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The Measles Book: Thirty-Five Secrets the Government and the Media Aren't Telling You about Measles and the Measles Vaccine
The Measles Book: Thirty-Five Secrets the Government and the Media Aren't Telling You about Measles and the Measles Vaccine
The Measles Book: Thirty-Five Secrets the Government and the Media Aren't Telling You about Measles and the Measles Vaccine
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The Measles Book: Thirty-Five Secrets the Government and the Media Aren't Telling You about Measles and the Measles Vaccine

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Discover thirty-five secrets that the media, US government, and Big Pharma don't want you to know about vaccines.

Measles! We all have seen or heard the scary stories about “outbreaks” in the media. It has even been declared a “public health emergency” at various times. Is it true? Are we and our children at risk?
The Measles Book: Thirty-Five Secrets the Government and the Media Aren’t Telling You about Measles and the Measles Vaccine will help you answer these questions. You will find out if this is just another example of the media, government, and industry misleading us or whether we really have a lot to worry about.
The Measles Book presents reliable medical information from the most credible sources available. It is intended to help you make an informed choice about vaccinating your child. The main focus is measles, but many of the issues are relevant to other childhood vaccines. Within the book's pages, the reader will discover thirty-five secrets being kept from the general public about childhood vaccines, especially the measles vaccine. Just a sampling of these secrets include:
  1. Vaccines are not safe for every child and the government and pharmaceutical companies have known this for years.
  2. Some children will get injured or die from vaccines and the government and pharmaceutical companies know this, too.
  3. Pharmaceutical companies have developed an incredible way to make money from vaccines, and not be held accountable.
  4. When a child is injured or killed by a vaccine, the pharmaceutical company does not pay for the damage it caused—we do!
Learn the other thirty-one secrets when you read The Measles Book by Children's Health Defense, a nonprofit organization committed to the health of our children and challenging misinformation spread by Big Pharma, the government, and the media. The information in The Measles Book is vital for parents to know so they can make informed decisions for their children. 
Release dateOct 19, 2021
The Measles Book: Thirty-Five Secrets the Government and the Media Aren't Telling You about Measles and the Measles Vaccine

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    Book preview

    The Measles Book - Children's Health Defense


    Measles! We all have seen or heard the scary stories about outbreaks in the media. It has even been declared a public health emergency at various times. Is it true? Are we and our children at risk?

    This book will help you answer these questions. You will find out if this is just another example of the media, government, and industry misleading us or whether we really have a lot to worry about.

    This book presents reliable medical information from the most credible sources available. It is intended to help you make an informed choice about vaccinating your child. The book focuses on measles, but many of the issues are relevant to other childhood vaccines.


    The pages you are about to read reveal secrets. Hidden pieces of information that you should know.

    What’s wrong with keeping this information secret?

    Everything! This is the information that parents like us need in order to make informed decisions for our children. We want to make good decisions for our children. We want to know the truth about the risks and benefits of vaccines. That is why we wrote this book.

    Here is the first group of secrets you need to know:

    1. Vaccines are not safe for every child and the government and pharmaceutical companies have known this for years.

    2. Some children will get injured or die from vaccines and the government and pharmaceutical companies know this, too.

    3. Pharmaceutical companies have developed an incredible way to make money from vaccines and not be held accountable.

    4. When a child is injured or killed by a vaccine, the pharmaceutical company does not pay for the damage it caused—we do!

    Fear mongering

    Fear sells. Fear works. When people are scared, they do things they might not do when they are thinking clearly.

    For example, if a drug company wanted to sell you a vaccine they could say: This vaccine may help your child avoid a rash, but there are side effects to the vaccine so get all the facts first.

    Or, they could say: There’s a public health emergency. If your child doesn’t get this vaccine they could end up in a hospital for a long time. And if they don’t get vaccinated, they can’t go to school.

    Which approach do you think would get more people to vaccinate? Which approach would sell more vaccines?

    Parents do not want to be bullied into making health decisions for our children. We want the truth and the facts, and we want to make our own decisions for our own families. But, the truth is being hidden. In addition, our right to use our own judgment for our children is also being taken away.

    Where the information comes from

    This book addresses the misinformation that is being spread by those with power-driven or profit-driven agendas. We reveal the reliable, medically documented information that is being hidden.

    All the sources can be found in every chapter so you can check them yourself. We have done our best to cite the most credible sources of information possible, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization, and the peer reviewed medical literature where physicians and scientists publish their findings.

    So, if you want the facts about the measles vaccine, please read on.

    There will be people who are unhappy that we revealed these secrets. To them we say, Why are you afraid of the truth?

