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Roles, Uniform and Authority
Roles, Uniform and Authority
Roles, Uniform and Authority
Ebook547 pages9 hours

Roles, Uniform and Authority

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About this ebook

This is book for mother, it is book for the woman.

The role of marriage and sex and as it relates to the Body of Christ in the creating one flesh as the Bible says, it should be.
It is book that speaks and addresses the role of the women in the homes, societies and the Church of Christ, especially at this end times.
It deals with pains, passion and the purposes of pains in the lives of individuals.
It addresses the role of the Church as God's Lighthouse on earth.
The Priesthood of believers, the origin and its continuity
How to speak with the Voice of God
It is a book of the mysteries of God concerning the woman and the motherhood of every woman, mysteries revealed.
It addresses the question of the curse on the man and the woman
Why was the woman was created for the man, was it to produce children, keep the house or was it for something very big and greater in purpose.
Did God silence the woman from teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and was she prohibited by God not to hold any leadership position
It speaks about the "Father make them one"
Where there is neither male nor female
The Voice of the Lord God walked in the Garden of Eden, can a voice walk, read all about it here in this book.
This book is captivating, refreshing, equipping, eye opener, spiritual rejuvenating, comforting, guidance, and much more.
Your life will be changed, transformed, quickened, provoked with a holy anger to arise to purpose
Release dateJul 20, 2021
Roles, Uniform and Authority

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    Roles, Uniform and Authority - Lilian Daniels


    This book is wholly dedicated to my God, the Eternal Father, my Gracious and Faithful Abba, my Awesome Yeshua, and the All-Powerful Holy Spirit.

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form by any means-------electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other--- except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without prior permission from the Author

    Email: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    First Edition 2013-2016

    ISBN: 9781291480733






    CHAPTER ONE - The Cry of The Soul

    CHAPTER TWO - Pain, Passion and Purpose

    CHAPTER THREE - Roles, Uniform and Authority

    CHAPTER FOUR - Who is the Woman?

    CHAPTER FIVE - The Role of Marriage

    CHAPTER SIX - Neither Male nor Female

    CHAPTER SEVEN - The Role of Women in Societal Transformation

    CHAPTER EIGHT  - The Role of Women in the Church and the Nations

    CHAPTER NINE - Who is a Mother?

    CHAPTER TEN - The Battle Line Formation

    CHAPTER ELEVEN - The Role of the Church to the Nations

    CHAPTER TWELVE - Channels of Roar

    CHAPTER THIRTEEN - In His Presence

    CHAPTER FOURTEEN - The Lighthouse


    My profound acknowledgement goes to the Love of my life, my Life-Song and the Music of my soul— the gracious Abba Father. He has my thanks for choosing me to pen this book. His powerful inspiration pours into my soul for the blessing of His Church.

    My gratitude goes to Apostle Eric Emefa, of Faith City Chapel Int’l, Tema, Ghana. A few years ago, God came to me in the early hours of the morning and shared with me the mysteries of womanhood. When I woke up, I remembered most of the teachings but could not understand most of them. I called on Apostle Eric Emefa, whom God used to explain the mysteries to me. Some of my interactions with him appear in this book.

    My thanks also goes to, Apostle Samuel Sowah of Weep Not Africa Missions, for being an instrument used by God to set the pace for this book. When you asked me to speak at the Apostolic Company on the topic ‘The Roles of Women in Redeeming the Earth at this End Time’, little did I know that God has plans for me in the future about the topic. God bless you, Apostle.

    To Reverend David Shola Amosun of Christ to the Nations Ministries, Morogbo, opposite Agbara Estate, Lagos state. For your fatherly role, care and counseling. I love you and your family, God’s blessings sir.

    Thanks to Apostle Smyrth Rawlings Ogbemudia of Open Heaven Salvation Center UK; for his encouragement and support, his spiritual guidance and his insight into things of the Spirit. My Pastor and my Prophet.

    I appreciate George Gbolahan Oyegunle of Peniel Christian Center, Lagos State. Nigeria for his constant prayers, support and encouragement; and for his availability to be used by God to open the door of the ark after one year of been shut in by the Great King, our Lord Jesus Christ. I love you all.

    I wish to also bless God for those used by the enemy to launch me forth into my God-given purpose on earth at such a time like this.


