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The Dream of Death
The Dream of Death
The Dream of Death
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The Dream of Death

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About this ebook

If the glamor life of Street Dreams is your destination,
then this story will take your mind on a journey through the dark
world of the streets where tragic nightmares will awaken you
if you are ready for Spiritual Enlightenment.

The Dream of Death is an urban story of love and friendship in a world where the only loyalty is to money and the American Dream. Climbing the ladder of success sometimes involves crime and the destruction of relationships, friendships, and family. In this story selfish desires devours love. Greed violates bonds of trust. Money and Power motivates murder. In a dark world of materialism and selfish desires, only spiritual knowledge can lead one into the light of True Peace and Happiness. This story will vivify the reality of those who seek love, peace, and happiness but experience tragedy as they chase their Dreams.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 30, 2020
The Dream of Death

Divine Lord Sekhem

Divine Lord Sekhem is an author, Paralegal/Tax Professional, and a Father. He was morally and spiritually guided by both parents who influenced his education, but as a youth in the inner city of Buffalo, the lure of the street life led him astray from his good upbringing. Embarking on a life of crime landed him in the belly of the beast (Prison) where he received his calling in life to utilize his intellect and acquire knowledge. Upon returning to society, he graduated school and also worked as a Court Advocator for troubled youths. Divine Lord Sekhem is an avid researcher and writer and he loves sharing the knowledge and wisdom of his experiences to help others.

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    The Dream of Death - Divine Lord Sekhem

    Copyright © 2020 by Divine Lord Sekhem.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Facebook: Sekhem Asaru

    Instagram: Sekhem Asaru

    Cover design & layout by Pharoah Page

    Rev. date: 02/18/2020






    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25


    This book is

    dedicated to all the men, women and children

    whose lives were shattered because of the street life. To all the

    honorable men and women sitting in prison cages who chased the

    street dreams. And to all those whose lives were lost due to the

    blood, sweat, and tears of this cruel world and the street life.

    May the wisdom in these pages divinely guide and inspire

    the seed that I’ve resurrected myself through; my son Nagi,

    as well as my nephews and my God-Sun Saru, and all the

    other young men of the world living in this wilderness.


    The story you are about to read takes place in Buffalo New York. Buffalo lies at the western corner of New York State on the eastern shores of Lake Erie. Buffalo is 15 miles south of Niagara Falls, NY and right across the river from Fort Erie, Canada. Buffalo is the second largest city in New York right after New York City and the Buffalo-Niagara Falls metropolitan area is the second most populous in New York State. The city of Buffalo’s population peaked at over a half of million residents up until the 1960’s and 1970’s. From the late 1800’s to the 1970’s Buffalo was a major industrial center which attracted people from all over America as well as European and Asian immigrants who came to work in its many factories and steel plants. African- Americans who were just coming up out of slavery in the late 1800’s, fled the racist south for refuge in northern cities like Buffalo which were booming with Industrial plants and factories. The American Dream was to be sought up north where there was the so-called promise of equal opportunity.

    Despite the achievement of the American Dream by some African- Americans, American society placed many roadblocks which discouraged many African-Americans from pursuing the American Dream by legal means. Racism, mis-education, the lynching’s of Black People, police brutality, high rates of unemployment, discrimination and many other social ills caused many blacks to partake in the underworld of crime where Black Men could accomplish what white society doesn’t offer.

    The Thug Poet and Prophet Tupac Shakur once said, There’s a ghetto in every city and a nigga in every ghetto… Most blacks who fled the racist and dangerous south thought the northern cities were a promised land where racism didn’t exist and everyone was living well. To their surprise many blacks from the south found themselves in northern cities living in hell. Plenty of jobs were available but Whites and immigrants would get the available jobs before blacks. This caused many blacks to get involved with the life of crime.

    In the early days Buffalo’s criminal underworld was ruled by Polish, Irish, and German gangs (Read Gangsters and Organized Crime in Buffalo by Michael F. Rizzo). The Powerhouse of Buffalo’s underworld was the Italian Mafia ruled by Stefano Maggadino, who was the first cousin of Joseph Bonanno (The Boss of N.Y.C Bonanno Crime Family). Stefano Maggadino and the Buffalo Mob held a seat on the La Cosa Nostra’s national crime syndicate and the Buffalo Mob controlled western NY, parts of Pennsylvania, and Ontario Canada.

    Like in most urban cities in America, Blacks in Buffalo found themselves in the midst of this criminal underworld and crime seemed to be the only way for some while others made a way working the steel plants and factories. The Black Community in Buffalo started in Buffalo’s downtown area on the east side where many families lived in the 8-10 story project buildings around downtown. As many began to find success they began to flood the east and west side and buy many properties and business establishments where Blacks could provide for themselves and support their own. Black Businesses and nightclubs began to pop up all around downtown and throughout the east side during the 1900’s. Blacks became a force in the city of Buffalo from establishing criminal organizations to becoming prominent citizens. In 1905 The Niagara Movement was founded by W.E.B. Dubois and others in the Buffalo- Niagara Falls region. The Niagara movement was the first Civil Rights movement for African-Americans and also the start of the NAACP. Buffalo sits right across the river from Canada so the Buffalo-Niagara Falls region was a main route on the Underground Railroad where the great ancestor Harriet Tubman (Moses) led many enslaved African-Americans to freedom.

