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Beyond Curiosity
Beyond Curiosity
Beyond Curiosity
Ebook219 pages3 hours

Beyond Curiosity

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Since Dawn of time; Man has always been on the quest to find out where we have come from. Up on the quest of a professor, and his old students. Not knowing they will encounter the supernatural being from the past. Coming to light the battle of evil against the good.
Release dateOct 1, 2020
Beyond Curiosity

J.B. Churchwell

J.B. Churchwell is from Arizona and had a short year tour in the Army for 9 years.

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    Beyond Curiosity - J.B. Churchwell

    © 2020 J.b. Churchwell. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/30/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-0282-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-0292-4 (e)

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    List Of Characters

    A Day At The Lab

    The Interlude

    Chapter 1 Ethiopia

    Chapter 2 The Chosen Team

    Chapter 3 The Change

    Chapter 4 Carrie‘s Change

    Chapter 5 The Dna Test

    Chapter 6 The Two Metamorphosis

    Chapter 7 The First Dig

    Chapter 8 The Blast

    Chapter 9 The Possession

    Chapter 10 The Trip

    Chapter 11 The Falls

    Chapter 12 The Conflict

    Chapter 13 The Jinn

    Chapter 14 A Story Of The End Times



    A ll the Lab techs just got through eating Domino’s pizza, and I decided to go back to my work station to do a little more reading on a new DNA TEST PROCEDURE. According to the Ethiopian International DNA Laboratory, this test is supposed to be able to determine the exact cause of death in animals and human beings. The test is capable of identifying all diseases known to mankind.

    After attempting to run the test on a piece of bone our expedition had found in the Antarctic feeling tired and sleepy. I kept telling myself a little more so that I could get caught up on my reading, and be one of the first to know how the procedure actually work. It had seemed as though it had been a few minutes, but it turned out to be four hours. My test result was fouled up some kind of way, so I decided to do a re-run.

    I went outside to take a ten minute smoke break. I ran into one of the other techs, spoke to him, and he acted as though his shit didn’t stink. Oh well, I guess some people just don’t know how to be professional or courteous. I’m not gonna let that affect my outlook on my mission in life. Damn! I better get back to work, it’s been twenty minutes already!

    I got back to the lab, and started the re-run. It seemed as though it had been about an hour, turned out to be 10:00 pm. Oops! I told my fiancé that I would be home early to take her out for dinner, then to a movie. Man, she’s gonna kick my rectum for this one. She has heard just about every excuse a man could come up with, so I will have to try and suck up to her some kind of way. My behavior has to be that of the world’s most Stuck-on-stupid man. She just let me out of the DOG-HOUSE last week for the same thing: standing her up, by staying late at work.

    Got to rush to get my things ready to leave the lab, and I better find a good excuse for being late. It aint nice being the ‘lone wolf’ all the time. Oh well, I’ll just have to deal with it when I get there.

    I rushed to my car, put my things in the trunk, got in and hauled ass trying to get home. As I accelerated the gas pedal, the car acted as if it wanted to stall out and stop. Man, everything is going wrong for me today. I should just pull over and take a nap, since I have to sleep on the couch tonight. Living on the out-skirts of town is really getting to me. I must be losing my mind, because I just thought I saw a beast with seven heads. Gotta shake this sleep off or else I’m gonna lose my mind on the way home.

    I tried closing my eyes to get a better focus on the road, then all of a sudden big bright light came out of nowhere and blinded me. Slowly I began to drift into darkness. It is as though I am without a body. I cried out to the top of my lungs: Why is this happening to me? However, no one answered me. A senses of fear came over me, and I felt an urgent need to call out for help. I called out over and over again, and no-one is answering me. It now seems as though I am trillion miles from nowhere.

    Something urged me to look ahead. At first I couldn’t see anything, then I saw a faint light appear as though something was on fire. I struggled to get closer. Finally I reached it. Getting there took all my strength from me, so I laid down for a few seconds to regain my strength. I could hear through the ground, footsteps getting closer and closer to me. Momentarily I felt as though everything would be alright, because I am not alone anymore.