    I believe I am the least likely to be used to pen this book, but who can question the many-sided, complicated wisdom of God in choosing the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and using the base things to bring down the mighty. I remembered vividly years ago when some of God’s servants prophesied that God has a specific purpose for me at this end time; as a new convert in the Lord, I did not understand what the prophecy meant. Every night, I would see myself in a vision where I would take clothes to a flowing river for washing. But I never understood the meaning of the vision. Once, the Lord also came to me in a night vision (this was not His first time of appearing to me. Usually, He comes in many forms such as the Lion) but on this one night, He came blazing all over with fire and His countenance wasn’t as usual. I was curious, and so I asked Him, Daddy, (He taught me to call Him that) why do You look sad and why do You blaze with fire? His reply was I have come to purge My Church, and as soon as He spoke, a Church appeared and there were specks of dirt and filth everywhere.

    I had forgotten about all these visions, until years later when I decided to take some days off social media. In the early hours of the day, in a vision, I was in a Church, but it was really dirty and everywhere was filled with filth. I took up a bunch of brooms and started sweeping one part of the Church. I intended to leave the rest and walk away but the wife of the Pastor came in, called my name and thanked me for sweeping. Right there, I changed my mind and decided to sweep the whole Church and then, I woke up. This dream made me happy and I appreciated my Abba for reminding me of His purpose for my life.

    When I was commissioned by God to write this book in 2012, my plan was to write solely on a topic related to women as I had the intention of reaching out to only women. As at the time, I also had no title in mind. But in the same year, God appeared to me in my room one early morning. Sit down, He instructed. And I sat on a chair. He then said, Write while He placed His hand on mine" and a beautiful golden pen was given to me. As I began to write, I woke up.

    I want to say boldly that most revelation in this book came directly from God. I neither read nor heard it anywhere else before penning them down. For the research on the historical background on why women were asked to keep silence in the church, and on the history of the Church both in the Jewish teachings and the Talmud etc., references were duly given. But I must emphasize that the REAL MYSTERY OF THIS WORK CAME DIRECTLY FROM GOD ALONE, AND I AM VERY CAREFUL TO GIVE HIM ALL THE GLORY.

    This book has gone through the fires, and here it is by God’s grace because He makes all things beautiful in His time. The enemy twice came to me in the dream and said to me, give me the book and take money, but God has been with me because He has a purpose for the Church through this work. There were several times I had wanted to give up on this book, because I had thought my time was His time, but His time for everything shall always stand. Amen.

    We see the mess in the Church today. This is a timely book for the ‘Now’ and I believe God shall use it to effect repentance, transformation and awakening to His Church as He is coming for a glorious, spotless and triumphant Church. Also, I believe He shall use this book to awaken His truth of ONENESS to our hearts, and His Church shall be made one in Him, as He is one in the Father and the Holy Spirit. His prayer in John 17 shall be fulfilled, and He shall be glorified in His Church on earth as never before because the Glory and the Beauty of this Latter House shall be greater than the former, Amen.



    Jason was a dynamic young man who was born into a middle-class family. He was the last and the only boy of the three children of his parents. His parents loved him and his sisters very much and did everything within their ability to sponsor their education. From a young age, Jason exuded brilliance and was believed to have a promising future. Being the only boy, he had everything a young boy of his age could have as his parents made sure they lacked nothing. Amid this great love in Jason’s family, a tragedy struck! Johnny, Jason’s father was on his way home one day from his construction company after it had rained cats and dogs earlier in the day. Due to the heavy rain, the road had not only been blurred to the sight but had also become very slippery; Johnny couldn’t control the vehicle because the brake failed to respond. The vehicle sped uncontrollably off the road and hit a giant tree ten feet off the road. Johnny died instantly.

    With his father's sudden death, Jason was completely devastated. He had always looked up to his father for strength, courage and hope; but with his death, he felt hopeless and saw his dream of becoming of a medical doctor unrealistic. After his father’s funeral, Jason became bitter, hateful and rebellious. He also joined bad gangs and soon became a cocaine addict. He would steal his mother’s clothes and jewelry, sell them for the sustenance of his addiction and this made her cry and she was always in distress. This became a huge problem and constant grief to his mother, Josephine, who was thrown into depression upon the thought of not losing only a husband but also a son. She sought medical help for her son, but the doctors could not help him. Oh! How we look for help at the wrong places. How I wish children of ABBA will stop looking for help at the wrong places, but instead go to their Father, Who knows everything about them and all that they are going through.