    Unfortunately, like many great cities where poverty plagues the people, Buffalo has experienced the hardship of crime and violence since time immemorial. President Willam Mckinley was assassinated in downtown Buffalo in the early 1900’s. According to national statistics, in the northeast of the United States Buffalo ranks number 3 for the poorest and most depressed city behind Detroit and Cleveland. Forbes Magazine also ranked Buffalo in the top 10 mostdangerous cities in America. This story takes place in that ghetto environment where Buffalo native Rick James fell in love with Mary Jane (Weed) while partying with a Superfreak. This is the depressed place of drama where Stevie J learned them controversial skills he exhibits on Love & Hip-Hop. And this is the soulful environment many watched on Reuben Santiago Jr.’s HBO special Lackawanna Blues.

    When the divine light of truth is made manifest it leads one out of the darkness of ignorance into the light of Supreme Wisdom. This story is in no way seeking to glamourize or justify the life of crime. It is only intended to paint a vivid picture and reality of the life of those who pursue the American Dream through the life of crime. The goal of this story is to provide the light of Divine Knowledge and Wisdom for those of us dwelling in the darkness of the street life but yearn for another way out of the spiritual madness of life. While reading this story, if you look deeper than the dark mud of the sex, money, drugs, and violence, you will see that every beautiful flower springs forth from the dirt and if we look deep into our dark souls of ignorance, we will discover a divine light of God which is greater than the thug, gangster, hoe, and the many other negative images we identify with in todays world.

    In memory of my childhood friends who were murdered on the streets of Ruff- Buff: To my best friend and co-d, Baby John. I miss you Sun. R.I.P Tre, Heavy Sed, L. Bell, Boogie Brown, Chill, Pooh (Karon), 2-Inch, Tone Alexander, Big D Love, Dolph, Lil Bubbles and all the others who inspired me to write this book while they exist in the Duat (Spirit Realm) with the Ancestors.

    Peace, Divine Lord Sekhem.


    Spring of 2000

    Beams of sunlight sparkled on the emerald green Range Rover creeping thru the congested traffic on Grant Street where car horns screamed at the slow- moving traffic. It was mid-day and school kids dashed thru the bumper to bumper traffic while crossing guards flailed hand signals directing traffic. Pedestrians and consumers along with college students from Buff State strolled the strip crammed with its international grocery stores and retail shops.

    All eyes were glued on the Range Rover stuck in the traffic jam. It wasn’t only the custom-made paint job on the truck or its clear acoustic sound system blasting Beanie Sigel which captivated everyone’s attention, it was the two occupants inside the Range. To the onlookers it appeared the truck was navigated by remote control as Zulu and Cream reclined in the plush leather seats like they were lounging on lazy boy sofas.

    Zulu’s left arm dangled out the driver window, displaying his 14-carat gold Figaro bracelet as he softly stomped his ACG Nike boots on the gas pedal. And with hazel hued eyes and hands dark as the armor all tires on the truck, Cream fiddled thru a stack of dead presidents faster than a bank teller.

    Big Walt need to lower these prices yo. Cream blurted leaning forward in the passenger seat wrapping rubber bands around the large stack of money. "We only profiting $550 off each Big eight (4 ½ ounces or 125 grams) we knocking off for this dude.

    Yo instead of selling Bigs for the Tre-duce ($ 3250), Zulu twisted his neck checking for passing traffic as he swerved into the clear passing lane to his right side, I think we should raise the price to thirty-five.

    "Come on Zulu you know these dudes not gone pay no more than thirty-two.

    We do need lower prices to make a better profit…but you know Big Walt not lowering the price. Zulu remarked sliding thru a clear intersection and mashing the gas pedal, accelerating the Range Rover to about 45mph zooming down Grant Street passing Buff-State College. Either we raise the price or we gotta start cutting it.

    Hell no Zulu check it out, Cream rolled up his window shutting out the breezing wind as they slid onto the Scajaquada Expressway, I know Big Walt getting each big for like $ 2, 200. It would be stupid and against the whole object of hustling if he not making a profit. We the damn fools only profiting the shorts and taking all the risks. Dude got to lower the price because we the ones who moving the work.

    You right yo. Either he lowers the price or we just gone continue busting everything down and moving our shit on the blocks. We make more profit breaking everything down anyway. And being that we taking all the risks, we better off pumping the work where we can make more profit because we selling weight for this dude to keep him off the street.

    Word up. Let’s go holla at this dude.

    Zulu pushed it down the Scajaquada expressway heading east. He raced thru the traffic on the expressway as thoughts flashed like lightning in him and Cream’s mind while they pondered the situation at hand.

    Along with their childhood friends, they were two young men with aspiring futures of street dreams ahead of them. Like many ambitious young men in this capitalistic society of American Dreams they not only wanted a piece of the American Pie, they desired the whole pie. Big Walt was the gourmet chef who had all the ingredients and skills to bake the whole pie, but Big Walt worshipped his own desire to stay on top and want everything for himself.

    Zulu and Cream operated their own business serving the wretched of the earth with smaller amounts of crack cocaine. From nickels, dimes, to fifties and grams they profited tremendously, but selling large weight for Big Walt was fruitless since the profit was short as a mosquito. Big Walt on the other hand figured they were satisfied with just a slice or two of the pie. Big Walt should’ve known better. These young men were ambitious and dedicated to the game and it was time they achieved and enjoyed the success they were due.

