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The Key: Book One of the Sophie Lee Saga
The Key: Book One of the Sophie Lee Saga
The Key: Book One of the Sophie Lee Saga
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The Key: Book One of the Sophie Lee Saga

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From page one, Sophie Lee Harris has a team of assassins on her heels. She knows she will get away, because that's what she does. She keeps the bad guys in their place and protects the key her father gave her as a child. Only, while she's cutting through the woods of Virginia, the screaming music from a random house party distracts her. The musi

Release dateOct 1, 2021
The Key: Book One of the Sophie Lee Saga

Stormi D Lewis

Stormi Lewis is your typical girl next door from Kansas City, Mo, who has lived a very extraordinary life. A dancing cocktail server/bartender, professional ballerina/tapper/jazz and contemporary dancer, American Sign Language Interpreter, business manager/marketer, Lincoln concierge, and more, who has collected stories that made her a twice published author in the nonfiction bibliography genre. But a story she had created in middle school still begged to be shared, causing the Sophie Lee Saga to be born. If you want to know when Stormi's next book will come out, please be sure to go to, where you can sign up for notifications of when her next book will hit the shelves.

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    The Key - Stormi D Lewis

    The Key

    Book One of the Sophie Lee Saga

    by Stormi Lewis

    Copyright © 2022 by Stormi Lewis. All rights reserved. 

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    This work may not be used in any manner for the training of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies without the express written consent of both the author and publisher.

    No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and articles.

    ISBN: 978-1-7374293-2-6

    For information, contact Stormi Lewis

    [email protected]

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    Praise for

    The Key

    The Borne Identity meets Atomic Blonde... that's the story of The Key in a nutshell! I love a kick-ass female lead and Sofie Lee is definitely that!

    - Stephen Galgon, Author of The Circle series

    There is not a dull moment in this book, each page contains twists, turns and tidbits about each character. A nicely woven web of mystery and action that moves seamlessly from present day to plot-changing memories. I can’t wait to learn more about Sophie and her family in the next books in the saga! Easy and fun to read, I felt like I was a part of the story. 

    - Good Read Review

    You want romance? You got it! A solid mystery? You got it! A twisty thriller with LOTS of action? YOU GOT IT! If you want a quick and fun read-pick this one up! I'll be looking out for #2. 

    - Good Read Review

    Lewis choreographed the fight scenes brilliantly, and Sophie’s memories are written like she’s an audience member watching her younger self. The ending will leave you reeling for more! What did they find?! I can’t wait to see what book two will bring to the table! 

    - Santana Sanders, Author

    I was connected with the characters so much that at a certain point I wasn't sure if I was rooting for the right side! This is not my usual type of genre, but badass assassins always lure me. I was so please with Sophie's character, it was pretty intriguing!... The story read like a movie, there was a ton of action and suspense. Finding out the secrets kept me glued to the story!

    - Amazon Review

    To Shyera McCollough Thomas, who convinced me to go back to my roots, helped me find my way. Shyera convinced me that this story was worth sharing with the world and kept me going on my weakest of days.

    To my parents, who put up with me throughout the entire process, and let me talk their ear off per usual on a daily basis. To my dad, who took the extra time to help me edit this book, and to my mother, who also put in valuable feedback.

    To Mario, for challenging me to step outside of my comfort zone, talking me into writing my first saga, and for giving me a noble character to write about.

    To my beta readers, that gave me valuable feedback to make this book the best version of itself for you.

    Last, to my Storm Chasers, who never stop conquering their personal storms while supporting my passions and personal growth. I would not be here without you.

    More trigger warnings available at


    Her hand stretched forward, turned the handle, and pushed open the door. She covered her eyes as light quickly filled the room. In front of her sat a little girl around the age of seven with pale skin as bright as the moon and curly red hair that cascaded down her back. The little girl sat cross-legged on the floor surrounded by books, including the Anne of Green Gables novel she clenched in her hands. A smile crept across her lips. Just then, a tall, thin man with short brown hair snuck up behind her and covered her eyes.

    Peanut, he whispered. It’s time to get moving.

    Just a few more pages, whined the little girl, without moving a muscle.

    But the world has great things for you today, he said with bright hope. Books will get you far, but living life to the fullest will get you further.

    She lowered the book to give him an annoyed look, but he just laughed.

    Come on, he said, smiling and holding out his hand. I’ll make it worth your while.

    The little girl lowered her book with resignation, but took his hand with a smile.

