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The 12 Commandments of Socialism: Socialist Promises
The 12 Commandments of Socialism: Socialist Promises
The 12 Commandments of Socialism: Socialist Promises
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The 12 Commandments of Socialism: Socialist Promises

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The 12 Commandments of Socialism is an in-depth description of the reality of life and the reality of socialism in socialist countries. It proves the limited freedom and serious violations of human rights. It presents how freedom is exercised with the limited accesses to Free Press, Free Speech, Free Assembly, Free Trials By Jury, Free Travel, Free Votes and Free Social Benefits

The 12 Commandments of Socialism also leads the readers to the enlightenment and the fact that the socialist egalitarian utopia has never become a reality in any country that had and has been applying socialism in more than one century of its existence. Socialism indeed delivers so many injustices, sufferings, inequalities, suppressions, poverty and deaths.

The 12 Commandments of Socialism is not a speculation or theory but it is well supported with many true stories of socialist victims. These victims faced either the life-long imprisonment and hard labor camps for 10 years to 30 years or the execution of their lives and the endless sufferings of their family members. Millions of people were starved or run their exodus from the socialist regimes.

The 12 Commandments of Socialism is composed with a great writing style and rhetorical devices that are used to lead the readers to the reality of socialism and remind the readers to be discerning to the many great and tempting promises of socialism and the socialists who promise heaven but hell is the final outcome and destination.

The 12 Commandments of Socialism is also a great philosophical and religious discussion of many areas of life and value. Thus is it not only a great book for reading but also for reflections and refreshments. It is also a touching and inspiring book for a must-to-read book

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 13, 2020
The 12 Commandments of Socialism: Socialist Promises

A.Y Ph.D.

Dr. A. Y. was a former university professor who was called to preach the Gospels to the nations as a Healing Evangelist. He is an anointed speaker for revival, leadership and mission conferences. He is also the organizer and speaker of many crusades, leadership, missions and revival conference. He is the Founder and President of underground Seminary, Missions organization, and TV Ministry. Dr. S.Y is a university professor and the overseer of many home-church ministries. She is gifted with prophetic words and she is called to minister to families for inner healing, restoration and family devotion. She is mightily used by God to inspire and challenges many believers for missions through her many experiences of persecutions.

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    The 12 Commandments of Socialism - A.Y Ph.D.






    Socialist Promises

    A.Y Ph.D. and S.Y Ph.D.


    Copyright © 2020 A.Y Ph.D. and S.Y Ph.D.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020916400

