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Completely Inescapable
Completely Inescapable
Completely Inescapable
Ebook295 pages4 hours

Completely Inescapable

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Maddy and Tyler have faced battle after battle but they have finally won the war.
They are a family.
An out in the open, completely monogamous couple.
It’s a day that Maddy never thought she would see but it turns out that fairy tales really do exist.
She finally has her prince charming, forever.
Things may be going well for the happy couple on the surface but their families are still feuding in the background and it’s causing tension between the young couple.
Olivia is trying her best to keep the peace and she’s thankful for Hayden’s friendship and support.
However, it’s becoming obvious that Hayden wants more than just a friendship with her.
She may have caved and let him back into her life but she has made it crystal clear that he’s never going to be anything more than a friend to her.

Will Hayden be able to win Olivia’s heart once more or did his betrayal run too deep?

Completely Inescapable is the fourth and final instalment in the Relinquish series. Due to its explicit content, bad language and graphic sexual content, Completely Inescapable is recommended for mature readers of eighteen years and above.

PublisherAlexa Kane
Release dateDec 2, 2021
Completely Inescapable

Alexa Kane

Alexa Kane is a contemporary romance author and Secrets and Deception is her debut novel.Alexa lives in Australia with her husband but she calls New Zealand home.

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    Book preview

    Completely Inescapable - Alexa Kane

    Completely Inescapable

    Relinquish SERIES BOOK Four


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    Published by Alexa Kane

    Copyright 2021 by Alexa Kane

    All Rights Reserved. ©

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    The author acknowledges all song titles, song lyrics, film titles, film characters, trademarked statuses, brands, mentioned in this book are the property of, and belong to, their respective owners. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized / associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


    Because of its explicit sexual content, mature themes and bad language, it is suitable for readers over 18 years of age.

    I hope you enjoy reading the final installment of the Relinquish series.


    Title Page


    Author’s Note

    Chapter 1 - Olivia

    Chapter 2 - Maddy

    Chapter 3 - Tyler

    Chapter 4 - Maddy

    Chapter 5 - Olivia

    Chapter 6 - Olivia

    Chapter 7 - Olivia

    Chapter 8 - Maddy

    Chapter 9 - Hayden

    Chapter 10 - Olivia

    Chapter 11 - Olivia

    Chapter 12 - Olivia

    Chapter 13 - Hayden

    Epilogue - Olivia

    Thank you very much for reading



    Tyler’s silent for the rest of the drive and when we pull up outside Mom and Dad’s place, I see Uncle Kyle standing between our house and Uncle Jayden’s.

    Getting out of the car we walk up to him and I ask, What are you doing Uncle Kyle?

    I don’t know what to do. He keeps looking between the houses but glances back at Tyler briefly. You sure made a fucking mess of things kid. I know I used to joke about you fucking Maddy but it was just that, a joke, I didn’t think you would actually do it.

    Tyler bristles under the accusation, It’s not like that Uncle Kyle.

    Whatever you say kid, just fix it and fix it fast. He starts staring between the houses again. I’ve never seen them like this before and I want my friends back.

    We leave Uncle Kyle staring between the two houses and walk into Mom and Dad’s house.

    Dad turns up the second he hears the door open. Where the fuck were you last night?

    God, he can be dramatic, Tyler is a grown ass man. Dad can you calm down please?

    He glares at me, No, I’m not going to calm down. Turning his attention to Tyler, his glare remains firmly fixed in place. You left without a word yesterday and your mother was worried about you.

    Just Mom, he says sarcastically.

    Dad remains extremely unimpressed. I took a guess at where you were but sticking your dick in Jayden’s daughter again isn’t going to make this situation any better.

    Holy fuck, Dad is really angry about this.

    I bet Uncle Jayden wouldn’t be as upset if one of his boys slept with one of the girls we call family. They all really need to let that double standard shit go.

    It’s getting fucking old.

    Tyler was reasonably calm until Dad had to go and make that comment. Fuck you Dad, you have no idea what you’re talking about!

    So you are saying you didn’t stay with Maddy last night? When Tyler hesitates, Dad starts up again, For fuck sakes Tyler, she kept a kid from you! Your wife stormed out yesterday saying it was over and you run to the woman who lied to you instead of trying to salvage your marriage! What the fuck is wrong with you?

