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Neuro Oratory & Conversational Hypnosis: The Masterful Art of Persuading and Influencing with the Power of Our Words
Neuro Oratory & Conversational Hypnosis: The Masterful Art of Persuading and Influencing with the Power of Our Words
Neuro Oratory & Conversational Hypnosis: The Masterful Art of Persuading and Influencing with the Power of Our Words
Ebook349 pages5 hours

Neuro Oratory & Conversational Hypnosis: The Masterful Art of Persuading and Influencing with the Power of Our Words

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About this ebook

Hello, how about it? ¡WELCOME! — To this training.
Let's start delving into a topic that I'm very passionate about; and what is, the neuro oratory next to the conversational hypnosis.
Which in essence are the masterful art of positively persuading and influencing with the power of our words.
The people who develop the public speaking art and the ability to communicate effectively, they have the virtually unlimited potential to conquer anything they set out to do in life.
And you may wonder...
¿It's that important to learn how to express our ideas effectively?
¿Communication is such a powerful means of establishing relationships with purity?
¿It can help me to communicate correctly to avoid misunderstandings?
¿Neuro oratory can allow me to position myself as a leader?
¿Mastering conversational hypnosis will really allow me to connect with the subconscious of my interlocutors?
¿The power of the spoken word can help me generate more empathy in my audience?
¿It would help me to speak in public with enthusiasm and security to open endless possibilities?
¿It can help me to communicate assertively, improve my personal and professional relationships?
¿This intensive training can really teach me to persuade and positively influence the surrounding people?
The answer to all these questions is definitely YES...
And this is the reason, why, I decided to create this intensive training for you. Condensed into a book, accompanied by a series of videos, audios and practical exercises that will take your communication skills to a much higher level compared to other similar courses.
My purpose is transmitting a legacy to you that helps make a difference in your life, and allow you leave a mark in every step you take on your path to excellence as a communicator. So, if you're ready, then let's get started...
What is the reason that inspired me to develop this training?
I have the firm conviction that every human being has the right to increase their chances of success, becoming communicators of excellence, learning to communicate their ideas in public more effectively, and bring the right information to the subconscious mind of their interlocutor.
Since, I am convinced that each person has something good to contribute to humanity. And I think, it's through the neuro oratory and the conversational hypnosis that we now have that possibility.
Through the techniques and methodologies of the neuro oratory that you will learn during all the training, you will begin to develop an extraordinary almost supernatural communications power, which allows you to persuade and influence positively to family, friends, colleagues, clients, and acquaintances; opening up endless opportunities almost unlimitedly.
And thanks to the strategies of conversational hypnosis that I will also share with you, you will be able to get people to better support your proposals by feeling more connected to your ideas.
Since as you master these new persuasive skills, you will begin to improve your communication levels in all other aspects of your existence.
Imagine it for a moment...
Who wouldn't like to experience an experience like this?
Who wouldn't like to have the privilege of being invited to participate in new businesses?
Who wouldn't like to be invited to social gatherings, called to congratulate them, greet them, and even ask for advice or mentoring?
Can you imagine?
This, and much more, is what you will be able to achieve thanks to this intensive training.
I assure you that, by mastering these techniques and methodologies applied correctly to your daily conversations, they will make people feel much more comfortable around you, which allows you to create a greater emotional connection with your audience and generate a better atmosphere of empathy or rapport with the people with whom you interact, thus initiating, a new reality in your life.

Release dateOct 13, 2021
Neuro Oratory & Conversational Hypnosis: The Masterful Art of Persuading and Influencing with the Power of Our Words