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/07/2020



    • Great Thoughts From Global Leaders

    • Special Appreciation

    • Americans and Socialism: An Introduction

    • The Proven Truth

    • The Free World of Socialism and the 12 Commandments

    1. Thou Shall Have No Other Press

    2. Thou Shall Have No Religion

    3. Thou Shall Not Speak Otherwise

    4. Thou Shall Not Go Out of the Folds

    5. Thou Shall Not Need Trials By Jury

    6. Thou Shall Have No Adequate Rights

    7. Thou Shall Not Gather Peacefully

    8. Thou Shall Not Be Paid Duly

    9. Thou Shall Not Need To Vote

    10. Thou Shall Have No Other Ideology

    11. Thou Shall Not Live Well

    12. Thou Shall Not Be Equal

    • A Relevant Example

    • Unnecessary Reminders

    • The Freedom Speech

    The Bloody Prices For Freedom

    The Loss of Freedom

    The Cries for Freedom

    • Millions of Americans Must Come Together For This

    • Jesus, The Name That Saves

    God’s Love Is For All

    The Name You Should Call

    The Power of His Name

    We Will Be Saved

    Prayer of Dedication and Confession

    Please Keep In Touch With Global Missions Vision

    • Appendix: Global Missions Vision and Vision 20%

    Global Missions Vision and Missions To Gospel-Restricted Nations

    • Missions Partnership and Financial Support

    • Vision 20% and The Global Worship and Revival Conference

    • Sponsors For Book Publication and Christian Literature Distribution

    • Speaking Appointments With Authors

    • Adopting Church Planters and Vision 20%

    • Partnership For Charity Works

    • Coming and Annual Events

    • Sources




    D R. A.Y provides a unique viewpoint on issues of importance to the current political discourse in America, especially as it relates to the issue of socialism from a Christian and Biblical perspective. He was raised in an authoritarian socialist country, and, after completing his theological training in a free country, served for several years as a pastor, evangelist and Bible school leader in another major socialist country before being expelled and coming to America. His first-hand account of his experiences and those of his extended family, friends and ministry colleagues living in a socialist context, and his reflections on the current American political environment, are both provocative and compelling. His insights and analyses provide a valuable contribution to the current American debate about the role of socialism in our nation.

    John F. Carter, Ph.D.

    I want to congratulate Dr. A.Y and Dr. S.Y on this wonderful work about socialism and detailed analyses of real life in some socialist countries. I could not agree with them more about the limited freedom and many serious violations of human rights in many socialist countries. My family and I also experienced so many of those socialist commandments when I was put in various jails for a total period of 10 years and I was under 20 years of strict surveillances in a socialist country until my family and I were deported from that socialist country. This book provides much valuable information to readers about the choice of socialism and the great republic.

    Rev. Dr. Paul A.

    Freedom is the heart cry of humanity and should be available to all people regardless of race or color. You will find this book to be a bright light shining through the darkness of false promises of socialism. The writers, Dr. A.Y and Dr. S.Y, pulls the mask off those with hate and disdain for America. We know the profound phrase, Know the truth and the truth will set you free. Not only are these words spoken by Jesus Christ, but they are the driving purpose in the writing of this book. Read and know the truth.

    Rev. Dr. J. W. Sloan

    Please Make Your Decision To Read This Book Until The End!

    The Many Victims Need You To Hear Them Out

    The Victims Do Not Want You To Fall Into The Same Deceptive Path.

    Kindly Help Others Know The Truth By

    Making This Book Available to Them.

    Many Heartfelt Thanks and Gratitude To the Millions of

    Americans and People of The Nations For Receiving and

    Embracing the Millions of Victims From Many Socialist Nations

    and Regimes and Tyrannies To Your Lands Of Freedom.

    Please Note That

    Your freedom to read this book is at the expense of the

    loss of freedoms and sufferings by millions of people

    in socialist regimes, including the writers.

    We hope that you would treasure the great freedoms

    and the great protection of many human rights

    that America and Americans do have.

    Please Send Us Your Stories So We Could

    Learn From Your Experiences

    And We Would Share Your Stories In Our Next

    Books If You Are Willing To Do So.

    [email protected]



    T his book could not be possible without the prayers, encouragements, patience, sacrifices, insights and wonderful support of our parents, spouses, children, brothers and sisters and many family and church members. This is their book, their experiences and their stories and we had the honor to put their stories together. We regret that many of their names could not be listed here now for security purposes.

    We are indebted to the many supports, spiritual guidance, love, prayers and blessings of great spiritual leaders around the world and throughout the tough and great years that we do not often express our heartfelt gratitude publicly: Rev. Dr. Paul A. and Rev. Ruth A., Rev. Dr. Nate S. and Rev. Dr. Chris S., Rev. Dr. Richard S. and Rev. Jewel S., Rev. Lawrence K. and Rev. Nettie Y. and our board members Joe T., Mark M., Peter. B., Joshua D., Mary F., and their wonderful families.

    We would like to say many appreciations to Dr. John F. Carter, our former excellent professor and President of Asia Pacific Theological Seminary and the Chairman of the Board of Asia Pacific Theological Association for his many academic, intellectual and spiritual investments in our lives. Without his precious critical thoughts, suggestions, advices and insights, the coherence of this book could not be possible. Thanks a lot also to Ma’am Bea Carter for your love, cares, supports and many prayers.

