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The Vagrant
The Vagrant
The Vagrant
Ebook406 pages6 hours

The Vagrant

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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The Vagrant is his name. He has no other.

Years have passed since humanity’s destruction emerged from the Breach.

Friendless and alone he walks across a desolate, war-torn landscape.

As each day passes the world tumbles further into depravity, bent and twisted by the new order, corrupted by the Usurper, the enemy, and his infernal horde.

His purpose is to reach the Shining City, last bastion of the human race, and deliver the only weapon that may make a difference in the ongoing war.

What little hope remains is dying. Abandoned by its leader, The Seven, and its heroes, The Seraph Knights, the last defences of a once great civilisation are crumbling into dust.

But the Shining City is far away and the world is a very dangerous place.

Release dateMay 10, 2016

Peter Newman

Peter Newman lives in Somerset with his wife and son. Growing up in and around London, Peter studied Drama and Education at the Central School of Speech and Drama, going on to work as a secondary school drama teacher. He now works as a trainer and Firewalking Instructor. He sometimes pretends to be a butler for the Tea and Jeopardy podcast, which he co-writes, and which has been shortlisted for a Hugo Award.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Vagrant is a silent man, a wanderer with a magic sword, a baby, and a goat. This is the story of his journey through a post-Demonic apocalypse world and the family he starts to build in it.

    I loved this book, in a way that kind of astounds me. I bought it on the recommendation of its similarities to Dark Souls, and that recommendation was spot on. The core idea, the feeling of a world and powerful entities within it caught in decay and decline, is evoked perfectly here, and at the same time the glimpse into how people adapt to, and sometimes even embrace, corruption feels so unspeakably real. At the same time, the bleak world is studded with both hope and humor, for a perfect balance of darkness and light. And more than anything, the Vagrant is a good man, a decent man, and it shows in his every action and reaction.

    The characterization in The Vagrant is outstanding. I can only assume that Peter Newman is a truly gifted observer of the world, because the way that every character in the books feels true to the core could only come from heart-deep understanding. Even the goat, THE GOAT, is a fully fleshed character while still remaining truly and utterly goatlike. It's amazing. And Vesper, the baby! She's perfect. She's a baby, and a person, and full of character it's almost painful.

    It's almost shocking, really, how human this book is considering how inhuman the world it depicts is. The people and land are growing ever more tainted by the Demonic invasion, and even the "pure" humanity in the north is wrapped in eerie light of entities that are anything but human. Yet between these two poles, people get on with their lives as they have ever done, and it's beautiful in a way. There is badness there, of course, but there is also the Vagrant and his simple decency, wrapped up in the power of a sentient, unstoppable sword.

    It's a heady mixture, and one I can recommend wholeheartedly to fans of adventure, action, and human drama alike.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The VagrantBy: Peter NewmanNarrated by: Jot DaviesThis is a science fiction and fantasy book combined. I don't even know how to review this book because it is so different. I really liked it a lot because it was unique. There was no inner thought dialogue going on from the main character and the main character wouldn't or couldn't speak so the only progression of the story was from the action going on around him and dialogue from others. There is some flashback scenes to show the vagrant before the present time.The main character was The Vagrant of the story. A guy on a mission and nothing was going to get in his way. He had a sword, a special sword of power that was feared and few dared to touch but wanted. He also was caring for an infant. The reader slowly finds out how he got the baby and the sword. He also has a goat to feed the baby milk.The world building is awesome! There is talk of a space craft crash landing, people scavenging parts. But then a taint came upon the people. Unsure if it's related. But it seems there came some plague, there are monsters, and people that are using cybernetics and body parts. That part seemed fuzzy to me. But the city was not lacking. Chips in their brains, flying ships.It was a trek that encountered many people, things, creatures, and situations. The vagrant is a Knight so he is bound to help where he can. It's a very enthralling read. I know you must be wondering how interesting can a man, a baby, and a goat be but it is an epic journey!There are many memorable characters in here. Hammer and the goat are my two favorites. Hammer is a giant monster of a creature like a Big Foot. The goat because of her attitude!Lots of action, emotions, imagination, and wonder in here! It's not for everyone. But I enjoyed the unique style.The narrator was new to me and I found he was absolutely marvelous! A man of many voices! A baby...check! A monster...check! Men, women, creatures, anything... Perfectly... Check!!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    After finishing this book, I thought for a bit and concluded that there was really no part of the book I disliked. Hence the 5 star rating.

