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Condensed Wisdom of Herb Fitch Volume One: The Silver Highway to Redemption
Condensed Wisdom of Herb Fitch Volume One: The Silver Highway to Redemption
Condensed Wisdom of Herb Fitch Volume One: The Silver Highway to Redemption
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Condensed Wisdom of Herb Fitch Volume One: The Silver Highway to Redemption

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In 1988 Herb Fitch wrote to Stephen and Lynn Jay about his intent to take four years and write four books. This did not come to pass before his transition on June 13, 1996, but a seed was planted that left the Jays with a deep desire to fulfill Herb’s wishes. In the following years, they condensed his manuscripts and tapes, adding photos, letters, journal entries, and descriptions of their experiences with him, including the meat of their ten-day private 1989 seminar on Kauai.

In Condensed Wisdom of Herb Fitch, Volume One: The Silver Highway to Redemption, the Jays present an opportunity to explore the high pinnacle of Herb’s teachings. Those who tread the Silver Highway are on a quest for the most precious gift of redemption of their Soul, the prodigal returning home.

“The one great adventure of finding Self is the purpose of life, for we must learn how to be perfect as our Father which is in heaven, which really means, be Thyself.

This path is not for ordinary people. It is for the children of God. Each spiritual lesson is prepared for spiritual beings whose lives are dedicated to truth, who have the capacity and the hunger to receive truth, and who have learned by hard experience that half-truths can never be part of spiritual life.

At this stage on your path you are ready to drop all half-truths and proceed directly to the full expression of the divine image and likeness … your true Self.”
—Herb Fitch, San Francisco, 1969

Release dateNov 11, 2020
Condensed Wisdom of Herb Fitch Volume One: The Silver Highway to Redemption

Stephen Jay

Stephen Jay retired from a successful career in the computer profession and started writing short stories and novellas. The Illusion of Guilt is his first novel and features a computer professional. Stephen recently moved to Devon and enjoys going for long walks where he clarifies his plots. He also enjoys reading, composing music, and hunting for antiques.

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    Condensed Wisdom of Herb Fitch Volume One - Stephen Jay




    Herb Fitch

    Volume One

    The Silver Highway



    Stephen and Lynn Jay


    Copyright © 2020 Stephen and Lynn Jay.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by

    any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,

    recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system

    without the written permission of the author except in the case of

    brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Archway Publishing

    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403


    Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Public Domain

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-9717-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-9718-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020919201

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 11/09/2020

    Table of Contents

    The Silver Highway to Redemption

    Greetings From Herb

    For Betty Fitch

    1 Ode to Herb

    2 Fulfillment of Destiny

    3 In the Land of Hanalei

    The Breach

    4 The Mist Concealing the Light

    5 Exiled From Eden

    6 Wisdom from Herb

    A Desire Arises

    7 Where the Desires of the Heart Lie

    8 What Seek Ye?

    9 Crossing the Bridge

    10 Wisdom from Herb

    Soul Exaltation

    11 The Midnight Consciousness

    12 An Enchanted River of Light

    The quotations of Herb are from our private 10-day intensive seminar in Kauai 1989, our journals, and 30 lessons given by Herb at the Immortality House in San Francisco 1969 entitled Know Thyself,.

    The Silver Highway

    to Redemption

    The words of the Lord are pure, refined as silver, fired in a furnace seven times. They open to a highway, the way of holiness the righteous walk upon. Those that keep this way are in possession of a most precious gift … redemption of their Soul.

    * * *

    Greetings From Herb

    "Welcome! The one great adventure of finding Self is the purpose of life, for we must learn how to be perfect as our Father which is in heaven, which really means, be thyself. This is the hardest and most rewarding task in the world. It demands all, and in return it gives all.

    This course is not for ordinary people. It is for the children of God. Each spiritual lesson is prepared only for spiritual beings whose lives are dedicated to truth, who have the capacity and the hunger to receive truth, and who have learned by hard experience that half truths can never be part of spiritual life.

    It is further presumed that each reader has mounted many metaphysical ladders and is sufficiently mature now to accept pure truth without fear, shock, or reaction, and that we may therefore dispense with the usual step by step introductions to truth, which at earlier stages of our development seemed necessary.

    At this stage in your path you are ready to drop all half truths and proceed directly to the full expression of the divine image and likeness … your true Self."

    San Francisco 1969


    For Betty Fitch

    At breakfast one morning on Kauai in 1989 Herb shared the following about his love, Betty. As he spoke, the love they share is very present, although Betty had made her transition a few years before.

    Herb said, we were married January 1st, 1955. Betty is someone who never said we can’t. What a girl, beautiful, unselfed, natural. We had 32 and a half beautiful years of love, friendship and caring. We were married 30 years and 8 months.

    Herb was visibly moved and spoke about meeting Betty. She was wearing a blue and white polka dot raincoat. We met playing bridge. She was the quiet one and stole my heart.

    He laughingly told us when flying over Kauai Betty was so taken by how green it was, she quietly said, I want to move there. And so, Herb and Betty moved from Hana, Maui to live on the Garden Isle of Kauai.

    Everything we heard about Betty are all signs confirming she was an angel unaware, instinctively rooted in the love vibration. From different voices of those close to her we heard that Betty was the epitome of love, egoless in her demeanor and actions.

    Betty’s close friend, our Infinite Way teacher, Muriel West Jones, told us that Betty’s extreme ability to shine total, unconditional love merged with the force and intensity of Herb’s message.

    Betty lit Herb’s heart and fired his Soul from their first meeting. It was ordained, and what is ordained is of God and eternal.


    Ode to Herb

    Herb Fitch, a mystic revelator, was wholeheartedly committed to unveiling and bringing forth deep hidden

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