    We would also appreciate Dr. David S. Lim, the President of the Asian School for Development and Cross-cultural Studies and the President of China Ministries International-Philippines, for his great academic insights on the subject matter of socialism that greatly challenged the writers to develop greater thoughts and discussions on socialism and the current situations.

    We would like to express our many gratitudes to special people and their family members for their wonderful fellowship, generous support, great encouragement, bountiful care and love, and constant prayers: Rev. Dr. Mark H. and Dinh N., Joseph F. and Mary Y., John D. and Kitty D., John, Matthew and Mary, Rev. David K. and Tram U., Bang T. and Loc D., Mindy N., Henry T. and Moon T., Rev. Jessie C., Stephanie P., Don N. and Phuong N., Thomas L. and Jenny L., Kathryn and Steve G., George L. and Orchid H., Tiffany D., Tan H. and Hannah Mom, Alex H. and Megan Mom, Rina B., Lisa L., Vinnie T., Hally T., Chau P., Chi H., Christine N., Vicky N. and Steve H., and many others.

    This book could not be better and more beautiful without the many diligent and creative works of WestBow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan and staffs in their design, editing, marketing and distribution of this book and to make this book available readers worldwide. Thanks a lot to Eric Schroeder, the Senior Publishing Consultant, Joe Anderson, the coordinator of WestBow Press, Tim Fitch, Publishing Services Associate and Lucas Biery for content evaluation and many other staffs who made this book available.

    Most of all we would like to give thanks to our Loving and Almighty God for all of His wisdom, blessings, protections and providences. Thank You, Lord, for Your many strengths, inspirations, thoughts and guidance throughout the process. Thank You, Lord, for Your many healings, deliverances, restorations, renewals, reflections, and powerful touches to every reader. Lord, may You also bless every reader and their family members abundantly and may You bring more encouragements, miracles, breakthroughs and peace to every home.




    S ocialism found its way to the U.S. as early as the 18 th century. Then there were the labor activists who were mostly British, German, or Jewish immigrants who founded the Socialist Labor Party in 1877; with many of their descendants perpetrating the same ideology… And we see these people in today’s labor unions such as the NEA, SEIU, Teamsters, and so on according to Candie Suarez on the Daily Conspiracy.

    Socialism was once popular in the United States of America in the 1910s. The Socialist Party was founded and saw the significant growth between 1900 and 1912 under the leadership of the socialist leader Eugene V. Debs who led the establishment of the Socialist Party of America. Debs was the party’s presidential candidate in 1900 but received only 96,000 votes wrote Encyclopedia Britannica.

    Socialism became known and accepted by more Americans when Eugene V. Debs continued to run for many of his presidential elections and criticized the economic power of capitalism, the flaws of capitalism and the traditional political concepts though he was not elected. Between 1900 and 1920 Debs was the Socialist party’s standard-bearer in five presidential elections according to Editors.

    From the many threats of the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 to the rise of Soviet socialist nations, and till the end of the Cold War between the U.S. and the former USSR in 1991, the socialist movements also took part in fighting against labor and racial struggles in 1930s, social struggles in the 1960s, and 1970s and playing important roles in the civil rights movement with the New Left stated Wikipedia.

    However, socialism in those seven decades since the decline of the socialist movement in 1920 in the U.S., was basically unpopular or at least it was forgotten from time to time in the U.S. because socialism pointed to the destructive Soviet type of socialism which was unfortunately filled with dictatorship, oppression, tyrannies, poverties and mass killings of millions of innocent people by the socialist leaders.

    According to Article 76 of the 1977 Soviet Constitution, a Union Republic was a sovereign Soviet socialist state that had united with other Soviet Republics in the USSR… the Soviet Union officially consisted of fifteen Soviet Socialist Republics (SSRs). At the fall of former USSR, these former Soviet Socialist Republics are now independent countries according to Wikipedia on Republics of the Soviet Union.

    The former USSR was the most powerful socialist state before 1991 and it grew as one of the most powerful nations of the day. The USSR just like other socialist nations did carried out the socialist agendas of social ownership and equality to the extreme. Unfortunately, the growth and groans of the socialist nations were at the grave sacrifices of millions of its citizen with failed reforms, famines and poverty.

