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Imprints on My Soul: Jessie Bessie & Me
Imprints on My Soul: Jessie Bessie & Me
Imprints on My Soul: Jessie Bessie & Me
Ebook75 pages52 minutes

Imprints on My Soul: Jessie Bessie & Me

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Born July 20, 1950 in Chicago, Ill. Relocated to the San Francisco Bay area in 1964. The lure of the Street Life brought Life Lessons to a harsh reality causing a life of Drama Crime and Awakening.
Release dateDec 1, 2020
Imprints on My Soul: Jessie Bessie & Me

Donald D. Conley Sr.

Born July 20, 1950 in Chicago, Ill. Relocated to the San Francisco Bay area in 1964. The lure of the Street Life brought Life Lessons to a harsh reality causing a life of Drama Crime and Awakening.

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    Imprints on My Soul - Donald D. Conley Sr.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6987-0464-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6987-0463-0 (e)

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    And Me





    Habits, ideals and principals handed down from

    generation to generation can have catastrophic

    effects on a person’s life in the years to follow. It’s

    not a matter of finding fault or placing blame, this

    is about understanding why you are as you are.


    Everyone knew her as Val, a smart but strange girl

    who lived in the small town of Bastrop La., with her

    Mother, two sisters and four brothers. My father

    had initially met her sister Eddie first, but Eddie

    was already involved with someone, so my father

    asked her if she had a sister. After being fair warned

    against the introduction, my father insisted. Eddie

    agreed and invited him to her home in Bastrop, La.

    The day of the meeting, Val was home ironing. She

    kept their home impeccably neat and clean, never

    asking either of her two sisters or her mother Bessie

    to help. It was as if she had resigned herself as the

    sole house keeper, making certain that everything

    was in order. Almost like a compulsive disorder.

    Bessie,(who made it no secret that she was entertaining

    three different men at the same time) was a feisty

    woman from what I’d been told in bits and pieces

    through the years. I only remember ever seeing her two

    times briefly in my entire life. I always felt as if we were

    being kept away from her deliberately by my mother.


    Bessie had a brother known as Son, as children we

    knew him as Uncle Son, who took a special

    liking to Val and he ultimately ended up having an

    intimate relationship with her starting at the age of

    12, until the time of his death some forty years later.

    Bessie had an entirely different prospective as

    far as Men. It was her belief that a woman had

    a responsibility to allow a man to be a man.

    In her mind it was only natural for a man to act

    out his urges with the opposite sex, regardless

    of at whom that urge may be directed.

    In the South back in those days, this was a

    subject that was widely known, but not ever

    spoken about in publics It was just accepted.

    On the day of the meeting between my two parents

    (to be), my mother was in a section of the house

    ironing until Bessie appeared and ordered,

    "Gal! You betta get in there an’ sit with

    that man who come to see you’

    Begrudgingly she complied.


    At no point in that first meeting was there any

    semblance of the slightest interest on the part

    of Val, while my father on the other hand was

    determined to gain the trust of a woman who

    clearly demonstrates having no desire what so ever

    to even be civil. She was aloof and to the point

    throughout the entire time they spent in the parlor,

    accompanied by Eddie and her friend Gene.

    It was a warm summer day as they all sat on opposite

    sides of the room, sipping lemonade. There was a

    cool breeze blowing through the entire house. Eddie

    and Gene sat laughing and talking together, while

    my father sat attempting to make conversation

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