    The footsteps stopped, and I looked up to see who it were. I saw a short, curly hair, bow-legged man with an eye that floated as if it were a grape, standing over me. Dude looked like someone tried to put that sucker right out. At that time I felt uneasy, because I had never met anyone who looked like this. He asked me: What do you see? I got up and broke camp, getting away from him. It seemed like the more I ran, I failed to gain any ground. What in hell is going on around this place I thought to myself. I couldn’t for the life of me describe this experience in words. I asked myself: What are you doing on an Island with a short hair, bow-legged man with a protruding you?

    All of a sudden, this man was standing right in front of me again. I began running in a different direction. He grabbed me by the shoulder and asked me: Do you want to be free of the world’s problems and pain? He went on to say: I can give you all the things you have wanted throughout your lifetime.

    I use to think I was bat at one time in my life, but now here I am standing here with this little bow-legged man holding me by the shoulder telling me this, and here I am trembling inside. What would my homies think if they knew this?

    For a brief moment I thought I were floating, but realized that I had started running again. I spotted a boat along the beach that I was going to try and jump in and get away. It started drifting away as I got closer to it. A hand grabbed me, and I almost messed my pants! Damn! It’s bow-legged man again! He flexed his grip on my neck and asked me: Do you want to live or die, or shall I release you? I asked him Why are you following me? he said: Look down! I looked down and saw a lake of fire underneath me. I screamed: I want to love man, don’t let me fall in the fire. He then told me: You owe me your soul!

    He looked at me and started laughing at me so loud that I could feel his laughter in my stomach. I put my hands over my ears, but I didn’t muffle the sound at all. When I opened my eyes again, I were right back where I first met him. I started hearing voices all around me, and I couldn’t understand why I were hearing voices and couldn’t understand what they were saying. Every now and then I would hear the cry of someone who seemed as though they were in severe pain, but I couldn’t see who and where they were.

    Man, I must be really tripping! I sat there trying to figure out where I was, but each time I started thinking about a way to get out of this place, I would hear a voice telling me: You can’t leave until I say so. A brief image of a skeleton ran across my mind, and I began praying. My whole being felt trapped with fear of the unknown. A bible scripture ran across my mind, and I felt it were the end of the world as I knew it.

    My mind madly rushed to recall how the world would end, and I remembered the false Messiah would appear, and there would be great tribulation on the face of earth. That there would be no greater tribulation that the world’s end.

    Out of nowhere, the bow-legged man appeared. This time I didn’t run, I tried to act as if I wasn’t scared. I noticed that his eye were neither protruding nor were it deep seated in his eye socket. His other eye looked just like a floating grape in a bowl of water. He said: I am your Lord you have been waiting for. I wanted to tell him observed something written on his forehead between his eyes. However, I couldn’t read or understand what it said or meant.

    A voice of a man came from behind me which said: Do not think you are imagining any of this, and when the time comes for you to see clearly the letters on his forehead, you will know what and who you are and who he is. All illiterate and literate who have the key to life will be able to read what it says. So beware of the two flowing rivers he invites you to, for one will fool and destroy you.

    I felt safe, and that I have a helper to fight this bow-legged man. I turned around to say something to this man, but he had vanished. I felt all alone again. In the distant darkness a voice said: Go to the two cities where he will not be able to enter. You must find them! Find yourself and your place in both worlds before it’s too late. Hurry my brother!

    Fear seized me once again. I set out running straight ahead until I reached some palm trees. Rest was what I need the most. I sat down and noticed that it was getting more visible for me to see, just like after dawn. Shortly thereafter, there came a ship which contained about thirty men and a captain. The captain asked: Who are you? I told him: My name is Charles and I am an Archaeologist trying to find my way back home. He asked: Do you want to board our ship and sail with us? I immediately jumped on the offer, cause I wanted to get the hell out of this place.

    The waves tossed us about the sea for about 30 days, until finally we came up to an island just about sunset. We approached the Island on our rafts, and landed. We were met by a hairy man which looked like a beast. He was so hairy that we couldn’t tell his front from back. The men on the ship said: Woe, what is this? It said: I am Jasah. They said: What is that? It said: O people, go to the monastery, for he is eager to know about you.

