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Eve's Eyes: Women Have Rights Because...
Eve's Eyes: Women Have Rights Because...
Eve's Eyes: Women Have Rights Because...
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Eve's Eyes: Women Have Rights Because...

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Another perspective: A Biblical basis for the "God given" rights of women. For eons, we have felt the need to fight for our "rights"...many forms of protest from the housewife who burns the bread on purpose, to organized marches in front of legislative bodies. In some ways, I guess we can say, "We've come a long way, baby. "It's one thing t

Release dateOct 15, 2021
Eve's Eyes: Women Have Rights Because...

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    Eve's Eyes - September Summer


    The Anointed Rose Press name and logo are registered Trademarks


    Eve’s Eyes©

    Women Have Rights Because…


    Email: [email protected]


    ISBN-13: 9780982684122

    ISBN-10: 0-98266841-2-6

    ISBN: 978-0-9896110-7-7 (e-book)

    ©2014 by September Summer

    Anointed Rose Press

    Coatesville, PA 19320

    Email: [email protected]

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014935458

    Library of Congress Catalog-in-Publication Data

    Summer, September

    Eve’s Eyes / September Summer

    ISBN 0-98266841-2-6 (trade pbk.: alk. Paper)

    08 09 10 11 12 13 14 AnR LS10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    1.Religion:Christian Life-Women’s Issues 2. Family & Relationships: General

    Cover Design:


    Coatesville, PA (267) 428-1721

    Printed in the USA for worldwide distribution. May not be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, except for brief quotations in printing, without permission from the publisher


    I dedicate this publication to women

    in all the

    various corners of the world,

    to those

    who have gone before us

    and to

    those who come after

    …to all

    the daughters of Eve.

    You are a glory to behold, and still are

    soooo precious in the eyes of our Creator.



    I give the highest Praise, Glory and Honor to my Heavenly Father, who loves me with unconditional love and grace. Thank you.

    I am so thankful for my parents, my awesome children, and each of my next two generations that are with us. How amazingly we are blessed!!

    Thank you to all of my friends, loved ones, prayerful supporters and ministry colleagues.

    Thank you to all of my GDC church family of Coatesville, PA. Special mention to my wonderful church sisters – I appreciate each of you!!

    Last, but definitely not least, I truly thank God for my spiritual covering, Apostle Bobby G. Duncan of Coatesville, PA, a man of much Godly wisdom; and my precious mentor (sister, friend), Rev. Dr. M. Frances Manning-Fontaine of Hackensack, NJ. They have surely lifted my arms up again and again. Godly leadership is invaluable!!



    From Can we talk? to Can trust be rebuilt? this book is a how-to on doing relationship at its fullest, finest and most flavorful. I say flavorful because we often say we are blessed and highly favored; but I say we are blessed and highly flavored. Flavored through life's experiences, flavored through the travails and trials through which God brings us...travails and trials through life experiences that make us laugh, pray, question, wonder, cry, shout, kick, scream, and holler through the vicissitudes of life through which we come.

    This book is filled with conscious conversations. Conversations in which it is clear the author has dialogued with God and others...conversations that are remarkable in their ability to cause us to dialogue with ourselves and teach bring us to that place of grace where we can say that we, too’ have been highly flavored by sitting at September Summer’s beautiful feet. My husband and I are grateful for her wisdom that has saved us many times!

    Where was she when we needed her? Sitting at the Father's feet for such a time as this! Happy relating!

    Aleuta Continua

    Dr. M. Frances Manning-Fontaine Senior Pastor-Teacher

    New Hope Baptist Church, Hackensack, New Jersey Spiritual Advisor

    North Jersey District Missionary Baptist Association

    Author of Women With Wind In Their Wings



    So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, Be fruitful and multiply…" Genesis 1: 27-28 (NLT)

    From the beginning, women were a part of God’s creation plan. Just reading in Genesis that women were made in his likeness gives me chills. I am woman, hear me roar. Seriously, how proud are we as women for who we are in God.

    With that read and said, what a pleasure to have the well-read author, September Summer amplify the importance, impact, and impressions that women especially make in today’s society. Eve’s Eyes, Women Have Rights Because… opens our eyes to a kaleidoscope of views of how we as women see our own selves, warts and all. The fascinating observations of our truths as seen through our eyes will have you wondering, How did she know I felt or thought that way?

    You will not find any lopsided, male bashing in this frank and honest book of thoughtful observations, but only a curious mind that has put great intuitive points of clarity to paper.

    One thing is for certain, September Summer’s latest page turner will have you waiting anxiously for the sequel, to answer some other of life’s mysterious queries. Please don’t keep us waiting too long. We will look forward to your candor and insight; and please don’t forget that balanced note of humor. May you continue to share your God-given talent with those who appreciate a quality read when we see on?