    Josephine consulted with the spiritualists, psychiatrists and the witchdoctors, but none had any solution to her son’s problem; the more wrong places she went, the worse Jason became. They were church-goers, but they knew not the Lord as their Saviour, for they had no relationship with Him. On a fateful day, a Christian outreach ministry came to their city. God divinely arranged it that the crusade was held on their street, just a few blocks away from their home. Julia and Janet (Jason’s siblings, they’re known as the Js family) attended the meetings and during the altar call, they went forward and invited Jesus into their hearts and were saved:

    2 Corinthians 5: 17. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

    It is a great honour unto our God when people see the change in us as born-again believers in Christ (as written: by their fruits, you shall know them). We become sweet savour unto God, but when the contrary is our lives, we send forth a bad smell that repulse men from coming to our God the Saviour instead of attracting them to Him. For Jason’s sisters, the change was very visible, especially in Julia who soon became a testimony among her peers. She was hungry for the word of God and delighted herself in it. Her light shone brightly everywhere she went, and in everything she did:

    Matthew 5:13a-14. "You are the salt of the earth, ye are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden."

    Jason remained a rebel both at school and everywhere and no one could reach out to him despite how his sisters' lives had been completely transformed.

    Josephine, who was a qualified nurse but had quitted upon the request of her husband decided to get a job to support her children. But she was always sad; she knew she needed the light and joy in her daughters' life as they were lacking in her life; Jesus says in Matthew 11: 28-30, Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I AM meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

    One day, Josephine asked the Lord into her life and this marked a new beginning in her life. Josephine completely gave herself to the study of the word of God, prayer and fellowship with God and the brethren. She continued to pray for Jason and encouraged her daughters, and they were part of a Bible-believing fellowship. Night and day, Josephine searched the word of God for her spiritual growth and to also get answers for her son’s situation. She was hungry for God and His word, and God kept filling her day after day; Matthew 5:6. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

    When we come to Christ, God expects us to grow. A newborn baby cannot survive without his mother’s breast milk or baby formula for proper growth, so also can we not grow in God without the word of God; 1 Peter 2: 2. As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye will grow thereby, let’s search, for when we seek and search, we will find, for God is just and faithful. Hallelujah!

    Although the story above seems to be about Jason, however, it is not about Jason but the glory and triumph of motherhood. While Josephine was studying the word of God one morning, she found herself reading the book of Joel 2:28. "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions."

    Josephine pondered on the verse, and the word afterward stuck in her heart. She felt the Lord explaining the meaning of the word to her that there is an end to what her son is going through. Does it mean, God has a plan for Jason, my son? Really, God’s Spirit will come upon my son, and he is going to preach the word of God? It does mean, God has a plan for my life too as a woman because He has ordained me for a purpose and I can also speak the word of God anywhere He wants me to? Josephine thought aloud. She laid hold on these thoughts and began to pray for herself and her son. She also began to believe in the deliverance of her son, day and night.

    There are prayers, and there are prayers with the word of God. Some people pray without the word; the result of praying without the word is in Isaiah 26:17-18, Like as a woman with child, that draweth near the time of her delivery, is in pain and crieth out in her pangs; so have we have been in Thy sight O LORD. We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth wind; we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth; neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen; Their spiritual pregnancy lacked the substance, so they brought forth wind, nothing.

    When we take in the seed of the word into the womb of our spirits and incubate it (meditation and assimilation), the understanding of the word brings us to the place of triumph in the promises that we must bring forth. To triumph in your prayers, you have to take in the seed (the promise) of God’s word, (just as a woman receives seed from her husband and incubates it) and pray the word. Josephine did not allow her light to go out at night. She burnt the candles in words and prayers. She sought counsel from the Lord and refused to lean on her own understanding; Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not onto thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

    When she began to travail in her prayers, her eyes were opened to see what no one sees. She began to see peculiar and extraordinary revelations about her son beyond the pain, hate, addiction and rebellion. She understood that Jason’s pain was triggered by his father’s death and realized that his soul was crying for help. She further intensified her prayers and one night, she saw a vision of a crusade ground with a large crowd. From afar, she could hear the Preacher’s voice which sounded very familiar to her but she could not see him from a distance, so she made her way through to the front of the platform.