    The USSR was known as the Soviet Republics and it did mark its characteristics of Soviet-type socialism with militant leadership, big government, violation of human rights, corruption and limited freedom. It was once the nightmare of the Western World and million hopeless citizens in the socialist states and Soviet republics. Its history was tainted with countless streams of blood of million innocent people.

    The USSR and Soviet-type socialism failed after seven decades of revolutions. For most of its history, the USSR was a highly centralized state; the decentralization reforms during the era of Perestroika (Restructuring) and Glasnost (Openness) conducted by Mikhail Gorbachev are cited as one of the factors which lead to the dissolution of the USSR stated Wikipedia on Republics of the Soviet Union.

    Capitalism then won again the hearts of Americans and people of nations at the collapse of the former USSR, the powerful socialist nations in Eastern Europe, the Berlin Wall and other socialist nations elsewhere. Capitalism was still celebrated as it led America and Americans to go through economic crises and made America to be the top nation of the world with their economic, political and military powers.

    The economic crisis in 2001 and 2008 brought many tragedies to the nationals and Americans were of no exception. In 2009, President Barak Obama was elected at the outbreak of this economic crisis or the Great Recession through his promising presidential campaigns on Hope and Change We Can Believe In. Trillions of U.S. dollars were poured into reform agendas to revive the declining economy.

    His achievements included reducing unemployment and poverty, decreasing the number of Americans who lack insurance, focusing on clean energy, and reducing official discrimination against the LGBTQ group. In foreign policy, Obama is most known for the successful operation against Osama bin Laden, the Iran Nuclear Deal and improvement of U.S. relations with Cuba according to Anirudth.

    Unfortunately, the reforms and the huge spending of the Administration of President Obama through moderate tax, major stimulus package, comprehensive health care reform, banking regulation, did not bring much Hope and Change in income inequality, federal budget deficit, international trade and U.S. economy. Americans under poverty line increased from less than 800,000 to 40.0 million.

    Michael D’Antonio wrote about the legacy of President Obama but he acknowledged that, You’ve got a lot of lower wage, unfortunately, service jobs being created, not enough high-wage jobs for the people who want them, and at the same time you have this tripling of the stock market, and actually a rebound down real estate… but he didn’t make the progress that I think he hoped he would on inequality, in part because there’s only so much a president can do stated WBUR.

    Emily Stewart on Vox noted that, The unemployment rate jumped from 6.1 percent in August 2008 to 9.5 percent two years later in August 2010. Millions of Americans lost their homes, their jobs, or both. By November 2012, the unemployment rate was 9.8 percent and the rejection of President Obama’s advisers for large infrastructure projects led to the loss of homes of 10 million Americans.

    The economic reforms did provide jobs but short-lived and thousands of companies closed their factories, moving their operations abroad. As the result, more jobs were lost than provided. Capitalism, not the top leaders or the democrats, was, every time, to be blamed for the economic crisis, economic instability, foreclosures of houses, high rate of unemployment to million Americans, and people of the nations.

    Capitalism was again criticized for the failed economy. Capitalism was to be blamed for the inequalities. Capitalism was accused of for the unemployment. Capitalism was considered as the cause of wealth gaps and the elites. Capitalism was to be blamed for almost everything that failed when it was the failures and inability of the country leaders while President Obama is still praised as the great president.

    In the Obama years, the government let corporations get bigger and economic power grow more concentrated. Obama’s regulators declined to push antimonopoly measures against big corporations according to Farhad Manjoo on The New York Times. Interestingly, no mainstream media mentioned the failures of President Obama and his administration but the blames are on the economic crisis and capitalism.

    Harold Meyerson pointed out that, But the prime mover of millions of Americans into the socialist column has been the near complete dysfunctionality of contemporary American capitalism… the deregulated, deunionized and financialized capitalism of the past 35 years has produced record levels of inequality, a shrinking middle class, and scant economic opportunities for the young.