    Then the man looked right at her, eyes full of alarm and with great urgency as he yelled, Peanut…RUN!

    She sat up immediately, heart racing and gasping for breath. She knew better than to ignore his warning. She quickly grabbed the backpack beside her, flung it on her back, and raced for the fire escape. She just needed a little rest. She was so tired. But stopping meant dying, and that wasn’t an option. She took a deep breath, grabbed the railings, and slid down the fire escape before landing gracefully on her feet and running down the black street and into the night.

    Ryan Skeleton Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

    Why do we keep coming to these parties? James asked with a mixture of annoyance and resignation. It was yet another mansion in Virginia, owned by someone Tina knew, in the middle of nowhere. The house was crammed with half naked twenty something year old’s inside and out, and various empty to full red plastic cups of alcohol strewn everywhere. No one could move, let alone hear themselves think with the pop music that blared from the sound system nearby. James estimated that people in New York could probably hear it, but no one had bothered to call the cops yet.

    Because you love them so dang much, replied his best friend, Ben, laughing as he took another sip of his beer.

    James glared at his friend before laughing and rolling his eyes to the ceiling.

    We probably wouldn’t have to go to so many if you would just mate already and get Tina off both our backs, Ben said, nudging James in the ribs.

    I love that girl to pieces, but her goal to get me matched and married is totally unnecessary, James said as he went to take a sip of his own beer before putting it down in disgust. I think I’m going to get some air. He got up and wandered out onto the private balcony, but it was full of people. In desperate need of some solitude, James headed down the stairs and walked toward the tree line of the backyard forest. He always loved the woods. They reminded him of home and helped block out the fact that Tina had spent the last couple of hours introducing him to countless women that did nothing for him. Maybe some distance would allow his swirling head and what felt like an empty heart to clear. He headed closer to the woods.

    Ryan Skeleton Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

    This new crew was definitely persistent, she thought to herself as she zigzagged through the forest. Too bad they wouldn’t take a night off. She could use the rest to recharge her batteries. The night was on her side, and the forest thick of trees. She could maneuver anywhere, but the forest was a delightful change of pace. The east coast was proving to be pleasing. But pop music playing broke the silence in the distance. What the heck? She thought nothing was out this far, but she was learning that there were random houses miles apart out here. All the others had been dead to the world as she passed them. Without even realizing it, her feet headed towards the music. There was enough distance. It wouldn’t hurt to check it out. It might be a suitable cover. Plus, the curiosity was too much to ignore.

    It took a while, but she finally reached the house, making so much noise. Young people seemed to fill the house inside and out, laughing, dancing, playing games, and having a good time. She slowed her pace down and crept like a ninja up to the edge of the tree line. Her heart ached while she watched hundreds of men and woman enjoying life without a care in the world. That was supposed to be her life, too. Until the fate of the world was put in her hands without asking for permission. They had no clue what was really going on in the world, and that was how it was supposed to be. She drew the short straw in life, but she also knew they forced her because she could do what was needed. She took a step closer, and a twig snapped under her shoe. She froze immediately.

    Hello? she heard a male voice ask with curiosity. She held her breath, willing with all her might that he would drop it and walk away.

    Is someone there? he asked.

    Then a sound much more disturbing was heard way behind her. The sound of a gun preparing to be fired. Crap! She’d gotten distracted and now someone was going to pay for her mistake. She picked up her foot gracefully and slid down the tree with her back to it to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness once more. She closed her eyes and heard twigs snapping as the team closed in. They were still far enough away she could draw them away. She took a deep breath and sprinted forward before zagging to the left and trying to lead them further into the forest.

    Ryan Skeleton Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

    James started walking towards the noise he had heard. He knew he wasn’t alone, but surely it was just an innocent deer out for a midnight stroll. When suddenly, a slim black figure shot up from behind a tree and sprinted like the wind deeper into the forest. Or not, he said to himself, cautious and curious at the same time. Surely it wasn’t some drunk idiot that had strayed from the party that was going to get themselves lost. Not running like that. Something wasn’t right. He didn’t like it at all. Well, I guess I’m going for a jog, he said to himself, took a deep breath, and tried to keep up with the figure in front of him. Damn, they were fast! At least he had his running shoes on.

    Ryan Skeleton Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

    Seriously?! Someone was on her tail, but it wasn’t with the team. Who the heck was following her? Ugh! She didn’t have time for this! She halted and slid behind a tree and waited. It wasn’t long before the stranger reached her. He slowed his run down and tried to slow down his breathing. Dang it! he cursed under his breath, and slowly started moving towards her hiding spot.

