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A Man in the Zoo
A Man in the Zoo
A Man in the Zoo
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A Man in the Zoo

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A Man in the Zoo (1924) is a novel by David Garnett. Published several years after Garnett was awarded the James Tait Black Memorial Prize and the Hawthornden Prize for Lady into Fox (1922), his third novel explores themes of race and empire while showcasing the author’s original—and often controversial—literary style. “It was a warm day at the end of February, and Sunday morning. In the air there was a smell of spring, mixed with the odours of different animals—yaks, wolves, and musk-oxen, but the two visitors did not notice it. They were lovers, and were having a quarrel.” On a beautiful day at the local zoo, John Cromartie and Josephine Lackett find themselves falling out of love. Among the animals, Josephine explains that she can no longer explain their relationship to her family, who expect her to marry a man of equal social stature. Insulting John, she tells him he should live in the zoo before storming off. Heartbroken, and perhaps a little vindictive, John resolves to remain at the zoo with the animals she thinks he belongs with. This edition of David Garnett’s A Man in the Zoo is a classic work of British literature reimagined for modern readers.

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PublisherMint Editions
Release dateSep 28, 2021
A Man in the Zoo

David Garnett

David Garnett (1892-1981) was a British writer. Born in Brighton, East Sussex, Garnett was the son of Edward Garnett, a critic and publisher, and Constance Clara Black, a translator of Russian known for bringing the works of Chekhov and Dostoevsky to an English audience. A pacifist, he spent the years of the First World War as a conscientious objector working on fruit farms along the eastern coast England. As a member of the Bloomsbury Group, he befriended many of the leading artists and intellectuals of his day. After publishing his debut novel, Dope Darling (1918), under a pseudonym, he won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Lady into Fox (1922), an allegorical fantasy novel. His 1955 novel Aspects of Love was adapted into a musical of the same name by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Alongside poet Francis Meynell, Garnett founded the Nonesuch Press, an independent publisher known for its editions of classic novels, poetry collections, and children’s books. Garnett, a bisexual man, had relationships with fellow Bloomsbury Group members Francis Birrell and Duncan Grant, and was married twice in his life. Following the death of his first wife Ray, with whom he had two sons, Grant married Angelica Bell, the daughter of Grant and Vanessa Bell, whose sister was renowned novelist Virginia Woolf. Together, the Garnetts raised four daughters, three of whom went on to careers in the arts. Following his divorce from Angelica, Garnett spent the rest of his life in Montcuq, France.

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    A Man in the Zoo - David Garnett

    John Cromartie and Josephine Lackett gave up their green tickets at the turnstile, and entered the Zoological Society’s Gardens by the South Gate.

    It was a warm day at the end of February, and Sunday morning. In the air there was a smell of spring, mixed with the odours of different animals—yaks, wolves, and musk-oxen, but the two visitors did not notice it. They were lovers, and were having a quarrel.

    They came soon to the Wolves and Foxes, and stood still opposite a cage containing an animal very like a dog.

    Other people, other people! You are always considering the feelings of other people, said Mr. Cromartie. His companion did not answer him so he went on:

    You say somebody feels this, or that somebody else may feel the other. You never talk to me about anything except what other people are feeling, or may be going to feel. I wish you could forget about other people and talk about yourself, but I suppose you have to talk of other people’s feelings because you haven’t any of your own.

    The beast opposite them was bored. He looked at them for a moment and forgot them at once. He lived in a small space, and had forgotten the outside world where creatures very like himself raced in circles.

    If that is the reason, said Cromartie, I do not see why you should not say so. It would be honest if you were to tell me you felt nothing for me. It is not honest to say first that you love me, and then that you are a Christian and love everybody equally.

    Nonsense, said the girl, you know that is nonsense. It is not Christianity, it is because I love several people very much.

    You do not love several people very much, said Cromartie, interrupting her. You cannot possibly love people like your aunts. Nobody could. No, you do not really love anybody. You imagine that you do because you have not got the courage to stand alone.

