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There’s a Thought: A Conscious Journey
There’s a Thought: A Conscious Journey
There’s a Thought: A Conscious Journey
Ebook164 pages1 hour

There’s a Thought: A Conscious Journey

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This is a conscious and spiritual journey from our Humble beginnings through our evolution. How we perceive ourselves and how we have had to adapt to our changing world. The realization we have to take care of our home planet, learning how to go to other worlds for our future survival. To take on the great challenges to bridge the great distances to the stars! More importantly how to transform ourselves and our understanding of our place in the Universe. To become Cybermen and be bio-enhanced with the unavoidable destination to becoming

“Gods” We will return home whence we came. To understand even as Mortals we are still connected to the Gods, the universal consciousness that is a collective one from our deep past, henceforth the spirit of them is the spirit of us! Th e Paranormal to some extent is “Normal” it just has to be understood, the unknown is just the undiscovered, more so in ourselves? This book is our journey.

Only those who go so far
Can possibly find how
Far They can go.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateMar 16, 2021
There’s a Thought: A Conscious Journey

Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips is the Gretchen B. Kimball Director of Orchestral Studies and Associate Professor of Music at Stanford University. He is the author of A Clockwork Counterpoint: The Music and Literature of Anthony Burgess, published in 2010, and essays on Burgess published in six other books, including the Norton Critical Edition of A Clockwork Orange. He has led performances of many Burgess compositions in concert, including numerous premieres, and conducted the first commercial recording of Burgess's orchestral music, released by Naxos in 2016.

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    There’s a Thought - Paul Phillips

    There’s a


    A Conscious Journey


    Copyright © 2021 by Paul Phillips. 827405

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.


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    Rev. date: 03/16/2021

    For Debbie my Wife


    The two great questions are how and why

    Is anything here, it makes more sense for

    Nothing to exist past, present, and future

    If there ever was a time of nothing, the

    impossible became possible, so in theory

    Anything could be!

    Possibly say infinite consciousness?

    The only end of possible is the possibility

    Of not believing

    Paul Phillips




    Chapter 1 The cradle of Man

    Chapter 2 Dark clouds and Overcoats

    Chapter 3 God and all that Jazz

    Chapter 4 As if living was a sin

    Chapter 5 Paranormal

    Chapter 6 Evolving Consciousness

    Chapter 7 The Tears of Gaia

    Chapter 8 The Gaians Unite

    Chapter 9 Spearhead to the Stars

    Chapter 10 Cybermen

    Chapter 11 The power of Now

    Chapter 12 Transition to be a God



    Firstly, I would like to thank my wife Debbie for her patience while working on this book, my head was quite often somewhere else metaphorically speaking! When in deep thought I often would be distant.

    Thank you Antony Price for a re-think and change of name on the book’s title, saying conscious was a better word than spiritual, cheers Tony.

    Many thanks to Pixabay for the wonderful images I have used in the book, I think they have added a heightened impression on the themes of the chapters.

    A big thanks to Natasha Shek for help in compiling the PDF files into one document, I’m not particularly computer literate.

    Xlibris staff members Vanessa Diaz operations supervisor, Carlo Dano supervisor publishing sales, Mae Subido control representative and all involved in the production process.

    A warm thanks to Chrissie mc’Tagart for our deep and spiritual conversations and encouragement, clearly she has a deep connection with all things spiritual.

    Last but not least! All that have given positive feedback and helpful criticism, all of which have given greater insight into my message, and the message is what it’s all about.



    Today I made the Now decision to turn pen to paper for my next book. The first one was Its about Time based on time encounters and our journeys. Although this book does cover time because there is no avoiding it, as we govern our lives by it! This second one is a spiritual journey about consciousness and Human perception, at least a personal one of mine. I look at the depth of Human emotion, to broaden our mindset to more than the superficial. Looking to the future, whether it be technology, biology, Cyber or space travel. I look at an infinite universe where intelligence is more than one organism that randomly appears in a galaxy, but in a whole universe of intelligence! To explore the feelings we have and not to be someones servant. To Be an equal and important part of a collective. How to understand ourselves, and the Unknown! The need to create God to comfort or control or hopefully find an answer to our existence. I express in Gaia that the earth is high on peoples concerns and this awareness is a justified concern for our future. Not forgetting the myriad of living things that live here with us and what we depend on. I touch on the side effects of Human intelligence and the complex feelings we have. I tell of my own battle with depression, expressing my feelings through poetry that appears throughout the book. They appear in the beginning of a chapter and form the heart of the message.