Ylich Tarazona

Profile in English:Recognized MSc YLICH TARAZONA, Psychologist, Gestalt Hypnotherapist, International Speaker and Writer – Author of the Series Basic Principles for Success and Preliminary Laws of Success.Master Coach with NLP and Trainer in NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING. Specialist in Alternative Therapies. Ericksonian Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT – Tapping), Energy Healing, Biodecoding and Germanic Medicine.Considered in the different media as one of the most prominent and influential professionals in the field of PERSONAL EXCELLENCE. Destined to exert a legacy in the lives of hundreds of people through his PASSION, ENTHUSIASM, DYNAMISM and principle-centered LEADERSHIP.C.E.O. Founder of HYPNO REENGINEERING and MENTAL BIO PROGRAMMING ® A Quantum Leap for the Evolution of the BEING and the Awakening of Consciousness.One of the ONLINE SYSTEMS dedicated to providing COACHING in the CONSOLIDATION of Competences and Development of the Maximum Human Potential. Specialized in Training, Training and High-level Training through the techniques of Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming and Mental Reengineering.Our methodology is designed to enhance the individual's skills through a sequence of sessions and therapies. Their objective is to guide the coachee to find the necessary tools that allow them to achieve their Goals. Specify your Objectives and Consolidate Effective Results of Optimum Performance in a specific field of action (Areas of Excellence).To obtain significant achievements more effectively, we accompany our process of HYPNO REENGINEERING and MENTAL BIO PROGRAMMING ® with Life Coaching Sessions. NLP techniques or Neurolinguistic Programming, Mental Reengineering, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Emotional Liberation Techniques and Quantum Energy Healing adapted for this purpose./-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-/*-/-*/PERFIL EN ESPAÑOL:MSc YLICH TARAZONA reconocido, Psicólogo, Hipnoterapeuta Gestalt, Conferencista Internacional y Escritor – Autor de la Serie Principios Básicos para Triunfar y Leyes Preliminares del Éxito.Máster Coach con PNL y Trainer en PROGRAMACIÓN NEUROLINGÜÍSTICA. Especialista en Terapias Alternativas. Hipnosis Ericksoniana, Técnica de Liberación Emocional (EFT – Tapping), Sanación Energética, Biodescodificación y Medicina Germánica.Considerado en los distintos medios de comunicación como uno de los profesionales más destacado e influyente dentro del campo de la EXCELENCIA PERSONAL. Destinado a ejercer un legado en la vida de cientos de personas a través de su PASIÓN, ENTUSIASMO, DINAMISMO y LIDERAZGO centrado en principios.C.E.O. Fundador de HIPNO REINGENIERÍA y BIO PROGRAMACIÓN MENTAL ® Un Salto Cuántica para la Evolución del SER y el Despertar de la Consciencia.Uno de los SISTEMAS ONLINE dedicado a brindar COACHING en la CONSOLIDACIÓN de Competencias y Desarrollo del Máximo Potencial Humano. Especializados en el Entrenamiento, Formación y Adiestramiento de alto nivel a través de las técnicas de la Hipnosis Ericksoniana, la Programación Neurolingüística y la Reingeniería Mental.Nuestra metodología está diseñada para potenciar las competencias del individuo por medio de una secuencia de sesiones y terapias. Que tienen como objetivo guiar a los coachee a encontrar las herramientas necesarias que les permitan Alcanzar sus Metas. Concretar sus Objetivos y Consolidar Resultados Eficaces de Óptimo Desempeño en un campo de acción específico (Áreas de Excelencia).Con el objetivo de obtener logros significativos de manera más efectiva, acompañamos nuestro proceso de HIPNO REINGENIERÍA y BIO PROGRAMACIÓN MENTAL ® con Sesiones de Life Coaching. Técnicas de PNL o Programación Neurolingüística, Reingeniería Mental, Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana, Técnicas de Liberación Emocional y Sanación Energética Cuántica adaptadas para tal fin.

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    Neuro Oratory & Conversational Hypnosis - Ylich Tarazona



    The Masterful Art of Persuading and Influencing with the Power of Our Words

    Master Coach Ylich Tarazona

    ---*---*---*---*---*---. ---*---*---*---*---*---


    This book called "NEURO ORATORY & CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS — The masterful art of persuading and influencing with the power of our words ® ©". Applied to effective, technical communication strategies for public speaking, mastery of stage fright and communicative persuasion through the "neuro-linguistic programming and the Hypnosis" is the intellectual property of YLICH TARAZONA.

    Legal notice: Intellectual property of Ylich Tarazona. All rights reserved., registration code: 1612210165104, in accordance with the worldwide copyright. Date: October 22, 2021.

    3rd Special Edition, reviewed and updated by:

    Ylich Tarazona. October 2021.

    ISBN-13: 9798495350205

    BISAC: Neuro Oratory / Conversational Hypnosis / Neurolinguistic Programming / Hypnosis / Communication

    Nowhere in this book may be stored in data retrieval systems, nor reproduced or modified in whole or in part. Similarly, it cannot be reduced, extended or transmitted in any way or by any other format, whether electronic, digital, virtual, mechanical or manual printing.

    Including photocopies, scans, recordings, reproductions, and distribution via online, written, or any other storage system or data recovery software.

    Its use for commercial use is totally prohibited without notice or written permission to the publisher and his/her legal representative.

    Those who violate these rules will be severely punished under copyright protection laws.