    This book does dystopian right. I am generally sceptical of this sub-genre but the author put beautifully written characters in a very well imagined world and introduced a couple of plot elements to set it apart from the stock dark dystopian book.

    The worldbuilding is excellent. The author does a really good job mapping out the devastated world and its various features in a plausible manner. The writing quality is good, though I have read better.

    What makes this book stand out are the characters. The Vagrant - the primary protagonist who never talks. A baby - doing baby stuff, in a very effective way. A goat. Being a very stubborn goat. It is in the interaction of these disparate and unconventional elements and the author's stellar ability to move along by description the plot that sets this book apart.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    starts slow, a bit confusing for a bit, but fun conclusion. Gotta say the goat is the best part
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I would say this book is good but not great. There is an extremely interesting premise here with a silent protagonist traveling through a demon-infested world with a baby, a goat, and a mysterious sword. It reminded me of a mix between the Demon Cycle and Mad Max, but it didn't quite live up to that potential.

    The best part of the book for me, by far, is the relationship between the Vagrant, the baby, Harm, and the Hammer. It felt very real and organic, which is something that's lacking in a lot of fantasy books.

    The main thing I didn't like about the story was when it would shift to the POV of the demons (the Uncivil, Knights, First, and Usurper) and the Seven. For me, those characters weren't fleshed out enough for me to separate what each of their goals were. They just felt jumbled into a single group.