    Bishop Doris Ford, Founder, Author

    Cathedral of Faith International Fellowship of Churches and Ministries, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Table of Contents





    Table of Contents











    "…And thy desire shall be unto thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." Gen 3:16

    For eons, women have felt the need to have our various ‘rights’ spoken for. There have been many forms of protest or resistance, ranging from the housewife who let the bread burn on purpose, to the organized marches in front of legislative bodies. In some ways, we can say, We’ve come a long way, baby.

    It’s one thing to say you have a right to something. However, it’s a horse of another color (so to speak) to be absolutely confident in yourself that it’s true. Secondly, you have to be able to show validation of your claim.

    I could walk up to any bank teller and state that I have a right to a million dollars of the money in the bank. But, if I don’t possess a certified check or other legal document to prove my claim, I will be laughed at or possibly arrested.

    Metaphorically speaking, women’s claims to equal rights have historically been sneered at by societies at large or we have simply been arrested – placed under home arrest, abused, denigrated or ignored.

    This isn’t a research thesis or a panacea to solve all of the issues between women, our significant others, and the world around us. Nor is it meant to be a How to get my share of the pie. guidebook.

    The focus of Eve’s Eyes is to address how (1) we often see ourselves as females, and (2) how we are generally viewed by many of our counterparts. I present my frank and honest understanding of the general mindset of many modern women. Ironically, women of every socio-economic status, ethnicity, culture or spiritual ideology have had many of the same issues throughout history.

    I believe in the validity of the Bible. This, in turn, has a major impact upon my worldview. Accordingly, we as women are definitely, A precious gift given to the world, by God. It’s time for women and men, alike, to have our vision adjusted to see just how extraordinary females are, and that we are truly fearfully (awesomely) and wonderfully made. (Psa. 139:14)



    What gives you the right…?

    A major challenge with treating the eye disorder glaucoma is that the condition often goes undetected until considerable damage to the optic disc has occurred. Many people have developed varying degrees of irreversible blindness without realizing that their vision was decreasing. The process could be described as the light of vision becoming dim so gradually, that the person doesn’t notice until the light is almost gone.

    Current technology greatly enhances accurate measurement of the intraocular pressure within the eye during routine exams. This has become the primary mechanism to identify the condition before irreversible damage is done.

    A person with healthy eyes may wonder how the affected person could not notice that their vision is gradually being compromised. However, a strange quirk about the human mind and body is that we have the ability to adapt to changes in our environment that occur gradually, positive or negative. Oftentimes, we are not consciously aware that changes are taking place.

    Our minds have the amazing, and sometimes unhealthy, capacity to grow accustomed to how things are becoming. We can easily lose sight of how things truly should be. You may ask, "What does this line of thinking have to do with this book.

    Indeed, there is an increasing societal awareness that how a person sees (thinks, believes, perceives) herself is what primarily determines the parameters of who she considers herself to be.

    This is not to say that what the person sees is actually true reality; but it is his or her reality. Unless it is somehow detected that a person’s vision is distorted, as in glaucoma – the diminished and erroneous view is how they will govern their lives.

    The impact of this, which people now realize more than ever before, was clearly spelled out in the Bible a very long time ago. The wise man Solomon said in his writings, For as he thinketh in his heart (mind), so is he… (Proverbs 23:7) In other words, how we see ourselves becomes our reality.

    Unless it is somehow detected that a person’s vision is distorted, the erroneous view is how they will govern their lives.

    As women continue to pursue our rights in the various areas of our lives legislatively, socially, economically, and so forth, we must be sure to check our vision. I propose to you that one of the things that is sorely needed in our current global culture is for us to grasp a truism of who we are that is accurate and affirming.

    We are more than what we are often made to see (or believe) about ourselves. We are more than what millions of men have believed about us, down through the centuries. We are more than just silly women; baby Momma’s, eyelashes, booties and boobs; although those are definitely part of God’s wonderful endowment to us!!

    In the United States, we have The Declaration of Independence’, an historical document which declares, We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…"¹

    I declare to you that the term all men should more properly have been framed all mankind. Further, I declare that the rights that each individual human has, was pre-determined for us by the only being in the entire universe who could legally decide what those rights are. That being is the Creator Himself, who made us.

    It is my desire that we will derive the just power from the consent of our Creator to view ourselves through His eyes, so that we can be healed of our glaucoma stricken vision. Then, we can find the answers to our questions – what, who, why am I here?

    When I think about what I believe women have desired down through the ages, it’s really

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