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The Wooded Instrument
The Wooded Instrument
The Wooded Instrument
Ebook185 pages2 hours

The Wooded Instrument

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In the fantasy-romance novel, The Wooded Instrument, Shyla, is a struggling artist and the wife of an up-and-coming lawyer, Tony Carino. With their marriage on rocky ground, Tony lands a higher-earning job with perks, although it comes with a relocation stipulation to another state and an altogether different way of living for them. He feels the change would do them good. Living isolated and near the woods proves to be an artistic outlet for Shyla, she finds herself exploring the woods for her photography projects, only what she finds is almost unbelievable, Hesiod, who at first was only out to do what comes most naturally to his kind, until he meets Shyla and spends time with her, things begin to change.
As they explore the woods together and spend more time in the deep forest, a bond grows between them that heats up their desire and love. Shyla is pushed toward Hesiod when she finds out about Tony’s secrets. Shyla and Hesiod begin spending time together, hidden in the forest, making them targets of wild animals and Hesiod vulnerable to hunters.
As the desire for them to be together strengthens, Shyla makes a mistake that costs Hesiod’s secrecy and the attention of a greedy forest ranger and two of his accomplices, Dale Clark is the mastermind behind trying to capture Hesiod and getting a payout to have him studied. As Shyla tries gallantly to protect the magical love she has found, events take place that put Shyla and Hesiod in danger together. Finally, Tony comes to the realization of just how much he loves Shyla and what he’s willing to do for her, but in the process, he learns how intense Shyla’s and Hesiod’s love is for each other. Tony plunges himself into this world of disbelief and danger to try and make up for his actions and regain Shyla's love, but It would seem the odds are against them all even at the end when Shyla hears of an incident she fears may involve the fate of Hesiod and all she can do is hope and wait.

Release dateSep 15, 2021
The Wooded Instrument

Kim Souza Carson

Kim Souza Carson started out as an artist, doing paintings with acrylics on canvas, but as the years past and technology grew Kim grew with it, teaching herself art softwares and to paint digitally, but that's another story. With vast interests in all that is artistic, Kim began making jewelry and has done quite well. But there was always something in the back of her mind that wanted to tell stories and delve into fantasy worlds. She had created a children's character some years back that will soon be in book form and there has always been a yen to tackle a graphic novel, doing all the art on both the children's book and graphic novel. Those are projects to come, but for now she has published two novels of very different worlds. One is a fantasy romance novel, strictly adult reading, The Wooded Instrument, as is the sci-fi novel, Female Attributes, with strong women characters. Please, do yourself a favor and purchase at the very reasonable price either novel or both and curl up with a glass of wine or coffee, and lose yourself in these amazing worlds and characters! Please come back often to see what's new!

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    Book preview

    The Wooded Instrument - Kim Souza Carson

    Chapter 1

    The woods have always been my home. From when I was a small fawn, I have always loved the smell of it, the colors that changed through the seasons, the way the earth gives cushion to my steps.

    To hear the crunching of the needles and the smell it produced as they broke under my weight.

    Pine and earth rushing up to my nose. Scattering the birds as I trotted through, hearing their chirping and whistles as they made way for me.

    The light breeze their wings made as they rushed off. The rushing of water over the rocks off in the distances, singing a wet chorus I could taste in my mouth. Moss covering the sides of trees as if to blanket them from the cool mornings and the dew that ran down as if they just stepped out of the bath.

    To look up through the great trees that stood strong and fast as soldiers guarding their king. Oh, I had to share it with some of the local woodland creatures, but everyone knew their place.

    The fairies stayed more to the warmer parts that got rays of sun dancing in the afternoons, loved to see their ballerina twists and jumps as they left trails of sparkling dust behind them, but in the evenings slept more towards the mushroom patches.

    The water sprites, as did the frogs and toads, loved the coolness and darker areas with water ponds with lily pads afloat.

    The deer, they kept well-hidden but loved an open meadow to tantalize their taste buds with the young tender shoots of green grasses there.

    The woods are home to many a creature and we all shared it well. It was always enough for me in the early years. But as I have grown, so did my curiosity and desire, and I suppose, my tastes. I wanted something more, there was a deep inner stirring inside me. I tried to push it aside or pretend it wasn’t pulling me in a certain direction, so I turned my focus towards other skills.

