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The Evil Booger King
The Evil Booger King
The Evil Booger King
Ebook28 pages2 minutes

The Evil Booger King

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This book is about a man named Eduardo whom is perplexed. He doesn't know what to do with his hobbies of boogers, and turns to his grandmother whom he calls "Omi." Having been a banker, Omi encourages Eduardo to use boogers as a product to sell so he can make money. Eduardo makes a trip to the bank. During his decision process, he also receives assistance for advice from someone he knows named Sonia. Through all his encounters, he decides to sell boogers through clothing, food, pet food, and jewelry. He ends up making a lot of money. Will he get away with his evil schemes? Or will Eduardo stop selling boogers once and for all?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 1, 2020
The Evil Booger King

Kenny Silberberg

This is Kenny's very first published book ever. Kenny Silberberg was born on October 12, 1990. Graduated from high school in 2009, transferred to Ohlone College, then transferred to Notre Dame De Namur University (NDNU). Kenny attended NDNU in Fall 2013 and graduated in December 2015 at age 25. He majored in Theatre and minored in Dance. Since college, Kenny has done many musical theatre productions and has had 9 jobs. He currently works as a Para Educator (teacher's aid) at Logan high school, and has been there for 2 years so far. He also works at Dollar Tree.

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    The Evil Booger King - Kenny Silberberg

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