    Besides the music playing in the Range Rover they cruised down the expressway listening to their individual thoughts. The expressway took them to the east side of the city where they skated off the exit at Humboldt Parkway. Along the Parkway well-groomed and sharp dressed members of the Nation of Islam flashed bean pies and Final Call Newspapers. They blew it pass the brothers and headed to their destination which was a few stop lights away on E. Ferry street. After rolling thru a yellow light at an intersection they rolled smoothly into a potholed filled parking lot on the corner. The lot served a pizzeria on one side and a soul food restaurant on the other side. The Range Rover dipped into the only parking space which was in front of the pizzeria.

    Zulu and Cream exited the truck and straddled across the parking lot to the soul food restaurant where a group of men lounged outside in front of a table covered with Cd’s, socks, incense, and other items.

    Fuck took yall niggas so long? A man named Tam barked at Zulu and Cream. Tam’s light brown eyes hid behind the golden yellow dreadlocks suffocating his albino pigmented face. Yall never handle business and come right back…what yall was out joy riding…and stunting in Big Walt truck like its yall shit?

    Yeah, Zulu and Cream screwed their faces at Tam while approaching the door to the restaurant. We ran train on ya baby moms in the back seat you pink pussy face looking ass dude.

    Violate me again I air both of you lil niggas out.

    Fuck you leprechaun face, Zulu and Cream slid inside the restaurant glancing while the men who stood with Tam spit out laughter.

    Welcome to Gigi’s sugar! An older lady with streams of sweat drizzling down her chocolate face greeted Zulu and Cream. Are yall eating in or taking out?

    We gone eat in…our party already here. Zulu and Cream then slid pass the stools along the counter and passed a jukebox where the mellow sounds of the Whispers breezed out the speakers. The clinging noise of dishes and sizzling grease clashed over the chattering of patrons seated at the tables, while the music created a soulful atmosphere tasty like the soul food people munched on. Zulu and Cream entered the rear section of the restaurant, filled with its white cloth tables and wood colored walls covered with framed pictures of famous African Americans, who once sat in this ancient greasy spoon joint and blessed their stomachs with the good food.

    You can drive around the whole city in like 45 minutes, Big Walt tapped the diamond encrusted bezel on his Movado watch as he sat at a table near the back wall. Yall been gone for over an hour and yall only had to run to the Langfield Projects.

    What you always tell us? Zulu and Cream dropped into their seats and began whispering since people who should’ve been eating their food were being nosey, You always tell us to make sure we not being followed before we hit the spot to pick up and before we drop off any work.

    Yeah yeah…yall better put gas in my truck too. But anyway, everything good right? Yall got that bread?

    Of course we got the bread…but everything not good.

    Oh boy, Big Walt leaned back in his seat while stretching his arms. What’s the problem now?

    Alright check it right…we respect everything you doing for us…when the Feds snatched the A-Squad from the hood you was the only one to come thru for us. You took us off the corners and got us to moving weight for you…we respect that…but we not making no profit at the price you charging us for the weight we move for you. If you could lower the—.

    Whoa whoa whoa, Big Walt interrupted now folding his large hands across the table. Yall tryna say yall not making no gwop. Come on now. Before I put yall on yall was on the corner pumping dimes, copping garbage from niggas, rocking slum gold chains and driving hoopties.

    If the A-Squad was here we would really be eating.

    Yeah whatever. Quiet as it’s kept, when they was here they had yall young asses on the corner with pebbles and yall little guns like yall was little Soldiers, I got yall living like young bosses.

    Living like bosses… Zulu and Cream glared at each other unbelievably. You can’t be serious yo. How you figure we on some boss shit when off every big eight we sell for you we only profit a nickel and change ($550). If you get knocked with four and a half ounces that’s at least three years up north. Five hundred dollars not worth a couple years upstate. Nigga you got us living like immigrants or some shit. This not us. Boss shit run in our blood.

    Ungrateful little niggas. Big Walt mumbled to himself massaging his forehead thoughtfully.

    Come on yo, all we saying is just how the A-Squad put you in a position to bubble when they left, we need you to do the same with us…if you got knocked we aint got enough bank to step it up and keep things moving on a major level. We would be back to square one like we was when the A-Squad left. No connect and shortchange. You gotta step it up with us before yo time come yo.

    Oh so yall praying on my downfall? Big Walt asked rubbing his neatly trimmed goatee.

    Come on yo…of course not. We just saying we need you to step it up with us. You know you can trust us but what good is we to you if you keep us at this level?

    Just be patient. I’m gone step it up with yall in time. Everything good and bad in life has its time and place.

    Big Walt trusted Zulu and Cream without a doubt. They were young, loyal, and dedicated to the game of hustling. This is what Big Walt needed at this stage of the game. Now if Big Walt was to slip and fall in the bottomless pit where most hustlers unfortunately ended up, Zulu and Cream was sure to take Big Walt’s throne and live like kings while Big Walt rotted away in a 6x9 cell, just like Big Walt took the throne from the A-Squad when Feds snatched them.