    Our kind, and I say that with a pang of loneliness, because there aren’t many of us left or never were, I guess. I’m more of a solitary entity I suppose.

    Anyway, I’m letting my thoughts trail off to other realms. The woods, my home, has the most magical trees, and that is where I tried to send my desires and focus to. Our skills as craftsmen and musicians are ingrained in our kind from birth. So, this is where I will focus my attention, or so I tried to. The Boxwood tree, a small evergreen tree, with a lighter timber that offers a sweeter, mellower voice than the hardwood trees, was the tree of my choice for the creation of my instrument.

    The Boxwood, ah yes, the tree of my choice. It will do well for my crafting skills. Pretty easy to carve and will turn to a beautiful dark honey color as it cures. And the sounds, as sweet as the honey in its color.

    Finding one would be another thing, seems like these trees are getting scarcer every year. So off I went, in search of a Boxwood tree, I had the whole forest for my shopping pleasure. I started out early, as soon as the sun broke over the mountains and started to pierce its way like golden needles though the tree branches.

    The air was crisp and stung my face a bit as I walked along. Making my way along familiar paths that I knew because of the closeness to home, but as I went further that started to change. I followed the local creek for a bit, hearing the water rushing over rocks as if late to get somewhere. I came to a pond, calm and still, with colors of greens and blues, the fairies were having a morning bath, quickly covering themselves under the water to block my view. Silly fairies didn’t interest me anyway.

    I kept going past the pond and up a steep embankment that curved around a bunch of thick bushes as the trees thickened together with outstretched branches as if holding hands. It started getting darker as the trees interlaced their green fingers to one another. The smaller stones gave way to larger rocks and boulders, and I could see a break ahead in the trees that let some sun shine through.

    A roaring sound was coming from the distance and I could see the mist of what I knew to be a waterfall, I was getting close. Seemed like I had been walking all day when I finally came to the winding path lined with stones and carpeted with needles and leaves off various trees. It led me down twists and turn backs for a bit until it started to flatten out in front of me.

    Stopping at a small clearing as if into another dimension, the path stopped and turned into a blanket of thick green grass that had been loved by the sun only in this spot, and there it was! Not too tall, mature trees can grow to a height of twenty feet. It had a compact habit, with smooth gray bark which fissures with age, and green, downy stems and thick, evergreen leaves which smelt sweet.

    It was perfect! As I approached it, I could see the perfect branch for my instrument. But before I was to take it, I needed to ask permission and give it thanks for the offering. I knelt down before it, lowering my head as a Jack to my King. I come to ask thee oh great boxwood tree for an offering of just one of your branches to become an instrument of my craft, to bear the sweet music you will make.

    As I rose with one swift gesture, I had it cleanly off into my hand, my axe making a smooth sharp cut. I grabbed a handful of earth that had become mud from a recent rain and smeared it on the bare bark to form a natural bandage. Kneeling once more I gave a heartfelt thank you to the Boxwood for its offering. Putting away my axe in my leather holster, I tucked the branch carefully away beside it as well, and I was on my way back.

    Chapter 2

    Moving to the country from the city was never my idea. The way our relationship was going, it would either save it or kill it for good. Well, that’s the way I felt about it anyway. That was the only reason I agreed to such a drastic move in the first place. Tony had gotten the new promotion, but it came with a relocation stipulation.

    They were putting us up in some cabin like house on the outside of town, I was told how beautiful it was and how I could be into town in twenty minutes. I was packing the last box when Tony walked in, he was dressed down, dark blue V-neck tee shirt that hugged his chest so to see his sculpted pecs and just a hint of dark black chest hairs peaking over giving the impression he was all tucked in with a warm layer underneath.

    Blue jeans that came around to cradle his ass just right, faded and washed out. His dark brown, almost black hair hung down over his face having gotten out of place from stooping over to retrieve boxes. Ah, he always looks his best this way too me, relaxed and laid back, not like he is at work, in a suit, uptight and stressed out.

    Bout ready to go? he said coolly as he grabbed the last box. Well, you know the answer to that, I replied sarcastically.

    Please don’t start that again, we’ve already been over that, he snarked, and remember we came to an agreement and are already doing it!

    Ok, I know, sorry, I pushed out. Just let me go pee.

    I’ll be in the truck, he said as he walked out the door running his hand through his hair to push it back in place.

