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The Story of I
The Story of I
The Story of I
Ebook30 pages18 minutes

The Story of I

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About this ebook

The Story of I is an auto-biography of the Self. Each chapter is a perfect contemplation point to speed your spiritual awakening. As you ponder each chapter you will begin to have insights and revelations that bring you back to the efsfortless Self that you really are. This book is the perfect companion to any other practice you may have and will allow you to fully understand the nature of illusion and reality.
Release dateJun 29, 2021
The Story of I

Helen Hamilton

Helen Hamilton is a spiritual teacher based in West Yorkshire, in the north of England and is a mother of four. After struggling through her own awakening several years ago Helen was driven by the urge to simplify awakening for all beings and to share the essential pointings that allow us to overcome common challenges along the path to freedom. Helen’s teaching style is direct and uncompromising in its insistence that we already are what we are searching for and yet encompasses compassion and wisdom to help us dissolve our ego with love and understanding. She teaches worldwide and holds regular Satsangs and other events.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A superb little book. i just LOVE and RELISH every sentence. Kudos to Helen

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The Story of I - Helen Hamilton

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