    The A-Squad (Assassination Squad) started off in the early 80’s as a hip hop break dancing crew, but when the demon of crack cocaine began terrorizing the hood, the A-Squad became capitalist and murderous black youth who unknowingly sold their souls to the crack god for riches and power. The A-Squad flooded their E. North street neighborhood with crack for years until a few criminals got caught up and found them selves trapped in federal interrogation rooms, and began revealing secrets to federal agents like devout servants of the church revealed secrets to the priest. These snitching criminals informed the federal government on how the A-Squad’s narcotics business was pouring in cash by the hundreds of thousands and how the A-Squad was also responsible for bloodshed rivaling U.S. troops in Iraq. With this information the feds rushed the E. North street neighborhood and the A-Squad’s destiny was to be locked behind steel bars in federal prisons for life.

    Big Walt then seized the throne and took over the drug flow around the E. North street neighborhood. He began eating like the big bear he was and started blessing his 375lb appetite with the exquisite lifestyle the A-Squad left for him. So with Big Walt being king of E. North and Tam as his only trigger finger, Big Walt had to shield himself with an army of gun clappers because Tam was not Terminator by himself. This is where Zulu and Cream along with their conglomerates known as the Young Assassins came in at.

    The Young Assassins were criminal offspring of the A-Squad and not only had a lust for money but they were just as blood thirsty as the A-Squad. Big Walt needed the Young Assassins so he utilized them to be the ponds that would shield and protect him from the misfortunes of the game. To Big Walt’s advantage, the Young Assassins were loyal 110%. But lately, one ultimate fear and worry that began adding stress to Big Walt’s mental galaxy was the Young Assassins dissatisfaction. Big Walt’s soul was enveloped in fear and he dreaded having to suffer like the A-Squad while the Young Assassins took his throne and lived like kings. Big Walt felt the throne was only for him. He was the last man standing for a reason. All those who came up before him and with him had fallen. He was still here and been through it all. The throne of success belonged to Big Walt. It was rightfully his and no one else’s. This is what Big Walt felt deep inside the recesses of his greedy soul and at the present moment of the here and now, while sitting in the restaurant between Zulu and Cream, Big Walt realized they desired the next level but Big Walt wasn’t ready to take them to that level.

    There was only room for one king and if Big Walt wanted to stay king, he would have to devise a crafty plan to keep the Young Assassins from taking his throne by force. They were loyal young men but they also had blood on their hands, and within the blink of an eye their loyalty could turn to betrayal and they could murder the king and take the throne, the same way many young hustlers treacherously murdered their drug connects who put them on. Big Walt was a great thinker and he hadn’t made it thus far without Supreme Intelligence, he knew how to use the art of seduction like he knew how to breathe oxygen. He was a master manipulator who knew how to keep these young wolves under control.

    Ok listen to me fellas, Big Walt’s game face took over as he gulped his glass of ice cold lemon water. Yall know I will front yall whatever yall ask for. It’s just prices high right now. I’m paying $21,000 for each brick and I’m only profiting a couple geez off each brick I sell…but check it right, if yall just give me a little time I can holla at this other plug I know who got bricks for like $ 17,500. Just hold tight and by next re-up we should be good and on deck with my other plug, then I can hit yall with the big eights (4 ½ ounces) for $ 2,200.

    Fronting us not the problem because we eating on our blocks hitting the feigns…but if you want us to keep moving the weight for you, your gonna have to lower the prices…you want us to risk our freedom selling all this weight for you but the profit short as fuck…we make a crazy profit hitting the feigns and the risk is real low.

    Trust me I’m gone make sure yall good…And for good faith so yall know I aint playing…I got three bricks left and I’m gone bless yall with one brick and yall can break it down to hit the feigns. The other two bricks I need yall to push for me in weight but check the math. By time yall knock everything off my other plug should come thru and we gone get the work for the low low. All I ask is that yall throw all the money back in the pot for the re-up. Put everything in the pot so we can cop the mother-load and get rich. Come on I know yall feeling me.

    Zulu and Cream skeptically gave each other the eye before deceitfully agreeing to Big Walt’s game. If Big Walt had any tricks up his sleeve, they had one too. Tam then rudely bum rushed the table and plopped himself into a chair as Zulu and Cream arose from their seats.

    Yeah make moves and bounce when yall see bosses ready to politic. Tam muttered eyeing a menu after seating himself.

    You know what…we not even gone entertain you because you aint shit but Big Walt flunky and shadow you ugly muthafucka.

    Listen fellas, Big Walt gestured his hand to stop Tam from responding, Get with the crew and let them know it’s come up time. Let’s make it happen fellas.

    Yeah whatever yo, Zulu and Cream left the restaurant vexed at how Big Walt thought all he had to do was flash a little gold to get them to jump. He was insulting their intelligence. If it wasn’t for their loyalty and respect for the game they would have been knocked Big Walt and Tam off and took the throne. Big Walt was their plug, so respecting the game, they gave him that respect by being patient and dealing with his selfish greed. Now with this opportunity Big Walt was proposing, what did they have to lose by seeing if Big Walt would fulfill his word.

    Check it out Tam, Big Walt spoke in a hushed tone after Zulu and Cream left the restaurant, You got to watch them because they starting to become dissatisfied…You remember what them young boys from Sycamore and Woltz did to Old Man Jacob?

    Man fuck them little niggas I murk every last one of them niggas if they even get slick out the mouth with you. Old Man Jacob trusted them little niggas from Sycamore and Woltz a little bit too much.