    Still, the story is interesting enough for me to continue on.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A man, mute and known only as the Vagrant, travels across an apocalyptic landscape carrying a baby and a sword. The sword may be the last hope for humanity in a world being destroyed by demons and he is determined, against all odds, to deliver it to those he believes can best use it. The enemy is just as determined to stop him and he encounters opposition and danger every step of the way. But he also finds allies including Harm, a member of a rebel group, as well as a very smart, very stubborn goat.I have to say that it took me a while to get into The Vagrant by author Peter Newman. The beginning drops you somewhere in the middle of the story several years after the cataclysmic events that changed this world. We are introduced to characters, culture, events, and a world already fully realized and in motion and it took me a while to catch up. Still I hung in and I am so glad I did. The story jumps back and forth in time between the Vagrant’s mission and the events leading up to it. As a result, the story at first felt fragmented to me, the cause of my initial confusion. But, as the story progressed, I began to appreciate this style of story-telling. It required commitment on my part to continue but it rewarded me for that commitment with a beautifully written tale, almost lyrical in its prose, both thoughtful and full of action.The world-building weds modern technology with more typical fantasy culture in a way I have never seen before and that it works so well says much about Newman’s writing abilities. But it is the characters that made this one of my favourite reads so far this year. The Vagrant is a complex hero, preferring to settle disputes with money if possible, run away if he can, willing to stand and fight if that is the only option left. Despite the fact that he cannot speak, he has the ability to attract and retain loyal followers and his interaction with them and with the baby makes a sharp and fascinating contrast to the brutal world that exists around him. Harm is also a very interesting character, a man who worked as enforcer for the rebel group, committed to violence, but who sees in the Vagrant the possibility of redemption. And, of course, the baby who may be the most adorable heroine in fantasy and the goat who adds humour to this otherwise dark tale. But perhaps my favourite character was the one called the Hammer that Walks as well as the Usurper’s daughter. She was one of the first humans tainted by the demons and one of the most terrifying. She is sent to destroy the Vagrant and the sword but something changes and her story is one of hope and heartbreak in almost equal measure.The Vagrant is Newman’s debut novel and the first in a series. It is a tale full of adventure, complex characters and world-building, and beautiful prose. It is well-written and compelling, combining dark fantasy with post-apocalyptic. It is smart and violent and requires much from the reader but, for those who are willing to invest in the story, the result is well worth it. With thanks to Edelweiss and Harper Voyager for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie TalesQuick & Dirty: A silent knight, with a sword that is alive, on a very dangerous mission, will he make it?Opening Sentence: “Starlight gives way to bolder neon.”The Review:The Vagrant, a baby and a goat are trying to get to the Shining City. That actually sounds like a joke, but seriously, the Vagrant is traveling with a baby and a goat. He is the last Seraph Knight on this side of the world, and he carries with him a deadly sword. The Shining City is the last place fully human, and the Vagrant hopes the sword will help them turn the tide. In a world losing it’s hope the Vagrant is slowly rekindling that fire.Along the way he ends up with some traveling companions, Harm, a man who sees the Vagrant for what he is and decides to help him as a way to redeem himself. The Hammer also joins them, and her change is nothing less than miraculous. As they continue to stay ahead of the Knights of Jade and Ash and all that hunt the sword, will the Vagrant be able to make it to the Shining City or will he fall on his quest?Okay, first off I really enjoyed this book. I slightly edge away from love because it is a little confusing. Some of that gets cleared up near the end of the book, but some due to the nature of the story is just a mystery. I am glad to see that this is a series, because I really still need some answers. Now that I have said what bothered me I have to get to the point, I mean this book is soo different than anything I have ever read. The main character, The Vagrant, goes by no other name. I mean that literally, even in the chapters that fill in the back story at no point does the author let loose the name of the Vagrant. Oh, and to top it all off he doesn’t speak very much throughout out the entire book, and I am not joking, this book carries it though and is really good despite the lack of dialogue or even inner thought of the main character.He is a giant enigma through the whole book, you do learn why he doesn’t talk, because in the back story you only figure who he is when the story comes to that conclusion and you understand why he doesn’t speak at all. All of that being said, this is definitely towards the science fiction side of fantasy. There are plenty of high fantasy elements, but an edge of futuristic thrown in. Honestly, when I started this I was sure I would hate it, and when I saw that the he didn’t talk, I really thought this is going to suck, but I just kept reading. Out of fascination, curiosity, heck, I am not sure what drove me. I couldn’t put the book down.I am hoping the other books will answer more questions, but I have to say that for a non speaking swordsman, a goat and one baby girl to be the stars of this book, it just blows me away. The level of talent that requires those types of characters to drive a book and make it successful. It’s like Tom Hanks in Castaway level of good. Seriously, if you are into fantasy you must read this book!Notable Scenes:“One canine, black in the poor light, unreadable, but the other human one: it flickers in recognition.”“In New Horizon nothing is wasted.”“To him the Seraph Knights are heroes from a time when childhood was more than the few moments between consciousness and disappointment.”“He closes his eyes, covering his face with quick hands to hide the trembling.’“The Hammer that walks and the Malice?”“You must be strong in yourself, pure of intent, if you are truly to master being a knight.”“At his side, the sword twitches, wings parted, metal feathers unashamedly tipped in red.”FTC Advisory: Harper Voyager provided me with a copy of The Vagrant. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This reminded me of China Mieville in the weird bodies and dropping you to flounder in the middle of a story way. I don't mean this disparagingly but I had to re-read the last few chapters to really get what had happened, and I don't do that often.When the demons came the armies led by the Seraph Knights tried to hold them back, but they failed. Now the entities from the breach use human bodies like components in a strange jigsaw, sometimes taking over bodies wholesale, and infecting others with their taint. Into this walks a man with a sword, a baby and a mission, he wants to reach the Shining City the last bastion of the human race and to deliver a weapon.Oh man, this was pretty powerful stuff, full of twists and turns and slightly red-herrings but at the core a character who is determined to do the right thing and works well against his inability to speak. A man who wants to do the right thing in a world where bodies are parts and possible profit and survival is very tough.There were times when it was too gritty for my taste but overall I found it a compelling read.

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The Vagrant - Peter Newman

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An imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers

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First published in Great Britain by HarperVoyager 2015

Copyright © Peter Newman 2015

Cover layout design © HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd 2015

Jacket illustration © Jaime Jones

Peter Newman asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

A catalogue copy of this book is available from the British Library.

This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

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Source ISBN: 9780007593071

Ebook Edition © April 2015 ISBN: 9780008182687

Version: 2021-09-23


To Em,

for lighting the way



Title Page



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Eight Years Ago

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Eight Years Ago

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Eight Years Ago

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Eight Years Ago

Chapter Fourteen

Eight Years Ago

Chapter Fifteen

Eight Years Ago

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Seven Years Ago

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Seven Years Ago

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Three Years Ago

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Three Years Ago

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Three Years Ago

Chapter Twenty-Eight

One Year Ago

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

One Year Ago

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three


Read an extract of The Malice

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Starlight gives way to bolder neon. Signs muscle in on all sides, brightly welcoming each arrival to New Horizon.

The Vagrant does not notice; his gaze fixes on the ground ahead.

People litter the streets like living waste, their eyes as hollow as their laughter. Voices beg and hands grasp, needy, aggressive.

The Vagrant does not notice and walks on, clasping his coat tightly at the neck.