    Farhad Manjoo emphasized that, It’s also true that over the course of his presidency, inequality grew, and Obama did little to stop it. While much of the rest of the country struggled to get by, the wealthy got wealthier and multimillionaires and billionaires achieved greater political and cultural power… Then capitalism received all the dirt again for the monopoly of the wealthy corporations.

    Thomas Frank reviewed in his book, Listen, Liberal: that Insurers remained embedded in the health care system. Wall Street retained its power in finances. Poverty was intractable, college students remained burdened by debt, and income inequality had worsened reported Michael D’Antonio. Socialism once again found its way to re-emerge in American society and politics with its criticism of capitalism.

    In 2008, there were about 28 million food-stamp recipients. The number of food-stamp receivers kept increasing under President Obama until almost 48 million recipients in 2013 and more than 44.2 million recipients in 2016 and that was roughly 15% of the population—needed food stamps… It’s another sign the recovery isn’t reaching everybody yet according to Heather Long on CNN Money.

    The number of able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled from 1.9 million in 2008 to 3.9 million in 2010 when Obama singed his stimulus bill and suspended a rule under the 1996 Welfare Reform Law that regulated how long able-bodied adults without dependents could collect food stamps. By June 2009, there were 36,029,506 persons participating in food stamp program reported Mary M. Olohan.

    According to Matt Palumbo on The Political Insider, during the time of President Obama, the following areas kept increased such as student loans, food stamps, federal debt, money printing, health costs and black inequality. The following areas were declined such as labor force participation, home ownership and median family income rate that coincided with an increase in food stamp participation.

    There were more than 10 million jobs added but 15 million jobs were also lost as companies and factories moved abroad. The unemployment rate was high and millions of Americans had no choice but facing with jobless, uncertainties, worries and pains. Should capitalism was to be blamed alone or should President Obama also be responsible for his failed policies and inability to revive the economy?

    The Robert Tracinski on the Federalist pointed out that President Obama has failed to live up to his promises and to the responsibilities of his office because he didn’t heal the racial divisions in the U.S., his stimulus didn’t stimulate the economy but it was financed entirely with debt, his financial reform didn’t reform. Congress voted for hundreds of billion of dollars for shovel-ready projects which Obama later discovered don’t exist, and the money disappeared without a trace."

    President Obama has almost doubled our national debt to more than $19 trillion, and growing, Trump said. Yet what do we have to show for it? Our roads and bridges are falling apart, our airports are in their worse condition, and 43 million Americans are on food stamps. For all of the spending in Washington under President Barack Obama, the American people are not better off reported Nadia Pflaum.

    The mainstream media could not hide the truth any longer or to cover their failures and political games forever. The worse thing was, the many failures of President Obama, his administration, the democrats and the economic crisis were the main reasons why socialism took the attention of million Americans who were willing to embrace socialism with the hope of a better future without pressures and burdens.

    Thus, the switch to socialism by millions of American millenials, by so many democrats and most of the democrat leaders since 2016 was first of all the cause of the failing economy and the disappointment of Americans under the presidency of President Obama. At the many criticisms of capitalism, Americans, then, were attracted to many freebies and offers of Sen. Bernie Sanders and the socialists.

    Today in the U.S., Berman says the support for Sanders and the idea of democratic socialism stems from the 2008 financial crisis and everything that succeeded it-including growing income inequality, declining social mobility and increased geographic divides particularly between young people based on whether they could afford college reported Jeremy Hobson and Allison Hagan on

    Secondly, importantly, the rise of Soviet-type socialism in America was also the result of the successful plan of the leaders of American socialists to make Barack Obama the first Socialist President of the U.S. Millions of Americans may not know the fact that President Obama had a strong communist background and he was strongly influenced by socialism though he may not openly declared that.

    Karin McQuillan noted the communist background of President Obama whose grandfather, mother and father and his many leaders, advisers, and supporters such as David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Bill Ayers… who were either members or leaders of Communist Party or radical left. President Obama was also seen as a revolutionary Marxist in college according to John Drew, a Marxist student at Occidental College.