    Dad, don’t speak to him like that, you don’t know the full story. Dad is being way out of line here.

    Where the hell is Mom? She needs to shut this shit down before it gets out of hand.

    Dad’s glare turns my way, The full story isn’t hard to figure out. He stuck his dick where it didn’t belong and got someone who isn’t his wife pregnant, fucking twice! He turns his attention back to Tyler, Didn’t I tell you when you were younger that we have super sperm son, you should have been more careful. Now I have fucking Jayden up my ass causing a scene and it’s my job to defend you.

    Yeah, he’s doing a great job of defending him right now.

    He’s basically calling Tyler an idiot.

    I’m about to intervene again when Tyler beats me to it. I can defend myself, I’m not a child.

    Yeah, he scoffs. You did a real good job of defending yourself yesterday when he was pummeling your face in.

    Mom finally appears at Dad’s side and grabs onto his arm. Stop with all the yelling, let’s go sit down in the living room.

    Dad calms at Mom’s touch but I can tell that his rage is still simmering beneath the surface.

    Once we are all seated, Mom sits on Dad’s lap which I’m guessing is her way to keep him under control. He can’t stand up and start ranting again if she is sitting on top of him.

    Tyler dear, I have to say that we are very disappointed in you. I hate when she pulls the disappointment card out, it’s way worse than being yelled at by Dad. We raised you better than to have an affair, poor Laura must be heartbroken.

    Tyler looks down at the floor, I know Mom, I’m sorry and I’m going to go back to New York to sort things out with her.

    She shakes her head in sympathy, I’m not sure she’s going to forgive you Tyler.

    His head snaps up, I don’t want her to forgive me Mom. I’m going to get a divorce and move back here.

    Mom and Dad’s mouths open in matching shock but before either of them can ask any more questions, we hear a commotion outside.

    Uncle Jayden bursts through the door with Maddy and Aunty Ashley hot on his heels.

    Uncle Kyle runs in next and blocks Uncle Jayden from coming any closer to us. Look, I think everyone needs to sit down and talk but why don’t I stay and mediate.

    Everyone scoffs at his idea, including me, Uncle Kyle trying to mediate an argument doesn’t sound like a very good idea.

    He continues to plead his case, Look, I want this sorted so we can move on and I’m impartial.

    Impartial, Uncle Jayden scoffs. Tyler’s always been your favorite.

    That’s not true he just came along first and became my little bud, he winks at Tyler which only further proves that he’s not impartial.

    Mom pipes up, I think that’s a good idea Kyle, everyone pull up a chair and we can get started. Olivia, it’s probably best if you went home.

    What? Why the fuck does Uncle Kyle get to stay but I get sent home?

    Mom’s voice morphs into her don’t mess with me tone. This doesn’t concern you. Go spend the day with Hayden.

    I’m about to argue when Maddy walks over and squeezes in next to me on the couch. She’s right Olivia, thank you for being here but this is my mess. I need to fix it.

    This is Italy all over again. No one wants my help. Fine but I want to know everything that went down later. No more secrets.

    No more secrets, I promise. She holds up her little finger and after a pinky promise, I stand up to leave.

    Part of me wants to stay and eavesdrop but I decide against it when I get outside. I’ll just have to trust that Maddy really will tell me everything this time.

    Standing on the porch, I realize I don’t have a key for any of the cars here so I pull my phone out and call Hayden.

    When I explain what’s happening, he doesn’t hesitate to tell me that he will be there in ten minutes.

    He’s good like that.

    Always dropping everything when I’m in need.

    Who would have thought he was so reliable?

    Hanging up the phone, I decide to wait by the curb because otherwise I will be tempted to eavesdrop.

    As it is, I keep glancing back at my parents’ house every time I hear raised voices but I will my feet to remain firmly planted on the ground.

    There is no way that I’m going back in that house after the way I was treated.

    I know when I’m not wanted and it’s clear that no one in that house wants my help.

    It sucks that Uncle Kyle can stay as a mediator but I get kicked out without a second thought.

    Maddy and Tyler are both peacemakers so it wouldn’t surprise me if they sat there and did nothing to defend themselves.