Excited shouts draw a crowd ahead. A mixture of half-bloods and pimps, dealers and spectators gather in force. Platforms rise up in the street, unsteady on legs of salvaged metal. Wire cages sit on top. Within, shivering forms squat, waiting to be sold. For some of the assembled, the flesh auction provides new slaves, for others, fresh meat.

Unnoticed in the commotion, the Vagrant travels on.

The centre of New Horizon is dominated by a vast scrap yard dubbed ‘The Iron Mountain’, a legacy from the war. At its heart is the gutted corpse of a fallen sky-ship; its cargo of tanks and fighters has spilled out in the crash, forming a skirt of scattered metal at the mountain’s base.

Always opportunistic, the inhabitants of New Horizon have tunnelled out its insides to create living spaces and shops, selling on the sky-ship’s treasures. Scavenged lamps hang, colouring the shadows.

One tunnel is illuminated by a glowing hoop, off-white and erratic. In the pale light, the low ceiling is the colour of curdled milk.

Awkwardly, the Vagrant enters, bending his legs and bowing his head, his back held straight.

Corrugated shelves line the walls, packed with bottles, tins and tubes. The owner of the rusting cave hunches on the floor, cleaning a syringe with a ragged cloth. He appraises the Vagrant with a bloodshot eye.

‘A new customer?’

The Vagrant nods.

Syringe and cloth are swiftly tucked away and yellowing fingers rub together. ‘Ah, welcome, welcome. I am Doctor Zero. I take it you’ve heard of me?’

The Vagrant nods.

‘Of course you have, that’s why you’re here. Well, what can I get you? You look tired. I have the finest selection of uppers this side of the Breach, or perhaps something to escape with?’ His eyes twinkle, sleazy, seductive.

One hand still on his collar, the Vagrant’s amber eyes roam the shelves. They alight on a small jar, its label faded to a uniform grey.

‘Ah, a discerning customer,’ says Doctor Zero, impressed. ‘Rare to have somebody who knows what they’re looking for. Most of the rabble I get through here can’t tell the difference between stardust and sawdust.’ He picks up the jar, flicking something sticky from the lid. ‘I assume whoever sent you appreciates the scarcity of good medicine … and the cost.’

In answer, the Vagrant kneels and places two platinum coins on the ground, sliding them across the floor towards the Doctor.

‘I hope you aren’t trying to trick me,’ the Doctor replies, picking them up and tapping each one in turn with his finger. The coins vibrate and a brief two-note duet fills the cramped space. For a moment neither speak, both moved to other memories by the sound.

Doctor Zero holds them to the light, the clean discs incongruous with his sallow skin. ‘My apologies,’ he says, handing the jar over quickly, hoping no change will be asked for. ‘And if you have any other needs, don’t hesitate to come back.’

Doctor Zero watches the Vagrant go, his fingers twisting together, untwisting and twisting again. He picks up the syringe and, after a moment’s deliberation, pricks his finger on it, wincing at the little stab of pain. A bead of blood appears on the end of his finger. He waits until it has grown to the size of a small pea and then whispers his message.

The Vagrant makes his way towards the city gates, famous for always being open. The Demagogue, demonic caretaker of the city, claims this is because New Horizon admits anyone, a lie to conceal their dysfunction. The great engines that control the gates are silent, critical parts stolen or broken long ago.

Beggars’ cries mix with heavy drumming and the taste of sweat. A girl, aged prematurely by life, pulls at the Vagrant’s arm. ‘Ey, you come from Zero’s? You wanna share?’ She runs a hand over her curve-less frame. ‘You give me high, I give you ride. Big high, big ride.’ The Vagrant stops, looking at her hand until she withdraws it. He walks on, the girl’s stream of curses following after.

A large, hound-like animal sits on its haunches, square in the middle of the road. Tainted by infernal influence, it is larger than its ancestors, fearsome, ferocious, a Dogspawn. No Handler is in sight and the usually easy-going wastrels of New Horizon give it a wide berth.

The Vagrant does the same.

It watches him with mismatched eyes. One canine, black in the poor light, unreadable, but the other human one: it flickers in recognition. Somewhere outside the city a Handler watches, viewing the wanderer through their swapped orbs.

For a time, both are still and the crowd follows the lead of the fading stars above, retreating, one by one into the darkness.

The Dogspawn pants heavily, its foul breath adding to the thick cocktail of smoke and rot that passes for New Horizon’s air.