    And one final note to any politician reading this: Before you make policy or laws, please get your facts straight. Do not listen to drug company lobbyists. You are making health decisions for hundreds of thousands of children at once. That is a sacred responsibility. Work for the people who elected you. There are resources in this book that you should be referencing before you make decisions on vaccines. Please do your homework.

    PART 1

    There Is No Need to Panic about Measles

    We are bombarded with messages that measles is a public health emergency and there are outbreaks everywhere. We are told that if we do not vaccinate our children, not only do we put our own children in grave danger, but we jeopardize the lives of everyone else in our communities. But, measles is not as dangerous as we are being told and not as prevalent nor rampant. In this chapter you will learn the facts.


    1. Measles Is Usually Just a Rash

    2. There’s Over a 90 Percent Chance of NO Complications from Measles

    3. Measles Is Not as Lethal as We Are Told

    4. Fear Mongering Is Used Because It Works

    SECRET #1

    Measles Is Usually Just a Rash

    Quick Version: According to pediatricians, measles is basically a rash. It can sometimes be itchy and may cause a stuffy nose and pink eye.

    What is measles?

    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is an American professional association of pediatricians. It has 64,000 members and is considered the preeminent organization for pediatricians.

    According to the AAP:

    Measles is an acute viral disease characterized by fever, cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis, followed by a maculopapular rash beginning on the face and spreading cephalocaudally and centrifugally.

    Sounds pretty horrible, so let’s translate this into English:

    •Coryza = inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose. Most people call this a stuffy nose.

    •Conjunctivitis = often called pink eye, this is a common eye disease, especially in children. It usually lasts a few days and goes away by itself.

    •Maculopapular rash = a type of rash that is covered with small bumps. It can sometimes be itchy.

    •Cephalocaudally and Centrifugally = moving downward and away from center.

    So, what is measles, really?

    According to pediatricians, measles is basically a rash. It can sometimes be itchy and spread across the body. It may cause a stuffy nose and pink eye.


    Kimberlin, David W., and Mary A. Jackson. Red Book 2018: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 31st ed. American Academy of Pediatrics, 2018.

    SECRET #2

    There’s Over a 90 Percent Chance of NO Complications from Measles

    Quick Version: Children who get measles have a more than 90 percent chance of zero complications.

    Although measles is basically a rash, we are told that the complications can be serious and sometimes deadly. Is this true?

    Let’s see what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said before the advent of the vaccine.

    In 1962, CDC says measles has low fatality.

    The CDC is the leading national public health institute of the United States. The CDC is a United States federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services.

    According to the former head of the CDC, Dr. Alexander D. Langmuir, measles is a self-limiting infection of short duration, moderate severity, and low fatality . . . He said this in 1962, before the measles vaccine was in use.

    The term self-limiting means a disease that tends to go away on its own, without treatment.

    According to the National Institute of Health:

    Dr. Langmuir was the first chief epidemiologist of the newly established Communicable Disease Center (now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) a position he held for over 20 years . . . [He] was recognized internationally as an assertive public health authority.

    In the early 1960s, parents and pediatricians viewed measles as an unpleasant, although more or less inevitable, part of childhood.

    According to an article published in the American Journal of Public Health:

    By the early 1960s, almost all children contracted measles before they reached adolescence . . . By 1960, thanks to the use of antibiotics and improvements in living conditions, measles mortality was declining steadily in industrialized countries. Parents largely came to see measles as an unpleasant, although more or less inevitable, part of childhood . . . Many primary care physicians shared this view.

    So, measles was not a big deal in the years leading up to the measles vaccine and many physicians shared this view.

    The co-inventor of the measles vaccine said most kids have measles without terrible complications.

    Here’s a story shared by Dr. Samuel Katz about the dangers of measles. Who is Samuel Katz? He is the co-inventor of the measles vaccine. In interviews given in 2002, Katz describes how they tested his vaccine in the 1960s in a small town in Nigeria called Imesi. They waited until the vaccine was approved in the United States because we were very concerned we could be thought of as using these poor black kids as guinea pigs.

    In Nigeria, Katz worked with David Morley, an English physician. While Katz was at Imesi, Dr. Morley’s son got measles. This is what happened in Katz’s own words:

    The other thing that was interesting was that while I was there David Morley’s son got measles. He had his own family there, and we hadn’t immunized any of the personnel of the hospital. So he had measles like any other child in this country having measles. He was sick, got a rash, he coughed, had conjunctivitis, and he got better . . . Here was this healthy, well-nourished English kid who has measles the way hopefully most kids were to have measles, without terrible complications or problems.

    The co-inventor of the measles vaccine tells us that a well-nourished English kid got measles. He got a rash, coughed, and got pink eye. Then he got better without terrible complications and problems like most kids.

    What are the complications from measles?

