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Alisha's Testimony: Living set free and apart from sexual sin
Alisha's Testimony: Living set free and apart from sexual sin
Alisha's Testimony: Living set free and apart from sexual sin
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Alisha's Testimony: Living set free and apart from sexual sin

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This inspirational Christian memoir chronicles some spiritual encounters Alisha L. Boykin had with demons, as well as some more pleasant encounters with Jesus Christ. She shares her testimony of turning away from being involved in sexual sin of sleeping with a man, not her husband, becoming celibate, asking

Release dateOct 20, 2021
Alisha's Testimony: Living set free and apart from sexual sin

Alisha L. Boykin

Alisha L. Boykin has a BA in mass media communication with a minor in business management and a MA in adult education and training. She is the founder of A B Signing Agency, LLC, and has written for local publications such as The Source Magazine based out of Dayton, Ohio. Born and raised in Dayton, Ohio, Alisha currently lives in Columbus, Ohio. Her hobbies are traveling, reading, and spending time with family and friends. She loves the holidays. As soon as October hits, she is all smiles. She loves the changing of the leaves, the fall aromas of cinnamon, clover, peppermint, and cookie-scented everything. When November arrives she is on cloud nine because that is her birthday month, and December makes her melt with holiday apparel, being around family, snacks, music, and movies. She never ever gets tired of that time of the year!

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    Alisha's Testimony - Alisha L. Boykin



    LISHA IS ENGAGING HERSELF IN A VULNERABLE PLACE TO share her testimony, and she hopes her story inspires you like it still inspires her to this day! Alisha was raised in a two-parent, married home that planted the seed of Jesus Christ in her at birth. While she was growing up, her father was a pastor at a small church in Dayton, Ohio, called New Holy Church in Christ, where Pastor Boddie (may God rest his soul) was the pastor and her mother was a deaconess and the Sunday school teacher.

    Alisha’s parents never forced Jesus Christ on her and her siblings but quickly reminded her that living in their home means she will serve the Lord by following Jesus Christ and living by his word of the King James Version of the Bible. However, she was reminded following Jesus Christ is a choice that she will have to make on her own because they can’t get her into heaven by simply planting the seed, and she would have to develop her personal relationship with Jesus Christ then choose and serve him for herself.

    Alisha, you have to choose whether you want to live eternity with Jesus Christ or eternity in hell with Satan and his imps, her father would tell her. Alisha’s father would preach what he was taught and what he knew, which from time to time was straight out of the book of Revelation and did not hold back his words when it came to teaching his children about salvation. Her parents taught her about Jesus and bought her a Bible, and when it came to learning about baptism, her parents asked her to tell them when she was ready to do it—it was never forced.

    Alisha chose to get baptized at the age of twelve and chose to serve as an usher in the church thereafter. They told Alisha that no matter where she lives or where she goes, she should find a church and serve in that church. Later in life, she learned not only to do that but also to pray in her spiritual gift of tongues and allow God to choose her path, live in his will, stop fighting against it, and stay humble being a follower of Christ. If no one else tells you these basic words, let me tell you like my mother told me: "Stay a virgin. Free yourself from sexual sin. Don’t allow the enemy (Satan) to temp you with sexual sin, and save yourself for your husband like God intended.


    —Alisha L. Boykin

    Chapter 1

    Don’t be over there worrying and stressing like I won’t come through.

    —The CraigLewis Band


    F YOU HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH SOMEONE WHO IS NOT your husband, guess what. You are still having sexual relations with someone else’s husband because that man was never your husband if God did not ordain him to be your husband! If you are currently having sexual relations with someone who is not your wife/husband or they are already married and someone else’s wife/husband, stop, repent, renounce that spiritual husband and pray and ask God for forgiveness. Keep yourself free from sexual sin.

    This is the story I am sharing with you. I am here to share my testimony with you—something I was asked to do by God, something I never wanted to share but he asked me to do it, so here I am. I decided to stop living in sexual sin, and that is the choice I made. I fell into sexual sin and dealt with some unusual, hurtful things while in sin, and I told myself No more, which has placed me on a path to be set free from the sexual sin I was living in. This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I decided to live a celibate lifestyle after turning away from sexual sin. I decided to seek Christ, get to know him, read the Bible from beginning to end, then go back and study it. This gave me the tools I needed to develop my personal relationship with him.

    As a Christian, you are eventually going to minister to someone who does not know about God, and you will be asked questions such as Who is Jesus Christ? and Why do you follow him? and you have to be ready to give corrective knowledge of who he is, strong enough to share your testimony and stable enough to spread his love because you are providing knowledge about the most high.

    I feel my Job trial officially started in 2014, in Dayton, Ohio. If you know anything about the book of Job, then you know that in chapter 1 verses 6, 7, and 8 (KJV), a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord is discussed, and Satan also came among them. These three verses also discuss how the Lord had a conversation with Satan, asking, Why are you here? and Satan answered, I am moving to and fro in the earth, and walking up and down in it.

    Do you see how Satan is just searching for a way to be destructive and he is always trying to find a way to cause destruction in your life? This is how I felt over the last several years trying to survive the season I was in, and during that season, I learned how important it is to stay under God’s covering by joining a church that God leads you to; being a good steward in the church by allowing God to show you where you can be a servant within your church; and praying, fasting, paying my tithes, and praying in my spiritual tongue (1 Cor. 12:10, KJV) because guess what. God wants to talk to you, and he wants to have that intimate conversation with you!

    Let’s back up a bit. One of the happiest times of my life was breaking up with a very dysfunctional ex-fiancé, going back to school, and finally completing something in life—my bachelor’s degree in mass media communication with a minor in business management. After graduation in 2009, I did what most new graduates do after graduation—search for employment. I did not find permanent work right away, but thank God for temporary agencies. The one I worked for placed me with a local charter school in 2010. I actually did very well there. I started as a temp and was offered full-time, permanent employment as an instructor after my three-month temp contract was over. (That is the temporary job life. If you are hired by a company through temp agencies, you typically have to fulfill the contract, which is or was the standard three months).

    Then I was promoted the following year as lead teacher. I really enjoyed working with majority of the staff there, some of whom I still talk to today, while some I am more than glad to never speak to again in my life! While working for this particular charter school, I met a guy I had no business falling for—a coworker. That was never my thing, dating coworkers or people who lived near me; it just becomes weird. I just don’t think work and relationships mix well at all! Starting off, I was truly hesitant getting into any type of relationship because of the past toxic relationship with my ex-fiancé. I mean, that was pure trash. It was mentally violent and physically exhausting, and after that relationship ended, my only focus was and remained finishing school, so meeting Mr. W (his name will not be listed, and he will remain Mr. W) made me nervous.

    While working at the school, some students were a bit challenging to work with, but I enjoyed supporting and directing them to their purpose, which was passing their classes, graduating, and moving on with life. I mostly had issues with administration—lawd Jesus, the dean of students was so challenging to work with. I noticed Mr. W from time to time slightly checking me out, but I ignored it. I just smiled and kept moving. I mean, no one had a clue he was interested, not even me, until one day on Valentine’s Day, there was a heart-shaped pizza delivered to me from Cassano’s Pizza King from Mr. W The pizza was delivered to the front office, and when I was called to come up and get it, all the staff members just had to be in the office during that time. The school was small and short-staffed; there were only about eleven employees, including the owner and a coach.

    Anyway, when

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