    Listen Tam…the only people who can ever hit you where it hurt is the people you trust…and I gotta trust the Young Assassins to move this work for me…you can’t move the work because you gotta watch my back, and I’m too ahead in the game to be on the streets moving work.

    Old Man Jacob would probably still be alive if he got up off his ass and moved that work himself instead of having them young boys move the work for him. He showed them young boys those bricks and they killed him. I’m telling you Big Walt, fuck these little niggas…them Young Assassins would murder they own mama to get rich.

    Why you think I keep them on the level I keep them at…but this the plan I got for them boys…I’m gone have them knock off the last three bricks I’m holding and get them to bring all the money back for the re-up. I’m gone tell them I’m copping from a cheaper plug and then say the plug snaked us for all the bread.

    Man them niggas really gone get on shit if you have em throw all they bread in the pot for the re-up and then you say we got robbed. Tam shook his head disagreeing. Man I’m gone have to murder all them little niggas then.

    Na, come on Tam you know I know how to play this…once we get all they bread they gone be broke and fucked up and then I know how to hit they young asses where they will never bounce back. It’s more than one way to sit a nigga down and make sure he can’t get back up. I just need you to watch them and make sure they don’t have no other connect that could supply them and knock me out the box…we can’t put nothing pass them…they might be planning on beating me for them bricks…just find out what’s up with them because I definitely need them to move this work for me and bring all that gwop back.

    I got you…don’t even worry.


    She stood above the earth’s surface with her Fendi pumps on at around 5’ 6", and the one piece Fendi pantsuit embraced her 36-27-45 physical form like it was tattooed on her. She was a vision for the eyes of man and her beauty impulsively aroused man’s most lustful animal instincts. Her name was NyJewel and she was flaming hot like her fire red Nissan Maxima she swerved about two feet from the curb on Loepere street. And like the passionate creature she was, NyJewel crept out of her vehicle feeling the lustful eyes of men undressing her as they depressingly sat on battered porches playing cards and drowning their lungs with 40 ounces of malt liquor. She stepped onto the block crammed with its two and three story dilapidated houses squeezed tightly together along the narrow one-way street. The street had a few dozen decaying houses lining the block amongst a few houses which still displayed their architectural beauty due to routine maintenance. The few well-kept properties belonged to the Queen of Queens, NyJewel. After bouncing from tenant to tenant and collecting her rent, NyJewel sashayed towards the middle of the block where a group of men huddled between two parked cars on the street playing a dice game of Cee-Low.

    Yo I’m hearing everything, a short chocolate Pillsbury doughboy looking young man named Dolla shouted as he rattled three dice in his gold ring flooded fist, Just drop the dough on the ground and yo bet heard…money on the wood make the bet good…come on let’s go.

    Gimme a ball ($100). I want a C-note too…I got 50…I want 20…Lemme get a half of bill ($ 50). Come on and roll the dice fat boy I want 40, were the numerous bets thrown at Dolla.

    Let’s get em girls, Dolla blew a breath of good fortune on the dice before he sent them scrambling across the asphalt where they banged the curb. After spinning the three dice revealed the numbers 2-2-3. Ok that’s Tracy and Tracy burning with that chlamydia…yall niggas don’t wear condoms so yall fucked…and I’m hearing side bets nobody gone beat Tracy.

    I got a dub ($ 20) everybody smoke that hoe. You heard, Dolla responded to the side bet.

    Nigga you stupid thinking I’m gone let Tracy burn me…I wouldn’t fuck her with yo dick, a gambler spit at Dolla scooping up the dice from off the ground then rolling.

    NyJewel neared the dice game but kept her distance and stood across the street on the sidewalk. NyJewel was born and raised on the notorious streets of the east side, but she was too much of a lady to be caught dead at a street dice game. On the other hand, the Casino was her second home.

    Dolla. NyJewel impatiently yelled over the blasting music of a car stereo with her hand cuffed on her curvaceous hip. I know you see me standing here Dolla.

    Hold on Miss Bossy lemme make this money real quick, Dolla responded glancing at NyJewel then returning his focus back on the dice. It was hard for most men to keep their eyes off NyJewel, but after everyone at the dice game let their eyes behold her beauty for a few seconds, they all focused back on the dice game knowing it was only a tease to lust over a woman none of them could even dream of sexing.

    Dolla you holding me up come on now.

    Come on Ny stop knocking my hustle, Dolla responded keeping his eyes on the dice.

    Negro you knocking my hustle, NyJewel stepped into the street and slowly waltzed towards the dice game.

    Come on Ny you breaking my concentration…give me a minute. Dolla blurted while crouching over the rolling dice.

    Negro I’m gone break yo hands and take that money you owe…come on Dolla.

    First off Ny, Dolla snapped while dishing out money to two gamblers who beat his point. It’s not the first of the month yet and Big Walt cover half of the rent for the spots in the hood anyway…go see Big Walt Ny. Dolla then observed the next two gamblers beat his point. He went on an emotional fall into sore losers’ world. See Ny you causing me to lose…now you see why I can’t pay you yo rent money…fucccck.

    Boy please…I’m going on a cruise and I need mine.

    I get with you later Ny you fucking bad luck, Dolla brushed NyJewel off and snatched the dice from off the ground then announced, Come on what yall want my bank still popping…da hustle don’t stop…whatever yall want I’m hearing.

    See that’s why you don’t got mines Dolla because you a degenerate gambler…you lucky you like family to me boy. NyJewel spun from the dice game and pranced back down the block unintentionally swinging her sumptuous hips.