    ---*---*---*---*---*---. ---*---*---*---*---*---


    Relevant Information of this Edition.

    Hello, how about it?, my dear readers. First, thank you for acquiring this extraordinary neuro oratory training and conversational hypnosis, a special edition, written with you in mind.

    Before I begin, I want to inform you of some essential changes I have made to this 3rd edition.

    If you own any of the previous versions; you will check that I have carried out some important revisions and updates. Since they seemed necessary to me to fulfill the purpose for which I wrote this book For you.

    Among the changes I have made, I have incorporated many examples and practical exercises related to the lesson of some of the most relevant chapters.

    In the few cases in which I edit the text, or change part of the content, they have been to better adapt them to the examples and exercises recently incorporated in this work.

    These modifications are almost imperceptible in most cases, since first I wanted to respect the original manuscript and the main idea of the present book, with its defects and virtues.

    So on the few occasions in which I have incorporated certain ideas, I have added some additional point, or I have added some elements of interest to my readers, it is because I have found it convenient for the correct application of the principles of "neuro oratory and conversational hypnosis" contained in this edition.

    If you have had the opportunity to read some of my other print or digital books, you have been able to appreciate that both the literary style of my writings; and the characteristic typographic style that I use when expressing my ideas, they intend a single purpose.

    Help you develop the maximum of your communicative potential, taking your communication to the next level, allowing you to better understand the concepts, definitions, and action plan that I share, to help you internalize these principles into your life.

    To achieve this goal; at the end of some key chapters, I share a range of exercises and examples that will allow you to put into practice the essence of what you have just studied.

    In the same way, I also offer you a series of Recapitulations or basic principles to reflect on that will help you reinforce what you've learned.

    ---*---*---*---*---*---. ---*---*---*---*---*---


    The teachings contained in my books, the vast majority, are a strategic combination mixed with powerful Stories, Metaphors, Parables, and Allegories that I have been collecting over the years from different sources and authors.

    The goal of extracting so extraordinary collection and capture them in my works is; help my readers better understand the information I want to convey to them subjectively.

    In this way; through the learning of symbolic representations and Figurative, you can acquire ideas more creatively.

    Since this type of Examples, expressions, concepts, and ideas can subjectively stimulate a wide variety of multisensory sensations both at the level (visual, auditive, and Kinesthetic) that allow to evoke images, sounds, sensations, emotions, and feelings in the mind of the reader.

    Other Methodologies typographic that I use when writing my works; is that I use a diversity of literary styles.

    Introducing a wide variety of punctuation marks, Bold, Italics, Underlined, combinations of lowercase and UPPERCASE.

    As well as the use of conscious repetition of ideas transmitted in different contexts or situations, with the aim of recording them in the conscious and subconscious mind of the reader.

    Sometimes, too. "I strategically change the way I write by expressing my ideas in the first and second person" to make reading more didactic, versatile and pleasant.

    If this seems inappropriate or incorrect at a certain time, I want to anticipate in advance that it is not in any way an oversight on my part, or ignorance of editing the work. On the contrary, has a clear objective and pursues a specific purpose.

    And finally, among other resources that I use the most are personal expressions such as you and thee, to refer directly to my readers, with the sole intention that they can feel identified with my words, and have the full conviction that all my books are written with them in mind.

    ---*---*---*---*---*---. ---*---*---*---*---*---


    Author's Preface

    Hello, how about it? ¡WELCOME! — To this training.

    Let's start delving into a topic that I'm very passionate about; and what is, the neuro oratory next to the conversational hypnosis.

    Which in essence are the masterful art of positively persuading and influencing with the power of our words.

    The people who develop the public speaking art and the ability to communicate effectively, they have the virtually unlimited potential to conquer anything they set out to do in life.

    And you may wonder…

    ¿It's that important to learn how to express our ideas effectively?

    ¿Communication is such a powerful means of establishing relationships with purity?

    ¿It can help me to communicate correctly to avoid misunderstandings?

    ¿Neuro oratory can allow me to position myself as a leader?

    ¿Mastering conversational hypnosis will really allow me to connect with the subconscious of my interlocutors?

    ¿The power of the spoken word can help me generate more empathy in my audience?

    ¿It would help me to speak in public with enthusiasm and security to open endless possibilities?

    ¿It can help me to communicate assertively, improve my personal and professional relationships?

    ¿This intensive training can really teach me to persuade and positively influence the surrounding people?

