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A Second Chance to Love
A Second Chance to Love
A Second Chance to Love
Ebook135 pages2 hours

A Second Chance to Love

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Jasmine Ellery is a professional woman who has made several bad choices in men. Mark is the first husband that cannot stay out of trouble, and then there is Walter a professional man but a terrible husband he cannot stop lying and cheating. She has given up on finding true love until a dating site where she meets Desmond Falcon who plays a mind game with her pretending to be someone he is not which turns out to be a good thing. Desmond will fight his way through several obstacles after meeting the American woman but will he acknowledge that she means more to him than he planned.
Release dateSep 20, 2021
A Second Chance to Love

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    A Second Chance to Love - Dorothy W Cosey

    Copyright Page


    Dorothy W. Cosey © 2021


    I would like to thank my model for permitting me to use her photo for the cover. Thank you K. W


    This title is for all my readers that enjoy a good novel. I want to leave my readers feeling like they have been on an adventure. Thank you all for your support.

    Dorothy W. Cosey

    Chapter 1

    Jasmine Ellery is at her desk staring into space wondering about past decisions. What just happen? She muses over the events from a couple of months ago, how did she go from all business to a lovesick fool?

    She grimaced at the memory of Desmond. He is all a woman could ask for and more listening to his voice over the phone sounds like smooth silk-spinning a web of lies that leave women vulnerable and ready to do anything for his favor. He is so capable of making you feel like you are the only woman on earth.

    A mirthless laugh escapes her. How could she have been such a naïve fool to buy into such lies?  Here she was another helpless victim of his many ploys; anger reaches a climax within her and overtakes common sense before she realizes what she is doing the vase that sits on the desk, crashes to the floor. She tosses it from the desk and watch as it falls against the immaculate stone floor.

    The noise echoes down the hallway and sends her sister Renee into panic mode. Renee is breathing hard as she enters the room. What happened are you okay? Jasmine shifts her gaze from the broken vase to look unseeing at her sister. Everything is fine Renee, calm down. I broke the vase that is all."

    Renee looks at her sister in disbelief, placing her hands on her hips as she stands in the doorway. "Are you sure Jas, you don’t look okay to me, what it is? Please tell me you are not still beating yourself up about Desmond.

    He was a loser from the very beginning, and if I remember correctly. I told you he was no good from the start, after all, what type of man sits around on the internet looking for unsuspecting women to fill his bank account? Come on Jas, I am sure you are not the first woman he has taken for a ride." Jasmine slides her curvaceous body from the chair and walks in Renee’s direction then pause.

    I know I am not the first woman he has bled dry Renee. I just can’t believe I was taken by his sweet lies, look at me I am a professional woman forty years old been married twice, I am not some young girl that does not know the ropes.

    You could hear the frustration in Jasmine’s voice and Renee can see the distress on her face. She walks over and places a comforting arm on her shoulder then Renee tries to sooth away the frustration like when they were little.

    Jas, listen to me. The only thing wrong with you is you have a big heart and you want to see all people as decent and honest but here’s a news flash, little sister that is not how the world works.

    The statement is a bad choice of words and Renee attempts to clean up the mess. Jas, look at yourself, I mean you have it all sis. Your smart, good-looking, successful there are plenty of men that would love to have you. Jasmine smirks, she knows that Renee is doing her best to make her feel better.

    She leans closer and hugs her…. Thank you, Renee, for at least giving it a shot. I know you are right it’s just at the moment I don’t feel beautiful.

    Renee smiles, It will pass Jas, give it some time. Now on a happier note, Walter is coming in about an hour he says for you to wear something sexy tonight. I think he is planning something special for the two of you.

    Jasmine’s usual pleasant face takes on a serious frown. Walter was not even, close to what she wants in a man, matter of fact he is the second ex-husband for a reason.

    The problem with Walter is he was never able to keep his pants zipped and that is why they are divorced at present.

    What in the world, was she thinking to marry his ass in the first place? They dated for over ten years and with all that time of knowing each other, he would cheat. He always had another woman waiting in the wings.