    Then out of nowhere, the street began to vibrate with the force of a 7.0 magnitude earthquake as a Silver Chevy Blazer zoomed down the block with thunderous bass booming out of its speakers. The Blazer then came to an abrupt halt as NyJewel took her bold stance in the middle of the street. It was Zulu and Cream.

    What I tell yall about coming thru my block with this loud music? NyJewel stood at the passenger side of the Blazer and folded her arms on the passenger door. I’m taxing and giving out fines for this type of ruckus on the block.

    Come on Ny stop playing we gotta park we dirty as hell, Cream informed her easing his foot on the brake. This was no time for jokes and games riding with a stash of drugs that carried a mandatory prison sentence.

    Yeah we gotta hit the spot a.s.a.p before we get stretched by the boys…move yo sexy ass out the way Ny. Zulu jokingly added from the passenger seat.

    Shut up boy, NyJewel playfully tapped Zulu on the head, Go take care of yall business because I need to see yall as soon as yall finish. NyJewel stated easing away from the truck and heading to a house on the block where she chatted with some ladies sitting on a porch.

    Cream cautiously squeezed the Blazer down the narrow street lined with parked cars on both sides. With two pair of eyes, they both scanned the area from left to right for unsupervised kids darting across the street before they slowly eased up on the dice game.

    Yo Dolla dice game over, Zulu leaned halfway out the passenger window as they slowly crept by the dice game. Come to the spot a.s.a.p yo.

    Alright lemme smash these monkeys real quick…gimme a couple minutes I be right there, Dolla responded before rolling the dice.

    Nigga you need to leave with yo mans and stop losing yo re-up money lil nigga. A gambler joked.

    Winners don’t quit, Dolla shot back rolling the dice and unable to hit a point. After a few rolls and acing out, Dolla accepted the fact that today he was a sore loser and king of the degenerate gamblers. He paid everyone and then jokingly warned everyone that tomorrow he was taking everyone’s money at the dice game. Dolla then bounced his chubby physique up the block to the house where Zulu and Cream was entering. Yo yo yo, Dolla hooted catching the door with his body before Cream shut it close.

    The three then entered the house thru the front door and stepped into a gloomy hallway. In front of them to the left was a staircase which led upstairs. The trio then jogged upstairs to the upper apartment with Zulu in the lead. Zulu jammed a key into the dead bolt lock on the door, twisted the key and shoved the door open. Zulu took one step inside and stopped in his tracks when he observed thru his peripheral the flash of a swift moving figure charging at him with a baseball bat.

    Romp romp, was the sound of the aluminum bat smashing the soft but callous skin on the palm of Prince’s hand. Yall dickheads know yall supposed to call or at least page a nigga before yall come to the spot…make yall selves known when yall come in the spot, Prince growled in his half sleep state while softly pounding the palm of his hand with the bat. I could’ve busted yall melons wide the fuck open and it would have been a honest mistake. Prince groggily headed back to the couch, tossed the bat on the floor, then fell onto the couch with shut eyes.

    Go back to sleep Prince. Zulu shot back stepping into the apartment. Yo ass would have got clapped by an honest mistake, Cream snatched the chrome Glock 380 from off his waist and carefully sat it on the dining room table.

    Dolla had just slammed the door. I keep telling yo Lennox Lewis looking ass Prince…this is 2000, the new millennium and niggas is blasting chrome…not fighting and swinging baseball bats. Dolla ranted while locking the door.

    Yeah whatever… just don’t interrupt my sleep or I’m gone knock one of yall niggas to sleep. Prince muttered tossing himself around on the couch and falling back to sleep.

    Yo lets divide this shit up, Zulu opened a book bag then pulled out two Ziploc bags full of bagged up cracks and tossed them on the dining room table near a box of sandwich bags.

    So Big Walt reed niggas up huh? Dolla asked before sliding into the kitchen in search for some munchies to appease his 300lb appetite. He found some double stuffed Oreos on top of the microwave then snatched some milk from the refrigerator and slid back into the dining room and sat at the table with Zulu and Cream.

    Hell no Big Walt stingy ass didn’t re niggas up. Zulu sharply replied emptying the cracks from the Ziploc bags onto the maple wood dining table. This our profit from the last batch.

    Spread out across the table was a huge pile of an assortment of colorful 12x12 and 38x38 baggies containing light peanut buttered colored rocks inside. And while Prince lay on the couch snoring, the trio began dividing the huge pile of bagged up cracks into several orderly piles. Each pile belonged to a Young Assassin and would be delivered to the blocks around the E. North street neighborhood where the drugs would be sold to the feigns for the almighty dollar.

    After the trio divided the drugs and packaged them up, Zulu and Cream gave Dolla a replay of their meeting with Big Walt. Dolla, and all the other Young Assassins shared the same emotions as Zulu and Cream when it came to Big Walt.

    Yo we never gone reach our full potential with Big Walt, Dolla threw in the air while splitting a Garcia Vega blunt. He want it all for himself…he think we supposed to be satisfied with him because we ain’t got no other connect. If that double whopper head ass nigga give us those bricks, we gotta walk that nigga. Word up. Dolla boldly stated emptying the blunt tobacco in an ashtray then crumbling some lime green weed into the blunt.