The Vagrant does not run. There is no point. Over the years, desperate prey has tried many things to hide its scent from these half-breeds: perfume, mud, excrement, even the blood of another member of the Dogspawn’s pack.

All fail.

The hunters do not track the body’s scent. The Vagrant knows this: it is why the rest of the pack and their Handlers lie dead.

With a growl, the Dogspawn stands up, refuse clinging to blood-crusted legs. It pads forward with difficulty, dragging itself through the muck.

The Vagrant watches, unmoving.

Eight metres from him, the Dogspawn leaps. It is a weak gesture, a mere suggestion of its usual power.

The Vagrant steps back, leaving it to sprawl exhausted at his feet. Its flanks heave, gasping and ragged. Blackish blood dribbles from its rear. Soon, it will die. The growls soften, become a whine which gives way to a fading, wheezy pant.

The Vagrant steps around the body but the Dogspawn is not quite dead. It snaps at him with the last of its strength, too slow to catch his ankle, but the long teeth snare his coat.

The Vagrant pulls at it, once, twice, the Dogspawn glaring at him through half-closed eyes. Its jaws stay locked onto the worn material in a last act of defiance. The Vagrant continues to pull: harder and more urgently until fabric tears on teeth. He pulls free but there is a cost, his coat is opened by the struggle.

The Dogspawn’s eyes open one final time, widening at what is revealed.

In the crook of his arm, a baby sleeps, oblivious; chubby cheeks are dusted with fever spots. A sword hangs at the Vagrant’s side, a single eye glaring from the crosspiece. It returns the Dogspawn’s dying stare, peering beyond to find the tether of essence that will lead to its tainted Handler.

Swiftly, the Vagrant walks towards the great gates of New Horizon, pulling his coat about him once more.

The rust-bruised gates loom high, thick chains frozen along their length. To their right is a watchtower, ruined, its broken roof hanging from defunct cables.

The Vagrant passes under its shadow and over the city’s boundary, walking purposefully into the gloom beyond.

Chunks of rock jut out across the barren landscape, a row of giant’s teeth. Repeated bombardments and exposure to poisonous demonic energies have taken their toll on the environment. Craters pepper the ground like pockmarks. There are no trees, no colour and little life to be seen. The Blasted Lands are named without irony.

From nearby a cry rings out, quickly muffled. It is enough. The Vagrant turns and moves toward the sound.

Behind a jagged slab of stone sits the Handler cradling his head. His dark animal eye has necrosed in his skull, making nerve endings scream. The Handler does not know he is found.

The Vagrant crouches, carefully lays the baby in the dust. He stands slowly, his blade singing as it tastes the air.

Now the Handler realizes. He scrabbles backwards, promises babbling from his lips until the Vagrant’s shadow covers him.

Abruptly there is silence.

Stick-like people and bloated flies gather in the twilight, both drawn to the still warm corpse of the Dogspawn. By morning they have picked the bones clean. By afternoon half of the people have died, their stomachs unable to accept the rich meat. By evening their skeletons are bartered over by Necrotraders.

In New Horizon nothing is wasted.


On the outskirts of New Horizon a caravan has formed, preparing to leave with the dawn. The Vagrant joins it, blending with the ragged collection of traders and travellers, lost and forgotten.

Axles creak and pack beasts grunt and people shuffle. As New Horizon recedes like a fading nightmare, tongues loosen and conversation hums uncertainly.

The yellow half of the sun is the first to rise that day, crowning the sky gold. The merchants, ruled by superstition, take this as a good sign, one even going so far as to share his drink with a neighbour in thanksgiving. For most though, the colour only alters the palette of hopelessness.

Soon the horizon takes on a reddish tint, heralding the second sunrise of the day.

Once, a single star warmed the world. None remember that time, though all agree that it must have been better then.

People thought that when the sun tore it would bring about the end of the world but the two star fragments did not explode as predicted, nor did they blaze down from the heavens, raining fire and destruction. Instead they continue their slow orbit of the sky and each other, like drunken dance partners, struggling on long past the death of the music.

The Vagrant approaches one of the largest waggons, drawing the driver’s attention away from his roll-up. A word squeezes out around the stub: ‘Yeah?’

The Vagrant looks to the rear of the waggon and back to the driver. Another precious coin changes hands and the Vagrant is allowed inside.

Beyond the curtain the back of the waggon is full of boxes, scratched plastic and battered metal. No space is wasted, even the smells squeeze to fit between the crates. A few are covered with threadbare cloth, but they are the exceptions; the majority brazenly expose their wares.

