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Among Us: A Traitor in Space
Among Us: A Traitor in Space
Among Us: A Traitor in Space
Ebook154 pages2 hours

Among Us: A Traitor in Space

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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Ten astronauts. An imposter determined to kill them all. Welcome to the deadliest spaceship of all time.
The intrigue of everyone’s favorite video game comes to life in this unofficial Among Us adventure. V is a young astronaut ready for any challenge that comes his way. His next assignment: locate and repair the Skeld, a well-known international spaceship that has been navigating on pilot mode for years. Ten astronauts from around the world are tasked with this crucial mission. They must check wiring systems, align telescopes, clean vents . . . and survive. To the crew’s horror, one of the astronauts is killed in the reactor room—another one is found dead in the cafeteria. There’s an imposter in their midst! Will they be able to identify the culprit before it’s too late?

Release dateOct 19, 2021
Among Us: A Traitor in Space

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    among us cray cray yo. the book was turly a thrill that i could prbably read it while climbing up a ladder. very epic twist at the end mang

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Among Us - Laura Rivière


This edition © 2021 by Andrews McMeel Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews.

Published in French under the title Among us : Un traître dans l’espace

© 2021 404 éditions, a division of Édi8, Paris, France

Among Us is a registered trademark of Innersloth LLC. All rights reserved.

This book is not an official Among Us product. It is not approved by or related to Innersloth LLC.

Andrews McMeel Publishing

a division of Andrews McMeel Universal

1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106

ISBN: 978-1-5248-7540-4

Library of Congress Control Number: 2021943025


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Chapter 1

Apparently I’m lost again. I open the map of the Skeld, which instantly appears on the inside of my helmet visor. This ship is such a maze! And a damn crazy one at that. The confus-ing layout isn’t to MIRA’s usual standards at all. It’s like they found an old ship from who knows where and slapped on just enough updates to operate it. Seriously, the whole thing is poorly planned. Like, the beds are located in sleeping pods along the hallway between the Cafeteria and Upper Engine. Who does this? It’s as if the person who designed this forgot to include rooms and just added pods wherever there was space. Who wants to sleep near engine noise and Cafeteria smells? Even the beds in MedBay seem more comfortable than the capsules we lock ourselves in for eight hours every day. I’ll just get used to it, I guess.

Until then, I’m on another useless detour. I was supposed to be going to Storage, and somehow I’ve ended up in Navigation. Which is weirdly empty. I thought Janelle was supposed to be working here this afternoon.

I leave Navigation and almost walk right into her. The bright pink of her spacesuit takes me by surprise as always, and I can’t help but step back. She jumps a bit too.

Valdemar! You scared me! she exclaims. What are you doing here? I thought you were in Storage.

Me too, I say.

Huh? What do you mean?

I thought I was in Storage too, but I got lost again!

I can tell Janelle doesn’t appreciate my attempt at a joke, but she still forces out a polite laugh.

V, it’s been three weeks. It’s about time you actually figured this all out. That can’t always be your excuse. She winks and moves aside so I can get by.

I take a right. If the map is accurate, it will be faster than turning around. After only a few yards, I hear Janelle’s voice echo behind me again.

Uh, V, where are you going? she asks nervously.

I’m going to go through the Cafeteria. It’s easier to get to Stor—

The Cafeteria? No . . . um, I have to go, um, check something in Communications. Should we just go together?

What’s wrong with her? I’ve never seen her act so strange. If I didn’t know that she was into women and already with someone, I’d swear she was flirting with me. She keeps avoid-ing my eyes as she’s talking.

I reluctantly go along with her suggestion. I’ve already wasted too much time, but I’m curious.

What are you up to in Communications? I ask her on the way.

I have data to upload, she answers a little too quickly.

Again? But weren’t you there already this morning?

Yes! But I’m not done. I was, um, interrupted.

This doesn’t make any sense.

By Livia! she adds, almost shouting.

Oh! That’s all I need to know. Whatever those two lovebirds were up to, I hope they were careful to not get caught on camera.