    Walter was nothing special of course, just decent looking with an athletic build, but a compulsive liar. He had a way with women, good in bed but once the act is complete, his personality left much to be desired. A smirk touches Jasmine's full lips.

    Yeah, good in bed, that is about all Walter had going for him. She already made a mistake in marrying her first husband Mark. She let the memory slip from her mind and excuses herself then walks up the flight of wooden stairs. With a heavy heart, Jasmine searches through the closet selecting a clinging Rose-colored outfit.

    She makes her way to the shower, undresses, and stands in front of the full-length mirror. The reflection looking back could mesmerize if she desired but today she was looking for imperfections. There was nothing not one single thing that she could use as an excuse. The question of the day is why. Why a man would abandon her?

    The face in the mirror has luminous eyes with long dark lashes, high cheekbones slightly hollowed. The small upturned chin and ripen luscious lips full and inviting, she shifts her gaze to her slender neck and small pert breast, just waiting to be touched.

    The curve of her waistline is neat and firm as full hips flare gently down to curvy long legs. At five foot six, she was well endowed full, and statuesque.  However, with all her shimmering attributes she still felt inadequate, and unappreciated.

    She shrugs off the depression trying to engulf her and steps into the pulsating shower. Desmond Falcon could be a millionaire if he was the type to take advantage of lonely single women on the net all looking for their prince charming. A smirk covers his handsome face yes that was about right he was every woman’s fantasy, the perfect mate.

    He is a good listener; dedicated to getting to know the women intimately from the time they returned home from work to the time they have dinner. He treats each one as if they are special regardless if they are short, fat, tall, or slim, none of that makes a difference just as long as he establishes trust the rest was easy.

    He walks away from the café where he spends most of his time following up on suspects that can lead him to his target. A frown covers his handsome face when he remembers one lady, in particular, Jasmine Ellery she is a handful, with striking beauty, a surge of guilt rushes through him.

    He hates what he has done to her but his job comes first leaving him no choice. It was part of the job to obtain information at whatever cost and she has more information than even she knows. He pushes Jasmine from his mind it was getting late in the day and the daylight enhances his bronze skin glowing from a spa treatment earlier in the afternoon. Tall handsome fluent in several languages and most of all smart and cunning combined with good looks make him a lethal predator.

    Desmond Falcon is the oldest son out of three children born to a wealthy international businessman. He respects his dad, but they are not on such good terms and Desmond finds satisfaction in stopping the manipulation of unsuspecting women searching for love on the World Wide Web.

    Moreover, what does he do? He provides a fantasy that women cannot seem to get enough of, he has lost count of the women that he talks with on the web that is until he met Jasmine Ellery.

    A smile forms on his luscious lips at the memory. Wow, she is the first woman to spark his interest and make him regret that he is not the man hiding behind the photo. Judging from the way she talks and carries herself she is a decent woman that has suffered heartbreak from the men she has loved. Desmond tucks the laptop under his arm and carries it to a nearby open restaurant.

    He sits the laptop on the table as the waiter comes toward him asking to take his order. He smiles at the young server showing sparkling even white teeth. The girl smiles back in greeting, she has seen him around town most times women want to approach him but he has that aura that he is unapproachable.

    He certainly is a man that could have his pick of women. The man sitting at the table is in good shape, and handsome. If she were to guess, his age she would say about thirty-four at the most, so why is a man like that eating alone.

    The girl takes his order, one iced tea with a plate of curried lamb and a side salad. Desmond, response to the server is automatic his mind is on the American woman named Jasmine Ellery. He has thought of no one except her since she discovered his deception and that was over two months ago. He had misjudged her by thinking she is like other women silly and unsuspecting, but to his dismay she has brains and she is made of sleuth material.

    Man, if things only were different his mind drifts to their meeting on the net it was one of those social networks he has been following an acquaintance of hers and the trail lead him to her profile picture. He is curious why a woman like Jasmine ends up knowing the scoundrel he is tailing.

    His better judgment takes a backseat and instantly he wants to get to know her better. He starts chatting with Jasmine online telling her that he is a police officer in the states, which is nothing but a lie but she buys into his fantasy and that is what he provides a fantasy.

    The more Desmond

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