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Forbes' Complete Book Of Bible Riddles
Forbes' Complete Book Of Bible Riddles
Forbes' Complete Book Of Bible Riddles
Ebook242 pages1 hour

Forbes' Complete Book Of Bible Riddles

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What people are saying about Forbes' Complete Book Of Bible Riddles:

"Reginald Forbes has given us an easy-to-read piece of literature which has a very unique feature - in pleasant poetic rhythm. He has given the reader, in a most innovat

Release dateJul 15, 2021
Forbes' Complete Book Of Bible Riddles

Reginald Forbes

Reginald E. Forbes is a native of the island of Nassau, The Bahamas. Being a music teacher by profession, he tries to utilize all of his many talents to the glory of God. He enjoys playing the piano, dramatizing stories, writing poems and stories, and most of all, sharing the love of Jesus with others. His goal is to direct young people back to the Bible and to God.

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    Book preview

    Forbes' Complete Book Of Bible Riddles - Reginald Forbes

    Prayer For This Book

    Father, when our first parents sinned,

    They thought that all was lost.

    They knew that they deserved to die

    But could not pay the cost.

    A judgement sentence was pronounced

    On all of us that day.

    Yes; we inherited a debt

    That none of us could pay,

    But, Lord, You paid it all for us

    Through Jesus Christ, Your Son;

    And that’s good news, not just for some,

    But it’s for everyone.

    Now Lord, I’m sure it is Your will

    That all the world should know;

    So bless this book as I attempt

    To tell my readers so….

    May they be led to search the Holy

    Bible through and through,

    And in their searching, come to find

    Fulfillment, Lord, in You.



    1.      A man who used a stone for pillow

    Underneath his head,

    Saw angels going up and down as

    The ground was his bed.

    2.     A righteous man was troubled;

    To Jehovah God he prayed.

    An angel coming to him was

    By Lucifer delayed.

    3.    She overheard an angel and

    She laughed at what she heard -

    She and her husband, both old,

    Having children? How absurd.

    4.     An old man once was told to go

    And kill his only son.

    An angel stopped his hand or else

    The deed would have been done.

    5.      A man, determined to do wrong,

    Traveled to a strange land.

    He was stopped by an angel with

    A drawn sword in his hand.

    6.      An angel told a man his virgin

    Girlfriend was with child.

    He was relieved for she had had him

    Thinking for a while.

    7.      Unknowingly, a man wrestled

    An angel through the night.

    The angel struck a bargain with him

    Just before daylight.

    8.     A man of God who prayed, once had

    His faith rewarded when

    Some angels came and shut the mouths

    Of lions in a den.

    9.     Two angels once were posted with

    Some flaming swords in hand

    To make sure that a couple did not

    Re-enter a land.

    10.   A man verbally sparred with angels,

    Losing every round,

    For in the city, even ten

    Good people were not found.


    1.     This bird is very pretty and

    He makes a sound that’s loud.

    When people talk about him, they

    Would say he is too proud.

    2.     Rachel once stole her father’s things.

    Her husband did not know.

    She hid them on a beast until

    Her father had to go.

    3.    This beast survived from Bible times

    And he is still with us.

    He’s used for racing and he has

    His name on a large bus.

    4.     I’ve never seen this animal.

    They say he had one horn,

    Is white and I guess his children

    Had died when I was born.

    5.     This beast is recognizable

    Because of all his spots.

    Some beasts have only one or two;

    This one has lots and lots.

    6.     This beast came to King Solomon

    By way of the high seas.

    Do not believe the scientists

    Who say we came from these.

    7.     This animal, the king of beasts,

    Has a tremendous roar.

    Right now he enjoys eating meat;

    One day he will eat straw.

    8.     Amidst the shouts of Hosanna!

    From folk of Jewish pride,

    Jesus rode to Jerusalem.

    On what beast did He ride?

    9.     This beast, the largest mammal that

    Is known to us today,

    Is probably what helped the prophet

    Jonah in some way.

    10.   Joseph realized the value of

    This animal and now

    Man still uses this animal

    To work for him somehow.

    Bible Objects

    1.     A young man once borrowed a tool

    Which somehow lost its head.

    He felt so sorrowful. "Alas!

    I borrowed it," he said.

    2.     God sought to free his people from

    Pharoah and Egypt land.

    Moses complained. God simply asked,

    "What is that in your hand?"

    3.     A giant mocked the Israelites.

    Although he was quite tall,

    He was killed by a little boy

    With two things both quite small.

    4.     A woman once needed a weapon.

    One that day was found.

    She used it on a general’s head,

    Nailing him to the ground.

    5.     When Jacob went to seek a wife,

    He used the ground for bed,

    Then something else he used for pillow

    Underneath his head.

    6.     In Damascus some people tried

    To kill God’s servant, Paul.

    He hid in something and was lowered

    Down over a wall.

    7.     Elisha somehow knew that day

    His boss was heaven bound.

    He also knew he had the power

    When something hit the ground.

    8.     When Abraham and son went up

    The mountain with no lamb,

    God stayed his hand with something in it,

    Then he saw a ram.

    9.     When Jonah preached to Nineveh,

    Somehow he stayed nearby;

    But then he got angry with God,

    For letting something die.

    10.   Everyone knows that flowers grow

    On plants in light or dark;

    But God allowed flowers to grow

    On something near the ark.

    Bible Texts

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    1.     The Bible says, "For God so loved

    The world He gave His Son

    That no one who believes in Him

    Should perish…" - No, not one.

    2.     Through Christ I can do all things for

    In Him I have the power;

    He strengthens me to do His will

    Each day and every hour.

    3. A man once told the Israelites

    That they must choose their God,

    But as for him and his household,

    They chose to serve The Lord.

    4.     Whether we eat or drink or

    Whatsoever we may do,

    Let’s do it to God’s glory

    Good advice for me and you.

    5.     When Satan tempted Christ to sin,

    He failed miserably,

    For Jesus quoted scriptures saying

    Get thee behind Me.

    6.      God tells us to remember in

    A very special way

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