    Cream shot a leery look while shaking his head, If we walk Big Walt— yo, Cream sighed deeply and peered intensely at Zulu and Dolla, If we walk Big Walt…we gotta–-body Tam—we got to.

    I knock Big Walt ass out, Prince grumbled in his sleep. I put him in a coma. Prince finished sleep talking and went back to snoring with his large nostrils on vacuum mode sucking up the oxygen in the room.

    What the fuck? everyone was shocked and surprised at how Prince overheard their conversation while sleeping. Prince ventured from the sleep world of the subconscious to the reality at hand and back to sleep instantly. Yo this nigga Prince is weird is fuck. Word up yo.

    Keep yo fake boxing ass sleep while gangsters building, Dolla blasted hurling two Oreo cookies across the room at the sleeping Prince. After the cookies hit Prince in the face, Prince dapped himself in the face a few times like he felt a fly buzzing on his face.

    Anyway right, Dolla continued on the subject of Big Walt. All we gotta do is get them bricks and find a new connect while we knocking them things off. And then we just tell Big Walt fuck him. Dolla explained while passing the lit blunt to Cream.

    I’m telling you Dolla, Cream inhaled the blunt deeply from his gut, If we walk Big Walt we gone have to body Tam. Tam gun go off and we not just gone be able to walk these niggas with no repercussions.

    Yo fuck that pink panther looking nigga…what Tam gone do against our team…besides us…Tam the only shooter Big Walt got…what the fuck is one shooter against a whole crew of clappers…that nigga not Steven Segal.

    Zulu finally cut in, Big Walt sitting on cake so he can pay for more shooters…but on some real shit this not a decision just the three of us can make on our own…we need the whole crew here. So until we all together to make that decision let’s just make this bread and get them bricks from that nigga…and no matter what, once we get them bricks he not getting paid…we just gotta decide how we gone walk his ass and what we gone do about him and Tam.

    No doubt. They all reached across the table and slapped hands. Zulu then dipped into the bedroom and stashed one of the packages. A few moments later Zulu appeared back in the dining room clutching a 38 Special and a Mossberg shotgun. Dolla and Cream were stuffing their packages in their boxer briefs.

    Yo Prince wake up, Zulu slid into the living room pumping the gauge on the shotgun before nudging Prince awake. Yo get up and lock the doors we out.

    Come on yo yall niggas got keys…yall let yall selves in so let yall selves out, Prince hollered rubbing his blurry eyes and sluggishly lifting his tired body up. I’m tryna sleep what the fuck yo.

    Nigga why you sleeping so much? You got one of these freaks pregnant?

    No nigga. Prince barked seated on the sofa allowing his mind to fully awake before he stood on his feet. I hugged the block all night and today…I just went to sleep before yall came. Prince began to feel alive and awakened. He snatched the shotgun from Zulu then followed the trio into the hallway then downstairs. Zulu it’s yo turn to play the block. I’m too tired.

    Yo I’m gone be out here for a minute but I gotta get up with Destiny…just hold it down for the late night flow and I play the block all day tomorrow bro. Zulu stated stepping downstairs into the hallway and then easing backwards out the door with his eyes on Prince.

    Fuck you Zulu I’m going back to sleep, Prince shot back before saluting Cream and Dolla who flew out the house, jumped in Cream’s Blazer and peeled off in a hurry.

    Damn Prince it’s like that, Zulu asked standing in the doorway with his back to the street. I gotta get up with Destiny and swing downtown yo…I aint been home in a few days and Destiny bugging…just hold it down for the night you know we can’t miss no money.

    Fuck you and that money Zulu, my rest more important right now, Prince massaged the bags drooping under his pear shaped eyes. Go downtown and play house with Destiny…its money over bitches’ nigga…I did what I had to do now you need to get on yo grind…I deserve to relax and that’s exactly what I’m gone do…I’m gone rest up so I have my energy to do it again. Prince stated peeping pass Zulu onto the street before snickering, Watch yo back Zulu. Prince pushed Zulu outside then slammed the door in his face.

    While sensing someone creeping on him from behind, Zulu spun around but it was too late. A pair of soft hands gripped his neck and shoved him into the door Prince just closed in his face.

    Where my money Zulu, NyJewel yanked one of her hands off Zulu’s neck then began tapping his pockets bulging with money. So you holding huh?

    You know it sexy…I’m holding like a tyrannosaurus rex, Zulu squeezed her tightly against his body and grinded on her mid-section. He felt his testosterone pulsating thru his libido causing an instant erection. Yeah you know I’m holding what can give you more pleasure and satisfaction than money, Zulu boasted with his arms wrapped around NyJewel’s waistline.

    Ugh…get off me you pervert, NyJewel slipped out of Zulu’s hold and grilled him with contempt in her eyes. Yall men so nasty and disrespectful…I can’t even play and joke with you like I used to without you thinking like a nasty dog.

    Come on stop it…I’m not a kid no more Ny…you can’t be all up on a grown man and expect him not to get aroused…you bugging.

    Cut it out freak I was just playing with you not tryna get you aroused, the fresh scent of winter fresh gum blew off NyJewel’s breath as she eased down the steps on the porch.

    Yeah whatever, Zulu slid down the steps behind NyJewel then posted up on her Maxima while NyJewel sat in a chair by the steps. You just scared of what people gone say about us.

