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Make Jesus Famous Again: It Is Time
Make Jesus Famous Again: It Is Time
Make Jesus Famous Again: It Is Time
Ebook93 pages50 minutes

Make Jesus Famous Again: It Is Time

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Make Jesus Famous Again hinges on your victory. All victories woven together giving Him the praise, honor and glory will make Him famous again. Spread His love in your life, tell others what He has done for you and how He is working in your life now. All the sudden you will see the seemingly mundane, ordinary events in each of our stories are wreathed into God’s grand story of redemption for the whole world. By sharing your story, it will invite others to consider how Jesus is at work in the very ordinary events in their lives too. It starts with you and the affect you have in your little corner of the world. Make it count! He will meet you at the clock.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 4, 2020
Make Jesus Famous Again: It Is Time

Glenndia Ann Thompson

While her education is in accounting and finance, Glenndia’s work experience, in grant writing and grant administration, is where she found a passion for written words. As you read this book, you’ll experience life through a different lens as she is ever so relatable. Glenndia is a leader with a soul filled with kindness and compassion. She’s faced nightmares as dark as midnight, and it was when life became unbearable she knew to call out to her Lord. The most divine experience was the healing of her pancreas. What was meant to break her did the exact opposite, and was the driving force behind the book in which you are now reading. She doesn’t see the world the same as many, and that is the advantage that she wants to share with you. She is empathetic and interesting. Join her as she takes you through a method to Make Jesus Famous Again.

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    Make Jesus Famous Again - Glenndia Ann Thompson

    Copyright © 2020 Glenndia Ann Thompson.

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    Scripture quoted is from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-0673-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-0672-4 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/28/2020



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    About The Author






    I t has not only been in my adulthood that the Lord has healed me. Various times throughout my life, God’s grace has delivered me. From anxiety, depression, and suicide attempts as a teen to pancreatitis as an adult, life has not been a walk in the park for me. The following health story is my latest victory.

    In the fall of 2011, I began having severe pancreatic pain. I became extremely sick, very quickly. I knew it was my pancreas because I had acute pancreatitis earlier that year, triggered by a gallbladder removal surgery. You do not forget pancreatic pain. The pain was searing, burning, and stabbing. It was like a bunch of burning hot pokers were stabbing me through the front of my sternum out through my back with the pain radiating up into my shoulders. I received a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis when an endoscopic ultrasound showed over 55% damage in my pancreas and duct from scarring and calcifications. I was no stranger to pain as I, also, suffered from Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction. The pain was dreadful. I was shattered: heart, mind, soul, and body. The emotions that I experienced were uncontainable. At that moment, my heart and soul intertwined enough for me to know that I was going to have a conversation before I left my body. I felt that my life would soon be over and the pain in my body confirmed it. As my mind tried to prepare for the conversation, I knew. Even though I wanted the pain to leave my body, even though I wanted to be healed and even though I wanted to see my only child graduate from 8th grade (one year away and her next milestone), I wasn’t deserving enough to ask. All I wanted was to say, I am sorry! I was ready to accept what I deserved. I was ashamed. I knew that I traveled down the road of destruction and I had arrived. I felt so terrible for rejecting Him. And I did not want to disrespect Him with all the justifications and explanations. The conversation I had, after

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