    We quickly went to the monastery, and there we found a huge man with his hands tied up to his legs up to his ankles. We asked: Who are you? He said: You will soon know about me. Tell me about who you are? We said: We are from the Middle East area of the world, and the waves tossed our ship about for a month, and we finally came up to this Island. He said: There is a lake in Palestine plenty water in it soon will become dry. Date palms of Baysan will not bear fruit. He went to say: Tell me about the illiterate Prophet? We said: He has overcome the people and they have followed him. He said: Has it really happened? We said yes. He said: It is better for them that they follow him if they but know what is best for them."

    He went on to say: I will soon be permitted to leave this place! I will emerge and travel about the earth to every town except two, for these have been forbidden to me. Every time I try to enter either city, I will be met by an angel bearing an unsheathed sword, who will prevent me from entering it. There will be angels guarding them at every passage leading into them.

    A fog like smoke entered the monastery, and suddenly he vanished. Then a fire broke out at each entrance. The heat suddenly became intense, and I began to cough and lose consciousness. I could hear faint voices at a distance. For some reason or another, I felt as though I had unlimited knowledge. I couldn’t see any of the crew, so I yelled out to them to run towards the entrance that has the most fire coming from it, it will lead out to the ship. Why I told them that I do not know.

    As I drifted in darkness totally, those voices I had heard came closer and closer. I felt someone shake me. Immediately I thought I was being haunted by the short curly hair, bow-legged man with the messed up eyes. I struggled to see who it was that were calling my name. A warm feeling filled my body as my eyes slowly opened. At first I could only see blurred objects and images of a group of people standing over me.

    I closed my eyes to get a better focus of who was standing over me. Then I asked: Who are you people? A sweet voice said: Oh baby, I have been here for the past eighteen months waiting on you to come to. Baby, you have been in a coma all this time. Your can ran into a diesel truck on the way home. The doctor said that you wasn’t going to make it, but I told him you would.

    Ah man, I didn’t want to wake up again to see that short, curly hair, bow-legged man with the protruding eye stranding over me.

    THE DREAM!!!



    I t was 7:30 pm, March 7, 1995 a discussion came up about why Charles was acting as if he didn’t know his fiancé, Debra Collins. There was a communication problem on Charles behalf, because he would not allow himself to believe that he was actually going to marry her. For some reason he didn’t feel that he was ready to settle down. One night she became furious when he told her that he honestly didn’t remember who she was. He told her that he needed her to help him get some help with his memory. She said: What in the hell is wrong with you Charles? You act like I would sit here and lie to you along with the entire neighborhood about us being engaged? He got up without answering her went into the living room got his calculator, walked back and said: Do you really think I would sit here and lie to you about this?

    Debra thought to herself: This bastard has used me for my sex and financial support all this time and now he’s playing like he doesn’t know who I am. He don’t know it, but his dog ass has to go. Out of anger, pain and trying not to lose all composure, shed said: I’m gonna fixed a nice dinner for us tomorrow night, so I want you to come home so we can eat and talk. He said: That’s fine, I’ll be here on time. She started washing the dinner dishes and Charles offered. She said: I can handle it. He shrugged his shoulders and went into the living room to watch the Braves and Red game.

    Debra finished the dishes and walked quietly into the bathroom to take a bath. By the time she finished with her bath, Charles had nodded off to sleep. When she came back into the living room looked at him. She thought to herself: It doesn’t do me any good to try and be sensual to this memory loss idiot. Hell! He doesn’t even care about me. I guess I will always have bad luck with men. After standing there in thought, she decided to go to bed, but didn’t bother waking him to come to bed. She felt tired, so she went to bed and fell asleep within a couple of minutes.

    The next morning, she woke up early, and fixed breakfast for the two of them, but when she went into the living room looked outside, she found that Charles had left already. Instantly she became revengeful and thought to herself: I’m gonna get even with him some kind of way. That afternoon, she fixed dinner so they could discuss where their relationship was headed. Charles arrived around 6:30 pm; rushed in to take a shower, dressed and came back out for dinner.

    Debra said: Are you hungry? He said: Yes, and let’s talk about whatever you wanted to talk about. She told him to sit down at the table, while she place the food on the table. After she finished, she sat down next to him and said: Charles I need you to tell me if we have a future or not? He said: I don’t think it would be fair for me to marry you right now, because I just can’t for the life of me remember you. She said: "That’s all you can say about these past four years of my life I have catered

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