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The Crushing Process: A Divine Call of God
The Crushing Process: A Divine Call of God
The Crushing Process: A Divine Call of God
Ebook91 pages1 hour

The Crushing Process: A Divine Call of God

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When God first started to deal with me in writing this book, I was not sure if it was truly Him talking to me. Most people have a hard time writing down their thoughts and their pains for others to read, just as I did. We do not want to expose the hidden secrets in our lives; but when we say to God that I want to be used by You then we bow down to His (God) Will and do as He has commanded us to do. I would have never guessed in my right mind that 1 would be preaching the Word of God, prophesying to the people of God, nor writing this book. Therefore, it goes to show us that we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us Amen.

This book is total about being obedience to the will and purpose of God and His Kingdom. We are mandated by God to live a Holy life dedicated to Him and Him alone. Here is where the tire meets the road in the lives of believers. How bad do you want to please God? How bad do you want your life to change? Well, in this book you will find a life changing example of giving up your will for the will and purpose of our Heavenly Father's sake. May God bless you as you dive into these pages and allow the Holy Spirit to take control of your life forever and ever.

Release dateApr 20, 2006
The Crushing Process: A Divine Call of God

Lora Johnson-Posey

The Author of this book, Lora Johnson-Posey, has been moved by God to share her life story from the beginning to now.  I trust that you have already prayed and asked God to minister to you as you read about this life of another person that can also be a life changing experience for you as well. Lora has a heart after God’s own heart and a heart for this nation.  She is all about doing what God has called, commissioned, and commanded her to do.  She is all about kingdom building and has a desire to see all God’s people saved.  Not only saved but also walking in all God has for us. Sunday the 17th of February, our Pastor, Arthur L. Siggers, announced that Sister and brother Posey had gotten married.  On that day, I begin to notice that she was a peculiar person.  I was thinking this person was sanctified and holy and I was right she is both. Around March or April 2003, we both announced our calling to preach God’s Word.  We started communicating and would talk sometimes to early the next morning.  All credit goes to God for our coming together.  What I learned was she is a prophet sent by God to build, encourage, direct and correct—“OUCHE”.  I think some of her famous words are, “WHAT DID GOD SAY ABOUT IT”.  I was blessed to have her book read to me over the phone and I know that it will bless you as well. Lora A. Johnson-Posey graduated from Collins High School in May of 1978.  She attending Jones Jr. College after graduating from high school, and majored in Childcare & Development, but dropped out in 1982.  She returned to Jones Jr. College in August of 1996 and ended up transferred to the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) after she could not pass a College algebra course she needed to graduate from Jones.  She passed the course at USM but changed her major to Psychology.  She ran into some problems that stemmed from her dropping out of Jones in 1982, which lead to her being suspended from USM for academic progress.  While being suspended from USM, she returned to Jones and majored in Art Appreciations.  She graduated from Jones in May of 2003 with an Associates of Arts Degree in Childcare.  In June of 2003, she was licensed to preach the gospel under the leadership of Arthur L. Siggers and the Mt. Olive Church Family. She returned to USM in August of 2004, graduated from USM in May of 2004 with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology.  In August of 2004, she attended Williams Carey College, majored in Religion, and was inducted into The National Dean’s List of honoring America’s outstanding College students around the world.  Her accomplishment has being sent out to thousands of libraries, colleges, universities, and the Library of Congress.  She later transferred to AmericanInterContinnual

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    The Crushing Process - Lora Johnson-Posey

    © 2006 Lora Johnson-Posey. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 4/12/2006

    ISBN: 1-4259-2856-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-0404-2 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2006902869

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana

    In loving Memory of my precious daughter and angel Saundra Deloris Johnson, born February 20, 1982, who went on to be with Lord on her birthday. We will see you one day my precious child in Jesus’ Name


    I would like to dedicate this book to my family and friends but most of all to the hurting, displaced, misrepresented and shy individuals who feel that no one cares for them or sees their pain. I thought the same thing at one time or another in my life only to find out that God loved me above measures. He loves you when you do not love yourself or feel that you are worthless in the eyesight of man. It is not about man my friend; it is all about God and He loves you for whatever state of mind you maybe in at this moment. Trust Him with your life and He will change your way of thinking, your way of doing things and your way of life for His glory.