    They are simple and not cryptic. I admire the great poets and their skill they paste outing there written art, but if you are like me and fall short in deciphering half of them like they are some esoteric society. Ok what is the core message of this book? In a Nutshell, there is no end to possible, only the possibility of not believing, To use The Power of Now! There is so much more to discover, so much more for us to do and achieve. More importantly so much more for us to be! I take a look at space travel and how we might do this, with the great time it would take to travel and the possibility of cryogenics. The colonisation of new worlds through the process of terra-forming, Realising we will have to change and become Cybermen! Not just because it will be physically necessary, but because it will extend and enhance our lives. We will become truly cosmic people that will be able to harness enormous amounts of power, even the power of black holes and nuclear fusion. In two Gaia chapters I make the imperative need to change our ways. What about me? I guess this book has been a long time coming and has grown as I have. All my life I have been a curious fellow staring out of windows trying to make shapes out of the stars. I never really had any real mentors, However when I was at school I was introduced to my first view of the sky through a telescope. Mr Finch who looked like Magnus Pyke the English scientist and TV presenter. He had an old brace refractor telescope, and I was amazed at the Moon with all it craters and Jupiter with its jovian moons. This was a pivotal moment.

    In a young boys mental development, I could see for the first time there really was more than what I first could see with just my own eyes! I never did very well at school, in part because I was a somewhat wayward child and coupled with dyslexia. I changed and took to reading more only after I left school. I went down the road of attending spiritual churches, astronomy clubs and gelling with anyone that was a bit like me. Having strange experiences as my life went on, it only reinforced my deep down latent connection with the universal consciousness. This has built up in me on my journey through life, through experience, science, reading, talking and last but not least an opening my Mind! We consciousness on this journey are very much apart of the physical world, living in an expanding universe. We too as conscious spiritual beings too are expanding, taking control of our future through thought and the Power of Now, To soon take control of our mortality and physiology. Becoming more of an introspective species, awakening to the realisation that we have great power and now we are starting to use it. We are restless spirits becoming more aware of a larger connection with another realm, a realm we come from and one we are profoundly apart off. For me I believe we are all from these Gods, these Gods are from our past. It’s time we really know what we are for, I think unconsciously we always did. It’s time to stop worshipping Man made Gods and work towards being them! We are The Transition to be a God. Throughout my life even as a child I always was aware of something else.

    A bit like someone under you’re bed feeling. Religious people say they feel this in their connection with God and their faith! This Book is a mix of that and has evolved through my experiences and my little Knowledge, and feel at my time in life I can tell this story as I see it, and that it has been growing in me throughout my life. If we can get past the religious differences, our pugnacious natures and our old perception of us. To be the Gaians that unite to build our future, drawing on what we have in common and putting aside our differences. We have a vested interest in uniting, to be a collective, because deep down we are all consciousness on a journey having an experience of being Human.



    The cradle of Man


    The cradle of Man

    We are the sleepers

    That are starting to awake

    We are the discriminators

    The racists and the preferential

    We are the builders

    that make the walls to hide behind

    We are the architects

    that Cradle our minds

    The imaginative lines we draw

    The constructs of nationhood

    Are we not all Humankind

    Are you not my brethren my kin

    My fathers-father goes back in time

    Are you not a relation of me

    The Sun rises on everyone

    Are we not all Africans

    In a mirror reflective

    I see a million eyes

    A million eyes of consciousness

    Diffused into a physical realm

    How far do you need to go to find the beginning of Mankind? Thats not an easy task in fact it’s an epic challenge. We can trace back some 13.8 billion years with todays current estimates. Science says the universe started with a (Big Bang) everything we see and perceive is the result of a cataclysmic explosion. The universe in its infante stage was compressed and consisted of very basic particles like Hydrogen and Helium. As the Aeons past the stars and galaxies where born and then many of the first stars died many in violent supernovas creating more complex elements like iron and gold and of course Oxygen! It would eventually lead to life. A complexity of chemicals and amino acids form DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) forming a double helix made of four types of chemicals bases adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. There are about 3 billion bases that make up Human DNA and more than 99 percent are the same as all other

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