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Agenda 21 Exposed!: The Demolition of Freedom through the Green Deal & The Great Reset  2021-2030-2050  Plandemic - Economic Crisis - Hyperinflation
Agenda 21 Exposed!: The Demolition of Freedom through the Green Deal & The Great Reset  2021-2030-2050  Plandemic - Economic Crisis - Hyperinflation
Agenda 21 Exposed!: The Demolition of Freedom through the Green Deal & The Great Reset  2021-2030-2050  Plandemic - Economic Crisis - Hyperinflation
Ebook70 pages1 hour

Agenda 21 Exposed!: The Demolition of Freedom through the Green Deal & The Great Reset 2021-2030-2050 Plandemic - Economic Crisis - Hyperinflation

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The Great Reset is 100% certain to fail. We based this conviction on the analytical model of his unique A.I. 'Socrates', which has proven to be astonishingly accurate so many times over for decades. We have a group of elderly people over 80 trying to take over the world and push through this Fourth Industrial Revolution. They are probably hoping

Release dateOct 31, 2021
Agenda 21 Exposed!: The Demolition of Freedom through the Green Deal & The Great Reset  2021-2030-2050  Plandemic - Economic Crisis - Hyperinflation

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    Agenda 21 Exposed! - Truth Leak Books


    The Demolition of Freedom through the Green Deal & The Great Reset


    Plandemic – Economic Crisis – Hyperinflation

    Truth Leaks Books


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    The Vatican Approves

    Deputy director: Vatican confirmed that our vaccines developed with abortion cells are acceptable

    Project Veritas, in its most recent video exposing the corona-vax scam, gets Melissa Strickler on camera, whistleblower at Pfizer. She came across emails from the company's top executives in a database agreeing that information about the use of the cells of aborted fetuses in the development of the Covid vaccines should be kept hidden. Strickler fears that these cells were also used in the final vaccines.

    Vanessa Gelman, senior director of Worldwide Research, Development & Communications, wrote in emails to Philip Dormitzer, vice president and chief scientific officer, among others, that although these human cell lines were not directly used in the experimental 'vaccine', 'one or more cell lines with an origin that can be traced back to human fetal cells' are used in the testing laboratories.

    On this, Gelman writes, This part we tried really hard not to share unless it is strictly necessary and critical to the mission... From a corporate affairs standpoint, we want to avoid having the information about the fetal cells come out. As a reason, she gives that the risk is too high that members of the public will use this information in a way we don't want.

    Philip Dormitzer then wrote in an email to another employee that 'HEK293T cells (HEK = Human Embryo Kidney**), used for the IVE analysis, ultimately came from an aborted fetus. On the other hand, the Vatican's doctrinal committee has confirmed that they find it acceptable for pro-life believers to be immunized.'

    Strickler confirms that in doing so Pfizer has no concern for the legally recognized religious conscientious objectors. 'They are withholding knowledge from the public by which people can decide whether to consent or not.... They are so deceptive in their emails that it almost looks like these cells are in the final vaccine. That made me not trust it.'

    When FDA officials visited for verification, the windows of certain rooms were blacked out. When asked why she openly turned to Project Veritas, she replied that she felt it was the right thing to do because 'my own company doesn't want to be honest with me... I was really traumatized and sick to death of the things I saw. That's why I took a leave of absence. I do feel quite a bit afraid of what they will do to me now. But I am at peace with it. The public needs to know this, because they want to give this to children.'

    Why she didn't go to Congress with this? Because her lawyers advised her to go directly to Project Veritas. 'Whistleblower lawyers (and also someone who worked at the Justice Department for 17 years) told me that some things are best leaked to the media, than doing it any other way. And I think that should be made public so that people realize that they are being deceived.

    She concludes to her bosses at Pfizer: 'I am just one face of many of your employees who are willing to fight this and reveal to the world what is going on. All we want is for you to be transparent, honest, and do the right thing.'

    Abortion cells in vaccines previously linked to cancer, leukemia and autism

    A Canadian-Chinese, reportedly advanced corona vaccine, ready to be tested on humans, contains cells from aborted human fetuses. This was discovered

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