We split up when we get to Communications. Janelle enters and settles in front of the monitor. From the outside, it’s impossible to see if she really is downloading something. When she turns around to see where I am, I hurry on my way so she doesn’t think I’ve been watching her. I’d prefer to wait there though. I still get the feeling she lied to me, like she’ll leave as soon as I go around the corner. But I’m already so far behind in my tasks for today, so I drop it. Maybe I’ll figure out what’s going on later.

When I get to Storage, I see Flavius just standing there, swinging his arms in the middle of the room. His yellow spacesuit is surprisingly clean for once. And he’s got his usual pink plastic flower on his head. When he notices me, he jumps.

Really? Am I that scary?

I wonder what he’s doing. Especially since . . . he’s not doing anything! This is the third time I’ve seen him just hanging about. Sure, he’s new. He just completed his training at MIRA HQ, and this is his first active ship assignment. Even so, he’s been acting really strange.

Have you finished your tasks? I ask.

Yeah. Well, almost. I’ve still got some to do . . . in Admin. I’m . . . I’m gonna go now. See you later, Valdemar!

Please just call me ‘V’ like everyone else.

Um, okay. See you, V!

And just like that, he saunters away without having touched anything in the room.

Seriously, why is everyone so weird today? First Janelle, now Flavius. What’s wrong with them? I’ll have to talk with Doc about it tonight after work—she’s the biggest gossip on the ship.

Until then, I try to collect myself by focusing on my work. I’ve almost completed my tasks for the day. I saved Storage for last because it’s one of the things I hate the most. It’s such a pain. I have to refuel the engines, and the fuel can, as usual, hasn’t been cleaned.

Even through my spacesuit, I can tell how sticky it is. And it’s slippery too. Our spacesuits are good, practical for most things, but the gloves could be better. They don’t work at all with some tasks—like this one. If you’ve got big hands like I do, it’s impossible to fit through this handle!

You have to grab it the best you can with both hands and be careful to not drop it, carrying it around awkwardly to one of the two engines. The lower one, in this case. But even when you’ve managed to do all that, it gets harder: you have to hold it in just the right way to pour the contents into the tank without getting it all over your hands. It’s hell.

Well, here goes nothing. I grab the can, struggling to find a stable grip.

I approach the fuel tank and . . . of course, I forgot to open it.

I gently put the can down, place my glove on the scanner, and the small hatch opens.

I grab my fuel can, lift it up, and keep tilting it more and more as it empties into the tank. I’ve got to stay like this for a few minutes while the tank gauge reaches the recommended level. I’m sighing so hard I bet they can hear me all the way on the other side of the ship.

I’m almost halfway through when a sudden, shrill noise makes me flinch. I drop the can to the ground, hurling fuel everywhere.


What the hell is going on? The noise keeps blaring. And now there’s a flashing light too.

Oh, I remember: it’s the alarm for emergency meetings! That’s no joke. I’ll have to leave my task unfinished and start all over later.

I’ve done a few missions before, and emergency meetings (as the name suggests) are kind of unusual. So, of course, I panic.

What’s going on? Are we crashing? I’m too young to die! I’m not even twenty yet!

My heart is pounding. Too bad about the fuel—I’ll just have to clean up later. I head straight for the Cafeteria. That’s where the primary emergency panel is, and it’s the designated meeting area in case of an alarm.

This is a first for me. And I don’t think I’m going to like it.

I don’t see anyone on the way to the Cafeteria, which is odd. Are they all already there? I break into a sprint. When I get there, the door is closed. I stop for a few seconds, enough time to catch my breath and calm down a little. What’s going to be behind this door?

Then I notice that I’m not even at the Cafeteria at all. In my panic, I went the wrong way again and ended up in Communications. Janelle is gone. I still don’t believe her. . . . She probably left just after me.

I’m sweating profusely in my purple spacesuit. I have to hurry if I want to make it out of this alive.

With a tap to the controls on my helmet, I summon the map to my visor again. Only my gloves are covered in grease and my fingers slip across the screen, leaving fuel all over the place. And all my files open on the screen—except the one I need, of course. When I finally manage to open the map, I let out a huge sigh of relief. But the relief is short-lived: I know where I need to go now, but my visor is so dirty that I can’t even see a foot ahead of me! How am I supposed to find my way to the Cafeteria?

Just as I’m about to lift my visor to see clearly, I stop. What if someone set off the alarm because the ship

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