    In a swift movement, she reached out and grabbed him, pushing his body up against the tree and holding her hand over his mouth. He was surprised, but didn’t move. She looked around the tree, cocked her head to listen, and waited a full minute before assessing what she had to deal with. She turned to find the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen, and her heart skipped a beat. For a split second, she completely forgot where she was and what she was doing. She held a finger to her lips as she slowly removed her hand from his incredibly warm lips. He nodded slowly. She reluctantly took a step back. He was about 5’9", athletically built with a slight tan. His light brown hair was short and spiked on the top. A smile crept on his lips as he stared into her eyes. Whoa, she thought to herself.

    Why are you running? he whispered softly.

    She put her hands on his shoulder and looked around the tree again before returning to slowly slide him down the tree. She couldn’t run with him in tow. She would have to take them out. She looked around at her options. There weren’t many.

    She slid the backpack off her back and handed it to him. She pointed to his chest and then to where he was already sitting. Apparently, the stern look on her face encouraged him to nod again, and he pulled her backpack to his chest and waited. She tilted her head in amusement as a smile reached the corner of her mouth before she took off, running back in the direction from where they came.

    James clasped the bag to his chest and tried to digest what he had just seen. The first woman to actually take his breath away at first sight. Her bright blue eyes seemed to look directly into his soul. Though her short, chin length black hair was messy, and her face a little dirty, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She was thin, but athletically built, and pale as the moon’s light, with black clothing that clung nicely to her curves. He did not know why she was running, or who was after her, but he found himself instantly drawn to protect her at all costs. How could that be when she hadn’t even said a word? How could a complete stranger have such an effect on him? He had no clue, but he had to try and find out more.

    Once she reached a spot that was far enough away, she quickly climbed up the tree and waited in the branches, slowing her breathing down. She could knock them out, but that just meant they would chase her once they woke up again. Although that was usually her first choice, it might be time to defend herself. Either option meant it confirmed that she was there putting others in danger, but she couldn’t run with the man who insisted on following her and was currently hiding behind a tree waiting for her return. So much for getting away quietly.

    A heavyset man holding a gun with a silencer and dressed in all black ops attire, crept closer to her. Why did he have a silencer? Wasn’t the order to take her in alive? Well, that definitely helped to decide.

    She waited until he was right underneath her before jumping onto his shoulders and quickly snapping his neck. She picked up the gun and dashed forward to her next position of attack.

    She closed her eyes to listen better. Five distinct footstep patterns headed her way. Well, at least there was a manageable number this time. They were approaching in a staggered line formation, giving her enough time to take each one out individually. Not their usual M/O, but everything about this team had been different from the rest. However, this wasn’t the time to analyze their strategy.

    She quietly slid her back down the tree and waited for a tall blonde man to walk past her before she took the kill shot. She quickly checked his neck for a pulse, despite knowing there wouldn’t be one, and zig zagged to her left. An average brunette woman of athletic build was headed her way. She’d never seen her before. None of them, actually. This was definitely a different crew, and they weren’t exactly moving quietly through the forest. It was almost like they wanted her to take them out. What the heck was going on? But before she could think anymore, she felt the barrel of the silencer on the back of her head.

    Drop it, whispered a male with a Russian accent.

    She dropped the gun she held in her hand and put her hands up.

    I hope you’re ready to die tonight, because I’m done chasing you, Bitch, the man said, panting down the back of her neck.

    But I thought we were having so much fun, she said flatly.

    Where is it? he yelled, pushing the barrel deeper into her skull.

    I think I left it in my other outfit, she said sarcastically.

    Give it to me! he shouted, jamming the gun into what felt like her eye sockets.

    You know, the last team was a lot more fun, she said, trying to buy some time while she caught her breath. It was going to have to be quiet and quick.

    I’m losing my patience! he yelled, lifting the gun off her skull just enough to allow her to spin around, grab it, point it at his chest, and pull the trigger. He was bigger than expected and made more noise falling than she desired. A shot grazed by her eye. She quickly ducked and took off running. The brunette was in hot pursuit, but when she turned the corner, she ran right into what felt like a brick wall, and stumbled backwards, trying to catch her footing.

    UGH! James breathed out as he stumbled backward to catch his own footing. By the time he found it, she had grabbed his hand and was yanking him behind her. Luckily, the backpack was already on his back, because they were weaving and dodging through the forest faster than he could truly keep up when they suddenly came to a halt.

