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Nina + Simone
Nina + Simone
Nina + Simone
Ebook190 pages2 hours

Nina + Simone

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About this ebook

A Black musician, haunted by the ghost of his manipulative mother, finds his true calling and his true family developing the singing talent of two white women, identical twins, only to lose them during an apocalyptic time of plague and social disruption.

PublisherJ.M. Powers
Release dateAug 16, 2021
Nina + Simone

J.M. Powers

John Powers (a.k.a. J.M. Powers and J-Powers) has had the uncommon experience of growing up in urban Los Angeles at a time of great upheaval. “My coming of age impelled me to strive to make a difference with my life,” notes Powers. His chosen field when he entered the University of Southern California was theater, specifically writing. He has employed theater, writing, and video intensively in recent years to bring to life some of the most compelling experiences that our nation has witnessed. “People are hungry for discovery and meaningful engagement with others,” observes Powers. “Through theater and publications that explore compelling experiences, we can begin our own search in an environment that assures us that we are not alone.”

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    Book preview

    Nina + Simone - J.M. Powers


    Once lost, the Cahuilla people began to find their way home. They moved steadily forward across the vast, dry land until they came upon a large mountain. How will we ever cross over, the people lamented. How will we ever return home? The Great Spirit heard their words and transformed them into large, black birds. As one, the Cahuilla people rose up on their new wings and flew over the mountain. On the other side, the immense flock of black birds descended to their ancient home. Touching the ground, the Great Spirit transformed them into people once again. And for that, the Cahuilla sing a song of gratitude and remembrance.

    Chapter One

    Mirror, Mirror


    Easy looks into the artists’ dressing room mirror, as he touches up his hair. In black slacks, silk shirt, and a jeweled-colored vest, he appears strikingly handsome. I am hot!

    What you doin’? Fuckin’ the glass?

    Easy turns and sees ‘Cool Whip enter the room. The drummer wears a red t-shirt and red slacks.

    Just takin’ care of business, Easy retorts.

    "I hear that, brother.’

    Easy glances back to the mirror, as Cool Whip pulls out his stash. The drummer takes a quick hit of cocaine and wipes his nose.

    Cool Whip is ready now. He turns and sashays his way out. Show time!

    Easy looks into the reflective glass and shakes his head. He takes a sip of water from a plastic bottle. After a moment, he touches up his hair one more time then turns to follow the drummer to the stage.

    The sound of the audience taking seats in the immense outdoor venue dispels the solitude of mirrors and makeup lights.

    With confidence, Easy walks through the long hallway that leads toward the stage. As he approaches the performance space, however, he feels a slight vibration in his pants pocket.

    Who’s blowin’ up my phone now? he asks himself with irritation. Pulling out his phone, Easy looks at a text message. Fuck! he growls.

    In a quieter area away from the stage, Easy holds out his device and listens with the speakerphone.

    Easy! How you doin’? asks Tony

    Fine, brother! Look, I…

    I know you ‘bout ready to step out.

    Yeah, I just…

    Wish you the best, brother. All the best!


    And when you done, we gonna’ jam.

    Yeah, Easy answers with hesitation.

    We is, right?




    We need you, brother. You the heart and soul of us.



    You need to go on without me.

    Say what?

    Vaya wants me on tour.


    I’ll be gone two months.

    With Vaya? For real?

    Maybe longer.

    What you tellin’’ me? You out?

    Yeah…I’m out.

    Damn, Easy.

    Look, Tony…

    Three years.

    I know.

    And we’re right there. You gonna let that go?


    Tony hesitates a moment, then he continues dispiritedly. Fuck it, man. I’d let it go, too.

    And with that, Easy sees from his phone display that Tony has hung up.

    Chapter Two

    Incense, Peppermint

    The parking lots for the outdoor venue are at capacity. Event staff begins to put up barricades and to turn away vehicles. In frustration, cars filled with concert goers begin to clog the streets, as their occupants search mapping apps for alternative locations to park.

    Along the sidewalks leading from the parking lots, swarms of people move steadily toward the venue’s entrance. The opening act is about to take stage, and these patrons are anxious to claim their seats, open their bottles of wine, and begin filling their social media with photos of themselves.

    In a quiet space a short distance before the venue’s entrance, a musician sits on a low stool with his back against a wall. He plays a familiar melody on saxophone accompanied by a rhythmic beat from a small, portable keyboard. Sticks of incense burn at his feet, and the scent fills the air. Two bowls rest before him, one for leaving money and the other for sharing candy. People pass by.

    Chapter Three


    They knew the drive would be a bitch. They knew that before they left their home in the hills overlooking the city. They did not count on there being road work along the way, however. Not on a Friday night.

    What should have been a one-hour journey was now two hours and starting to look like three. They were still a mile from the venue, and the show was about to start.

