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Defense Without Inside Linebackers: Help 'Em Lord
Defense Without Inside Linebackers: Help 'Em Lord
Defense Without Inside Linebackers: Help 'Em Lord
Ebook51 pages20 minutes

Defense Without Inside Linebackers: Help 'Em Lord

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About this ebook

As I watched games, I saw where the attack was aimed-right at the inside linebackers.

I was led to write this book after I retired and looked back at my life. God evidently gifted me to teach and coach and showed me a solution defending the modern offense. Whether it was "that is how we have always done it" that I was taught or just refus

Release dateDec 21, 2021
Defense Without Inside Linebackers: Help 'Em Lord

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    Book preview

    Defense Without Inside Linebackers - Joe D. Hicks


    Defense Without Inside Linebackers?

    Help ‘em lord!

    Joe D. Hicks

    Trilogy Christian Publishers


    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive

    Tustin, CA 92780

    Defense Without Inside Linebackers? Help ‘Em, Lord!

    Copyright © 2021 by Joe Hicks

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.

    Rights Department, 2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, CA 92780.

    Trilogy Christian Publishing/TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    Cover design by: Jeff Summers

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Trilogy Christian Publishing.

    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN: 978-1-63769-416-9

    E-ISBN: 978-1-63769-417-6


    Before Further Reading v

    Worksheet: Help ‘Em, Lord! vi

    Defense Without Inside Linebackers? 1

    Additional Formations for Defense 26

    Before Reading Further

    Before reading further, coaches should complete the following as a worksheet. Doing this will help you to have a strong foundation on how to use the information that will follow.

    Worksheet: Help ‘Em, Lord! (Matthew 6:33)

    Warming Up:

    1 Peter 3:15; 2 Timothy 4:1-22; Philippians 1:16; Numbers 8:24-26

    First Things First:

    Matthew 6:25-34; Deuteronomy 6:1-9

    Define Coordinator

    Psalm 32:8; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Proverbs 27:17

    Define Effective

    2 Timothy 2:15

    Define Winning

    1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Matthew 20:16; 2 Timothy 2:5; John 3:16; Hebrews 12:1; Romans 6:23

    Define Teaching

    Titus 2:7-8; Proverbs 22:6; Luke 6:40; Psalm 32:8; 2 Timothy 2:15

    Define Learning

    Proverbs 1:6-7; 10:17; 18:15; 9:9

    Defense Without Inside Linebackers?

    Gary Bartel and Bob Brush were my two college coordinators at West Texas State University. Both men had ways to get to

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