    The answer to all these questions is definitely YES

    And this is the reason, why, I decided to create this intensive training for you. Condensed into a book, accompanied by a series of videos, audios and practical exercises that will take your communication skills to a much higher level compared to other similar courses.

    My purpose is transmitting a legacy to you that helps make a difference in your life, and allow you leave a mark in every step you take on your path to excellence as a communicator. So, if you're ready, then let's get started…

    "I've never said it's easy, but I promise you it won't be impossible either… They just have to be willing to pay the price of success and then enjoy the results for the rest of their entire lives." Master Coach Ylich Tarazona.

    ---*---*---*---*---*---. ---*---*---*---*---*---


    Oratory in Antiquity

    The history of the oratory, it dates back to the time of Ancient Greece. Although the skill of verbal communication was already used, and was known many years before in other cultures such as the Syrians, Babylonians, Persians, and Sumerians.

    However, it was in Greece that the first school of oratory founded by Socrates himself was formally developed.

    Socrates was a renowned Greek philosopher, regarded as one of the greatest orators of his time.

    He was master of Plato, who, in turn, had Aristotle as a disciple, these three being the fundamental representatives of the philosophy of Ancient Greece.

    Socrates, despite not having written his ideas, managed to transmit his philosophy to millions of people.

    And the details of his life are known thanks to three contemporary sources: Plato's Dialogues, the works of Aristophanes and Xenophon's Dialogues, which were formed in his ideas.

    Ideas that were then transmitted by his followers. Among the most outstanding are the Plato, Antisthenes, Aristipo, Esquines among many others.

    Socrates managed to become a significant and relevant character in history thanks to his great power of persuasion that he exercised through his oratory and the power of the spoken word.

    He was a very persuasive and influential communicator, as he managed to convince his audience in a very eloquent way.

    Their Socratic school promoted the importance of acquiring ethical and moral values, as well as promoting the need to instruct oneself for transmitting knowledge orally as eloquently as possible.

    And so, transmit the information to all who listened to the speaker, contributing to the progress of the state.

    The intention of Socratic philosophy was to search for that knowledge that allowed its application to live a better life. And the knowledge he preached was focused on action.

    Later, years later, oratory passed to the Roman Republic, where Marcus Tullius Cicero who was a Roman jurist, politician, philosopher, writer, and orator who perfected the philosophical art of oratory by taking it to the political and military field.

    Marcus Tullius Cicero he was considered in his time as one of the greatest rhetoricians of Latin prose of the Roman Republic.

    Universally recognized as one of the most important authors of Roman history, responsible for the introduction of the most famous Hellenic Philosophical Schools, as well as the creation of a philosophical vocabulary in Latin.

    Marcus Tullius Cicero he was regarded as one of the greatest orators and reputed advocate of the Roman Republic.

    Although he devoted most of his life to politics, he is remembered for his great humanist, philosophical and political contributions.

    Years later, another great orator named Marco Fabio Quintiliano, who was a well-known Hispano-Roman pedagogue.

    His fame comes from his work Institutio Oratoria (c. 95 A.C.), an encyclopedic that collects, in twelve volumes, everything that was necessary for the formation of a speaker in his time.

    As a supreme model, it proposes Cicero (already mentioned above).

    In the first two books, Marco Fabio Quintiliano it deals with elementary education and methods for basic training in the field of rhetoric.

    The basic principle required that the future speaker should have good knowledge in literature and grammar.

    He then devotes the following nine books to the fundamentals and techniques of public speaking:

    From the third to the seventh, for example, it already exposes the phases of INVENTIO (which means «Invention» or «Discovery»).

    ELOCUTIO (which comes from the Latin loqui, speak although the word elocution now it is more associated with the eloquent speech and connoted style for the classical rhetorical model important in the composition of any discourse today).

    And concludes the third with a description of the three oratory genres, which is inspired by the rhetoric and in the Poetics of Aristotle:

    The judicial, deliberative or sumbulético and demonstrative or epideictic genre.

    The fourth deals with the parts of the discourse, namely the EXORDIUM (preamble or introduction) of the narrative or description of the facts, the argumentation, the proposition, and the division of the discourse.

    From the eighth to the tenth deals with the Elocutio; the eleventh is about Memory and ACTIO, and finally the twelfth deals with qualities, character, ethics, and Deontology which the speaker must possess.

    In summary, we can classify them as follows:

    * Inventio (invention): find what to say and select the most convenient.

    * Dispositio (ordination): knowing how to organize what is to be said in the order most conducive to the end pursued.