    Just like yesterday.

    At least if I was there, I would be another person in their corner.

    I don’t agree with Tyler and Maddy going behind Laura’s back the way that they did but that doesn’t mean that I want to see them thrown to the wolves.

    I’ll be on their side no matter what crazy shit they do.

    Relief courses through me when I see Hayden’s car pull onto my parent’s street.

    At least he will be able to provide a well needed distraction.

    I’m not sure how much yelling I can listen to without intervening.

    His car slowly pulls up alongside me and the window rolls down. How much?

    Excuse me? What the hell is he talking about?

    He looks me up and down then smirks, How much?

    When I cotton on to his lame joke, I burst out laughing, You’re a bastard Hayden.

    Made you laugh though, didn’t I? He raises one eyebrow and grins, Get in.

    Opening the passenger door, I hop in and fasten my seatbelt. Turning sideways in my seat I decide to play his game, I charge two thousand an hour, do you think you can afford me?

    That’s depends. His smile turns sly, What do I get for two thousand dollars?

    Chuckling, I can’t decide how far I actually want to take this, it’s getting a little heavy. Deep and meaningful conversation.

    He pretends to think on it, Will you throw in a free lunch?

    I grin, Deal.

    Shake on it, he holds out his hand for me to shake..

    Uh uh, I tease. In this family we pinky swear.

    Holding up my little finger, he wraps his large pinky around mine. Glad to know I’m part of the family, he winks then pulls away from the curb.

    After what you saw yesterday, I’m not sure why you would want to be a part of this family. He has seen and heard some pretty fucked up shit that has gone on in my family that would send most sane people running for the hills.

    When I first had dinner with Jacob’s parents, we had only been dating four months. It took me another two months to build up the courage to bring him around for dinner with my folks as his family was the definition of perfect.

    After we left their house, I asked Jacob if everyone was on their best behavior because of me but he just looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about.

    I always thought my family was super normal but after having dinner with Jacob’s family, it made me second guess everything.

    Jacob kept pestering me about meeting my parents and he thought I was exaggerating when I would tell him stories to prepare him.

    The joke was on him though because look what happened at the very first and last dinner that I took him too.

    It was a fucking shit storm that led to the downfall of our relationship.

    I should have just taken a page out of Emily’s book and kept my boyfriend a secret.

    Emily and Xander are still going strong and it’s because they don’t have to deal with my family.

    Next time I meet someone, I will have to think more like her.

    For a quiet one she’s awfully crafty.

    Glancing at me out of the corner of his eye, Hayden mutters, I have my reasons.

    What? I ask, completely distracted.

    My mind is all over the place this morning and I can’t remember what we talking about.

    Nothing. He taps his thumbs against the steering wheel. Where to?

    I shrug, Don’t care.

    Hey, if I’m paying two grand an hour for this date then you better make it worth my while.

    Date huh? I raise one eyebrow in question.

    Ignoring my comment, he suggests, I was checking out Point Defiance Park online last night, why don’t we go there?

    Sure. I really meant it when I said I didn’t care.

    Any distraction would be welcome right now.

    Hayden turns on the radio and we drive in silence to Point Defiance Park.

    It’s a pretty nice place and I suggest that we do the Five Mile Drive’s outer loop then stop at Owen Beach for a while.

    Halfway through the scenic drive, Hayden mentions wanting to go on some hikes to help with his recovery and fitness and I eagerly agree. I love the outdoors but I don’t spend nearly enough time outside.

    Working from home is great but it means that I spend most of my days in front of a computer. When I do get out, it’s normally to the nearest playground with Max and that’s not exactly vigorous exercise.

    When we park at Owen Beach, Hayden shuts the engine off and rubs his left leg.

    Are you okay? I enquire.

    Hmm. Glancing down at his hand, he says, Oh, yeah, I just get stiff when I sit for a long period.

    You should have said something when I mentioned doing this drive. He never mentions being injured or sore so it’s easy to forget that he’s not his old self.

    It’s fine, I enjoyed the drive. He slowly gets out of the car and I follow suit. Let’s find somewhere to sit and we can start on that deep and meaningful conversation. Walking around to the trunk, Hayden pulls out a blanket and a picnic basket.