    Go that way, she said, shoving him to the left of her, and she took off to the right before he could ask any questions. But she didn’t get far before she heard the brunette yell, STOP! Or I’ll shoot! She couldn’t catch a break if her life depended on it! Once again, she held her hands up in the air and turned around.

    Where is it, my love? the brunette asked, with a voice smooth as jazz and a crooked smile on her lips.

    You know, everyone keeps asking me, but I just can’t seem to remember…. she said, matching her opponent’s tone.

    Now, no one wants to hurt you, Love, said the brunette, adding more sweetness to her tone.

    That’s funny, considering you are all using silencers and you’ve already shot at me once tonight, she said, raising her eyebrows as the corner of her lips curled up.

    Here, said the brunette, putting the gun on the ground. Better?

    Not for you, she said, smiling a little wider.

    Listen, coaxed the brunette. We’re all a little tired, so why don’t you just give it to me and we can call it a day?

    Well, technically it’s night, she said, tilting her head as she watched the brunette slowly walk towards her.

    I know you’re tired. You’ve been running for so long. Just give us what we want. You can even put it in my hand and no harm will come to you, the brunette said, smiling as she held out her hand.

    Yeah, just not feeling it, she said more flatly.

    Come on now, the brunette said, nearly right in front of her when they both heard the twig snap and the brunette quickly had her in a headlock.

    Let her go! James said, aiming the gun at them both.

    This doesn’t concern you, Handsome, said the brunette sweetly.

    Well, seeing as you’re holding my friend in a headlock, I’m going to have to disagree, he said sweetly and grinning from ear to ear. It was hypnotic.

    Your friend just needs to give me what I want, Honey, and then we can all go home, the brunette cooed.

    She can’t give it to you because I have it, said James, trying desperately to ignore the glaring look coming from the woman he was anxiously trying to save.

    Well, doesn’t that change things, said the brunette.

    Not really, she said before elbowing the brunette in the stomach and quickly dislocating her shoulder connected to the arm that had been around her neck. The brunette stumbled backwards and quickly found her footing before lunging right at her.

    James tried to focus his eyes in order to wing the brunette, but they were moving too quick to get a clear shot. Then, out of nowhere, a shot buzzed by his shoulder. He immediately spun around and took aim. An average built blonde man was dodging around a tree and taking shots at all of them, so James ran to the tree closest to him and returned fire. After a couple of shots, James was able to take him out. When he turned around, the brunette had her pinned by the throat up against a tree. He immediately took the shot. The brunette released her grip and fell to her knees before falling forward on her face. James ran up to her as she rubbed her sore throat.

    Are you okay? he asked urgently. She nodded while massaging her reddened throat. Come on. We’ve got to get out of here. He went to grab her elbow to help her up, and she jumped back instinctively, her eyes wide like a deer looking into headlights. Hey, he whispered, raising his hands in the air. I’m the good guy. She dropped her eyes to the ground. But since I’m guessing there are more dead bodies in this forest, I’m thinking this probably isn’t the best place to be hanging out, James whispered softly.

    She looked up at him and nodded while slowly getting to her feet. She held out her hand, and he shook his head. I’ve got the bag, he said. The road’s just up ahead. We can follow it back, and without waiting for her to disagree, he started walking towards the road.

    They walked in silence for a few minutes before James asked hopefully, So, do you have a name? keeping his eyes straight ahead, but she made no response. After a few minutes of walking in silence, he tried again. What’s in the bag?

    Supplies, she replied flatly.

    Don’t suppose you’re going to tell me who’s after you or what they want, huh? James responded.

    Bad guys and no, she said, with a hint of humor in her voice. Hope strongly swelled in his chest.

    Is it in the backpack? Cause I was hoping I actually had it, he said with a boyish grin.

    Nope, she said, returning his smile.

    Damn, he replied as they reached the road. House should be less than a mile that way, he said, nodding his head to the left. She nodded yes and followed in suit.

    She heard the engine rev up before she saw the black van gunning in their direction. She quickly shoved him to safety before turning around and getting blinded by headlights. She instinctively jumped into the air and felt her feet push off the hood. Her body slammed against the windshield, cracking it. She rolled across the top of the van and eventually landed on the road behind it. Darkness filled her head.

    Unable to open her eyes, she listened to the wheels speed off into the distance. She felt hair being brushed away from her face as a frantic male voice whispered in her ear, You’re going to be okay. Stay with me! I’ve got you.

    She was exhausted. Maybe if she just rested for a second. She

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