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Program Your Mind And Determine Your Future
Program Your Mind And Determine Your Future
Program Your Mind And Determine Your Future
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Program Your Mind And Determine Your Future

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Improve Your Self-Esteem, Focus Your Thoughts and Conquer Everything You Propose in Life
Inspiring Book of Self-Help, Motivation and Self-Improvement that will take you to explore your Inner SELF in a fantastic journey of Rediscovery of being, which allows you to connect with the UNIVERSAL SOURCE and with your most valuable possession, which is yourself. And develop the maximum of your human potential and the seed of greatness that is already within you.
In this BOOK in its SPECIAL EDITION, you will learn to:
Understand the different initial PHASES in the intuitive process that originate the formation and development of SELF-ESTEEM in the individual.
Develop a healthy SELF-IMAGE with a high level of self-concept and positive perception towards yourself in connection with the surrounding environment.
Decode paradigms and deprogram self-destructive habits; creating new, more empowered mind maps that allow you to overcome your fears, push your limits, and conquer yourself beyond what you thought possible.
Program your thoughts and your conscious and subconscious mental structure to achieve success and personal self-realization.
Allow an optimal configuration of positive beliefs, and potentiate your creative capacities, to establish new patterns and habits of behavior that allow you to take your life to a higher level of consciousness.
Know and master the basic principles of BRAIN REENGINEERING and Mental Reprogramming that allow you to act, make things happen and start living an extraordinary life centered on principles.
3rd Special Edition Revised, Updated and Extended
(Includes Practical Exercises and Action Plan)
Transformational Master Coach
International Writer and Lecturer

Release dateOct 6, 2021
Program Your Mind And Determine Your Future

Ylich Tarazona

Profile in English:Recognized MSc YLICH TARAZONA, Psychologist, Gestalt Hypnotherapist, International Speaker and Writer – Author of the Series Basic Principles for Success and Preliminary Laws of Success.Master Coach with NLP and Trainer in NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING. Specialist in Alternative Therapies. Ericksonian Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT – Tapping), Energy Healing, Biodecoding and Germanic Medicine.Considered in the different media as one of the most prominent and influential professionals in the field of PERSONAL EXCELLENCE. Destined to exert a legacy in the lives of hundreds of people through his PASSION, ENTHUSIASM, DYNAMISM and principle-centered LEADERSHIP.C.E.O. Founder of HYPNO REENGINEERING and MENTAL BIO PROGRAMMING ® A Quantum Leap for the Evolution of the BEING and the Awakening of Consciousness.One of the ONLINE SYSTEMS dedicated to providing COACHING in the CONSOLIDATION of Competences and Development of the Maximum Human Potential. Specialized in Training, Training and High-level Training through the techniques of Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming and Mental Reengineering.Our methodology is designed to enhance the individual's skills through a sequence of sessions and therapies. Their objective is to guide the coachee to find the necessary tools that allow them to achieve their Goals. Specify your Objectives and Consolidate Effective Results of Optimum Performance in a specific field of action (Areas of Excellence).To obtain significant achievements more effectively, we accompany our process of HYPNO REENGINEERING and MENTAL BIO PROGRAMMING ® with Life Coaching Sessions. NLP techniques or Neurolinguistic Programming, Mental Reengineering, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Emotional Liberation Techniques and Quantum Energy Healing adapted for this purpose./-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-/*-/-*/PERFIL EN ESPAÑOL:MSc YLICH TARAZONA reconocido, Psicólogo, Hipnoterapeuta Gestalt, Conferencista Internacional y Escritor – Autor de la Serie Principios Básicos para Triunfar y Leyes Preliminares del Éxito.Máster Coach con PNL y Trainer en PROGRAMACIÓN NEUROLINGÜÍSTICA. Especialista en Terapias Alternativas. Hipnosis Ericksoniana, Técnica de Liberación Emocional (EFT – Tapping), Sanación Energética, Biodescodificación y Medicina Germánica.Considerado en los distintos medios de comunicación como uno de los profesionales más destacado e influyente dentro del campo de la EXCELENCIA PERSONAL. Destinado a ejercer un legado en la vida de cientos de personas a través de su PASIÓN, ENTUSIASMO, DINAMISMO y LIDERAZGO centrado en principios.C.E.O. Fundador de HIPNO REINGENIERÍA y BIO PROGRAMACIÓN MENTAL ® Un Salto Cuántica para la Evolución del SER y el Despertar de la Consciencia.Uno de los SISTEMAS ONLINE dedicado a brindar COACHING en la CONSOLIDACIÓN de Competencias y Desarrollo del Máximo Potencial Humano. Especializados en el Entrenamiento, Formación y Adiestramiento de alto nivel a través de las técnicas de la Hipnosis Ericksoniana, la Programación Neurolingüística y la Reingeniería Mental.Nuestra metodología está diseñada para potenciar las competencias del individuo por medio de una secuencia de sesiones y terapias. Que tienen como objetivo guiar a los coachee a encontrar las herramientas necesarias que les permitan Alcanzar sus Metas. Concretar sus Objetivos y Consolidar Resultados Eficaces de Óptimo Desempeño en un campo de acción específico (Áreas de Excelencia).Con el objetivo de obtener logros significativos de manera más efectiva, acompañamos nuestro proceso de HIPNO REINGENIERÍA y BIO PROGRAMACIÓN MENTAL ® con Sesiones de Life Coaching. Técnicas de PNL o Programación Neurolingüística, Reingeniería Mental, Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana, Técnicas de Liberación Emocional y Sanación Energética Cuántica adaptadas para tal fin.