    Driving their ten year-old car with a sun-faded interior, Simone focuses on the black limousine ahead. Nina, in the passenger seat, monitors the available streets with an online mapping app. Every street was colored red if not black.

    We’re gonna be late, Nina, Simone complains anxiously.Isn’t there something better?

    Just keep going, Simone. This is the best there is.

    I hate this!

    I know.

    I hate this! she screams.

    Breathe, Simone. Breathe.

    I am breathing…AARRGGHH! Simone vents her frustration.

    We’ll be okay. You’ll…

    Suddenly, the limousine ahead of them comes to a stop.

    What the fuck? shouts Simone.

    Passenger doors from both sides of the vehicle swing open.

    Oh, my god! exclaims Nina.


    And that’s…!

    Neither Nina nor Simone finishes their statements. They are stunned to see two of the biggest names in entertainment climb out of the limousine with trailing members of their entourage. They move to the sidewalk and head toward the concert venue.

    They’re walking! both sisters exclaim. They turn to face one another as if to confirm the mutual sighting of aliens.

    From their profiles, it is evident that Nina and Simone are identical twins, something that was celebrated in hundreds of childhood photos by their doting parents.

    The limousine begins to move forward creating a space between it and the sisters’ four-door coupe. At that moment, another vehicle pumping out a heavy bass beat pushes in from the left and cuts them off. They nearly collide.

    What? exclaims Simone.

    That is so rude!

    I hate that!

    I know! answers Nina.

    Karma! shouts Simone, as if her voice might be heard by the offending driver.

    The sisters sit with the bass-pumping intruder ahead of them for several seconds, and then the traffic flow begins to inch forward. As it does, Simone focuses ahead, determined not to lose their place in line again.


    Simone abruptly brakes. What?

    There! points Nina.

    There, what?

    Someone’s leaving.

    Indeed, a vehicle parked along the curb signals and begins moving to enter the slow lane of traffic.

    Don’t scare me like that!

    I’m sorry, it’s just…

    I almost…

    Take their spot! Take their spot, and we’ll walk.

    From here?

    Yes, from here!

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    Chapter Four

    Mother Ghost

    Easy turns off his phone and shoves it into his pocket. No more distraction, he says to himself.

    That’s right, baby! This is your night.

    Easy glances about. He knows that the Ghost is only in his head, but he wants to be sure that there is no one else around.


    Stop what, baby? This is your big night. Everything we been workin’ for.

    Leave me do my work!

    No one’s in your way.

    Ain’t I got enough on my mind?

    You gonna be fine, says the Ghost. That phone call? You was gonna have that sooner or later. Better now. Time to move on.

    Tony’s my friend. They’s all my friend.

    And they still is. But they ain’t your band no more. You stepped up. You big time now. Makin’ your mama proud.

    Turnin’ my back is makin’ you proud?

    Honey! says the Ghost. I started to think you was never gonna rise. But here you is.

    Chapter Five

    Fried Onions

    Nina and Simone move quickly along the sidewalk heading toward the concert venue. Many other patrons are doing as they have done, parked on the street and started walking. They were nearly there, striding toward the entrance, when it hit them.

    Onions are frying on a makeshift grill. Sizzling beside the onions are fat hot dogs. The aroma of both ascends from the grill and floats into the air.

    Nina and Simone hurry past the grill tended by a small, dark-skinned woman. Nina’s eyes cannot help but glance toward the onions, but she keeps on walking.

    A few yards farther, they approach a second grill tended by a similar woman, small and dark-skinned. This time Nina exclaims, That smells so good.

    I bet you didn’t eat today.

    I didn’t.

    You know how you get! scolds Simone.

    I know.

    We’ll get something at intermission.

    Okay, answers Nina, as she looks longingly at the fried onions and hot dogs.

    Knowing what her twin is thinking, Simone feels compelled to add, We’re already late.

    I said ‘Okay.’

    Simone pulls Nina forward trying to keep their place in the crowd of people marching forward on the sidewalk. For a few yards, they seem to make progress. Then, suddenly, they stop again.

    A third makeshift grill appears with a mountain of frying onions and sizzling hot dogs. Nina and Simone turn to look at one another. Each knows what the other is thinking.

    The dark-skinned woman at the grill seems to know as well. She does not look up. She opens two cut buns, places a scoop of onions into each, and nestles a fat, red hot dog in both. The woman wraps the food into foil and holds it out to Nina and Simone.

    As if compelled by a magical spell, the sisters take the wrapped items from the woman.

    Eight, says the woman holding out her hand.

    Simone pays the woman with a large bill. The dark-skinned woman pockets money and then hands Simone change from a roll of small bills that she keeps in her apron. The sisters drift away with their treasure.

    Did you ask for these? says Simone.

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