The Vagrant is uninterested. He glances over his shoulder, pulling the fabric between him and the world outside.

In the cramped square of privacy he removes his coat and sword, squatting awkwardly with the baby he has smuggled inside. The infant sleeps unnaturally, immunized from the rough handling it has received in recent days by worsening fever.

Using his sleeve, the Vagrant mops its brow, blowing cool air onto the pink-red face. The baby wrinkles its nose, head turning sluggishly. As it begins to stir, the Vagrant takes out the precious jar, unscrewing the lid and scooping out lilac jelly with his fingers. He puts his finger into its mouth and waits. Toothless gums nibble and the baby starts to suck. Twice more, the Vagrant offers medicine on his finger. The baby takes it all down greedily.

For a time both doze, lulled by the waggon’s creaking, rocking movements.

Without warning, a whisper comes from the recesses of the waggon.

‘Help me.’

The Vagrant stiffens, turning towards a large metal cage. Grubby fingers pull back the covering cloth, exposing a child’s face, not a half-breed born to tainted humans, but not quite free-born, not pure, either. His features are sharp, his body small and thin, forged by a lifetime’s survival on scraps and wits. He misses nothing, mouth gaping open at the scene before him.

‘That sword,’ gasps the boy. ‘You’re a Seraph Knight. I thought you were all dead this side of the Breach.’ He speaks in tones of hushed excitement and something foreign creeps into his eyes, the possibility of an alternative to death and pain.

‘I’m Jem,’ the boy blurts, whispering, urgent, afraid that stopping will give the Vagrant cause to leave, ‘my mother trades between here and Verdigris, but, something went wrong last night, a group of men came, held her down, and then others came, angry, took me away, said she owed them money. I wanted to fight but then they’d have hurt me worse so I stayed small, like a bug. They pushed me in this cage and put me onto the caravan. I have to get back to New Horizon. I have to find her, make sure she’s alright.’

The Vagrant says nothing.

‘I’m sure she’d be grateful, she has money. Not lots but enough and’ the boy falters, unsure of how to play things, ‘she’s pretty too, real pretty.’

Jem is one of the last born before the lean times, old enough to remember the stories, to have been fed on them from a young age. To him the Seraph Knights are heroes from a time when childhood was more than the few moments between consciousness and disappointment. But he is also a child of the present, and knows how to bargain hard when necessary. He recites the words in a sing-song whisper:

‘I invoke the rite of mercy. Save me, protect me, deliver me.’

The Vagrant closes his eyes.

Eight Years Ago

Ten thousand Seraph Knights march to fight in what will become known as the Battle of the Red Wave. Most strong men and women of the region walk with them, becoming squires and servants and soldiers.

Mechanized beasts carry the majority of the army, for the knights four-legged walkers with armadillo backs or metal snakes on tracks, for the soldiers waggons and tanks.

At their head is one of The Seven, borne across the sky in her floating palace. Sky-ships trail after, like ducklings following their mother.

The ground trembles at their passing.

For more than a thousand years, the crack in the ground known as the Breach has been watched by Seraph Knights in the name of the Empire of the Winged Eye. It was prophesied that the Breach would one day open, spilling terror. But as the centuries passed and that day did not come mankind lowered its guard. It is hard to be vigilant for a lifetime, harder still for generations. Even The Seven, ageless, flawless, overseers of the Empire, have become distracted, their visits to the southern region oft neglected. The first invaders to float up from the depths of the Breach find the knights unsuspecting. Hungry to exist, to claw some purchase in the world, the demons attack quickly and a sleepy thousand-year watch ends with screams and blood.

One man escapes, a squire who fled as the fighting began. He carries news of the catastrophe north, across the sea, all the way to the Shining City, capital of the Empire and sanctum of The Seven.

On bended knee, he gives his report, a stuttering, babbling confusion punctuated with apologies. He is forced to repeat it many times, moving up the chain of command, until he is taken to the Knight Commander, the Empire’s supreme military authority who, within minutes of hearing the tale, brings the matter, and the young man directly to The Seven for guidance.

After two days of silence The Seven decide to punish the squire for incompetence. Once this is done, The Seven fall to pondering what action should be taken. Thirteen months after the first invaders arrive, the decision is made for the armies of the Winged Eye to ride out in force. Gamma of The Seven leads them, leaving her sanctum, her brothers and sisters and their devoted, for the first time in living memory.