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    Book preview

    Program Your Mind And Determine Your Future - Ylich Tarazona


    Improve Your Self-Esteem, Focus Your Thoughts and Conquer Everything You Propose in Life

    Inspiring Book of Self-Help, Motivation and Self-Improvement that will take you to explore your Inner SELF in a fantastic journey of Rediscovery of being, which allows you to connect with the UNIVERSAL SOURCE and with your most valuable possession, which is yourself. And develop the maximum of your human potential and the seed of greatness that is already within you.

    In this BOOK in its SPECIAL EDITION, you will learn to:

    Understand the different initial PHASES in the intuitive process that originate the formation and development of SELF-ESTEEM in the individual.

    Develop a healthy SELF-IMAGE with a high level of self-concept and positive perception towards yourself in connection with the surrounding environment.

    Decode paradigms and deprogram self-destructive habits; creating new, more empowered mind maps that allow you to overcome your fears, push your limits, and conquer yourself beyond what you thought possible.

    Program your thoughts and your conscious and subconscious mental structure to achieve success and personal self-realization.

    Allow an optimal configuration of positive beliefs, and potentiate your creative capacities, to establish new patterns and habits of behavior that allow you to take your life to a higher level of consciousness.

    Know and master the basic principles of BRAIN REENGINEERING and Mental Reprogramming that allow you to act, make things happen and start living an extraordinary life centered on principles.

    3rd Special Edition Revised, Updated and Extended

    (Includes Practical Exercises and Action Plan)

    Transformational Master Coach


    International Writer and Lecturer

    *** ~~~*** ~~~*** ~~~


    This book in its SPECIAL EDITION called "Program Your Mind and Determine Your Future — Improve Your Self-Esteem, Focus Your Thoughts and Conquer Everything You Set Out in Life. Applied to self-help strategies, motivation, brain reengineering, mental bio-programming, redesign and personal reinvention through NLP or Applied Neurolinguistic Programming. It is the intellectual property of YLICH TARAZONA & MENTAL REENGINEERING WITH NLP.

    LEGAL NOTICE: Copyright JANUARY 2018 by YLICH TARAZONA & MENTAL REENGINEERING WITH NLP. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this SELF-HELP BOOK may be stored in data retrieval systems, nor may it be reproduced or modified in part or completely, nor may it be reduced, extended or transmitted in any way or by any other format or medium, whether electronic, digital, virtual, mechanical or manual printing. Including photocopies, scans, recordings, reproductions, and distribution via online, oral or written, or by any other information storage system, public or private communication and data retrieval software, for commercial or for-profit use WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE or WRITTEN PERMISSION TO THE PUBLISHER, THE AUTHOR, AND HIS LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE. Those who violate these rules will be severely punished under copyright laws.

    The right of YLICH TARAZONA to be identified as the AUTHOR of this work has been affirmed by

    Registration Code: 1801045279548, in accordance with the

    Copyright worldwide. Publication Date: 04 January 2018

    If this SELF-HELP BOOK in its SPECIAL EDITION has interested you, and you want us to keep you informed of our next publications, editions, mini courses, special reports, videoconferences, webinars, audiobooks, podcasts or our online services, sessions, coaching, therapies, corporate events, courses, workshops, seminars, face-to-face conferences among other activities or didactic materials DESIGNED and CREATED BY THE AUTHOR & MENTAL REENGINEERING WITH NLP; write to us, indicating which are the topics of your interest, and we will gladly keep you updated.

    You can also contact the AUTHOR directly:

    *** ~~~*** ~~~*** ~~~


    Dedicated especially for TI Friend and Friend reader…

    May your book" Program Your Mind and Determine Your Future — Improve Your Self-Esteem, Focus Your Thoughts and Conquer Everything You Set Out in Life". Provide you with the tools you need to begin to activate change in your life, and that the preliminary principles of success collected in this book; help you generate the transformation you need in all the important aspects of your existence, providing you with the bridge, the right vehicle and the inspiration to follow in the PROCESS OF CREATING, TILING AND BUILDING YOUR DESTINY…

    And this one; it's my intention, for YOU…

    Your Great Friend YLICH TARAZONA

    *** ~~~*** ~~~*** ~~~


    Relevant Information of this Edition.

    Hello, how about it?, my dear readers. First, thank you for acquiring this extraordinary Book of Self-Help and Motivation, which I wrote with you in mind.