    I thank God for my husband and my children for putting up with my shortcomings and with me. I delicate this book to my husband even more so because if it had not being for God using him in certain parts of my life, I would not be able to write this book and share with you all the things that I have gone through for the sake of God’s love and the love of my soul mate. My high school sweetheart was a jewel in my life all those years we were apart and he is now a precious stone of gold from God. We were married on sweetheart’s day, February 14, in 2002, and I love you dearly my love and may God continue to use you to keep me moving in the right direction with Him.

    I love you all so much that words cannot describe it. To my husband Orlando Guy Posey and my sons Orlando Santrel Johnson, Kelvin Sanchez Johnson, Leander Rychard Posey, Jonathan Antron Magee, Orlando Takeem Posey, Justin Rachard Magee, and Jamol Guy Posey. As God continues to move through our family, I pray that you all become all that God has ordained you to be. A family that prays together stays together and we have giving God totally control over our household and whatever He has promised to the family, He has already preformed it before the foundation of the world, therefore, we will rejoice in it and be glad Amen.






    Life as a Teenager


    Life as an Adult


    Call to a Relationship with God


    Call to walk in a Death Walk with God


    Test of Unconditional Love with God


    Call to Trust God


    Putting My Life Back Together with God


    Coming To the End of Myself with God


    Call to the Office of a Prophetess by God



    In an age of anxiety, anguish, confusion and conflict especially within the community of faith…when so many are telling us to hold on, it is refreshing to attest to the witness and testimony of one who has been tried in the fire of traditionalism and survived by the grace of God and through the faith of God. This is the tread that ties the life of Lora Posey, my beloved daughter in the gospel and preaching ministry, together and holds her and so many other women like her.

    God is looking for women who are willing to sacrifice their own personal agenda as well as popular public opinion for the kingdom’s sake. Women have played such a major role in the life of the church but so often are overlooked as pioneers of faith.

    I thank God for blessing Rev. Posey with the boldness to share with us her experience and walk of faith and growth for I already believe God for the deliverance of the many hurting, suffering and struggling souls that read these pages.

    As you read these pages remember 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, for the weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

    Arthur L. Siggers

    Pastor of Mt. Olive Baptist Church

    Hattiesburg, Ms


    When God first started to deal with me in writing this book, I was not sure if it was truly Him talking to me. Most people have a hard time writing down their thoughts and their pains for others to read, just as I did. We do not want to expose the hidden secrets in our lives; but when we say to God that I want to be used by You then we bow down to His (God) Will and do as He has commanded us to do. I would have never guessed in my right mind that I would be preaching the Word of God, prophesying to the people of God, nor writing this book. Therefore, it goes to show us that we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us Amen.

    Never in my wildness dreams would I have thought that God would choose me to be one of His Prophetess who had issues with just being called to preach. In this book, you will find how my struggles lead to a divine call of God on my life and how He mainstreamed every avenue to get me to the place He wanted me to be. When we are lead my God, He leads us into the wealth places that He has for us. As I was seeking the Lord in my walk with Him, my mind stayed focused on Matthew 6:33 that said, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. What does this scripture really mean? What does it really mean to me? How did this scripture fit into my life as a child of God? How does this scripture fit into your life as a child of God as well?

    I was not able to understand the meaning of this scripture until God taught me how to walk in this scripture through the Holy Spirit. Maybe you are asking how do you know that you are walking in this scripture. Well, one way to know is to break the scripture down in its elements or parts and define each one. First, God asks us to seek. What is He asking us to seek? He is asking us to seek Him first. How do we seek Him first? Seek His kingdom and all His righteousness. Not our righteousness, but His. We ask Him to come into our lives and save us. Then Matthew 6 tells us that

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