    This doesn’t really seem like a spur of the moment kind of thing anymore. Did you plan to bring me here?

    Maybe, he says coyly. Let’s go.

    Running to catch up to him, I eye the picnic basket. That looks familiar.

    I try to take at least the basket off him but he pulls it away from me. That’s because Sarah made a bunch of stuff for us.

    For us?

    Let me guess, Grandma Astley is Team Hayden too. You talk to Grandma Astley about me?

    He shrugs, Not really but she asked what my plans were over breakfast this morning and I said I was thinking of bringing you here.

    Well if Grandma Astley made everything in there, then I’m not complaining. Her skills in the kitchen are next level. We find a nice spot to sit and Hayden lays out the blanket. Do you have many meals with them?

    If my car is in the driveway when it’s mealtime then she doesn’t take no for an answer. Hayden sits on the blanket but looks like he is struggling to get comfortable.

    If he said that he gets stiff sitting for long periods then it’s not exactly the best idea to sit here for lunch. We can go find a picnic table if you want?

    Huh? He looks up at me, Oh, no I’m fine.

    You don’t look fine, I protest.

    He looks up at me again and pleads with his eyes, Just sit down Liv, please?

    I don’t know why men always act so macho and don’t want to admit that they are hurt or need help. It’s super annoying.

    Fine. Taking a seat on the blanket, I dive into the picnic basket. Just don’t complain to me later when you try to get up and are all stiff.

    Laughter rings out, Don’t worry, I’ll keep the complaints to myself.

    He seems to be holding himself back from saying something and then I realize that he probably wants to crack a joke about being stiff when he stands up.

    Not wanting to hear him say another dirty joke, I ask, If you had all this set up then why did you ask me to throw in a free lunch?

    He pauses as he reaches into the picnic basket. Um, I was hoping that maybe I could cash in on the free lunch tomorrow?

    Ah, so we’re being greedy now.

    In a quiet voice he looks away as he says, Not greedy, just hopeful.

    If I get two thousand dollars an hour again tomorrow then I’m all yours. I don’t actually expect to get paid to spend time with him but I quite like this joke and I plan to run with it for a while.

    Besides, we spend most days together now anyway, so it’s not like going out for lunch together is anything special.

    Clearing his throat, he says awkwardly, I’ll need to put that on my tab.

    Your tab? Finally getting to the bottom of the basket, I grin in delight, Yes! I love Grandma Astley’s chocolate chip cookies.

    Well I hope you like those because I made them.

    My head snaps around in surprise, You did?

    Yeah, he shrugs. Sarah said they were your favorite so she showed me how to make them while she was preparing the other stuff.

    Hayden baked for me.


    That’s like super sweet.

    I would almost go as far as to say that’s the most adorable thing any guy has ever done for me.

    Would it be weird if I asked him to bake for me again so I could watch?

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of the men in my family bake before but between Grandma Astley and Aunty Ashley there’s not really any need for someone else to bake anything. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you are trying to get brownie points.

    Chuckling, he says, Nope, don’t need brownie points when I have an unlimited tab.

    Unlimited huh? I ask dryly.

    He grabs a sandwich and starts unwrapping it. Definitely unlimited, I can’t afford someone like you.

    Is that so? I wonder what he means by someone like me?

    Is he trying to imply that I’m high maintenance or something?

    Smiling, he tries to cover his grin with his sandwich. Yeah, the best ones are always the most expensive.

    Oh, so he’s still trying to be a comedian then. Have a lot of experience with hookers, do you?

    Smirking, he takes a large bite. Just the ones I arrest.

    Picking up my own sandwich, I ask, Do they try to give you any special favors to get out of being arrested?

    He almost chokes on his sandwich, No, but only you would ask that.

    Seeing as we’re on the subject, I might as well try and pry some information out of him. So…you’re a cop.

    Yeah, he replies hesitantly.

    I bet he thinks he’s about to walk into some kind of trap but I’m genuinely curious about his career. Why did you become one?

    When he realizes that I’m actually interested in knowing, he relaxes and pours us both a glass of grape juice. "I wasn’t lucky enough to be placed in a foster home with people like Alex and Ryleigh. When I was sixteen, I got placed with this family and

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