    I know whom I love, and whom I do not, said Josephine. And if you should drive me to choose between you and everybody else, I should be a fool to give myself to you.

    Dingo ♂

    Canis familiaris var.


    Poor little Dingo, said Cromartie. They do shut up creatures here on the thinnest pretexts. He is only the familiar dog.

    The Dingo whined, and wagged his tail. He knew that he was being spoken of.

    Josephine turned from her lover to the Dingo, and her face softened as she looked at it.

    I suppose they have got to have everything here, every single kind of beast there is, even if it turns out to be nothing but an ordinary dog.

    They left the Dingo, walked to the next cage, and stood side by side looking at the creature in it.

    The slender dog, said Josephine, reading the label. She laughed, and the slender dog got up and walked away.

    So that is a wolf, said Cromartie, as they stopped six feet further on. Another dog in a cage… Give yourself to me, Josephine, that sounds to me as if you were crazy. But it shows anyway that you are not in love with me. If you are in love it is all or nothing. You cannot be in love with several people at once. I know because I am in love with you, and other people are all my enemies, necessarily my enemies.

    What nonsense! said Josephine.

    If I am in love with you, Cromartie went on, and you with me, it means that you are the only person who is not my enemy, and I am the only person who is not yours. A fool to give yourself to me! Yes, you are a fool if you fancy you are in love when you are not, and I should be a fool to believe it. You do not give yourself to the person with whom you are in love, you are yourself instead of being dressed up in armoured plate.

    Has this place got nothing in it besides tame dogs? asked Josephine.

    They walked together towards the lion house, and Josephine took John’s arm in hers. Armoured plate. It doesn’t seem to me to make sense. I cannot bear to hurt the people I love, and so I am not going to live with you, or do anything that they would mind if they found out.

    John said nothing to this, only shrugged his shoulders, screwed up his eyes, and rubbed his nose. In the lion house they walked slowly from cage to cage until they came to a tiger which walked up and down, up and down, up and down, turning his great painted head with intolerable familiarity, and with his whiskers just brushing the brick wall.

    They pay for their beauty, poor beasts, said John, after a pause. And you know it proves what I’ve been saying. Mankind want to catch anything beautiful and shut it up, and then come in thousands to watch it die by inches. That’s why one hides what one is and lives behind a mask in secret.

    I hate you, John, and all your ideas. I love my fellow creatures—or most of them—and I can’t help it if you are a tiger and not a human being. I’m not mad; I can trust people with every feeling I have got, and I shall never have any feelings that I shouldn’t like to share with everybody. I don’t mind if I am a Christian—it’s better than suffering from persecution mania, and browbeating me because I’m fond of my father and Aunt Eiley.

    But Miss Lackett did not look very browbeaten as she said this. On the contrary her eyes sparkled, her colour was high and her looks imperious, and she kept tapping the toe of her pointed shoe on the stone floor. Mr. Cromartie was irritated by this tapping, so he said something in a low voice on purpose so that Josephine should not be able to hear it; the only word audible was browbeating.

    She asked him very savagely what he had said. John laughed. What’s the use of my talking to you at all if you fly into a rage before you have even heard what I have got to say? he asked her.

    Josephine turned pale with self-control; she glared at a placid lion with such fury that, after a moment or two, the beast got up and walked into the den behind his cage.

    Josephine, please be reasonable. Either you are in love with me or else you are not. If you are in love with me it can’t cost you much to sacrifice other people to me. Since you won’t do that it follows that you are not in love with me, and in that case you only keep me hanging round you because it pleases your vanity. I wish you would choose someone else for that sort of thing. I don’t like it, and any of your father’s old friends would do better than me.

    How dare you talk to me about my father’s old friends? said Josephine. They were silent. Presently Cromartie said, "For the last time, Josephine, will you marry me, and be damned to

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