    Scared. NyJewel rolled her eyes at Zulu then snatched a Newport from the pack stashed in her top pocket. Boy I’m a grown woman and do as I please and I could care less about what anybody has to say about me and what I do, NyJewel then flamed her cigarette and inhaled with a feminine gesture. But I tell you what I don’t do and that’s you and all the gangsters that came before you. Even the gangsters that will come after you…I don’t do you thugs in the streets. I don’t do you doggish men period.

    Ah…I knew it, Zulu got excited, You like the cat huh. You don’t like that beef. I knew you liked that twat because you haven’t been with a man in how long?

    Oh my God. NyJewel’s mouth opened wide in disbelief. She couldn’t believe Zulu with his mannish and disrespectful ways. Letting the light of the Truth shine, he was only a being a man, a young man at that who was innocently attracted to her sex appeal like all the other men who ever laid eyes on her. Zulu was no longer the young boy she once looked at like a little brother.

    I can’t believe how you turned out Zulu. You used to be a sweet little boy who loved me like a big sister.

    Zulu frowned while scanning up and down the block at the passing cars.

    ‘I can’t believe you Ny. You need to stop playing with me. I’m not a little kid no more I’m a grown ass man and I only play with women I get sexual with. You too sexy to be playing with a grown man, and think he not gone get aroused. Plus we not blood Ny."

    Wow. NyJewel tooted her face up at Zulu, You lost yo damn mind you fool and the respect I had for you…you becoming just like these assholes out here who think money and street fame can get them any and every woman on earth.

    You bugging.

    Oh I’m bugging. NyJewel leaped out of her seat and stormed up into Zulu’s face. Ok grown ass man. No more treating you like the little brother I never had. That relationship is over. It’s strictly business now and I’m gone treat you just like the grown ass man that you are. So don’t come crying to me for advice when it comes to yo little girlfriends, and I want my rent when it’s due. NyJewel roasted Zulu then began to storm to the driver door of her car.

    No no no ok Ny, Zulu skated right behind her. Come on I’m sorry Ny. I got a little carried away…but you know I love and respect you to the fullest…you like a sister to me…you was always there for me. Zulu embraced NyJewel with an honest brotherly hug.

    And you know I love you too Zulu. All that babysitting I did for your moms back in the day I probably only got paid once or twice. You was a mannish little thing back then, NyJewel and Zulu both shared a memorable laugh.

    You know I aint mean that, Zulu stood beside NyJewel on the driver side of her car. You just too sexy Ny and it’s hard for a man to resist you unless he gay.

    It’s called control boy. Keep yo thoughts and body to yo self like I had to tell you when you was younger, NyJewel shook her head while smiling.

    Ok sis I got you. Zulu took both her hands and softly held them. Now where my money Zulu? I need rent early because I’m going on a cruise, NyJewel demanded with that I mean business look in her eye. Zulu hit his pockets and retrieved his bread. He counted out $350.00 and handed it to NyJewel.

    This my half Big Walt gone pay you the rest.

    Awww come on Zulu. NyJewel whined flicking the bills in her hand. All that money you got you can pay me in full and get it back from Big Walt. "Nyyyyy…you don’t understand…this nigga Big Walt on some shit and strait raping us…it’s like the money we make just disappear…we be knocking bricks off for that nigga…we caking thousands for that dude and we don’t make shit…that nigga tight as wolf pussy…word."

    Listen Zulu, NyJewel reached into her car and placed the money in her Fendi pocket book, Big Walt was always selfish…yall was all too young to understand and know what was really going on…but when the feds snatched the A-Squad, I had to chase Big Walt all around town just to get lawyer money from him for the Squad…then he had me tell the Squad that he needed their connect in order to keep things going and to help pay for their lawyers…he did just enough so the Squad wouldn’t get mad at him…but after all the Squad did for him they basically had to sell their connect to Big Walt in order for Big Walt to help them out…they were the ones who showed Big Walt the game and they even protected him.

    Grimy ass nigga.

    You find out people true colors when they got the upper hand and you need them Zulu…but God don’t like ugly…and how he turned his back on the Squad wasn’t right…yall was too young and wasn’t ready for that level of the game, if only yall was a little older yall would have been the ones running everything but it is what it is…and now that yall up and coming Zulu I want you to be careful out here. NyJewel set her gaze upon Zulu steadily without blinking before she became teary eyed. Please be careful out here Zulu…besides the squad you like the only family I got out here…I don’t wanna see you and none of yo friends end up like the squad…the squad was the only family I ever had.

    Memories flashed across NyJewel’s mind of her childhood with the A- Squad. Her heart was massaged with joy and pain. Back in the day NyJewel was the sister of the A-Squad. She was one of the most gorgeous but roughest girls raised in the E. North street part of town, and all the thugs in the A-Squad viewed her as a sister, not a piece of flesh for sexual gratification. She was highly respected and earned it from day one with the A-Squad. From the sandbox days they played together, grew up together and as adults they lived a lavish and luxurious life together. NyJewel’s monopoly on the real estate market in town was mostly due to the A-Squad financing her ventures when she graduated from college. The rest is history.

    I love you Zulu, NyJewel fell into Zulu’s arms as he leaned against her car. And like a heartbroken woman she cried on his shoulders as they embraced under the streetlight. I don’t wanna see you and your friends get caught up in anything with Big Walt…please Zulu promise me.

    Don’t worry Ny,

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