    Upon looking up, her jaw dropped at the sight of the preacher, who turned out to be her son, Jason. Josephine woke up and wondered how a dream could feel so real. But what she called a dream was a vision according to the Bible. When she prayed, she heard a voice that Jason has a purpose; he was destined to be an Evangelist before he was even conceived in his mother’s womb. Jeremiah 1:4-5, Then the word of the Lord came unto me saying: Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

    While Josephine was still contemplating on the vision, God further opened her ears to some sounds in his son’s room. Just as Moses was drawn by the burning bush, she walked to knock on the door, but an invisible hand stopped her, and God said to her, I brought you here to listen. Josephine obeyed and listened with rapt attention and she heard Jason crying for help. Oh mummy, help me! I need to be who God ordained me to be but I do not know how. Please help me, Mummy. Josephine wept bitterly for her son. For the next three days, she fasted and prayed for directions and guidance on how to help Jason. She finally got through to him and invited him to a dinner date.

    On the fateful evening, after mother and son had enjoyed a treat of their favourite foods, Josephine reminded her son how much she loved him. She spoke to him about God, His kingdom, His plan and purpose for his life as seen in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the thoughts that I think towards you saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jason was sober and that night, he accepted Jesus Christ into his life. The next day, he informed his mother about his decision to finish his high school education and proceed to the University.

    Some years after, Jason graduated from the University as a Medical Doctor and God began to use him in his medical practice to win souls for His kingdom. When he was convinced of God’s call upon his life, he enrolled in a Bible school and began a journey fully dedicated to God. Josephine was also inspired to start a club, WHEN MOTHERS PRAY CLUB to inspire mothers to search the scriptures daily for their children and nurture them with the word of God.

    Transitioning to motherhood is not an easy one as it is always accompanied with pain. As mothers, we need to constantly ask God to open our ears to the voices of destinies crying out around us. There are many times I’ve had the urge to pray for many children I had never seen. For instance, I had an experience some years back that made me question my sanity. Throughout the day, I would suddenly begin to hear the cries of pain of children lamenting over the divorces of their parents.

    When the experience got too intense for me and I couldn’t bear it any longer, I spoke to a man of God who explained to me that God was launching me into a higher realm of intercession. God wanted me to identify with the pains and sorrows of these children from divorced homes, and to fill in the gap as a mother. Few days when I heard the cries again, it was in a higher dimension, and I wondered how possible it was to know what other people were going through without hearing from them directly. But God really wanted to reveal these children’s innermost thoughts to me and I found a confirmation in the book of Genesis 27:41 -42a, Have you considered who told Rebekah the thought of her son Esau to her?, it was the Lord, the Holy Spirit, only Him understands our thoughts even from afar, and every secret word or thing that nobody knows of. The Holy Spirit is the bird of the air. He carries the voice of the soul and makes it known to others, His servants.

    In the Gospel, it is written, "…and Jesus perceived their thoughts and reasoning." Thoughts and reasoning are our inner voices just as outer voices sound clear and loud to others, so our inner voices sound loud and clear to God alone; He hears them, whether it is good or bad. And He answers directly or indirectly, and we may not even recognize that He has answered us; Exodus 3:7,And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and heard their CRY by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows, There is no documentation of the cry of the Israelites to God at any time, but God was referring to the cry of their souls which was in constant agony as a result of the anguish of their predicament. A man may not physically cry out in pain, but the heavy sighing and sorrows of the heart, God hears and responds to sometimes. God also heard the voice of Abel in the book of Genesis 4. After he was dead, his soul cried out because the soul doesn’t die; all the human travails are within the soul. This is where the cries come from. It is supernatural. When I understood this principle, I began to pray for those children.

    Mothers, it is time for us to shake ourselves from ignorance and wake up from spiritual slumber. Let us rise up from the things that hold us down and take our place in destiny. I once read about the story of a young woman I would call Clara, whose father was a husband to a mermaid spirit. Right from a young age, Clara was dedicated to the mermaid and she manifested different mysterious powers. As she grew up, she ventured into doing many evil activities such as human rituals for power, bewitching men, abortions etc.

    One day, Clara went to the hospital to terminate her thirty-seventh pregnancy, a woman waiting to see the doctor at the reception heard the cry of Clara’s soul for freedom. Right there, this precious mother took up the challenge to pray for Clara, though she had no idea who Clara was. The woman went home heavily burdened with Clara’s plight and for her salvation. For the next three days, she shut herself off from the world and went on her face before God to intercede for Clara. God hearkened unto her and Clara was miraculously saved. Decades later, the two met at a crusade when the woman shared her experience and Clara who had become a mighty evangelist, testified to the woman’s testimony as the young lady she had prayed for.

