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Chapters from Memories
Chapters from Memories
Chapters from Memories
Ebook157 pages57 minutes

Chapters from Memories

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About this ebook

This collection is the result of many years of internal reflection and reaction. Endless hours of trying to understand the world and the experiences it brought to one person's struggling perception of the world; my own. It could be that this is its own journey, or that this simply the beginning.

As for dedications, three come to mind. My mom for teaching me how to read and for passing on an enduring appreciation for literature. My dad for his years of grammar awareness. And to whomever it was in my family tree that passed on the gift to turn a blank page into anything imaginable.

"Human nature has come to define us . . . but we cannot let it blind us."
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 29, 2020
Chapters from Memories

Michael Wood

Michael Wood is an internationally acclaimed historian, film-maker and broadcaster, and the author of several bestselling books, including three Sunday Times number one bestsellers. He has made well over a hundred documentary films, hailed as some of ‘the most innovative history programmes ever on TV’ by the Independent. These include In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great and The Story of China. Michael is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts, the Royal Historical Society and the Society of Antiquaries. 

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    Chapters from Memories - Michael Wood

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4983-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4984-7 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/29/2020



    Chapter 1   The Eyes of the Blind

    Chapter 2   … And to All a Pleasant End

    Chapter 3   Luminate

    Chapter 4   No Title for the Entitled

    Chapter 5   Timeless Uncertainty

    Chapter 6   Conclusion of an Overture

    Chapter 7   Realization With or Without Confrontation

    Chapter 8   Back to the Beginning

    Chapter 9   Reflective Eternities



    At the end of an hour, of each day, of every single month, of any given year….life comes and goes, leaving us with memories. Those become remnants that leave mental imprints of who we are. Where we’ve been. Who we might become.

    Voices heard, images seen, sounds collected…coming together to mold us.

    They can come at us as either tasteful or tainted, and leave us as either clean or corrupted.

    The following pages, dear reader, are just a few chapters from some of my memories that chose to linger.

    Chapter 1

    The Eyes of the Blind

    Keep It Simple

    With so much to see

    and so much to do

    it’s quite easy to forget

    all of the things,

    all of the little things

    that we take for granted.

    Everyday people are hurrying

    here and there not even

    realizing that they already

    have what matters most in their lives…

    The simple things.

    The simple things.

    The simple things.

    Just keep it simple.

    Sometimes you just fell like

    putting everything on pause

    for a moment so that

    everyone can simply look

    around, all around, and

    observe that, after a minute,

    the darkness can be pushed

    away from their eyes to

    reveal the truth about

    it all, that what is cared

    about the most in this world

    they have had all along…

    The simple things.

    The simple things.

    The simple things.

    Just keep it simple.


    Frustration and anger hit

    every time you tell me to calm down

    or that I’ll get what I asked for

    soon when I should have gotten

    it a long time ago…

    But worse than that you damaged

    the one thing bonding us together.

    This once strong link is called

    trust and sadly you have left

    it broken, broken…

    To think that I actually believed

    in you in the beginning is a

    memory that is ripping and

    tearing me apart piece by piece,

    each one more painful

    than the last.

    All of this torture has caused

    both and mind to become

    broken, broken…

    Do you break everyone like this?

    Wounding your victims

    in that especially cruel way?

    I want to know.

    I want to know.

    I want to know.

    My trust in you…broken.

    My mind because of you…broken.

    My body as a result of you…broken.

    The Wrath

    She will soon be heard.

    Because she will win the final battle…

    We will all pay the price for what

    has been done to her and all of her


    It was never really all our fault

    in the first place.

    Human nature was the one that gave

    birth to the many factors that are leading

    us all down the dangerous path

    and will eventually result in our destruction.

    Anyone would surely choke if they tried

    to down the list in one swallow.

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