They travel slowly across the Empire, parading, glorious. The young and strong of each region are collected, swelling numbers and pride. New recruits come eagerly, for all wish to become part of history.

When finally the army arrives at the Breach, the enemy are waiting. From the ravine walls of them rise, hissing, into the air like great clouds of blood. They are composed of indistinguishable things, unidentifiable save by their teeth, smiling knives side by side, a thousand thousand hungry mouths.

As the army of the Winged Eye forms up, the Breach vomits strange multi-legged things at them, a river of screeching scabs, scuttling towards the living.

The soldiers answer with cannon and lightning, and the knights draw their singing swords.

On the ground nameless monsters are blown apart or pierced or shot. They crumble to sludge, bodies unable to hold integrity so far from their native soil. In the sky, dark shapes flit between the turrets of the floating palace, plucking men from the battlements. Occasionally a turret pins one with fire, lighting its blue veins from the inside as it plunges to earth, a flaming rag of skin.

Then, from the Breach something powerful emerges. In time it will be known as Usurper, or Ammag, or Green Sun but it does not yet have form, appearing as a green shade, an unborn malevolence. Where it passes, husks fall, bearing little resemblance to the brave men and women they were moments before.

A ripple of fear passes through the army, the possibility of defeat rising in their minds.

Gamma of The Seven watches the battle with eyes that mirror the sky. Seeing the true threat reveal itself, she signals her attendants. They open the doors for her as she stretches, shattering the thin stone that encases her, like a bird emerging full grown from its egg.

On wings of silver and fire she descends upon the enemy. Her sword is her battle cry and its call turns the infernal foes to ash. At her approach, the formless thing pauses, retreating back towards the safety of the Breach. It is not ready to face her, not yet. Arrow-like Gamma pursues it and no creature from the Breach dares oppose her, the enemy falls away like leaves before a breeze, until she lands on the dark-shifting surface of her foe, plunging her sword deep into its formlessness.

Silent since it cannot scream its pain ripples outward in strands of boiling essence. It tries to flee and Gamma follows, her blade pouring hate into the wound, sowing seeds of itself within the enemy. They float within, dormant, waiting to bloom.

It is forced to turn from the yawning void and, reluctantly, face her.

They fight.

It is said that she fought well. It is said that she died well. The Knight Commander will not have it otherwise. Whatever else is said however, Gamma of The Seven fell that day.

The order to retreat comes soon after. Barely two thousand survive the first retreat.

There is no second retreat.


By mid-afternoon the broken suns have swapped places, dappling the mountains in gold and the sky in blood. The caravan continues its slow and lonely way north.

Inside one of the waggons a cage door hangs open. Stretching happily outside it is a young boy. He is watching the man who saved him, eyes expectant. It is evident he wants the man to come with him, perhaps even hopes he might become part of their lives; a companion to his mother, a father to him.

The man has offered none of these things however, sitting quietly while the baby sucks down the last of the medicine.

‘So, I guess this is goodbye then?’ the boy says eventually.

The Vagrant nods.

Disappointed, he leaves the man and the baby alone in the waggon. It is quiet without the boy’s constant chatter.

The Vagrant stares at the coins in his hand, each with the power to buy and sell life. Only five remain now. They have been spent on necessities such as food and medicine as well as indulgences, acts of charity that do little to pay off the debt of conscience.

The last few coins have bought a boy’s freedom, a goat and a modicum of privacy for the journey. Of the three, only the goat can be classed as a necessity. Not many creatures survive the Blasted Lands without change. After the arrival of the infernals most died or were altered by the tainted energy that flowed from the Breach. Over time the survivors have by its infection bred far from their original forms until only a shadow of their former shape remains.

Although the goat is scrawny, bad tempered and stubborn, she is otherwise untainted and a reliable source of anemic grey milk.

Gradually the caravan slows, circling itself like a cat preparing a bed. With a groaning of wheels and bones, the waggons and their beasts of burden come to rest. People eat their rations sparingly, jealously eyeing their neighbour’s fare.

With renewed energy, the baby wakes and starts to cry. The fever is finally loosening its grip, allowing hunger to return in full force.

The Vagrant gets up quickly, gathering his things. He picks up the baby, covering it with his coat once more. Tucked in the dark warm space, it calms a little but continues to grumble as the Vagrant climbs out of the waggon.