    Clara eventually went home to be with the Lord at the age of thirty-six. This is one of the ministries of motherhood, this is what God’s calling for women in this end times. Mercy took charge in the heart of that mother and a soul was saved; if not, that soul would have been lost forever. Will you allow mercy to take hold of your heart today, and pray for mercy and grace upon that man/woman? I once went out with a Pastor’s wife to buy some things on a particular evening. As we walked past two beautiful ladies, I felt strange and I began to cry. After a few minutes of asking God for their salvation, I asked the pastor’s wife if she knew the ladies and she said she had never met them before.

    We then shared what we experienced individually. God wants us to be sensitive to the spiritual needs of the people around us daily. We’ve been consumed with self-longing enough but it is time to turn away from self and look to others in need. I had no idea why I cried, all I know was that love and mercy overwhelmed my heart at that instant.

    Dear mothers, what do you see in your children, especially the black sheep of the family? Jochebed, the mother of Moses, saw that her son was not an ordinary boy; she saw a deliverer in him and heard the voice of God in him. She took risks because motherhood involves taking risks. She wasn’t afraid of the king’s command. She defied the command to nurse the deliverer and God’s voice in him. Situations may speak contrary, but don’t give up on any child as there is a destiny crying out in him/her. Look away from your home; look in the Church, and see the many Jasons everywhere. Many Jasons have committed suicides, many are in brothels, some in prisons, etc., because there are no mothers to take them up in prayers and nurture them for our heavenly Father. Mothers, we break the heart of God daily by looking away from our purposes on earth! Let us repent and be mothers indeed and do not end up like our first mother, Eve, who for the gratification of the flesh, exposed the creation she was supposed to protect.

    Hear the words of Deborah in Judges 5:6 & 7, In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied, and the travelers walked through byways. The villagers of the villages ceased, ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel. There was lawlessness amongst the people of God as a result of poor leadership. The enemy had a free day, a lot of things went wrong just as we see in the world today. The message of holiness is thrown out through the window in the name of grace and the love of God. In our world today, some churches encourage immorality and abortion, and there is now an option for divorce even among the clergy. There are no more family values and the world now mock the church. The suicide cases in churches are common among Pastors and their children. This was the same situation Deborah found herself in her days. She was provoked; and as the motherhood instinct in her arose, she incubated and brought forth.

    Abba’s handmaidens, this is your moment in destiny for you were born for such a time as this. Daughters of the King, it is time to roar against the enemy. Josephine saw in her son something bigger and greater than him. His struggle was against the unknown and he could only express himself through his wayward attitude and rebellion. Some express theirs through sexual perversion, drugs, gang wars and other vices. As mothers, we must see beyond these vices in our children. Let us arise; for we are birthers and it is time to get pregnant, get into the delivery room, triumph and bring forth change in the Church and the society.

    Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, failed in her role as a mother in the lives of her sons, Jacob and Esau; Genesis 25:22-23, "And the children struggled together within her; and she said, if it be so, why am I thus? And she went and inquired of the Lord. And the Lord said unto her, two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger;" Upon hearing the word of God concerning her children, Rebekah made a decision by taking side with the younger son but neglected the elder brother; she was a contrast of Abraham. When God spoke to Abraham concerning Isaac being the heir, Abraham interceded for Ishmael, and God hearkened to him and blessed Ishmael because he was his seed also. God might have blessed Esau this same way had Rebekah interceded for him. A mother’s role in the lives of her children goes a long way in determining how they would eventually turn out.

    A few years ago, while studying the book of Chronicles, I heard the voice of God said to me, Have you considered why the kings’ mothers’ names were mentioned? I replied. No, I’ve never thought of it, and the Lord said it is because the mothers are the builders. By the mother, you know who the child will grow up to be; and by the son, you know who the mother is. The mother builds every aspect of the home, and her greatest assignment is to build her husband and children's lives. Mothers have tremendous influence in homes and societies. When a king is good, his mother’s name is mentioned, and when he is bad, his mother’s name is also mentioned. Mothers, how would you like to be acknowledged in the lives of your children, good or bad? Proverbs 14: 1. Every wise woman buildeth her house; but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.