    The current rise of Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the easy defund of police are the fruits of President Obama’s works and the democrat leaders when he pardoned terrorists and serious criminals and put BLM militants in charge of police retraining. The democrat mayors and governors from Asbury Park to Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles and all democratic states supported the riots of BLM and Antifa.

    The growing support of Americans to socialism was also due to President Obama’s supports to socialism as a socialist. According to Karin McQuillan on Life Site, Obama chose communists and Marxists for the highest, most powerful positions in our land, including his closest political advisers and his head of the CIA. These facts are not in dispute. Most are openly admitted by the people in question.

    Wikipedia on the history of the socialist movement stated an important fact that, the DSA strongly supported the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama in his race against Republican candidate John Mc. Cain in 2008. The National Director, Frank Llewellyn declared that, over the past 12 months, the Democratic Socialists of America has received more media attention it has over the past 12 years.

    Obama tells us the radical socialist conferences he attended before law school gave him his road map in life… Obama’s run for state representative was as the handpicked successor of a socialist state representative, who was publicly active in communist circles… Until he became president, Obama was a 20-year member of an openly Marxist church whose members had to take a pledge against the middle class stated Karin McQuillan

    Leon Puissegur concluded that, our Marxist/Socialist/Communist President was not just supported by the Communist Party; he was selected by the Communist Party of the United States to replace the Communist, Alice Palmer when… What more proof is needed to show Obama’s past is extremely deep in some sort of Anti-United States actions by the varied parties of Marxist, Socialist, Communist and maybe others that do not want the United States to succeed!

    Surveys of Rasmussen Reports, Pew and Gallup showed the growing support of socialism over capitalism during the administration of President Obama. Though President Obama and his administration denied that many of their policies were socialistic, yet, socialism grew significantly during his administration and it took the leap with Sen. Bernie Sanders with more than 13 million supporters in 2016.

    This also explains the reason why the former Vice President Joe Biden who was under President Barack Obama and is now the top democratic candidate for the 2020 presidential election wholeheartedly embraces the destructive socialism and the socialist agenda. One could not help but to imagine the rise of socialism and the brutal reign of the socialists if he was to win the 2020 presidential election.

    So, this switch to socialism could not be the issues or the failures of President Trump and his administration. The coronavirus pandemic affected all nations of the world but President Trump and his administration were quick to take measures against the coronavirus. Yet just like other pandemics, the issues could only be solved when vaccine for coronavirus is successful made and available to people.

    The losses of million jobs took place in all major economies of the world. While nations are facing more job losses, the U.S. started to see the increase of jobs. Even more than 22 million jobs in the U.S. were lost due to the coronavirus pandemic since February 2020. 7.5 million jobs among the 22 plus million jobs were restored and workers go back to their jobs. 4.8 million jobs were added in June 2020 alone.

    By May and June 2020, 7.5 millions of new jobs were added to the U.S. market. By July and August, the remaining 4 million plus jobs that were lost earlier are expected to make a comeback plus millions of new jobs. On July 1st, 2020, the USMCA went to effect and it is estimated to add about $70 billions to the U.S GDP annually and it also provides more than 170,000 jobs annually.

    The U.S. economy will boom quickly again when millions workers go back to work as the foundation for the economic development is already laid in the last few years. It will be revived in no time and this is the greatest fear of his opponents. Thus they tried all means to maintain the lockdown and the close of businesses, and the riots to discredit President Trump so they could win the 2020 election.

    Before the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. economy was growing and strong during the first three years under the administration of President Trump. Thousands of companies and factories came back to the U.S. to start or restart their factories and business operations. This led to the creation of millions of jobs through tax cut reform, Pledge for American Workers and Special Economic Zones.

    Jobs were plenty and the unemployment rate reached the lowest records in more than five decades. Job opportunities were more than the number of people who looked for jobs, and employers must increased the salaries to keep their employees. Millions of food

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