When he approaches the goat, she eyes him with open suspicion. She tries to back away but is held in place by the wire tethering her to the waggon. Unlike many of the humans held in bondage to the caravan, the goat remains defiant. The Vagrant works quickly however, and soon the goat has capitulated to his wishes, chewing apathetically while he collects the precious liquid in an old tin cup.

A man approaches, fashionably starved, eyes alive with desperation. ‘Hey pal,’ he begins, mouth twitching. ‘Doin’ alright?’

The Vagrant inclines his head slowly.

‘What you got there? That a baby you carryin’?’

Sounds of the caravan can be clearly heard as the two men look at each other; people cooking on makeshift fires, bolts being tightened, bent spokes knocked back into line again, blades being sharpened.

‘C’mon, man, I weren’t the only one that heard it. And I ain’t the only one that’ll take an interest. So let’s talk.’ He scratches the sores on his chin as he makes his pitch. ‘I been watchin’ you, got me some ideas ’bout what you’re up to. You got an untainted there, right? You reckon you’re smart, smuggling it out like you have. Gonna trade somewhere up north I’m bettin’, make a nice bit on the side. Is it a boy or a girl? The Uncivil’s offering a lot on baby girls, you could make a killing if you get that far. I’ve got a contact up that way, handles independent sales with the Fleshtraders, no questions asked? So, how about it? We could be partners, you got the goods, an’ I got the contacts. We split the profits and keep it all nice and cosy, just between us. What do you say?’

The Vagrant’s eyes narrow a fraction.

‘Course if you don’t like it, I could speak to some friends of mine an’ we could take the little nipper off your hands, free of charge. Your choice.’

With deliberation the Vagrant puts the cup of milk on the ground, the baby next to it.

‘Oh, that’s a beauty all right. I really hope it’s a girl, yes I do.’

The Vagrant stands up and takes a step forward. He is taller than the man by several inches.

‘So, what do you say?’

At his side, beneath his coat, the silvered wings that curl about the sword’s hilt twitch and the blade hums ever so softly. The man’s blood is more than tainted; it is thick with the infernal.


The Vagrant’s right hand flexes, a pained frown crosses his face. He reaches down, into his coat, pulling a coin from his pocket and offering it to the man. He puts a finger to his lips.

‘Is that what I think it is?’ The coin has already vanished. ‘Not what I was hopin’ for, but alright, you got yourself a deal. I ain’t seen a thing.’

Back in the waggon, the Vagrant feeds the baby through a piece of rubber tubing. He listens to the sounds of the wheels turning outside and the voices of the people, whispering, gossiping.

Many miles south of New Horizon, the Fallen Palace languishes. After the battle of the Red Wave, it limped through the sky, fleeing the Breach and the monsters birthing endlessly from its rocky womb.

The Palace did not escape, pecked from the sky by the pursuing swarm until it kissed the earth one last time, cutting a new valley into the landscape and diverting one of the great southern rivers. Now the Fallen Palace is forever surrounded by fetid marshland.

Turrets and walls lean several degrees to the right, appearing drunk in the daylight, a sickly slant. Weaving towards them, unnoticed by poor souls wandering the sloping streets, flits a messenger, wings buzzing like tiny motors.

No glass remains in the Fallen Palace. Windows were shattered in the crash, covering the floors in a layer of cheap crystal. Now every shard has gone, from the longest sliver to the tiniest piece, all taken.

Many openings gape, from holes in the cracked pavements, from doorways, from windows, but they do not distract the messenger. It moves directly to a tower, where brassy walls fight a doomed battle against encroaching green lichen.

At the top of the tower is an arched window and in that window is a Man-shape. At the fly’s approach, the Man-shape’s face splits like a clam, yawning open: the fly lands on an overlong tongue, its work concluded, its frantic wings still.

The Man-shape closes its mouth, tasting the words hidden in the blood, hidden in the fly. It digests both and walks swiftly into the tower’s darkness, untroubled by the tilt of the floor. Emerging into its master’s chamber, it pauses, waiting to be acknowledged.

In the gloom, a great bulk stirs. The movement is accompanied by several excretions, as violent as they are small. The Man-shape eyes the bindings on its master’s shell, even the newest ones are starting to fray. It mentally notes that they will need to hasten the next order.

Fully awake now, the Usurper moves, animating the body that once belonged to Gamma, distorting her features, beckoning for the Man-shape to come closer. The gesture is laboured, hardly fitting for the greatest of infernals and the Man-shape is glad that neither the Uncivil nor the First

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