    Most of the problems in the world today is often as a result of lack of understanding.

    Before one embarks on any business venture, it is advised that one must sit and study the business's ins and outs to know the pros and cons of the business because it is not wise to venture into a business blindly. There’s also the necessity of preparing the feasibility studies too, in Psalms 119:144b, the psalmist says, give me understanding and I shall live.. There is so much abuse in the world today due to lack of understanding. There’s drug abuse, sexual abuse, domestic abuse and so on. God gave us all things richly to enjoy, and not to abuse. When there is an of abuse anything, we discredit the God that made all things available to us by His love.

    Divorce is not the option in any marriage but we abuse marriage and misinterpret it because we do not understand God’s purposes for marriage. Understanding is required for any relationship to work since two parties cannot walk together, except they are agreement. I usually encourage those yet to be married not to rush into it. I advise them to sit with the word of God to find out God’s purpose for marriage, then ask themselves, if they are ready to pay the price of marriage with its vow of till death do us part. When a man lacks understanding of his existence in life, he will live a meaningless life of anything comes and anything goes, Proverbs 16:22. Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it; but instruction of fools is folly. Life springs forth from understanding of what life is about.

    To benefit from the word of God, we must ask God for the understanding of His word in our hearts, and never to interpret it as it soothes our desires. Proverbs 14:1, The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish woman destroys it, The only difference between the two women is understanding and the lack of it. The wise woman carefully studied marriage, the purpose of marriage, the man (his likes and dislikes, how to comport herself at home as a wife), she took time out to make all her findings and settled down for marriage; but the foolish woman went head-on, and she was ruined by ruining her marriage,

    Hosea 4:6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

    It is sad that many people professing Christianity today do not have the slightest idea of what Christianity is all about, and for their lack of knowledge are been carried about by every wind of doctrine. Apostle Paul encouraged us on how to build, whether it is our lives, career, homes, children; he encouraged us to build wisely in 1 Corinthians 3:10b-15; Luke 6:47-49. Firstly, we must come to Him, then sit and carry out a search on the word, that is, digging deep, because the deeper the foundation, the stronger the building. After the foundation is laid, e.g., the word, carefully choose your materials: gold, silver, wood, hay and stubble. Ask yourself, Why do I have need for stubble, or even silver when I can build with gold for stability, durability and for better reward? When we do not have a proper understanding of whatever we are involved in, trying times must surely come. They are an integral part of life. No man can run away from it, child of God or not; but the understanding of one’s belief will keep one standing.

    Through the pages of history, Christians are martyred for their faith. Wild animals devoured some and some were stoned to death. Even in our day, Christians are being killed because they refused to recant their faith and embrace another. Beloved, it is in the understanding that there is a perfect life after death that many martyrs endured such gruesome pain and agonized death. Understanding is of the spirit, and not of the flesh. Job’s wife spoke foolishly because she lacked understanding of the unseen. His friends likewise condemned him: do not condemn a man going through hardships when you have no idea of what is behind his trials. A man of understanding will speak and answer wisely and a wise woman thinks before she opens her mouth to speak at any given time, because she is careful of her words and knows when to be silent and when to talk.

    A man or woman of understanding rules over others; this is the case of the sons of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32, Men and women of understanding have mastery over their emotions, tongues and the situation. Abigail was such a woman of understanding and bridled emotion; Proverbs 8:14, A life void of understanding is a disoriented life. One may ignore a lack of understanding for a while, but when the realization hits anyone lacking in understanding, anxiety, fearfulness and panic takes over because understanding is the light of the living. Understanding brings about progress too. Many situations we face in our day to day lives require us to figure out which way to go. If you are not in the right direction, be determined to know, have an understanding of where you are headed, and question the turns you had taken that brought you to where you are; it is likely you may get lost.

    If all professing Christianity understands what it means to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, the world we live in today will not be in a huge mess that it is. Life is about understanding. Sometimes, it can get dark, confusing and complicated, we can become tensed, doubts and unbelief may creep in; then, we must pause, call out to our Guide, Leader and Life Coach, and ask Him for enlightenment. Joshua faced such a situation. He was overwhelmed by his challenges and he needed to understand why; he went to God and was blessed with the spirit of understanding. If he had acted presumptuously, Israel would have been wiped off. Choose the way of the Lord, for the way of the Lord is the way of understanding.