    * Elocutio (expression): choosing the best way, words, and style to seduce with what is said.

    * Actio (declamation): knowing how to combine the word, tone and gesture, and adapting the speech to the circumstances in which it is pronounced.

    * Memory (memory): mnemonics, or ways of retaining what should be said and not forgetting it.

    For all the above, his encyclopedia of oratory "institutio Oratoria", was considered in its time as the most important work ever written on the subject until now.


    The Power of the Word Through History

    As we read at the beginning, the power of the spoken word and oratory, they have been an important part of our history through the ages.

    It was Socrates, one of those, who made it known formally through his Socratic school.

    And it was his followers. Plato, Aristophanes and Xenophon, those who passed on their teachings from one generation to the next.

    Some time later it was Marcus Fabius Quintilianus who with his eloquence and philosophical rhetoric embodied the bases of ancient oratory…

    However, in this modern era of neuroscience, and the latest scientific advances in how the human mind works, have shown that many of the original foundations of ancient oratory and the way in which they used to be transmitted, have had to evolve and adapt to the new paradigms of our society.

    This means that at present the real one effective communication across of the power of the spoken word do not necessarily mean be a scholar in the language or know exactly all the rules governing spoken and written language.

    Nor is it, speaking perfectly and having the rhetorical capabilities to address small or large groups of people.

    Much less is it to maintain a correct posture, a rigid voice, a penetrating gaze or a difference in status between the speaker and the listeners.

    Although this was important, of course, in ancient times. Nowadays, it is not quite the most significant at the time to persuade, influence, seduce and captivate the mind of our interlocutor.

    The real magic of neuro oratory and conversational hypnosis Modern is in the ability to convey our ideas, thoughts, and emotions clearly and accurately.

    In such a way, that the people who listen to us and come into contact with us from the beginning can feel that degree of empathy and connection, which allows us through the power of our words to generate an atmosphere of trust.

    Since it is these feelings of connection and empathy that will allow us to communicate our message more effectively to our listeners, resulting in the possibility to generate, create, organize, transform, empower, promote, offer and build opportunities (win-win) between both parties.

    When I think of those great historical figures who have influenced in the history of mankind.

    Whether it is positively influencing the way we think, feel and act, I can only be amazed to see; that, what allowed them to conquer such great feats, was the power of the spoken word.

    One of the greatest and most recognized masters of history of all time, who, with the power of the spoken word, he communicated his message to us, was Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the son of God.

    That, with his love, example and principled leadership, together with his ability to communicate effectively, it allowed to literally reach millions of people around the world.

    Today, more than 2000 years after sharing his doctrine, even his message is still valid, still taught and preached by his followers around the world.

    And this same one power of influence on the spoken word and the ability to communicate persuasively before small and large masses of people.

    We can also find them in large Leaders politicians, Religious, Military, Rulers, Peacemakers, spiritual teachers and Philosophers, among which we can highlight:

    To Winston Churchill that with their legendary speeches they motivated the morale of an entire nation.

    Abraham Lincoln that through his Gettysburg Address it became an iconic defense of the principles of nationalism, equal rights, freedom, and democracy.

    The Liberator Simon Bolivar, who was one of the most prominent figures of the American emancipation in front of Spain and contributed its courage to inspire the independence of 7 countries.

    The Mother Teresa of Calcutta that with their message of love, dedication, and service they touched the hearts of thousands of people who joined their cause.

    Martin Luther King that through his expressive speech I have a dream (I have a Dream) in defense of the rights of Civil, he spoke eloquently of his desire for a future in which people of black and white complexion could harmoniously coexist as equals.

    Other great characters of renown such as Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Muhammad, and Buddha they also mobilized hundreds and thousands of followers influenced by their ideals and the power of the word.

    And finally, we can mention the great Greek philosophers as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

    Great Athenian speakers such as Demosthenes Aristophanes, Xenophon, and Pericles.

    Or the Roman speakers Marcus Tullius Cicero and Marco Fabio Quintiliano just to name a few who with their eloquence and ancient oratory attracted behind them also many followers.

    If you notice, the great leaders, politicians, religious, military, rulers, peacemakers, spiritual teachers and philosophers of all time, have conveyed their message thanks to the power of the spoken word and the magic of effective communication which allowed them to positively influence their followers.

    However, this same gift has been properly used for of humanity.

    It has also been used selfishly and negatively for the destruction of man, as it has been in the case of Adolf Hitler, who through the power of his words influenced an entire country and its troops to carry out the most heinous racial crimes against the Jewish nation.

