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Historic Alton: Paintings & Narratives
Historic Alton: Paintings & Narratives
Historic Alton: Paintings & Narratives
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Historic Alton: Paintings & Narratives

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About this ebook

"Historic Alton" is a book of beautiful art work and interesting facts. Growing up in Alton, Mr. Mossman has captured a unique insight surrounding the history and art of local Alton. This attractive book will make a valuable addition to any history lovers coffee table.
Release dateFeb 19, 2020
Historic Alton: Paintings & Narratives

Michael Barr Mossman

Michael Barr Mossman was born in Alton, Illinois. He served honorably in the U.S. Marine Corps in Vietnam. Mr. Mossman attended St. Bernard College in Cullman, Alabama. He graduated from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, and received a Master’s Degree from Oklahoma University at Norman. Mr. Mossman spent thirty-three years in the fields of Elementary and Special Education. He and his wife Barbara, are currently residing in Orange Park, Florida.

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    Historic Alton - Michael Barr Mossman

    © 2020 Michael Barr Mossman. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4751-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4753-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4752-3 (e)

    Published by AuthorHouse 02/19/2020


    Artist Note: This work is intended to be under the umbrella of art. The information provided is intended to inform the viewer about the historic elements centered on the art. I would like to thank the Alton Telegraph Newspaper and the Hayner Genealogy Library for providing historical photos and information about those buildings that have long been razed. Almost all the art work was painted from my own personal photos. Although a few other photographs, paintings and illustrations were used as examples, the art work was colored, changed and re-shaped into my own ideas and methods of painting. Some of my paintings, such as The Blue Pool, were entirely done by sketch work. I used my own point and shoot camera to take many of the photos.


    Index of Alton Area Paintings

    1.      The Burch – Guertler House

    2.      Alton Landing and Prison

    3.      The Old Alton City Hall

    4.      Midtown Restaurant and Lounge

    5.      St. Mary’s Church

    6.      Lincoln-Douglas at City Hall

    7.      Alton Dental School Building

    8.      Alton Market Square

    9.      St. Patrick’s Church

    10.    Unitarian Church

    11.    College Avenue Old Train Station

    12.    The Bluff Line Railroad

    13.    Chief Illiniwek on the River Bluff

    14.    Day on the River at Chautauqua

    15.    The Old Rock House

    16.    Lovejoy Monument

    17.    Moses Atwood House

    18.    The Post House

    19.    The Old Cathedral

    20.    Haskell Playhouse

    21.    Kennedy in Alton

    22.    Lighthouse at Chautauqua

    23.    Loomis Hall

    24.    Elijah P. Lovejoy

    25.    The Robert Wadlow Statue

    26.    The Last Debate of Lincoln-Douglas

    27.    Legend of the Piasa Bird

    28.    The Lovejoy Warehouse Attack

    29.    The Blue Pool

    30.    Rock Spring Park

    31.    The Illini Hotel

    32.    First Presbyterian Church

    33.    Drummond House

    34.    Piasa Bird Attack

    35.    The Alton Doughboy

    36.    Riverview Park

    37.    The Flat Top Shop

    38.    Fast Eddie’s Bon-Air

    39.    The Old Princess Theater

    40.    The Grand Theater

    41.    Blocks Drive-Up Restaurant

    42.    Starlight Drive-in

    43.    The Pullman House

    44.    John Mason Peck

    45.    The Hanson House

    46.    St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

    47.    The Confederate Monument

    48.    Turner Hall

    49.    The Bright Spot

    50.    Trumbull House

    51.    First Train Station

    52.    Union Depot

    53.    The Wedge Bank

    54.    The Lincoln Express

    55.    The Wiseman Building

    56.    The Mineral Springs Mall

    57.    Our Lady of the Rivers

    58.    Western Military Academy

    59.    Alton Flour Mill

    60.    The Golden Eagle

    61.    The Carson Apartments

    62.    The Hayner Library

    63.    Boyd’s Sandwich Shop

    64.    Vogue Apparel Store

    65.    Alton YMCA

    66.    Bowl Haven

    67.    Synder Building and Sears

    68.    The Old Clark Bridge Entrance

    69.    Lou Franz Service Station

    70.    The New Clark Bridge

    71.    Alton Little Theater

    72.    The Windmill Cafe

    73.    Marquette High School

    74.    Current Alton City Hall

    75.    Old Alton Post Office

    76.    Marquette and Joliet

    77.    Marquette Monument Site

    78.    The Beall Mansion

    79.    Humboldt School

    80.    St. Joseph’s Hospital

    81.    The McPike Mansion

    82.    Old Alton Downtown Scene

    83.    The Gudell Grocery Store

    84.    Guertler Market

    85.    The Henry Watson House

    86.    Honke Pharmacy

    87.    Monticello College

    88.    Benjamin Godfrey House

    89.    Benjamin Godfrey Memorial Chapel

    90.    Duke Bakery

    91.    The Old Alton Street Car

    92.    The former Alton Senior High School

    93.    Marquette Park Lodge

    94.    Owens-Illinois Glass Company

    95.    The Alton Telegraph

    96.    Broadway and Market Streets

    97.    The Loretto Home

    98.    Kresge’s Five and Dime

    99.    Six Chimney’s Home

    100. City of Alton Steamer

    101.  Ryrie House

    102.  Odd Fellows Lodge

    103.  Upper Alton Presbyterian Church

    104.  The Madison Hotel

    105.  The John Bostwick House

    106.  The Ursuline Convent Building

    107.  Roller Service Station

    108.  The Franklin House

    109.  The Red Train

    110.  Phillip Yakel Brewery House

    111.  The Flamingo Motel

    112.  Penitentiary Flats

    113.  The Old Clark Bridge

    114.  The Elk’s Building

    115.  The Old Hippodrome

    116.  Shurtleff College Adm. Building

    117.  The Faulstick Building

    118.  The Uptown Theater

    119.  Alton Memorial Hospital

    120.  The Dinky

    121.  Old Bluff Line Rail Train

    122.  Thornton Family Grocery

    123.  The Great River Road

    124.  Bertier ’s Market

    125.  Miller ’s Mutual Insurance Building

    126.  The Lacy-Hilderbrand Home

    127.  Leo and Louie’s Restaurant and Lounge

    128.  Dr. Emil Guelich Home

    129.  Roosevelt Junior High School

    130.  Upper Alton News Stand

    131.  Old Union Depot and City Hall

    132.  The Alton Lock and Dam

    133.  The Zeller and Dunn Grocery

    134.  Jones Confectionery

    135.  The old Altona Firehouse

    136.  Old Clark Bridge Exit

    137.  The old Cole-Clark House

    138.  Grace Methodist Church

    139.  The old St. Patrick’s Church and School

    140.  The old Alton House

    141.  Buck Inn

    142.  Eagles Perch

    143.  The new Clark Bridge taken from 5th street

    144.  Jay Gould in Elsah

    145.  The Catholic Children’s Home

    146.  Oblate Lodge

    147.  Rufus Easton

    148.  The Kerr Drug Store

    149.  Bluff City Beer Truck

    150.  Alton, All-America City

    151.  The Carnegie Library


    1. The Burch – Guertler House — The Burch-Guertler House is located at 101 Blair Avenue. The house was built by Ignatz Burch in 1822. Mr. Burch was a skilled stonemason from Baden, Germany. Burch’s widow married Peter Guertler and the house remained in the Guertler family. The limestone foundation was thought to have been quarried from the bluffs behind the house. The uniqueness of the house could be in

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