    God had revealed things to me that I had allowed to slip through my hands because of ignorance. I used to believe that since God revealed it, it means it is done: I do not have to pray about it again, all I need to do is just sit back and wait for the physical manifestation; because of my ignorance, I lost one of my elder sisters. Prior to the sad incident in 2006, I had seen a revelation, in the night vison, a satanic being said to me: Since you will not allow me to kill you, then I will kill your sister instead; I rebuked the demonic being, with decrees and declaration of God’s word and I overcame while he fled. When I woke up in the morning, God told me to make the same decrees and declaration I had made in the dream, (declaring it in the physical, would have established the spiritual in the natural). But because I believed that the spiritual governs the physical, and since I had won in the spiritual realm, it was settled, I paid no attention to the instruction.

    Throughout the day, I had the urge to make the decrees again and again but I refused. God’s Spirit will not continually strive with man, and a fool is always right in his own eyes. Few days later, I got a message that my sister, the same one in the night vision had died. I tried to question God, but there was no answer, until I heard the man of God, Benny Hinn, gave the teaching on the same topic. He said God expects us to pray when He shows us a dream or vision, because it is a word (of knowledge or wisdom), therefore, God expects us to stand upon it to pray at such moments. I blamed myself for my sister’s death, and I carried the guilt until I forgave myself as God forgave me. Most people make this same mistake, we get relaxed in prayers because we have seen a little light. But this little light from God is usually to strengthen our faith in Him and to pray more. We fault God sometimes, but He can never be faulted for He is too holy to fail and too merciful to let us down. But we must also understand that His principles are unchanging; God Himself is bound by His Word, He cannot do a thing outside of His word.

    Does God have any need? This was the question posed to the congregation by the man of God one Sunday morning; he had asked the question to hear the worshippers’ different opinions. As he had expected, many people gave the same response: He is God. Why will He have a need, what does He even need? God doesn’t have any need because He is God. Many believers do not know that God has emotions, which means that God feels pain, sorrow and has needs too. And that the needs of God can only be met by humans, nobody nor anything else (not even the angels!) This is because humans are closer to God by creation and we are the only ones that can meet the special needs of His heart because we were made to have His Heart: John 4:23 says

    But the hour cometh, and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.

    God has a heart cry. He is constantly looking for those who will worship Him in the spirit of Sonship; those who will worship Him because He is their Father. He is looking for the worship of the redeemed— those called His sons. The angels cannot do it, because they are not redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, therefore they are not sons but servants. Sons know the heart of their fathers, they worship voluntarily and joyfully, not because they are told to do so. The angels on the other hand worship because it is their duty. The Heart of God is LOVE: We are made to love and express love as God does. God takes delight in our love worship to Him. A peculiar scene that best illustrates this in the Bible was when God boasted to satan about Job’s love for Him, and satan argued that Job’s worship was not of love, but because of what he gets from God. At the end of Job’s trials, satan lost and God triumphed, feeling very proud of Job.

    In every generation, God searches for a man who is ready to meet the needs of His heart. Before the flood, God found Enoch and was pleased with Enoch’s worship. This was why He did not allow Enoch to die like other men. This love was further extended to Enoch’s grandson, Noah, who was the only righteous man in his time and whom God preserved from the flood and started the world afresh with. By the righteousness of Noah, God condemned the then world and proved that man could live righteously in an ungodly generation. There were also other men in the world at the time of Abraham, but God chose Abraham, whose father was idolatrous because God saw the hungry and thirsty heart of Abraham for Him. When God gave Abraham a son and demanded for the same to be given to Him, Abraham did not withhold him from God, rather, he surrendered his only son to God, and his worship was acceptable to God.

    As you read on, ask yourself what you are holding back from God that is taking your time away from Him; is it your job, passion, children? Pause and ask yourself, Do all these worth it all? Hear what God said of Abraham, Now I know you love God above your son. God was provoked by Abraham’s love for Him, (love triggers outrageous worship) and pronounced a perpetual covenant blessing on Abraham and his descendants. Thus, the greatest need of God in today’s generation is the Spirit of Sonship; but our generation is plagued with selfishness. We do not understand that to worship God in spirit and truth requires sacrifice, and putting oneself on the altar of God’s love just as it is written in Romans 12:1, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. Some translations say, it is our reasonable art of worship. If you lay yourself on God’s altar without love, it is not acceptable to Him as it lacks the spirit of Sonship, which is the Spirit of Christ since all that Christ is and did was born out of love. When you talk about Christ, you must talk of love and sacrifice, for that is what He represents. Every sacrifice of love is acceptable to God as worship, for the Spirit of Christ is the spirit of worship. Everything about the life of Christ when He walked this earth was worship, He lived the life of absolute surrender, consecration, obedience and total dependence to God.

