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Dying to Learn: First Book of the Initiate
Dying to Learn: First Book of the Initiate
Dying to Learn: First Book of the Initiate
Ebook122 pages1 hour

Dying to Learn: First Book of the Initiate

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Dying to Learn is the premier book in a fictional trilogy written by Oberto "Falco" Airaudi, founder and spiritual guide of The Federation of Damanhur in Italy. Originally, Falco wrote the Initiate series to teach students at the Damanhur Mystery School and to honor Damanhur's Temples to Humanity, which are often called the "Eighth Wonder of the Wo
Release dateNov 11, 2012
Dying to Learn: First Book of the Initiate

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    Dying to Learn - Oberto "Falco" Airaudi

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    Clearly it would take an extraordinary person to build one of the modern wonders of the world. This fascinating look into the personal perspectives of Falco – a living Avatar – is a poetic walk through the internal work and wisdom of one who has brought us astonishing beauty and creativity. You’ll find practical wisdom interwoven with cosmic musings that result in a provocative and enlightening window into the mind of a very special man.

    ~ John L. Petersen, futurist and founder of The Arlington Institute in West Virginia, a non-profit research center focused on future trends; author of A Vision for 2012: Planning for Extraordinary Change and Out of the Blue: How to Anticipate Big Future Surprises; and publisher of the e-newsletter FUTUREdition

    Damanhur and the Temples of Humankind are for the 21st Century what Assisi was in the time of Saint Francis – both represent the deepest commitment to the well-being and dignity of all our fellow human beings, and the highest respect for other living things and indeed for all of creation.

    ~ Ashok Khosla, Ph.D., President of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the world’s largest alliance of ecological agencies; former Minister of the Environment in India; and author of Environmental Modeling for Developing Countries

    History hinges on the lives and actions of great individuals. Building the Temples of Humankind at Damanhur was a mission from a higher spiritual world. Falco has inspired a community to bring heaven to earth.

    ~ Alex Grey and Allyson Grey, M.F.A, founders of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York (CoSM), a sanctuary for contemplation and encouraging creative spirit and publishers of Damanhur: Temples for Humankind; Alex is Chair of the Sacred Art Department at Wisdom University and author of Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art of Alex Grey, The Mission of Art, and Net of Being.

    What appeals to me about Falco’s exposition is that the perspective on learning and growing into the light is one of personal responsibility, with apparently no absolutes. Like Edgar Cayce’s practical philosophy (know your ideals, turn within for guidance, apply what you know), it assumes that each person is capable of achieving self-realization and that right relationships with others is a critical component for achieving true self-realization. Light emerges from different parts of the planet, each adding to the overall brightness, until we can see again! Thanks for making this book available in English.

    ~ Henry Reed, Ph.D., Director of the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies and Professor of Transpersonal Studies at Atlantic University; founder of the Creative Spirit Studios; and author of Dream Medicine: Learning How We Can Get Help from Our Dreams, Dream Solutions: The Dream Quest Workbook, Awakening Your Psychic Powers, and Sharing Your Intuitive Heart

    Falco is a researcher and an innovator who believes in the law of change.

    ~ Hildur Jackson, B.L., co-founder of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN), a worldwide consortium of transition town initiatives and sustainable intentional communities; and editor of Creating Harmony: Conflict Resolution in Community and Ecovillage Living: Restoring the Earth and Her People

    "Dying to Learn is a love poem to humanity, written by a man drunk with the Divine. It is a wakeup call, inviting each of us to let go of what is no longer serving us and to learn how to behave. It is an invitation to embrace the Source that is manifesting through each of us and everything, and that is patiently waiting for us to remember who we truly are. In short, this book gives us a glimpse into the journey home."

    ~ Philip Hellmich, Director of Peace at The Shift Network, a social enterprise for mobilizing educational tools and cultivating alliances worldwide; advisor to the Global Peace Initiative of Women; contributor to The Love: Of the Fifth Spiritual Paradigm (Oracle Institute Press); and author of God and Conflict: A Search for Peace in a Time of Crisis with a Foreword by Lama Surya Das

    Damanhur is one of the most relevant spiritual communities in the world. Its success is supported by the fact that this experience is lasting much longer than any optimistic sociologist would ever dare predict. Perhaps theories should be revised in the light of the Damanhur experience.

    ~ Massimo Introvigne, Lauree, founder and Director of the Center for the Study of New Religions in Italy, an international network of scholars who study new religious movements; and author of Encyclopedia of Religions in Italy, The New Religions, and The Unification Church: Studies in Contemporary Religions

    Dying To Learn reads like an epic poem. The nature of the Cosmos unfolds throughout these passages, along with the truth of the divine relationship between God and the creatures of Earth. For those who are ready to hear, many mysteries are revealed through the Master’s midnight conversations, his secret thoughts, and his guiding hand offered to the Initiates.

    ~ High Malku Priest Robert Martin, Jr., Ph.D., Patriarch of the Ancient and Sovereign Order of Melchizedek; and author of The Tree of Life Bears Twelve Manner of Fruit: An Alchemical Story

    This, the first of three books for the ‘Initiate,’ is uniquely different than any other spiritual book on the market today – and I do mean unique. The fore part of the book caught me. It read as if Oberto were interpreting my third near-death experience, as if he were seeing what I saw, feeling what I felt, lending heft to that sense of Presence when you truly become one with The One and enter into the energy that undergirds and interpenetrates all. The text itself is strong stuff, stretching any thought about who we are, where we came from, and why we’re here. The book is stunningly powerful, and because of that, it may be hard to understand at first. But give it time. Sit with it. Don’t rush your read. Whether you immediately believe the text is not important. That you’re willing to consider the possibility that Oberto has something real to say, is.

    ~ P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., researcher of near-death and evolutionary states; and author of The Real Truth About Death, Children of the Fifth World, Beyond the Indigo Children, Future Memory, and Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of the Story



    First Book of the Initiate

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    The Oracle Institute

    Translated by Elaine Baxendale

    Edited by Silvia "Esperide Ananas" Buffagni

    Published by The Oracle Institute Press, LLC

    A division of The Oracle Institute, a 501(c)(3) educational charity

    1990 Battlefield Drive

    Independence, Virginia 24348

    Copyright © 2012 by Oberto Airaudi

    Revised English Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book or its images may be reproduced, utilized, transmitted, or stored in any retrieval system in any form or by any means, including, without limitation, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written and prior permission of The Oracle Institute.

    ISBN for EPUB e-Book Edition


    Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Airaudi, Oberto.

    Dying to learn : first book of the initiate / Oberto

    Falco Airaudi ; with a foreword by Laurel of the

    Oracle Institute ; translated by Elaine Baxendale;

    edited by Silvia Buffagni. -- Rev. English ed.

    p. cm.

    LCCN 2012941974

    ISBN 978-1-937465-01-8

    1. End of the world--Fiction. 2. Messiah--Fiction.

    3. Human-alien encounters--Fiction. 4. Science fiction.

    I. Baxendale, Elaine. II. Title.

    PS3601.I78D95 2012          813’.6


    Cover and book design by Donna Montgomery

    Printed in the United States

    C:\Users\Laura\Documents\A9 - ORACLE Marketing\Oracle Logos - Press\Press stone.jpg




    Part One

    Narrator Break

    Letter to the Council

    Part Two

    Narrator Break

    Part Three

    Narrator Break


    About the Author

    About Damanhur

    About the Publisher



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