    As I was washing my hands on my way out, I looked to the mirror as if expecting my reflection to say something to save me before I left my life here. Just my same old face appeared, same hazel eyes and shoulder length wavy brown hair, chiseled nose and high cheekbones. I stepped back and sucked in my stomach, yep, it’s just me.

    Always thinking I’m heavy, although for my height, 5’7, I probably was really at my ideal weight. I sucked it up and took one last look around at the empty house and left for the truck. Tony already had it running as a sign of his impatience. I climbed up into the big U-Haul and slid onto the wide bench seat. Then it hit me, I’m really doing this!

    The ride was mostly silent except for the radio blaring out some classic rock and my mind wandered. I leaned toward the window and pretended to sleep, choking back tears and already missing my past life.

    Chapter 3

    Iarrived back at my cottage near dark, it was starting to rain, and I was thankful to make it home in time. I threw some wood into the big stone fireplace on top of the smaller kindling I had already prepared in the pit and started a fire.

    The fur on my legs was slightly damp, so it felt good to have the warmth from the fire drying it out and warming it up. My sandy bond hair was wet too, being long it always took a while to dry out. I ran my hands through it and shook it out to assist it along some.

    My hooves had some mud between my toe where it splits up the middle, yes, I did say


    I may have forgotten to tell you…, I’m a Satyr!

    Yes, I’m somewhat of a fairytale or myth, but then so are unicorns and fairies, which are my neighbors.

    I removed my pack and withdrew the branch, I examined and admired it again, it was a beautiful color, shades of grays and browns with perfect striations rolling around its base, looking as if it had been purposely measured between each groove. No knot hole in site, I had made sure of that when I chose it. Knot holes are bad for an instrument prospect, I will be carving my own holes for the kind of music I make. This will be good, something to keep me busy for the next few weeks.

    I went to the stove and boiled some water for tea. I had cut and dried herbs of all sorts hanging in my kitchen, Fennel, lavender, oregano, basil, mint, chamomile, well you get the picture, the stove was old and black but served its purpose. Satyr’s are mostly vegetarian by nature anyway, so we eat mostly raw things.

    The cottage was made of stone, straw and mud, with a frame of wood. One room, with a small kitchen off to the side. No need for a bedroom as I mostly just curled up in front of the fireplace on the big rug. I had built a wall of bookshelves as I like to read, especially on cold winter nights. Washroom was the creek, as well as any other needs for water. The constant flow kept it clean and cool.

    Once I have finished the carving of the branch, I will lay it in front of a good fire too to help it cure and dry out. Carving it while it’s still a little pliable is best, so I sat down with some herb tea and went to work on the instrument.

    The rain was pelting down, the fire popping and crackling but it faded into the background as I was drawn into my work. It felt good to use my hands for this creative process and it was something I had waited to do all my life. The wood had a natural feel in my hands and it almost guided me as to where to cut and shape it. This instrument would be a part of me.

    Chapter 4

    The trip took two days, and I was fed up with being cooped up in that bumpy ride of a truck. Thankfully we had arrived a little before dark, and I must say, it was beautiful. The house was on the outskirts of the town with no neighbors for a couple of miles I guessed by the looks of it.

    It had a backdrop of the forest and mountains which came right up to hug the back of the house. It was as they said. The house itself was made from dark wood and had the feel and look of a cabin. My melancholy had subsided for now and I was actually excited to see the new place.

    Let’s leave the stuff in the truck for now and go check out the place, Tony said, as he looked at me unsure. I knew from the sound of his voice that he was hoping I would love it.

    We made our way up some stone stairs that cut back and then up again. The air was fresh with a hint of pine and rain smell attacking my nose. It was landscaped using a lot of the natural nature

    around the place. Colors of orange and reds were falling across the green and browns of the foliage coming over the mountains as the sun was off to bed.

    Rays of filtered light chose which path it wanted to light as we climbed the stone stairs. I could see dust, small insects and floating pieces of dandelion or cottonwood seeds, I suddenly got a feeling of magic or a wildness about the area that intrigued me.

    Tony could feel me lagging I guess and stopped to look back at me, Are you coming? he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me along faster. Yes, was all I said.

    When we got to the porch there were two big pots with good sized hedges in them on each side of the door in the wide entryway.

    The keys should be behind one of these pots, grunted Tony as he stooped over to look behind the first one.

    Ah! here it is, were in business, he said, immediately sliding the key in the

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