University of Bombay with a Master’s degree in business. He migrated to the States almost half a century ago. He is an Inspirational Speaker, always willing and available to speak about the Power of Gratitude in changing lives. You can contact Gopi at 630-290-6847, or [email protected].

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    Tablets of Emotional Wisdom - Gopi Nair

    Copyright © 2020 Gopi Nair.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4050-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4049-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4051-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019921101

    Balboa Press rev. date:  12/23/2019


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    If your wife criticizes you, it is a sign that she loves you very much and more! If she asks you to do more chores around the house, it means she sees your hidden potential.

    If she complains that you are not making enough, it is an indication that your talents are wasted! If she unleashes her desires, she is opening doors—for you to do more and become the best man around.

    Use emotional wisdom to dissect criticism. And stop reacting to what others are saying. Your wife is probably the person closest to you. She alone knows your strengths and weaknesses.

    Why is she not praising or complimenting? She does not want you to be complacent. To draw lessons for your personal growth, be a keen listener; listen to her comments closely!

    Then train your mind to act instead of react. When you use your emotional wisdom to evaluate, when you are in earnest about being the best, then negative comments become music to your ears!

    You Are the Light of the World!


    You are the light of the world, proclaims the Bible. Why are you the light of the world? You are the dispeller of the darkness of ignorance! "Aham brahmasmi, proclaims Hindu scriptures—Every human is a potential divine," an heir apparent to almighty God, the creator, who made you in his image.

    The purpose of life is to seek truth, our identities. Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Asking these questions basically alters our paradigms. A paradigm shift is essential for transformation.

    We are not here just to eat, sleep, and reproduce. Humanity is the greatest creation on planet Earth. You are a lion but think you are a simple donkey! Alter your thoughts; think like a lion, and roar!

    You are made in the image and likeness of God; you were born to win, succeed, and make a difference. A simple awareness that you are here for a purpose is all that you need to shine as the light of the world.

    What Is Fate in Life?


    In many cultures, we talk about fate. Is there something called fate in life? Fate is spelled f-a-t-e, fruit ate—we have to eat the fruit of our actions.

    Even innocent children have to eat the fruit. If they put their hands in the fire, their hands will be burned. So parents protect their children from fire. As adults, we are our own protectors.

    The law of karma says the same thing, in essence. If you sow the seeds of oranges, you cannot reap apples. If you do good deeds, only good can come out of it, whatever you sow. Only what you sow can you reap is law.

    What is the way out of fate? What can you do? Repent; seek forgiveness from those you have hurt! Plant healing thoughts in your mind, and try to help with divine grace. You shall say goodbye to old fate.

    Understanding the law of fate is half the battle. Creating a new fate is well within your reach and control. Start sowing the seeds of a new fate, seeds of gratitude—the spiritual catalyst that can bring true joy into your life.

    Emotional Hygiene—How to Practice It


    Emotional hygiene is essential for emotional health. Emotional health is as important as physical health. Understanding emotions is the basis of emotional hygiene. You can even produce emotions to learn from them.

    External factors—such as an accident or somebody’s speech or action—cause those emotions. Emotion is really intense energy movement. Here, I refer to thought energy as intense movement.

    Anger, fear, and grief are three basic negative emotions. Love, compassion, kindness, and gratitude are positive. Different people manage their emotions differently based on culture, upbringing, and personal traits.

    You can calculate your vulnerability to situations and prepare yourself to deal with them effectively. Anybody can react to a situation and be a victim of a resulting outburst of violent emotions.

    Emotional hygiene involves an acute awareness that you are the master of your emotions. You can be in control by understanding the nature of your emotions; you can learn to manage every situation through practice.

    Don’t wait until your house is on fire to seek a fire extinguisher. Practice emotional hygiene every day. Cultivating positive emotions like love, compassion, and gratitude is the best practice to overcome negative emotions.

    There Are No Accidents in the Universe!


    You are on purpose! The universe is on purpose! There are no accidents in the universe! Accept all the events that take place in your life. Analyze every event, learn the lesson, and move on.

    Every experience, better or bitter, is a teacher appointed by the universe to deliver a message. Read and internalize the message in

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