    The problem with the Church is that we are engrossed with the world and ourselves that we do not seem to notice the emotions of God. The most plaguing challenge to the Body of Christ is that although we claim to know the word of God, (but indeed we don’t really know it) but we are so busy to study the word as our work and the world takes all our time. It is embarrassing that most Christians do not even know any book of the Old Testament. The Bible says, be ready to give answer at any time to anyone who asks us the reason for our faith. Indeed, our generation has failed God, but there is hope, we can still redeem the time lost. Isaiah 6:8. And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here, am I; send me, God is looking for someone He will send to call the people to repentance. To some, it is to carry the message of God’s judgement to them; to others, it is a message of warning of impending danger of their disobedience to Him.

    Another need of God is in Ezekiel 22:30, And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none. In Revelation 5:1-10, God looked for a man that will break the seal to set man free from slavery to satan John looked and began to cry for no one could meet the demand of God’s justice. As he was crying, one of the elders said to him, weep not, the Lamb of God is found worthy. Jesus Christ came as a Man, though God. He satisfied God’s demand for justice, and today, we sing new songs, even the song of the redeemed of the Lord, because Jesus answered the call. God found David, a man addicted to loving God, and God testified of him, I found David, a man after Mine heart who shall fulfill all my will; and through David the Messiah came.

    In Medes and Persia, when Haman rose against Israel, God called Esther and Esther responded. Nehemiah also responded to the call to rebuild the temple and to remove reproach from the people 0f God. God is calling us today; will God find you? Souls are perishing, our generation is crying out for deliverance, the young generation is lost and they need to find the way. Will you be the light that will point the way to them? Will you bridge the gap for families, so that reproach will be taken away from us? Will you be the salt that will fight away corruption from the land? The Hand of God is stretched out, His Voice has gone out throughout the whole earth. Will you answer the call today, or still be engrossed with the love of self? May God bless you as you make your wise choice to go all the way with Him in love.



    In this chapter, we will discuss few problems facing us every day, especially those concerning the woman. Every problem has a cause but the devil often blindfolds us so we don’t look at the cause but rather, he will have us to focus on the problem, because he knows that when we look deeper, we might find out the message meant for us and who is behind it.

    From the beginning of time, the war against man and the womanhood had been one against their purpose. The devil knows that he would be in big trouble if the woman takes her place in God’s agenda, so he keeps attacking womanhood through religions, traditions and the media. There is a story once told of a shipwreck which perfectly illustrates the plights of man. It was said that during a raging storm, the crew and passengers of the ship had a choice to take to lifeboats, as their heavily laden vessel had broken because of a mistake of a crew member. As the night was fast approaching, their fears increased even more as they could not tell if they could still see the way through the dark. To their greatest joy however, when it grew dark, they discovered that they were in phosphorescent waters where each dangerous wave only rolled up, crested with light and clearly visible as if it were midday.

    This story strikes a resemblance to what happened to mankind. When the passengers embarked on the sail, everything was perfect; nobody envisioned that anything would be broken and damaged. Everyone looked forward to a safe and fruitful journey to their destination but something went wrong all of a sudden and a perfect journey became a nightmare, Genesis 3:31a. And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good; Everything God made – the whole of the universe with everything in it, including the man, Adam and Eve, were excellent. However, because of a single act of self-gratification, the human race was plunged into darkness. Psalm 82:5, "They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course." The foundations of the earth were hinged on something. God did not hang the earth on nothing to reel to and fro. The foundations of the earth were hinged upon God’s laws and ordinances. But Adam and Eve broke God’s laws and ordinances, threw the earth out of course, and brought chaos and darkness into it. Whenever laws are broken, be it God’s laws or governmental laws, the offender will have to face and suffer the consequences, sometimes, these consequences could affect others. This was exactly what happened to the human race. God did not create problem for man, it was man who brought the problem upon himself because of greed.

    Understanding is

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