    What are we told about the complications from measles today? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics:

    Complications of measles, including otitis media, bronchopneumonia, laryngotracheo-bronchitis (croup), and diarrhea, occur commonly in young children and immunocompromised hosts.

    Let’s translate that into English:

    •Otitis media = ear infection (7 percent of the time)

    •Bronchopneumonia = inflammation of the lungs, arising in the bronchi or bronchioles (6 percent of the time)

    •Laryngotracheobronchitis (croup) = barking cough and a hoarse voice (percentage not provided)

    •Diarrhea (8 percent of the time)

    Therefore, if your child has measles, they have a 93 percent chance of NOT having an ear infection, a 94 percent chance of NOT getting bronchopneumonia, and a 92 percent chance of NOT getting diarrhea.

    Perhaps this is the reason that the first chief epidemiologist of the CDC wrote in 1962 that measles is a self-limiting infection of short duration, moderate severity, and low fatality.

    Perhaps this is also why pediatricians in the early 1960s shared the view with parents that measles was an unpleasant, although more or less inevitable, part of childhood.

    Perhaps this is also why the co-inventor of the measles vaccine, Sam Katz, said that his friend’s son got measles like most kids, without complications.

    Bronchopneumonia was rare and afflicted children who were malnourished or weakened from another disease.

    Of all the complications listed above, bronchopneumonia is considered the most dangerous. This is what was written about bronchopneumonia from measles in 1937, decades before the measles vaccine. This comes from the British Medical Journal:

    Bronchopneumonia remains the most serious and dreaded complication . . . In measles, bronchitis is present in the early stages in all but the mildest and modified cases. It usually clears up in a few days; but occasionally, and especially in poorly nourished and debilitated children, it progresses to bronchopneumonia.

    Let’s think about what this means:

    In 1937, in the years before the vaccine and antibiotics and modern healthcare, and clean running water, measles could sometimes lead to bronchitis and bronchitis could occasionally lead to bronchopneumonia in children, especially those who are malnourished or weakened from another disease. Does that describe your child? Is he or she poorly nourished or debilitated? Are you living in 1937?

    Should this scare us today when we have antibiotics and clean running water and children who are not malnourished?

    Measles is a rash for the vast majority of children.

    Again, for the vast majority of children, measles is basically a rash. In fact, in 1962, before the measles vaccine, the following statement appeared in the British Medical Journal: Measles is often regarded as a normal part of childhood development . . .


    Cunningham, A. A. Vaccine Treatment of Measles. BMJ 1, no. 3988 (June 1937), 1202– 1203. doi:10.1136/bmj.1.3988.1202.

    Hendriks, Jan, and Stuart Blume. Measles Vaccination Before the Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine. American Journal of Public Health 103, no. 8 (2013), 1393–1401. doi:10.2105/ajph.2012.301075.

    Inactivated Measles Virus Vaccine. BMJ 1, no. 5294 (June 1962), 1746–1747. doi:10.1136/bmj.1.5294.1746.

    Katz, MD, Samuel L. Oral History Project. Interview by Jeffrey P. Baker, MD, PhD. American Academy of Pediatrics, March 2002.

    Katz, MD, Samuel L. Oral History Project. Interview by Jeffrey P. Baker, MD, PhD. American Academy of Pediatrics, June 2002.

    Kimberlin, David W., and Mary A. Jackson. Red Book 2018: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 31st ed. American Academy of Pediatrics, 2018.

    Langmuir, Alexander D. Medical Importance of Measles. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 103, no. 3 (1962), 224. doi:10.1001/archpedi.1962.02080020236005.

    Measles. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Last modified September 25, 2019.

    Schultz, Myron G., and William Schaffner. Alexander Duncan Langmuir. Emerging Infectious Diseases 21, no. 9 (September 2015), 1635–1637. doi:10.3201/eid2109.141445.

    SECRET #3

    Measles Is Not as Lethal as We Are Told

    Quick Version: In the last five years, there have been 2,014 cases of measles and zero deaths in children. There are 250,000 deaths a year from medical errors. The media screams to us about measles, but is silent about medical errors. Why?

    The last measles death in the United States was in 2015, but this was an adult with underlying health problems, not a child.

    According to the CDC, The last measles death in the United States occurred in 2015.

    The victim was a twenty-eight-year-old woman with underlying health problems.

    What were these underlying health problems?

    According to the Seattle Times, The young woman’s health condition was redacted from the public records, but it required her to take drugs that suppressed her immune system.

    Whatever she was taking made her vulnerable to falling ill from many different diseases. We don’t know if she had cancer or an autoimmune disease (both diseases use chemo to suppress the immune system) or if there were other health issues because that information was redacted.

    Why was

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