    Before I begin, I want to inform you of some essential changes that I have been making in this 3rd Special Edition. If you own any of my previous versions; You will find that I have carried out some essential revisions and updates in the last editions, since they seemed necessary to achieve the purpose for which I wrote this BOOK for you. Among the changes I have made, I have incorporated many examples and practical exercises related to the lesson of some of the most relevant chapters. In the few cases in which I edit the text or change part of the content, they have been to better adapt them to the examples and exercises recently incorporated in this work.

    These modifications are almost imperceptible in most cases, since first I wanted to respect the original manuscript and the main idea of this BOOK with its defects and virtues. So on the few occasions in which I have incorporated certain ideas, I have added some additional point, or I have added some elements of interest to my readers, it is because I have found it convenient or necessary, and of vital importance for the correct application of the principles and the Strategies of self-help, motivation, mental programming, brain reengineering, redesign and personal reinvention through applied neuro-linguistic programming contained in this Special Edition.

    If you have had the opportunity to read some of my other print or digital books, you have been able to appreciate that both the literary style of my writings; and the characteristic typographic style that I use when expressing my ideas, they intend a single purpose. To help you develop the fullest of your human potential to the next level, and to allow you to better understand the concepts, definitions, and plan of action that I share with all of you, to help you internalize these vital and essential principles to your life.

    To achieve this goal; at the end of some key chapters, I share a range of exercises that allow you to put into practice the essence of what you have just studied. In the same way, I also offer you a series of recapitulations or basic principles to reflect on that will help you reinforce what you have learned.

    YOU CAN IMAGINE all that you can achieve by learning to apply these universal principles and laws of success in your life. Now it's possible!

    *** ~~~*** ~~~*** ~~~


    The teachings contained in my books are mostly a powerful combination of METAPHORS, PARABLES, ALLEGORIES, EXAMPLES, STORIES, FAMOUS PHRASES and INSPIRED QUOTES that I have been collecting and summing over the years from different sources; such as, books and works of VARIOUS AUTHORS.

    The objective of using this LITERARY STYLE; is that this type of expressions, concepts, and ideas can subjectively stimulate in the reader's mind a wide variety of MULTI-SENSORY SENSATIONS both at the level (Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic) that allow to evoke images, sounds, sensations, emotions and feelings, in the mind of the reader. In this way; through the learning of SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATIONS and FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE, readers can acquire the main ideas.

    Other methodologies that I use when transcribing my books; is that I use different TYPOGRAPHIC STYLES, introducing a variety of COMBINATIONS such as: Punctuation marks, Bold, Italics, Underlined, conjunctions of lowercase and UPPERCASE, among other aware repetitions of ideas and teachings transmitted several times; in different ways over and over again, but in different contexts and situations, to record them in your conscious and subconscious mind. As well as sometimes strategically change the way I write and express my ideas intentionally in the first and second person while transmitting the information, to make reading more didactic, versatile and pleasant for all my readers.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If this were to seem inadequate or incorrect at a certain time to some of my readers, I want to anticipate in advance that it is in no way an oversight on my part, or ignorance of editing and transcription of the work. On the contrary, it HAS A CLEAR OBJECTIVE and pursues a specific purpose. TRUST ME. — IT HAS A SPECIFIC LEARNING PURPOSE FOR YOU." So open your mind and enjoy reading.

    Before continuing; it is important to note that during the book it also incorporates a series of Positive Statements, Empowered Self-Affirmations, based on the strategic METAMODEL of NLP through a series of COVERT HYPNOTIC COMMANDS and PERSUASIVE HYPNOTIC PATTERNS that allow the reader to incorporate these SUGGESTIONS and SUBLIMINAL INDUCTIONS in their conscious and subconscious mind, thus producing radically positive changes in their mental and psychological structure, CREATING new, more empowered neural connections.

    NOTE: In the Audible Versions, as in the cases of audiobooks, I use musical background, along with combinations of abstract sounds and binaural waves at different frequencies. To induce certain positive states in the brain. Among the many benefits offered by these powerful tools, is that they promote accelerated learning, conscious reflection, proper assimilation of ideas, mental agility, stimulation of creativity, relaxation, concentration, and meditation among many other advantages. As shown in the numerous studies conducted on the subject. Among them the doctoral thesis of Pedro Miguel González Velasco Doctor in Neuroscience of the COMPLUTENSE UNIVERSITY OF MADRID FACULTY OF PSYCHOLOGY, which report the excellent and wonderful positive effects of these sounds, both psychologically and physiologically.

    The PURPOSE of introducing this RANGE OF LITERARY, TYPOGRAPHIC STYLES; METAPHORICAL and BINAURAL (The latter, only in Audible cases), fused with a varied set of Modern Techniques and Advanced Methodologies of NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING, BRAIN REENGINEERING, NEURO-COACHING and SELF-HYPNOSIS among other tools. It is to allow my readers to receive a more useful,

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