    And just like him, many other great tyrants of history have also negatively influenced through the power of his words.

    And with this last point, what I want to get to understand. It is that the power to influence and persuade positively to others or in extreme cases up to manipulate the mind of a collective is in the decision of each person, in the choice that each human being makes with this powerful art of persuasive communication.

    In other words, my dear reader. The decision to apply these techniques properly, and the choice to use these tools in the right way, is in your hands.

    It will be up to you to use this knowledge in the most appropriate way possible for the mutual benefit of all with whom you relate.

    And this is my invitation, that you learn all the good that I am going to teach you in this training, and always use it in favor of noble and ecological causes that always allow generating, create, organize, transform, empower, promote, offer and build opportunities (win-win) for everyone equally.

    Remember that the real one power of the spoken word and the authentic magic of effective communication are in their correct application.

    These tools that they will learn below have a very valuable function of helping and guiding you to strengthen your interpersonal relationships.

    I am completely convinced that the principles of neuro oratory and conversational hypnosis that you will learn throughout this training will help you develop the maximum of your communications potential.

    So, if you're ready. So let's move on.

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    The Power of the Word, The Art of Communicating in Public with Power, Enthusiasm and Security

    Welcome to this second chapter of training neuro oratory and conversational hypnosis.

    If you've come this far, it's because you want to develop the masterful art of persuading and influencing with your words.

    A necessary skill, if you want to take your communication to the next level; and increase your chances of success in your personal and professional life.

    Through this intensive training, I will teach you the most powerful techniques and the most effective methodologies used by the most outstanding leaders, speakers, and speakers of all time.

    Techniques and methodologies; that I, I have used to persuade and influence to small and large audience groups, thus generating a great emotional connection between them and me.

    If you follow step by step the exercises that I am going to teach you and put into practice the principles of the conversational hypnosis, what you are going to learn in this training.

    You are going to become a master of the neuro oratory, you will learn to master the power of the spoken word, and you will achieve the ability to expose with ease, creating an appropriate communication environment in each situation that comes your way.

    Allowing you to leave everyone who listens to you amazed, thanks to your charisma, dynamism, and ability to public speaking with power and security.


    What is the reason that inspired me to develop this training?

    I have the firm conviction that every human being has the right to increase their chances of success, becoming communicators of excellence, learning to communicate their ideas in public more effectively, and bring the right information to the subconscious mind of their interlocutor.

    Since, I am convinced that each person has something good to contribute to humanity. And I think, it's through the neuro oratory and the conversational hypnosis that we now have that possibility.

    Through the techniques and methodologies of the neuro oratory that you will learn during all the training, you will begin to develop an extraordinary almost supernatural communications power, which allows you to persuade and influence positively to family, friends, colleagues, clients, and acquaintances; opening up endless opportunities almost unlimitedly.

    And thanks to the strategies of conversational hypnosis that I will also share with you, you will be able to get people to better support your proposals by feeling more connected to your ideas.

    Since as you master these new persuasive skills, you will begin to improve your communication levels in all other aspects of your existence.

    Imagine it for a moment…

    Who wouldn't like to experience an experience like this?

    Who wouldn't like to have the privilege of being invited to participate in new businesses?

    Who wouldn't like to be invited to social gatherings, called to congratulate them, greet them, and even ask for advice or mentoring?

    Can you imagine?

    This, and much more, is what you will be able to achieve thanks to this intensive training.

    I assure you that, by mastering these techniques and methodologies applied correctly to your daily conversations, they will make people feel much more comfortable around you, which allows you to create a greater emotional connection with your audience and generate a better atmosphere of empathy or rapport with the people with whom you interact, thus initiating, a new reality in your life.

    interesting right?

    Before I continue, I will ask you a significant question:

    Are you willing to make as much effort as possible, from here and now, applying to your daily interactions the most innovative and cutting-edge techniques and methodologies you will learn in this training to take your communication to the next level, and thus increase your persuasive skills?

    If so, and your answer is yes. Congratulations.

    Since your commitment to this training is the only way in which you will achieve success in becoming a world-class communicator, one recognized elite speaker and an international speaker.


    Who is this training for?

    This intensive training is for all those people who are interested in using the techniques of neuro oratory and the methodologies of the conversational hypnosis to persuade and influence in themselves and in other people.

    Remember that if you are not 100% committed and willing to fully follow each process of this training; then stop and don't read on.

    Since this training, is only and exclusively for all those people who really aspire to become excellent communicators and master the masterful art of neuro

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